The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 12- regular club meeting?

<p.o.v Sakura>

*click* the light switch at the entrance turns on.

"Ruto-kun?!" I walk into the quiet entryway, take off my shoes, and walk in. 

What's going on? Everything has been feeling wrong.

Sasuke picked me up for my appointment today and watched over everything. He was able to take the SD cards I had of my last few appointments. I always set up a couple small cameras before every appointment and Sasuke edits them into a nice DVD. They almost look good enough to sell, but Sasuke told me it was only for him to watch saying

"You're so beautiful when you're getting satisfied that I can look at that face all day."

I have some of them for myself and even tried to watch them with Haruto but he was really mad. He barely looked at it, he just turned away and was balling up his fists. 

Why can't he see me as beautiful when I'm being satisfied? Am I the wrong one? Hes friendly with the other girls. They have videos too. Don't tell me he'd rather watch one of them?! No! There's no way.

"NNNN" a sharp pain in my chest. Thats been happening more often lately. 

The other girls don't seem fazed by what we do, it has to be normal, right? Is Haruto the weird one? He yelled at me today though…

When my mom and step father fought and yelled at each other, which happened often. But to make everyone happy my step dad would go out, to give mom space. Hed come home smelling weird, because it helped him stay awake. He'd sneak in my room and play with me at night,  because it made mama happy when he spent time with me

It was weird at first but later on, it helped me feel better after all the yelling,  but today?

I don't…. feel ….better...I don't …feel…. clean.

Sasuke talked me into getting paid more to let the new customer use no condom. I just wanted the normal way but submitted in the end. During the sex I couldn't get into it. I tried my best, but Ruto-kun yelling at me was all I had on my mind.

No matter how I worked the dick.

I didn't even ask for a name this time

No matter how dirty I talked

I couldn't even sound erotic

The customer wasn't good,

 it didn't matter usually but

It seemed like it was only about him, I couldn't get myself in the mood. What really didn't help out was how he was only wildly swinging his hips, no attempt in pleasing me at all. The worst of it all was he finished inside me

Ruto-kun always lectured me about taking care of my body and had me set rules so I wouldn't get pregnant or sick.

Even though he'd always take care of me when I got sick so I wasn't afraid of that, and step dad never got me pregnant. I never worried really worried but…. 

I never purposely allowed someone to go raw after the rules were set.

Haruto hurt a lot of people because they tried to break the rules. I get really scared when I see him angry, why can't people just listen to the rules?

Is that why I feel dirty? Not the cum but because of the rules???

 Sasuke had me buy the pill afterwards.

"You got paid extra for the pill didn't you? Oh babe lend me 30,000 yen for new equipment. It's so I can get better angels of your happy face you know? It's for you."

I bought the pill, and gave him the money. 

Haruto doesn't need the money, but what do I do with it?? He always takes care of me, but he never used the money I gave him, how has he been taking care of everything.

Sasuke walked me across the street and saw no lights on. He was trying to look in to see if Ruto-kun was home. 

"Is Toto-kun home?" He asked.

I said "he was home but saves electricity by limiting lights sometimes"

I lied.

I don't know why I lied. But I feel gross and all I wanted…… I want to see my Ruto-kun.

He always keeps his word, so I knew he was serious about not being home. I miss him. It's not that late, I'll text him.

I'm gonna shower.



The next morning there was no Ruto-kun to wake me up, no breakfast by him, and no walk to school with Ruto-kun. I checked my phone.

100%Loved- Ruto-kun I broke the rule. I didn't want to, I feel sick.

Thats was my text I sent last night.

Rutotheprince- you get what you earn. Looks like you got that twice last night.

What kinda response is that? Is he mad? I did break the rules… no one likes rule breakers. He probably didn't sleep good either. I didn't sleep well without him here so he must be feeling the same!

100%LOVED- Ruto-kun…. (I started typing)

Im sorry and I miss you? Would that be good?

Before I could finish sending my message, I noticed Sasuke was across the street waiting.

"Hey babe. Where's your boyfriend?" He said with a stone face, but playful voice. 

"Ya right here though~" I smiled as best as I could, "Ruto-kun left earlier and he had something to do."

Why did I lie again?

