The Nature of Predators

Species Glossary and FAQs

Species Glossary

Venlil - Humanity's first contact in the galaxy, often described by their counterparts as one of the weakest and most emotional races. Their timidity can overshadow their fierce sense of morality, but their desire for friendship usually wins out in the end.

Their homeworld, Venlil Prime, requires constant defense due to its strategic location in the galaxy's outer arm. (Humanity calls this planet Gliese 832 c, and it's 16 light-years away from Earth) The Venlil Republic officially controls a swath of territory which stretches 20 light-years in any direction. This makes the Sol system technically in their domain.

As for appearance, the Venlil's flatter facial features remind some humans of stuffed animals. This, combined with their large, horizontal-pupiled eyes makes them rather "cute." One note of peculiarity is that they lack any nose, or sense of smell. Their wooly fur can be any shade of gray, with occasional tufts or stripes breaking up the singular tone. One example is the black tuft between Slanek's ears.

Their tails are bushy, stretching about 1 ft on average. They can be used as a secondary form of communication, or to help with balance and grasping. The Venlil have tiny claws, but they are not capable of real damage. Due to their lack of natural weapons or defenses, they were easy prey for their natural predators in their formative years.

With bipedalism as their designated form of locomotion, and spindly knock-kneed hindlegs, they are not well-suited to speedy escapes either. Their height places them at about the average human's shoulders.

Gojid - The Gojidi Union was a prevailing political force in the galaxy for centuries; even prior to the Arxur's arrival. Their extensive border defenses left many to consider them impervious to an external assault. Their military presence within their territory was considerable, and they never hesitated to send assistance to their neighbors.

Their homeworld lacks an official name, simply dubbed "the cradle" by its occupants. What name would a planet need but something that speaks of fondness and home? The last Federation census listed the cradle's population at 12 billion. Its primary export is fruits from its famed orchards, and it had a wide array of merchant settlements.

The defining physical trait for a Gojid is their spines. Whenever one is afraid, their spines bristle as an involuntary response. The length of their lowest spines is the best way to approximate one's age at a glance. Their long, brown fur makes them well-adapted to colder climates.

They cannot engage in the animated tail language of other species, since their tails and legs are both stubby. Their claws are slender, and of a significant length; they can slash through most softer substances, including skin.

Arxur (as told by the Federation) - The only predatory species known besides humans. They enjoy the thrill of hunting sentient prey, and their sole communications have been for the purpose of taunting Federation powers. They are solo, ambush hunters who have been known to torment the millions of sentients they keep as cattle.

The Arxur's technology was about at late-1900s levels before the Federation uplifted them. They waited long enough to mass produce starships, and to get their bearings, before launching a surprise attack on all neighboring species. The handful that fled their worlds are the only ones that survived. 62 worlds have been destroyed over the centuries.

Little is known about the Arxur's government. Some Federation sources claim they are completely anarchistic, but this is to be taken with a grain of salt. A few fringe scientists suggest that the most vicious warriors culled the masses, and this may be closer to the truth.

Their v-shaped snouts are reminiscent of a crocodile, and their fangs protrude from their mouths even when closed. While bipedal, they often lean forward as they walk, so that they can lunge on all fours in a heartbeat. Their scaly, gray skin earned them the moniker "the grays." The tough hide serves as a natural armor, as do the ridges on their spine.

Kolshian - The Kolshian Commonwealth champions knowledge and objectivity, and spearheads many Federation conventions. Their homeworld, Aafa, translates as "Garden". Its dwellings are said to be stunning feats of architecture, and the capital's botanical gardens are also famed. The School of the Flora is the largest university in the Federation; as such, the capital has a large student population.

The Kolshians are one of the few species without fur. Evolutionary biologists believe their ancestors were aquatic, judging by the tentacles that form their arms. Their eyes are brightly-colored and bulbous, reminiscent of Earth's frogs. Meanwhile, their cooler skin tones are various blues or purples; perhaps ocean camouflage?

Zurulian - A neighbor species to the Venlil, the Gojids, and by extension, humanity. These quadrupedal, green-blooded mammals contribute much of the Federation's medical funding. They take great pride in grooming their shaggy, brown pelts; they are often seen smoothing their fur with their tongues.

