The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 20: Ganata

After half an hour.

Angelo watched with numb eyes as the little girl swallowed the last mouthful of steak, and the orange cat on the side also swallowed a piece of steak.

One person and one cat showed a satisfied look at the same time.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Reverend, I'm almost half full..."

Even Angelo couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes when he heard this.

This little girl and the orange cat each ate fifty pieces of steak. By this time, No. 6 was too tired and a little too busy! Number 1 also ran to help.

This is no ordinary steak, it's the beef from Cow Pass that he brought out from the Diablo game.

The energy contained in it far exceeds that of ordinary beef in this world. Basically, one piece can fill the stomach of an adult, and along the way, it can also slightly improve the user's physique.

Of course, for Angelo, improving his physique definitely does not exist, that is, it has a satiety effect.

But for ordinary people, the absolute effect is significant, and the weaker the physique, the greater the improvement. No. 1, they benefited a lot from it.

At first, he thought that the little girl would fail, but after the little girl ate the third piece, he gradually went from shock to surprise, and then to numbness...

This little girl's appetite is very exaggerated. Even if the energy content of steak far exceeds that of ordinary steak, the fifty pieces of steak combined are enough to burst the stomach of ordinary little girls.

A special ability that can be eaten?

However, even if it is a little special, it has nothing to do with Angelo, and this is not his daughter, and there is no purple-haired hero in the movies of the previous life, so it should not be an important person.

Taking into account his own meat reserves, Angelo ruthlessly planned to send this cute little girl away. If this little girl continued to eat, I am afraid that his meat reserves would not last for a few years.

"That little girl, what are your parents' names? Do you have a phone number? I'll call them and ask them to pick you up and take you home." Although Angelo felt sorry for his steak, he still asked with a smile.

It's not the little girl's fault, besides, she's so cute, it's totally impossible to blame her!

"My name is Ganata..." When she said this, the little girl showed a disappointed and sad expression. She didn't mention any information about her parents, but just said, "I haven't seen my father for a long time..."

"Then..." Angelo was hesitant, he said tentatively, "How about I take you to the orphanage in the city? There will be enough to eat there."

He knew that some orphanages in America might not be as good as they looked, so he still had to ask the little girl's opinion.

The little girl had a frustrated expression on her face, but she still jumped out of the chair very politely and bowed to Angelo, "Thank you for your hospitality, sir, I won't bother you anymore, today is this time. A meal will keep me from going hungry for three days."

Saying that, the little girl didn't stop there, and walked out of the gate with the orange cat in her arms.

The orange cat was probably a lot friendlier to Angelo because it had eaten Angelo's meal. It waved its small paw in Angelo's direction, as if to say goodbye to Angelo.

No. 1 walked out of the kitchen and opened his mouth as if to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Looking at the back of the little girl leaving, it was extremely miserable.

Is this abandoned?

Angelo can't say what he's feeling, is he distressed? pity? pity? Probably both.

Seriously, no adult would be able to see with his own eyes that such a little girl needs to eat a meal for at least three days!

What's more, she is such a cute and sensible little girl.

Hell's Kitchen is not without orphans caused by gang gunfights, but most of those orphans grew up on the streets. They have a hooligan atmosphere, and they can do almost all evil at a young age. Of course, this is not wrong, and they have nothing to complain about in order to survive.

But Angelo will never lend a helping hand to those gangsters. Good words can't persuade the damned ghost.

However, Ganata is different from those bastards. He is cute, polite, and doesn't even know how to kidnap morals.

Angelo felt that he had to do something, otherwise he would not be able to pass the test in his heart, especially when he thought of the look in Ganata's eyes when he said goodbye to him just now!

"Forget it, Ganata! Stay!" Angelo scratched his head irritably, what is this called!

The nine troubles from the 1st to the 9th have not been resolved, and now I take the initiative to leave a small trouble.

He suspected that Ganata's father of that dog day abandoned her because she was too good to eat.

However, this is not too difficult for me. Anyway, I still have a lot of space for my special steak. The big deal is that I will try to find a way after I have eaten it all!

In addition, that guy Tony heard that he likes children a lot, so he will be asked to help him study some high-energy foods.

When No. 1 heard Angelo's words, his face immediately showed joy, and he ran quickly to stop Ganata who was walking out of the church.

Ganata also heard Angelo's words and turned around, his face full of wonder.

When No. 1 took Ganata's little hand and returned to Angelo, Ganata looked up at Angelo who was sitting on the chair.

The big purple eyes were full of anticipation, anxiety, disbelief and caution.

"Can I really stay?" The expression on Ganata's face was complicated. It seems that the abandoned kitten suddenly met a kind person, looking forward and scared.

Since Angelo wanted to take in the other party, he definitely didn't need to be a villain anymore. He bowed his head kindly and touched Ganata's purple hair.

"Of course, little girl, you can stay here, and you can have enough to eat every day."

Having said that, Angelo looked at No. 1 on the side again, "Is it okay for you to cook a little more steak every day?"

No. 1 hurriedly said, "No problem! All nine of us can help, and the kitchen stove has nine burners..."

"What about my cat..." The little girl cautiously pointed to the orange cat that jumped to the ground, and asked tentatively, "Sir, if you can take in my cat, I'm sorry, I don't want to. Abandon my friend..."

Ganata is still too young. Although there is no problem with communicating with people, when she talks about some complicated words, she is still a little unclear. Angelo took a lot of energy to understand her words.

Ganata obviously didn't want to abandon the partner he had been wandering with for a long time.

"Okay. It can also stay. You can just call me Angelo."

Angelo nodded, agreeing. I think it's better not to deprive Ganata of his partners. Anyway, one foodie is also a support, and two are also support.

Although he agreed, as a vengeful person, he did not forget the way this little guy grinned at him at the door just now.

"Gannatta, does this little guy have a name?" Angelo looked at this little guy maliciously.

Looking at the orange cat's figure, Angelo seriously suspected that this guy must have robbed a lot of Ganata's food when he was a stray before, otherwise, how could he still be so fat when he strayed!

The orange cat obviously felt Angelo's bad intentions, and walked behind Ganata on tiptoe, hiding most of his body, leaving only a big fat head exposed to stare at Angelo.

"It's called Gugu." Ganata crouched down and tried to soothe the orange cat.

Angelo waved his hand, "Forget it, it doesn't matter what it was called before, from now on, it will be called Tachibana! Well, it's the beginning of your new life."

This is also a bit of Angelo's bad taste, is it important for the big orange!

It's just that the name Gugu sounds familiar, but I can't remember it. Maybe it's a bad street name like Zhang San and Li Si.

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