The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 50: give me one too

Stark's call interrupted Angelo and Little Gary's warm "father-daughter interaction".

Of course, the so-called "father-daughter interaction" was also Angelo helping the poor skeletons to set up tents, and then little Gary did a disservice by the side.

But Angelo didn't care. At this time, Little Gary could make him forget the image of Little Gary's young gangster holding a hand cannon and trying to bombard people.

It would have been better if Little Gary didn't keep chasing the skeleton and shouting how handsome.

Feeling the movement from the Bone Soul, Angelo let Little Gary continue to make trouble for the poor little skeletons, and he himself switched his perspective to the cave where Stark was.

Angelo controlled the Soul of Bone to get out of the wall of the "room", but as soon as he came out, he saw all kinds of missiles and weapons filled half of the room, and he was immediately stunned.

Ok? so fast?

I remember in the movie Stark was forced to agree after rejecting the terrorist's request and was tortured several times. What's the situation now?

"Angelo, can you hear it?" Stark's voice sounded.

Angelo looked at him from the perspective of the soul of the bones, and saw Stark standing not far from him in a very awkward posture, with his hands behind his back, like a shy little girl's posture .

This means that the ghost of the bones will not laugh, otherwise the ghost of the bones controlled by Angelo will definitely spit out a smile like his body.

Angelo held back his smile and controlled the Soul of Bone to jump twice on the spot, indicating that he could hear it.

Stark exchanged glances with Dr. Eason with a strange expression, and then said, "Hey. Dude, listen to me, I think you need to wait to save me, and I need to make some preparations."

After speaking, as if afraid of Angelo's disbelief, he pointed to the weapons piled on the ground, "Dude, we'd better cooperate with each other. Of course, it's not that I don't believe in your strength. It's just for safety reasons."

Angelo looked at Stark's twisted posture, and tried his best to hide the battery behind him. Combined with the plot in the previous life movie, he immediately understood why Stark did this.

For someone like him, it's harder for him to be seen to be embarrassing than to let him die here.

Angelo smiled and controlled the Soul of Bone to draw a few words in the air. After Stark and Ethan's interpretation, he probably understood what Angelo meant.

"Mr. Stark, I think you look good now, Battery Superman or Battery Man? What do you think? By the way, Little Gary has come to help you save you. Little Gary will definitely like your current look, to I'll help little Gary take pictures of her and her godfather sometime."

After speaking, Angelo's body was awakened by the news of the eighth tent collapse, and he stopped chatting with Stark at the moment, leaving only one sentence to let Stark prepare to inform himself, and then once again The soul of the bones melted into the wall and temporarily hibernated.

After the soul of the bones disappeared into the wall of the "room" again, Stark suddenly seemed to be crazy. He took his battery and ran quickly to the pile of weapons facing the ground, and started with great enthusiasm. After taking a job, and not caring about any commercial secrets, he also pulled Ethan into the research.

Stark's behavior caught the attention of the terrorist on the other side of the monitor. When he saw that Stark was working quickly, he just glanced at it casually, and sneered at the other terrorist next to him. one sound.

"Look, these Americans are really afraid of death..."

As for Ethan, looking at Stark's quick movements, he didn't look like a patient recovering from a serious injury. He was even more curious about his friend named Angelo. What kind of person is this? Mr. Stark can't wait. He wanted to escape from the base to see him, and he was so happy to hear that he was here.

On the back of the dune, Angelo put down Stark and let him study the first-generation Mark himself, and turned to look at Little Gary and a few poor little skeletons beside him.

Angelo stopped the excited little Gary and helped the poor skeletons set up their tents, and the two settled down.

For the next period of time, Angelo and Little Gary will live here.

Angelo naturally had no problem with what Stark said about waiting for his news. Although Stark was really embarrassed at this time, and he could very well see this **** guy being embarrassed, but if Stark couldn't make the Ark reactor in his chest, what kind of Iron Man would he be, and let a group like Stark be at the helm It's really not good for people to go in and out of interviews with batteries all day long.

He is also happy to witness the birth of Iron Man "with his own eyes".

Therefore, for the next week or so, Angelo settled down with Little Gary and Tachibana behind this remote sand dune with peace of mind. Apart from getting along with Little Gary every day, he switched to Soul of Bone. From the perspective, peek at Stark's progress.

It is also fortunate that Angelo has stored a lot of living materials in the space backpack. The father and daughter are full of materials in the desert. It is not like surviving in the wild, as if they are experiencing life in a resort.

Stark is also very motivated under the pressure of about to lose face in front of young Gary. Angelo remembers that in the previous movie, it took Stark nearly a month to create the Ark Reactor and the Mark 1, but in fact, Stark probably created these two things in just over a week. .

The time has been shortened a lot, and there are also some other problems. That is, the Mark 1 made by Stark this time is even rougher than the one in the previous life movie, and it does not have the atmosphere of Iron Man Seiko in Angelo's impression. The Mark 1 in the movie can at least protect Stark's whole body, but the current Mark 1 only covers the key parts of Stark.

As for Angelo seeing the whole process of making the Ark Reactor, Stark doesn't really care, not to mention that he is full of gratitude for Angelo who came all the way from the United States to save him, even if he lets him Luo Xue, Angelo can not learn.

The essence of this thing is actually similar to controllable nuclear fusion. This kind of thing can not be learned just by looking at it, not to mention that Angelo himself is not very interested in the Ark reactor. UU reading

Ark reactor? Is it strong? How about a bone spear? Or a corpse explosion?

Angelo's only interest in things may be to let Stark install one in his church after he goes back, so that he no longer has to pay electricity bills to the power company.

There's no way, there's still a big family to support, so what if you can't make a living.

But even if Angelo doesn't look at the Ark reactor, he has to admire that Stark deserves to be called "the person cursed by knowledge" even the purple sweet potato essence, relying on the palladium in the missing tools and missile weapons elements, can create a high-tech Ark reactor and completely get rid of the title of battery man.

Of course, if Angelo knew that Stark was putting his own face more important than his own life at this time, he might be able to understand how he did it.

In novels, this situation is generally called "exploding seeds".

Stark put the crude and rough iron armor parts in place, then came to the wall again, and called out Angelo's Bone Soul.

"Angelo, I'm ready." Stark shook the Ark reactor on his chest as if showing off, "The genius Mr. Stark is ready to show off his power. When are we going to do it?"

Angelo looked at the smug Stark with a funny look. After thinking about it, he still decided to ask him a word. He swayed and agreed with Stark to start an hour later. gram protect Dr. Ethan.

Angelo doesn't know if he can really change Dr. Ethan's fate, but after getting along for the past few days, he has already positioned Dr. Ethan as the future tutor of Xiao Jiali, not only for talent but also for morality. On, Dr. Eason is competent enough.

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