The Zurulians' cub-like ears may trigger humanity's cute response. They are known to be very energetic, when enthused about a subject, and are one of the most social species in the galaxy. Quieter species sometimes do not appreciate having their ear talked off by Zurulian counterparts.

Krakotl - Avian species are a rarity, simply because ground-dwelling species are most likely to evolve sentience. The Krakotl evolved on a marshy world called Nishtal, which led to the development of talons for balance. These seconded as a defensive weapon, when they landed to eat algae.

Their curved beaks are bright, tropical colors. Evolutionary biologists suggest these colors developed to frighten away predators, since bright animals are often poisonous. When irritated, their feathers puff out in a semi-circle behind them.

A Krakotl possesses one of the largest vocal ranges in the galaxy. Their squawks can range from deafening screeches, to a melodic harmony. With their arsenal of physical defenses, the Krakotl have a higher aggression than most, due to their tendency to scare off predators.

For this reason, they led the path to create many Federation weapons and strategies, during the first phases of the war. The Krakotl Alliance's military presence is always known, as are their offensive capabilities. They aren't afraid to intimidate other species into going along with their plans.

Mazic - These sand-colored mammals evolved in the hot, arid desert, but proved their adaptability to many climates. Their bulky mass leads them to weigh several hundred pounds. A considerable amount of vegetation is necessary for a healthy diet each day. Accommodating a Mazic individual onto a Federation ship can be a logistical nightmare.

A fluke genetic mutation separated the toes of their front paws, compared to the flatness of their hindlegs. This allowed them to create tools, although they generally maintain quadrupedalism. Their trunks are multi-faceted in their purpose. They are used to drink water, to convey emotion, and as a grasping tool when necessary.

Yotul - The bipedal marsupials are the newest uplifts to the Federation. Just 22 cycles ago, their planet was a fledging industrial society. The discovery of steam power led to a society that was finally interconnected, through railroads and quicker boats.

When aliens greeted the leaders of each major settlement, in front of watching crowds, there was panic. Newspapers spread the word; the dissemination of information was a slow process, regardless. Aviation, antibiotics, electricity, and astronomy were all novel discoveries.

The Yotul struggled at first, as could be expected, but began a slow adjustment period. The Federation still views them as primitives, while the Yotul feel they are treated with unfair derision. Their policy is driven by desperation to prove that they are not just a liability.

Nevok - The Nevoks pride themselves on their extensive trading network, specializing in the development of fabrics, microchips, and appliances. Their engineering knowledge is unrivaled, as is their condescending attitude toward any species they perceive as stupid. They're happy to fleece any trading partner that isn't savvy enough to play their game.

The bipedal mammals often look awkward, swaying as they walk on their thick hooves. Their forelegs have toes rather than hooves, which make their paws look mismatched as well. The long, circular ears atop their heads remind humans of rabbits. Lastly, their cream-colored fur is perfect for arctic camouflage on their homeworld.

The governing Nevok Imperium has lost its competitive edge over the past century, as the Fissans began undercutting their prices. Both have been in a vicious trading war to sign agreements with new species. The Nevok Imperium went as far as to lodge a formal complaint against the Fissan Compact in human year 2123, accusing them of stealing proprietary secrets.

Sivkit - The Sivkits are known as a reclusive species, as much due to their timidness as their location. They are one of the furthest Federation members from central worlds like Aafa. The Arxur can seem like a distant threat at times; they have to go thousands of light-years out of the way to target the Sivkits. Thus, it's sometimes difficult to spur the prairie animals to action.

The Sivkit Grand Herd is comprised of a series of smaller, nomadic tribes. It's not uncommon for them to set up shop on a habitable world, harvest its vegetation, then move to the next. They don't bear the attachment to a home that other species do. It's uncertain whether their governing planet, Tunsas, is even their homeworld.

If Sivkit settlements were more stable, they might act as a haven for Federation refugees. Instead, it's the Paltan Combine that shoulders most of the humanitarian outreach from their quadrant.

The Sivkits are medium-sized mammals with fluffy, white pelts. Their razor-thin tails have a thick plume of hair at the end. While anthropologists believe they were bipedal for a short time when they first created tools, they regressed back to quadrupedalism as technology advanced. In their spacefaring days, they have always presented themselves on four legs.

Farsul - The Farsul are best known for their historians, and creating standardized education curriculums for all prey species. They chair the Federation's Archaeological Committee, though their excavations often involves studying the ways a species' ancestors were hunted. They also maintain various museums and the Galactic Archives.