We walked to school, I had us walk fast 

I wanna hurry and see Ruto-kun~

<p.o.v Haruto>

Sakura seems off. Shes been looking for me all day, and shes been texting me. I don't mind too much about the attention, I just really don't know how to respond. She wants to tell me she broke our rules?

She should know I am not her bodyguard anymore so why tell me? Does she not know what she did wrong or does she not wanna accept it. But she hasn't tried to apologize and I'm not gonna go out of my way for her. But also there's other issues, yesterday I thought all the giggling and attention was strange, TODAY?! Its on a whole new level.

Its one thing with Sakura seeking my attention every break, Rika and Akio texting apologies and thank yous (I'm assuming they talked with Mirai). Speaking of Mirai, she's been trying to sext ALL DAY. 

Not to mention my 3 x 200 + 6 jack sessions. Thanks to memories and a 'good morning photo from Mirai I got a 2 shot headstart this morning.

Add on to that, all the people I helped yesterday…. DOUBLED, and unfortunately there are pictures of me shirtless walking around campus so the Judo club, boxing club, and jiu-jitsu club captains have sought me out for physical fitness training. 

My out of school activities might get busy. Why is the power of my hentai protagonist haircut no longer helping!!!

I try to finish my school work before I head home, but that's usually with a headstart during breaks.

Guess I'm finally taking homework… HOME.





Finally its the end of the day. 

Sakura said she doesn't have an appointment today and wanted to walk home together, but I have my club today so I coordinated with her for dinner. She'll get the groceries and i'll meet her at home and cook.

We seperate and I head to my club room

As I reach it I feel a little excited.

It's a Wednesday!

I know that it'll be a nice and relaxing day at the clu……...


Fuck everything went black! I can't breath! What the fuck just happened?!

"Aahh...mfffff" *chuu* *chuu*

I opened my mouth to take a breath but it was immediately filled. Something very soft is encompassing my whole face with a hard tip in my mouth. By instinct I started sucking.

"Hmmmmm… ya like a total babe, but now ya like totes a baby~." *giggle*

I see… well I can't see… but I guess this is Rika.

I maneuver my hand to move the excess meat from her breast that's blocking my nose. Well thats what I had intended, now I'm massaging her breast like I'm milking her into my mouth.

Did I say I stopped sucking? Because I didn't, wait whats that?

Something squirms to my lower body, actually her lower body.

And shes playing with herself. This is too much stimulation. 

With great effort I pull her breast from my mouth...more like reluctance…. The bright pink areola surrounded by dark skin looks so sweet I wanna make some tea to go with it.

But I refrain!

I look up at Rikas flush face and her eyes….

Are fucking scary

I listened to Mirai and these girls apparently love me and depend on me for different reasons. Mirai wants to be cherished and protected, Akio supported and challenged, and Rika seeks love. Plain and simple.

Imagine HAVING to make love with your lover in order to orgasm, and everyone you made love to wasn't your lover.

Yes that's right, Rika has never had an orgasm during sex, and since the target of her affection is me.  All that backed up frustration is getting to her. Which is horrible because shes actually the most innocent of the girls.

Mirai approaches in his female uniform and taps Rikas shoulder.

"Please put those balls of unnecessary fat away," Mirai said with smile, but a voice that was anything but smiling "let danna-sama relax for a moment, he's had a rough day."

"Ya ya ya, like I was so happy all day because of babes! He accepts us for what....." her cheery voice dies down toward the end. "Im so happy." A lone tear falls down her cheek. I sit up while she's on top of me.

"Its OK," I cup her dark mocha cheeks. "come now let's sit in a chair." I say as I kiss her cheek with the tear stain.

Awww shit…… I fucked up. Heart shaped eyes!

"Sooooooo…... ADOOOOORBS!!" she hugs me to the point my lungs almost collapse……

Akio and Mirai had to help me break out of Rikas vice grip. 

I didn't tell Akio and Rika about yesterday's conversation between Mirai and me, so Mirai must have.

Seems like Mirai gave them the story in great detail. 

Mirai is sitting on my lap (on the thigh). I don't know if it's to give them a visual or just because she wants to.

But I dont care! HEADPATS!


Mirai turns into my hand with her head like a kitten.


"Tomaki-san, I cannot stress how sorry I am about yesterday. It was my idea and these two ju…."

