The national school idol is a girl

Chapter 19 Bo Jiu is angry

Bo Jiu actually knew that her relationship with Mrs. Bo was very tense in the past.

After all, she still has the memory of the original owner in her head.

She didn't understand anything at that time, and she was very depressed because of the fact that a woman was dressing up as a man.

She felt that everything was her mother's fault and it was her mother's greed for money that made her like this.

In addition, her father would buy her whatever she wanted, unlike her mother who always told her not to do this and not to do that, and also told her to be wary of a little Bo Xueer.

She didn't stop at all, and even said that her mother was the most vicious person in the world, and she thought so bad of everyone!

The relationship between mother and daughter has been tense since childhood.

Whatever Mrs. Bo said to her, she would just snort.

Moreover, Mrs. Bo comes from the countryside, so there are some things that cannot be changed.

After she went to school, she looked down upon her even more because of her temper that got angry easily, her lack of etiquette when eating, and her careless personality when meeting everyone.

All this made Bo Jiu feel that she was particularly shameless in front of her classmates.

She even thought that if her mother dressed up like Bo Xueer's mother and wasn't so fat, her father might not leave them.

More and more past events came to light. Bo Jiu rubbed her forehead. She was really a scumbag before.

When I entered the door, I was greeted by a middle-aged woman, very rich, who was talking on the phone with her chubby hands.

"Hey, Director Zhang? It's me, Honghua, Bojiu's parent. Regarding my son, can you help me move around? Yes, yes, yes, what you said is correct. It's what I usually do to my children. Not enough education.

Through the phone, Bo Jiu could hear the director's voice on the other end, criticizing her mother as if criticizing a child.

He said: "You people from the countryside just don't know how to take care of your children. What should I do if you cause such a big trouble?"

Actually everyone has self-esteem.

He Honghua, the last thing his mother wants to hear is for others to say that she is from the countryside in such a tone.

Bo Jiu still remembers one time when a shopping guide also spoke to her in this contemptuous tone.

He Honghua rushed forward at that time: "What's wrong with rural people? Rural people also rely on their own hands to make money to support their families. Did I lose your money or something? Have a bad attitude towards you? You look down on rural people like this, who can move forward?" Third generation, not rural!”

At that time, He Honghua was so confident, she was like a heroine in ancient novels.

But now, in order to save her future in school.

He Honghua laughed and apologized throughout the whole process, saying that the other party was right.

This is all for her...

Bo Jiu couldn't tell what she was feeling, so she just walked over, put one hand in her pocket, and took out the mobile phone from her mother's palm with the other.

He Honghua turned back and looked at her in astonishment.

Director Zhang on the other side of the phone was still whetting people's appetites: "It's not impossible to get your son back, but it's just that the procedure is halfway through, and everyone up and down needs to take care of it. You rural people probably don't understand this. One thing, but the school is like this. If you really want to let him come back, give him something. Not everyone can stay in a good school, right? "

Bo Jiu's eyes turned cold when she heard this, and an unprecedented anger appeared on her handsome face. The silver-gray hair made her look like a vampire noble at night: "You are right, we rural people do You don’t understand this. But openly asking parents to bribe you? Hey, Director Zhang, do you, as a school leader, still want to do this?”

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