The Farsul also were one of the lead species in observing Earth back in the 20th century. The "scholarly" research done on humanity, and the dossier of our wartime atrocities, was largely their handiwork. For this reason, they are critical of Terran diplomacy.

The Farsul States are a gerontocracy, which means they are led by any elders who are considered wise or accomplished. Their government is more decentralized than most unified planets. The day-to-day affairs on the local level are controlled by an elder from that region.

The Farsul are bipeds, but with their stout paws and curved hindlegs, they struggle with traction and balance. They have a variety of fur colors; while brown in the predominant gene, anything from white to charcoal gray exists. Their floppy ears are reminiscent of a cocker spaniel's to human observers.

Takkan - The Takkans may describe themselves as a species seeking identity. Visually, their thick gray hides aren't too different from hippos on Earth. They are slightly taller and bulkier than humans. Their tri-toed paws are a memorable feature, which suggest they may have evolved from larger land mammals.

Following the start of the Arxur war, there was a rift in the populace. A consequential percent wished to flee their homeworld. The original Takkan government folded after contentious legislative hearings, and the species' fate was left in uncertainty.

The Compromise of Nishtal was brokered by the Krakotl; this pact led to the formation of the new Takkan Coalition. While the majority took up arms to defend their birthplace, several million Takkans dispersed across the galaxy. Some found citizenship with other Federation powers. Others set off into the unknown, never to be heard from again.

Because of this so-called 'Takkan Diaspora', they are a common species to encounter on other race's military ships.

Thafki - The Thafki were one of the first races hit in the Arxur raids. Their species has been hunted close to extinction. While hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions, are held in captivity, only 12,000 exist in the wild. For the most part, these are descendants of any Thakfi residing off-world at the times of the attacks.

Since their territory has been seized, the existing government is more of a loose advocacy association. The Thafki have a few communes in colonies donated by other powers, but these become easy targets for the Arxur. Federation recognition of their membership status is a formality as much as anything.

The Thafki's gray-blue coloration is broken up by cream patches under their chin. Their long, tapering tails are perfect for animated signals. Meanwhile, their webbed feet and slender bodies aid swimming; they are semiaquatic animals at heart.

Dossur - The Dossur are the most diminutive species in the Federation. Their largest individuals are comparative in size of squirrels. Their tiny, rounded ears, and pointed snout give their faces the illusion of eternal youth; or as humans would call it, "cuteness." Their fur is ginger, with either white or gray stripes along their back.

Harchen - The Harchen are a reptile species famed for their natural camouflage. The waddling prey bipeds stand at half a human’s height, and can morph their skin into differing colors. Their species is average in most fields, notable for a few media franchises (such as the award-winning show The Exterminators) and software start-ups (such as predictive search engine Thread-Weave).

The Harchen have maintained their oral traditions from prehistoric times, using folk-songs at significant moments of their lives. Their colonies tend to be wealthy, and are best likened to Earth tech hubs like Silicon Valley. Meanwhile, their homeworld, Fahl, has a large portion that is a desert biome. This may have supported the success of small, sapient reptiles.

Fissans – The Fissan Compact exploded onto the scene as a trading power in the last century. The newer species did not shy away from the trading war with the Nevoks, undercutting their prices and swiping deals at every turn. The rival Nevok Imperium has lobbied accusations of corporate espionage at the Compact, but the Fissans insist that they merely engineer the technology cheaper.

The Fissans have a single horn at the top of their heads, with a hearty mane covering their necks. Humans are quick to draw comparisons to mythical unicorns, though the Fissans do not have hooves. Their whinnying vocalizations reinforce such parallels.

Tilfish - The Tilfish Ambassadorship was brought into the Federation via uplift around 180 years ago. Their homeworld, Sillis, is unique in having a single supercontinent. The massive ocean surrounding the rest of the planet results in acute weather patterns not seen in a traditional biome; rain and storms are near constant.

The Tilfish are an insectoid species, with six legs and a rotund, segmented thorax. Their shape and gray-black coloration is similar to spiders on Earth, while their mandibles, smooth skin, and mesh-like eyes are reminiscent of ants. Their height ranges between an average human’s shoulder and chest height.