"Akio stop." I cut her words off, using her first name. she blushes. I look around the room to see each girls face. I have Mirai stand up from my lap allowing me to maneuver to the floor. I perform a dogeza.

"I'm sorry I mistreated the first confession of you three." My head pressed to the floor, "I never intended to have you in the club for my personal romantic interest so I never believed I would find myself in this situation. So, I apologize. I didn't think of your feelings even though I considered us friends. I loved my first girlfriend and told her I loved her before we dated, you all having more experience with the opposite, and I could never imagine a man NOT pursuing any of you well enough to garner your affection, I'm sorry I assumed." I take a deep breath.


I didn't move for a little while until I felt a hand on my back… then another and another. They guide me and help me to stand up.

"H-H-HA-HA….." Akio stuttered. "Haruto, yesterday just proves we have much to learn about each other. I've only ever called two boys by their given names, you will be the third. One I knew almost all my life, the other, just a short while. One knew everything about me, yet helped the other trap me, exploiting the weakness in my heart and mind. While one also caused me to hurt the other that he promised to help. Everything could have been avoided, hearts would've stayed unbroken," her dignified choice breaks for just a moment, "if we could have been honest. I want us to be honest." She grabs Rika and Mirai's hand. "all of us."

"I honestly like how ya spent time ta respect me, never judged a silly girl like me, I wish I coulda met ya sooner so let's get to know each other." Rika tried to give a cute wink, it was cute, but a tear fell from her watery eye.

Mirai shyly walks up to me and I was expecting another confession of feelings. Instead she pulls me into a kiss.

"HmmmmNnnnnnn" she moaned as my tongue greeted hers, as if two long lost friends performing a secret hand shake to reestablish the bonds of childhood.

The other two are glaring at Mirai gaining another leg up on them, but they say nothing and just pout.

I have a feeling Mirai didn't skimp on the part of yesterday's story where 'she' asked me to accept them as well, they probably feel they owe her maybe…..


"What the fuck are you doing to my son?" Anderson-san was at the doorway. She is dressed casually….casually for someone that wears tank-tops as a BRA!!

Currently she is wearing red hot pants, a Grey tank-top, no hat but she has her hair in a bun. 

I don't know what type of shoes she's wearing. I'm afraid to look below her chin! I still remember that heavenly feeling of those ambrosia filled orbs on my shaft.

I panic and pull away, Mirai didn't let go and I ended up pull her small body off the ground with me so no distance was created.

"Mom don't ruin the mood." Mirai said while only looking at me with a pouty face.

"You're pouty face is too cute Mirai."

"E-e-ehhhh, i-i-is that so?" I give her a quick peck on the lips l, *poof* smoke erupted from her red balloon colored face, "i-i-i-if the one I l-l-like is the aggressor i-its… embarrassing." She trailed off at the end.

"Should I come back another time?"

"No kaa-san, we were about to have tea." I said.


"What did you just just say?" Anderson-sans normal stone face was now, frozen-stone.

"What?" I looked at everyone, they all looked at me like I was speaking in trigonometry, "I accepted everyone's feeling right? I'm very serious about you all; Mirai, Rika, Akio." Everyone of them blushed. "This is Mirais mother and I'll treat her as an in-law. The same goes to you two, when I meet your parents I will treat them at the same level.


Akio and Rika were glaring at Anderson-san, more like glaring at her E-bombs, before my words sunk into them. They bug-eyed stared at me.

"W-w-w-wait meet my parents?" Akio seemed the most stunned.

"InlawsinlawsinlawsInlawsinlawsinlawsInlawsinlawsinlawsInlawsinlawsinlawsInlawsinlawsinlawsInlawsinlawsinlaws." Rika seemed the most excited. Her heart eyes are at it again.

"D-d-do you have to meet them?" Akio asked.

"Akio you just asked for honesty, I wish for your parents to know my intentions. Especially after I tell them there's a few of you."

That snapped Rika out of her dream.

"W-w-wait ya mean tell them our like special relationship?" Rika asked


"W-w-wait can't we keep this…." Akio tried to say.

"No." I said brightly with a smile. "I won't tell them about the trouble you're in. But if I can get them to trust me, I could do more to help you all and be a part of your lives." My face turned serious for a moment, "unless you want to back out now?"

Akio let out a big sigh and started laughing… her laughing started to turn to tears.

