The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 25: kill you 3000 times

Alexei is very sympathetic to the future boyfriend of little Gary, no matter who encounters an old man like Angelo, he can take it out and blow it for a year without scaring the urine on the spot.

What's more, Angelo also said that with a gun...

Alexey subconsciously touched the plaster still on his arm. Well, it's better than Angelo hitting you with a stick, it's just a pain.

Alexei took Angelo into his collection room, and waved off the younger brother who wanted to come up to help. He wanted to receive the father and daughter in person.

No. 1 silently followed behind, like a transparent person who did not speak a word, but kept vigilantly patrolling the surrounding gangsters with his eyes.

In the collection room, there is a whole wall of ammunition, all kinds, anyway, Angelo can't understand which one is more powerful.

"Is this all your cargo?" Angelo turned to Alexei and asked.

It's not that Angelo dislikes the lack of arms here, and he doesn't want to go to the battlefield in Afghanistan, but the arms here are indeed a little less for an arms dealer.

"Mr. Pastor, I also have a warehouse dedicated to storing goods. There are mass-produced goods there. It's not interesting." Alexey pointed to the arms on the wall, "Look, which weapon do you like?"

Angelo had a headache looking at these ferocious weapons. In his last life, he was a Chinese who banned guns across the country, and he was not a military enthusiast. How could he understand this.

"Well, the most powerful shotgun will do. You can help me choose one." In Angelo's view, any weapon hits a normal person with a hole, no matter how big the difference is.

It really doesn't work, can't I break the opponent's leg with a stick?

"This, are you sure..." Alexei suddenly hesitated.

"Sure! Don't talk nonsense, don't worry, I will pay you!" Angelo rolled his eyes at Alexei who was digging.

"This... well, let's take a look first."

With that said, Alexei took off a double-barreled shotgun that was half as long as the normal one, and a circle larger than normal, and handed it to Angelo under the curious eyes of little Gary.

At this time, the shotgun hadn't been loaded yet. Angelo took it and looked up and down. He was very satisfied with this rough style. A man's romance is great!

This lengthened version of the shotgun not only has a longer barrel, but the thickness of the barrel is also about the thickness of a finger, which is full of weight in the hand. This is the weapon that tough guys should use.

Stopping Little Gary who was overwhelmed with curiosity and wanted to touch her, Angelo put Little Gary on the ground, and he didn't worry that someone would hurt Little Gary when he was here.

Satisfied, he shook the long barrel sprayer in his hand at Alexei, "Hey, man, do you have a place to test weapons?"

"Yes, it's the door inside." Alexey pointed to a small door in the corner of the collection room, then picked up a remote control from the cabinet on the side and pressed it, the entire wall became transparent of glass.

"Yo, you're quite high-tech here." Angelo raised his eyebrows at Alexei, then strode in.

Little Gary also followed behind her father step by step, like a little follower.

After entering the small room, Angelo found that it was actually a small underground shooting range with sound facilities! There are dummy targets in the center of the shooting range.

Angelo thoughtfully picked up an ear bag from the side and put it on the little Gary, and said with a smile, "Baby, watch here, will Dad shoot you a gun?"

Although little Gary doesn't know what's good about shooting a gun, isn't it just those biubiubiu gadgets on the street, which can't hurt herself at all, but she still cheered her father hard.

Angelo got up and stretched out his hand to Alexei, "Bullet."

Alexey touched his nose and took out two "bullets" of about 20 centimeters from a bullet box next to him and handed them to Angelo.

"Huh? Is this a shotgun bullet?" Angelo looked at Alexei in disbelief, "Are you sure this isn't a Vulcan cannonball?"

"Well, this is the bullet of this gun." Alexei reached out and stuffed two bullets into the **** of the shotgun.

Looking at the perfectly fitted bullet, Angelo still felt a little weird, but he was looking forward to it even more.

In his two lifetimes combined, he has never been shot once, and has been beaten all the time. Now it would be nice to have the opportunity to experience it.

Angelo held the gun for a long time, and just wanted to shoot, but after thinking about it, he turned around and pulled Little Galie over and put it behind him.

Those two ferocious bullets were obviously not of the good kind. If they came back with some bullet casings or something, I would be able to block it for Little Gary.

Little Gary obediently hid behind her father, only showing a small head and watching curiously.

After doing all this, Angelo pulled the trigger at the target in the field.

"Boom!" An intense roar sounded in Angelo's ears, shaking him all over. If he hadn't reacted quickly and increased his strength, the recoil of this shot would be enough to turn him over!

The little Gary behind him was better with the ear bag, and was not shocked by the loud noise, but just stared blankly at the target in the field, her small mouth opened into an "O" shape.

Shaking his head and making sure that Little Gary was all right, Angelo looked at the humanoid target in the field.

As a result, his mouth also opened slightly, with an incredible look on his face.

I lost? What is this shotgun? Are you sure it's not a cannon?

There were a total of five dummy targets scattered in the field just now. At this time, let alone those who were still standing there, even a complete fragment could not be found...

Although, what he aimed at just now was only one of the targets, and he hit a "spot" crooked, but it didn't matter! Anyway, the shooting target was also torn apart by the bullet.

Angelo likes this gun more and more!

Anyway, I can't hit a single one, so let's go for a fire coverage! Wouldn't it be nice to hit the target anyway!

"Very good!" Angelo patted Alexei on the shoulder excitedly, "Dude! Just give me this! How much?"

"Mr. Pastor, I will charge you a cost price of 10,000 US dollars. It's called 750..."

"No, it will kill you three thousand from now on!" Angelo interrupted Alexei's words, and pretended to take out twenty new bundles of US dollar bills from his pocket and put them on the console He said with a grim smile, "Give me another $10,000 bullets! I'll see if any guy who can't open his eyes will come to the door!"

Alexey opened his mouth, suddenly a little speechless.

If he was sympathizing with the possible future boyfriend of Little Gali just now, it is now a moment of silence...

He wanted to take back what he had just thought. If he was hit by Angelo's stick, UU reading www. The worst thing about is to break a leg and a hand. If this thing is bombarded, I am afraid that even the complete human form will not be left, right?

Your little princess may never get married, right? Do you think that everyone is as invulnerable as you and can resist heavy machine guns?

The most outrageous thing is that if a normal person shoots a shot with this thing, it will take a long time for him to be strong, but looking at Angelo's appearance, he seems to be able to fire continuously!

This gun is called 750NitroExpress. It is the most powerful shotgun in Alexei's collection. Even after a younger brother fired a shot, he was directly shocked by the recoil and broke five ribs. The gun has since become a pure collectible.

As for the two bullets just now...

It was a special bullet developed by an Italian company after World War II. It used a 1,300-grain warhead with a bullet velocity of 2,200 feet per second and a chamber energy of 14,000 feet per pound. Overall pressure is over 31,000 lbs. Will destroy any engine, pass through any wall and kill anyone, and it's as powerful as a 20mm cannon.

For fifty dollars a round, Angelo directly bought two hundred rounds. Think about being bombarded with two hundred rounds of this kind of bullet...

Alexey didn't know who would keep his eyes open, but he knew that he would definitely not do it. If his unfortunate son had any thoughts about little Galie, he would break his legs with his own hands. Then lock him firmly.

He swears! God can't stop it! A broken leg is better than losing your life!

"Dad is amazing!" Little Gary finally recovered at this time, clapped desperately, and looked at Angelo with adoring eyes, with little stars in her eyes.

Dad is different! Dad's shot is also better than those biubiubiu on the street!

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