Sulean and Iftali - The Suleans and Iftalis are two distinct mammalian species from the same homeworld, who have forged a nigh inseparable alliance over the years. They were inducted into the Federation together, and since accrued respectable military power. The bi-species government have separate representatives, but don't make decisions without the other.

The Iftalis are known for their tri-humped backs, and pinkish fur that matches with the sands of their deserts. Religion features more prominently in their society than their counterparts, ranking different food groups by dietary purity. The accumulation of negative auras determines whether the soul is light enough to move to the next life.

The Suleans are black-and-white striped animals, with tapered snouts and small antlers. They evolved in a more fertile biome than the Iftali, grazing in plains and valleys. They excel at climbing in mountains, and their antlers give them a way of defending themselves from predators.

Sulean explorers documented Iftali settlements, when they pushed near the equator. The two species swapped cultural elements, and established flourishing trade between their peoples. The free flow of ideas allowed them to work in cooperation, developing technology quicker than the average sapient races.

Paltan - The Paltan Combine is distant from the center of Federation space, but that has led them to become a beacon to war refugees. Their territory is becoming overpopulated, unable to keep up with the high demands of immigration. Resentment brews among the government for the Sivkit's apathy and non-intervention.

The Paltans have amber eyes that seem to pop from their skull. Their optical features can take up half of their face. Their wiggly toes and tiny nose soften their appearance even further, along with flexible cone-shaped ears. Their fur is an off-shade of yellow, and lauded by even the Arxur as exceptionally soft.

Duerten - As mentioned with the Krakotl, avian species are a rarity. The second and final other bird race in the galaxy are the Duerten, who are known for their long, curved bills. Most have dull, gray feathers, which adapted to blend in with the often-stormy skies on their homeworld. The monsoon season on their planet can result in extreme weather pattern.

The Duerten Homogeneity actively encourage uniform thinking, and discourage individual ideas. Their collectivism is unique even among Federation species, as they only show their true personalities among close friends and in the privacy of their homes. The Duerten are key producers of support ships, while never playing a leading military role themselves.

Malti - The Malti are the sole sapient monotreme (an egg-laying mammal) in the galaxy. They are said to resemble a spikeless echidna with their compressed faces and tapered snouts, and they have evolved with a vast range of colors to blend in with the environment. They are pure quadrupeds, like Zurulians, though they are about twice as large as the medical-minded teddy bears.

The Malti specialize in colonization expeditions, with their expertise called in when expansionist powers seek settlement advice; the exterminators guild was responsible for the creation of unique, firepower-packed bombers for their task. While not traditionally a military power, they do have one of the strongest offensive fleets at hand, were it to be adapted for that purpose.

Drezjin - The Drezjin are a quirky mammalian species, notable for being the sole non-avian race that is capable of flight. They primarily reside in caves, though secondary settlements cropped up in cool locales near water sources; a few habitats are also build into cliff and rock face crevices. Due to their preferred ambience being dark or dim, their sight is weak and short-ranged. Their hearing is sharp enough to hear crisply miles away to make up for this.

The Drezjin Theocracy believes that the Federation founders were avatars of their deities due to interpretations of ancient cave paintings, and as such are strongly loyal to the Kolshians. While priests hold a crucial role in several societies, the Drezjin are one of the few spacefaring races actively governed by the clergy class. Certain sects of the Federation mock their leadership as a conduit for primitive superstition, despite its reverence toward them.

The Drezjin can sport a variety of patterns on their stretchy, near translucent skin, and are lightweight to support flight. The wing membrane is quite flexible, allowing tool usage and grip strength. They are a mere two feet tall on average, lending to smaller structures than are typical with upright species.

**Drilvar** - The Drilvar are long-limbed, lethargic mammalian bipeds, known for their laid-back and relaxed attitude. Their fur pattern is a flashy orange, with black stripes. Their driving philosophy is that decisions and deeds should only be reached through careful consideration; it is this attitude that leads to their reputation as unreliable, compounded by other races deriding them as slow to react under pressure. Their slow metabolic rate is at the heart of this issue, which is part of why their city design is unusually compact. Drilvar don't like to go far from their homes for activities, which makes attending diplomatic processes a drawn-out affair.