"Haruto.." *sniffle* *chuckle*, "after everything," *sniffle*, "everything I've done and had done to me, the way you can make me nervous about my parents meeting the boy I love." *sniffle* "Thank you." She stared at me with her light colored eyes, glowing yellow as her tears helped them reflect light. And she smiled so brightly.

Staring at Akio. With her make up messy, tears running free, and snot sliding down. Have you looked at someone in a state like this and the most obvious thing thought you had was....

She's beautiful

Rika started to tear up when she realized she was actually worried how her parents would judge Haruto if he said he had a harem. That sense of normalcy made her heart flutter.

"BABES!" Rika jumped, but more controlled than before.

"C-c-can… I kiss…." I dont let her finish.

I grip her chin gently with two fingers and tilt her face down (shes taller than me remember)

I kiss gently. I don't use tongue and neither does she. Shes wants to feel loved and I know she's holding back, but not in the way you'd think. 

Shes holding back an orgasm. Shes never had an orgasm during sex, doesn't mean she hasn't ever had one. Treating her tenderly flips her switch.

We seperate.

"Let's have some of that tea, to clear the atmosphere." Stone cold Anderson-san said.

That really changed the atmosphere.

Akio eagerly prepared tea, Mirai was so happy this morning he made cookies, I prepared a card game, and Rika took pictures.

<p.o.v Anderson Sachiko>

Im crying. It makes no sense with what we were doing.

*a few minutes earlier*

We were having an interesting day. As the girls and Tomaki-kun prepared the club I talked to my son about how his life came to be. His detailed story, how his brother only got more deviant and sadistic with him. All while i was supposed to protect him. 

I was supposed to be his shield, his protection. I couldn't even endure 1 of the revenge my older son had for me, and it trickled down to my baby boy. 

As that wasn't enough, he told me how he fell in love with Tomaki-kun. I grit my teeth out of frustration yet I couldn't help but smile. 

How could this boy stand up for someone he barely knew? How could he treat my baby better in a single moment than I did in my history as his mother?

It didn't stop there. The other girls chimed in with how my son had endangered them and trapped them. They also added in as to why they love him.

I can't win. His sister really made him into such a great person, I can't say I wouldn't fall for him either. Well if I hadn't met his sister.

Just remembering how Himeno treasured my body last night while I reeked of Harutos cum. My pussy is so wet I could probably take Harutos cock without foreplay. 

I can't get off thinking of Haruto using my body, but thinking of Himeno enjoying me in her eyes as her brother defiled me, sends a jolt up my spine. 

Would she kiss my lower lips if I let him shoot it inside me?

The chair i'm sitting on would be letting out a noticeable odor….. if it wasn't for other odors in the air.

I can see how each of these girls and my son look at Tomaki-kun. Enamored with love? I've had eyes like those before, but not exactly. They all have the look of pitfalls staring at a steak laying right next to a willing mate, their eyes reflect hunger and lust, I know those feelings well. Something…

There's something else in there eyes. Ahhh…. Admiration.

"Tomaki-kun, why dont you tell us how you ended up living with a girl, suchas Sakuraba. Also, maybe tell me about your sister when she was younger."

I know why his sister got locked up and promised not to tell him, but I want to hear his events. I also only hear about her brother when she speaks; but I want to know more about her.

There were a lot of things he said that I would've guessed already. But, His parents accident started a lot of major events. His sister was always a bro-con but the death of their father was what pushed it over the edge.

He doesn't know what happened to Himeno, but she definitely changed and became sexually aggressive with him. She already made sure he'd always think about her(innocent sisterly way), but after the accident, she wanted to make sure their family stays together and grows.

His father and mother her hit by a semi-truck, and pushed into water. Their mother who was the more physically fit of the two barely survived but the collision and lack of oxygen put her in a coma. Himeno took that moment and used it to make sure both of them will live long.

She trained with their mom because incidents in her early childhood, but agter the accident she used sex and a promise of marriage to motivate Tomaki-kun to push for physical perfection.

Of course that's not the way he tells the story… but if you pay attention you know those are additional reasons.

He also mention Himeno wanted him to have a few women so there would be plenty babies in the house. That way his and his sisters baby wouldn't draw attention.