The Drilvar are best known for their legal services, with their attorneys becoming renowned across the Federation for their knowledge of galactic law across numbers of jurisdiction. Their law schools feature sprawling campuses with dizzying verticality due to the inclusion of branch-like structures at various heights to hang from. The Drilvar Kritocracy reflects their reliance on codified statutes and systems through rule by the planet's highest judges.

**Jaur**- The Jaur are mammals who originated on a frigid homeworld, and evolved to craft dams even before their ancestors were considered sapient by Federation standards; their teeth have a unique regenerative ability to facilitate the carving of both wood and ice. They have silky, silver fur that is mottled with white spots, and patterns of black stripes along their sides. Their tails are black and paddle-like, serving as a defensive weapon. While they do possess standard tail language, smacking their tails against the ground is viewed as aggressive body language by the Federation.

The Jaur Principality is renowned for their architectural endeavors, with even modern buildings using compacted snow due to the unchanging cold on their planet; their world is considered to be one of the furthest on the outskirts of a theoretical habitable zone. Due to their engineering resourcefulness and resistance to extreme winters, the Jaur are able to scout potential colonies that other species would not be able to use. However, hotter temperatures on alien worlds can be life-threatening to a Jaur who lacks an envirosuit.

**Letian** - Letians are a marsupial species with limited aerial capabilities, without the full ability to fly. A flap of skin connects their front and hind legs, and this membrane can keep them aloft when jumping from crag to crag. Due to their rare crepuscular (preferring to be active during twilight hours) tendencies, they typically have dark colorations. Their compact faces often have a tiny nose and large eyes, along with rodent-like ears.

Their silent gliding makes them somewhat creepy to other species, as they can silently glide down on an unsuspecting prey animal, much like a predator. Their habit of looking at people with both eyes feeds that unwanted reputation, due to their inclination to judge distances in this manner. Their alpine homeworld has the highest amount of mountain ranges of any inhabited planet in the Federation, resulting in oddly-curved buildings that hug mountainsides for stability and semi-vertical cities which fit their gliding abilities.

The Letian caste system divides people by elevation, which means the most esteemed individuals inhabit the highest buildings. Their world is not very welcoming to alien refugees due to the daunting heights, and designs which are tailored to the unique gliding capabilities. Rumors abound among prey species that all Letians have some degree of predator disease, which leads it to be frequented only by a skeleton crew of diplomats.

**Verin and Onkari** - The Verin share a unique bond with Onkari, due to the fact that their homeworlds are both moons orbiting the same planet. The Onkari birthplace is dominated by a global rainforest, which is in stark contrast to the arid savannah-like conditions of the Verin's moon. Both races developed stargazing tools much earlier than the average sophonts, and were able to see each others' worlds. The two planets pass close to each other frequently, which led both species to christen the other's moon as "paradise" in their respective religions.

The Verin are most well-known as optical specialists, crafting the vast complex telescope arrays and lenses to bolster the Federation's mission to seek out new new life. They have a beetle-like appearance, sporting an iridescent violet carapace, and similar to the Tilfish, they have six limbs, four of which are used for locomotion. They've attempted to use their antennae to replicate tail language, with some success, since joining the Federation.

The Onkari, meanwhile, specialized in communications technology, and were responsible for opening diplomatic contact with the Verin in their industrial era. Upon first contact, however, their networks were upgraded with alien technology, and this field lost traction. They are a primarily quadrupedal race, switching to a bipedal stance when necessary to handle tasks or objects. Due to their rainforest origins, the Onkari are arboreal creatures, with their bark-colored striped fur making them virtually invisible in tree canopies. Their main contribution to the galactic community is in the chemistry realm of energetics, where they are responsible for developing most of the demolition charges the Federation employs.

**Angren** - With a homeworld that’s on the habitable zone cusp of being too hot to sustain complex life, Angren society rose up against the odds. The planet’s unusually slow rotation rate means that the Angren lack a fixed circadian rhythm, instead sleeping and waking almost at random. The quadrupeds’ unusual temperament could be linked to the harsh conditions on their world.

Angren males have a reputation for rowdy, unsociable behavior, with a disproportionately high number of predator disease diagnoses. While the more level-headed females are employed in the overwhelming majority of governmental and civilian jobs, many Angren males find violent work or leave their homeworld in search of opportunity. Most either find themselves enlisting in the military or enrolling in exterminator guilds, sometimes far away from the Angren Matriarchy’s rule.

Smaller than even the Zurulians, the Angren have olive fur and orange-red eyes, and sport a prominent pair of horns. Their unique ability to throw their voice, which historians believe was used to distract and confuse their predators, has earned some lucky few a prominent place in the Federation's entertainment industry. With the ability to emulate multiple voices from a single voice box, obsolete Angren theatre was said to be a unique artform.

**Tierkel** - The Tierkel are burrowing mammals that thrive in rocky, arid climates. Despite their desert preferences, their dull-colored fur is rather thick. They require sun basking for thermoregulation, and at night will often sleep by huddling if they don’t have heated blankets available. The Tierkel have very shrill, loud voices in order to warn each other of predators, especially with their long spells of dormancy.

Similar to Gojids, their stubby tails limit them in terms of tail languages, but they invented tapping patterns with their hardened claws. Their cub-like ears and thickset bodies make them slightly larger quadrupeds than the Zurulians.

The Tierkel Rockclan aren’t as well adapted as most species, so they never dominated their homeworld, and their biosphere was considered especially dangerous by the Federation. The Tierkel are useful links for trading empires like the Nevoks and Fissans for their control over various ores and resources found in their native environment, but rarely stray from their homeworld due to being naturally drawn to heat and warmth.

**Yulpa** - The Yulpa are mammals that evolved in rainforest biomes, with prehensile tongues that can rip apart leaves from the undergrowth. They have large ears that stand upright. The single-colored pattern of their fur switches jarringly into odd-striped legs, which lead down to hooves. They are ones of the faster runners in the Federation, and also one of the more solitary creatures.

The Yulpa Ascendancy have some of the most brutal exterminator practices in the Federation, as sacred cities lead regular sacrifices of predators to the Spirit of Life. If any creature needs to be captured for study, the Yulpa are the go-to experts in the field; often, various planets and governments will use them if they wish to document or study surviving predators.

**Leshee** - The Leshees are an amphibious species who are often looked down upon as contaminated due to their need for water absorption through their skin. Most Federation species rule them unfit for military service due to their water intake needs. The Leshees also are fully aquatic in their tadpole stage, until they’re fully grown and able to move to land. The younglings are often kept in pools or containment tanks.

Similar to the Tilfish, the Leshee can lay a staggering number of eggs at once; however, limited food and sensitive temperature requisites lead very few to survive. Parents don’t interact with their young much until they reach maturity. Their appearance can be a range of colors and patterns, but almost all Leshees have bulbous, colorful eyes like the Kolshians. Their splayed toes are very flexible.

There are rumors that brightly colored Leshees, a mutated genome that’s seen in one specific region, used to be able to spit poison, though the main consensus is that that’s an exaggerated tale derived from feelings of powerlessness against predators. The Leshee Junta have some of the strictest laws in the Federation, with the leading party punishing predator disease and anti-herd mentality severely. They claim they have to be harsh to survive, since they are not well-liked on most Federation worlds.


How do the Federation's translators work? Why do the aliens use human expressions?

The Federation's translators use a form of machine learning. They can analyze data from various mediums, though a species' broadcasts and recordings are the easiest. Citizens of various space-faring societies have translators implanted at a young age (shortly after speaking their first words).

The translators opt for semantic rather than literal translation. When a human expression, that obviously does not exist within a prey society, is uttered, it's a safe assumption that their idiom was quite different.

What happened to the Federation's predators on their homeworlds? How were they studied or observed?

Any species that predated the sentients was exterminated, for obvious reasons. Their natural predators could not be allowed to survive; anything that "looked dangerous" was wiped out as well. Smaller predators, or predators that thrive in different biomes (for example, aquatic predators) have a continued existence in their ecosystem.

Predators (even lesser predators) were never the subject of much study, as they were seen to have little complexity or value. The scientific consensus was that every predatory action served the purpose of killing.

Have humans colonized the solar system?

22nd century humans possess fledging lunar and Martian colonies, but haven’t gotten beyond that yet. There are a few research outposts past the asteroid belt, on large or notable moons. With the novel discovery of FTL, various proposals have been outlined for extrasolar colonies. There are many habitable worlds out in the cosmos, but that will take more time than a few months.

Can I write a fanfiction of your story?

Absolutely, anyone is allowed to write NoP fanfiction. My one request is that the original universe is credited. You can find lots of great fanfictions of NoP down below!

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