I find that very suspicious. With Himenos personality she wouldn't care if anyone knew and she would silence any one looking down or threatening them. I'll have to ask her.

He told me about how Sakura one day let him hold on to her pepper spray her mom gave her, just because she said it'll make him feel like a ninja with an ace up his sleeve. That day however he ended up using it on a molester on a bus trying to touch his sister.

Honestly he probably saved the molester life.

He and Sakura were childhood friends and everything about that day solidified it. But that night when he went to return the pepper spray. He caught Sakura being raped by her step father. He didn't know what to do he was just became a teenager an couldn't win against an adult. So he recorded it with tears in his eyes and ran to his sister. 

He told Himeno about everything and she said dont worry about it for now.

But Haruto wouldn't drop it he said it hurt to watch it, that he stayed and recorded it to save her. They didn't argue after he said he was hurt with tears in his eyes. He said all that happened was she said.

"I'll take care of it, my little prince."

And two nights later….. she was arrested.

He went over what happened with Sakura the next couple of years and it sounded horrible.

Something is off about his story. He's not lying but a couple things seem amiss.

When he was finished he set up a board game.

"Tomaki-kun." I started

"Yes kaa-san." He smiled at me.

"I wish to live with you as a mistress."

The room went quiet. Everyone was dumbfounded. Especially….

"M-m-mother no!" Mirai stood up.

"Why not? You allowed these two to be accepted." I cooed at my son.

"B-b-but we need him, if someone like you fell for him." Mirais face looks dejected, "why would he want us when he could have someone as beautiful as you."


"MIRRAAAAAIIIIIIII!" I rushed my son and hugged him and patted his teary face.


"UMPH!" Everyone group hugged Mirai.

Is this the power of kawai?!

I wrestle away an get back to my seat.

"Why would you ask that kaa-san?" Tomaki-kun asked

"Please call me Sachiko, isn't it obvious? Well actually its for a couple reasons. I am deeply in love with your sister, but without you she'll not take additional steps with me. Which I don't need exactly, but if I can just live with you and be near her, I'll be happy. The possibility of extra fun, would only be up to her." I shifted my gaze to Mirai and the girls. "Its my son that caused this. I would like to try and help in anyway possible. Spending more time with my son is also something I yearn for." I honestly stated

"If thats the case then please call me Haruto, but ill need Mirai and my onee-sans permission to allow you into their lives. No matter how beneficial you could be. I… can't be rude." He said matter of factly


"Always polite… that was the first thing that drew me to her." With that out of the way we continued on to play this game.

20-minutes of playing and outbursts by Akio, everyone was having fun. It was reminiscent of the old days when I hangout with my girlfriends from school. 

"All that I gave up to chase after that piece of." I thought to myself as I bit a cookie my son made.

The room went silent. That's weird, and this cookie tastes salty.

Mirai came up to my side

While i'm sitting down i'm almost as tall as him standing.

He hugged me. 

"Sachiko. Everything will be ok." Haruto grabbed my hand.

My hand holding the cookie goes to my face.


I must have been crying for a while. How long has it been since I haven't felt guilty or dirty? Just doing things you'd do with friends or family on a normal day.


I've had one yet never experienced one.

"I hope your sister allows me to stay with you all…" *sniffle* my ever stone face shatters, "I've… been so lonely."

"Shes a very kind person. By the way, she said she was gonna be told about her release date does she know when?"

*sniffle* I'm crying in Mirais shoulder, "huh… oh.. yeah she does."

"REALLY!? When!?" I looked at her excited.

"She told me to tell you next year. That's all she said."

Everyone in the room looked disappointed.

"Well it's sooner than what I've wait so far, so we are more than half way."

I gave him a weak smile.



                 <p.o.v Haruto>

As we were clearing up the room

I pulled Akio into the center of the room and kissed her passionately. 

Maybe too passionately, she snaked a hand in my shirt and is massaging my abs. 

I pulled away and whispered in her ear.

"Akio, no secrets. I want everyone to see how I feel about you."

"YES! YES!" She hugged me.

I accept the three of them, and kissed all three in a day…… wait!

"Wait a minute!" Haruto said out loud, "when was the last time Mirai, Sakura, Rika, and Akio were off?!"

All the other girls looked at eacher.

"It never happened before…." Mirai said

"I hope it doesn't mean anything." I said.

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