The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 18- what is happiness?

WARNING. This chapter CONTAINS family fluff, self degradation, and cannibalism read at your own discretion.

<P.O.V Mirai>

I'm not having a good time am I?

The day started off with me going to visit my boyfriend at his home, where we were supposed to then go to visit his sister. It was a nice peaceful day planned for me and him.

I guess a peaceful day for the other two as well. Whenever I'm with him he makes me feel like I'm the most important thing, even when the other girls are there. How is that possible? Am I just fooling myself?? Am I just a plaything to Haruto? I know he treats me better than anyone I've ever been with, but once he gets my body, will he change?

The thoughts plaguing me right now aren't my normal thoughts.

Why am I so unsure of my feelings now?

Walking home after spending the day with everyone created this wave of depression, that's engulfing me. As soon as my footsteps were no longer accompanied by anyone else's, all my joy was sucked out of me.

My boyfriend's sister had him lose his virginity today to my mother, he did it easily and without questioning it. 

Is that what he thinks sex is?

I ask the question but I already know he doesn't see it like that. My issue isn't his sister, who's very intimidating, or the fact he fucked my mother, who's gotten more action from my boyfriend than I have. In fact him fucking her made me feel closer to him, like he was an unobtainable Legendary treasure because how pure he was, but now he's like.

Unobtainable super rare treasure?

No, the real problem and the reason I'm depressed is because they talked about Sasuke dying so casually. 

Akio even mentioned she thought of having him killed, and she said it like she was talking about grocery shopping. I hate Sasuke for everything he has done and to whom he has done it to, but he is my only family. Well, was my only family, I have mama again. But, Sasuke was there all this time. I just, I just don't know what to do.

As I approach the small apartment that is my home, I head up to the second floor where our room is at. Coming to our front door I see a box in front of our apartment door.

What's this?

I open the box and on the inside is some bubble wrap surrounding a cooler.

"One order broken legs." Was written on a note taped to the cooler. I taped the note to my phonecase

No address? Is this ours? Is this for Sasuke?

I open my door and I bring it inside.

Kinda heavy.

Most of my muscles are in my legs, all I have to do is make sure I get underneath the box. 

Heave ho! Got it.

I carry it inside and leave it by the entryway. It doesn't look like Sasuke is home. So the shower is open. I should wash off all the pizza(Haruto) sauce from my body before he gets home. I put my phone and wallet in my room and head to the shower room.

I hope he's not drunk, please kami-sama.

I strip my clothes and bury them in the bottom of the dirty hamper and I hop in the shower. The nipple piercings get in the way a little bit but I'm used to them. My cock cage is still locked on because Sasuke has the only key.

After years of having my body trained I'm almost always aroused, but not used to having an erection. I've taught myself to cum from my asshole because if I didn't I would be constantly edged. I almost went insane.

With this cage on I had to find some kind of relief, and with Sasuke not allowing anyone to touch back there it has become the purest thing I can do to myself since it has never been violated.

My shower is quick but plagued with thoughts. Thoughts I should never have to deal with.

Can I allow Sasuke to die or go to prison? I know he deserves it, but I always hoped he'd go back to being the kind older brother he used to be. Even though what I thought was kinda, was actually him sexually abusing me, but still when me, him, and mama were together I felt at home. The abuse masked in daily routines felt natural. I actually wish I can go back to not knowing he was violating my body and my trust. Ignorance is truly bliss isn't it?

I get out of the shower wrapped in a towel. I head to my room but before I can close my door, I hear stumbling.

"Fuck! Who put this fucking box here." Somewhat slurred yelling comes from the entryway.

No, not tonight, please.

He always overreacts when he's drunk, so I could only hope he wasn't too far gone.

I quickly dry off (it's hard to dry my cock because of the cage so it'll still be damp). I put on some boy shorts style panties and a loose fitting grey shirt and head out to the family room. Once there I see Sasuke wearing black pants and a black tight shirt and a couple of his less than savory associates all dressed in the same fashion. The two men with Sasuke both have black hair but with shaved heads. one is shorter with a round face, while the other has an oval face. They were all looking at the contents of the box.

"Fuck who do you think it is?" Goon A said

"Did anyone not contact you recently?" Goon B said.

"Someone thinks they can just fuck with ME?!" Sasuke yelled at the top of his lungs.

"U-u-u-uh is everything ok?" I asked as I got closer to the cooler to peek inside.

What the hell is that?!


I threw up at the sight I saw. It looked like disc shaped cuts of ham steaks, about 6 cm thick. But on the side of them were human feet! The feet and the disc's looked the same color as well.

Was that chopped up…. No! "One order of broken legs!!"

That's what the note meant my face paled as I realized. 

"Call Miyuki and tell her to get here now. We have to make sure this is the real deal!" Sasuke yelled and Goon A took out his phone 

I feel my presence was unnoticed so I grab supplies to clean my vomit. Some of the pizzas I ate was now on the floor of my apartment.

I was just having such a great time earlier and this is what my home life has become. Murder, amputations, forced sex, I just want to feel safe.

In my thoughts I've come to the conclusion. 

I didn't want to come home, and I felt guilty that not coming home meant something bad had to happen to Sasuke. I just don't want me or my friends to live the way he forces us to. Does he have to get hurt for that to happen? Is there anything I can do?

I've cleaned up the mess but I felt very dizzy, after dumping everything in the trash I laid on our small sofa and dozed off.


**At the same time**

<p.o.v Akio>

Wearing a gold colored negligee. I'm in my room having my normal telephone conversation with my parents trying my best to not make it sound monotonous.

"Yes father." 

I'm sitting on my bed in my very large 12 tatami mat sized room. Nothing in my room is designed to stand out or colorful, just plain and to the point. A bed with red and white sheets, a red dresser with a vanity mirror, and a dark brown study desk where my laptop sits.

"No father, everything is fine." Responding in my normal business-like tone.


"No father, I'm part of a club and cannot rejoin the track team."


"Yes I know it'll look good on my college transcripts." Most of our conversations are just one-sided and I usually drag them on by not just using one word answers.


"Ok I will look into being a part time member."


"I still have my language problems with french…. But I'm very fluent in the…." I was interrupted.


"Yes father, I'll strive to be less of a disappointment." My voice and face has become gloomy.


"Ok father, tell mother I miss her as well. How much longer will the trip last?"


"..... is that so."

"Yes, I understand. Goodbye father." I hung up my phone.

Since I was very young, or better yet, one of my first memories of my father was him saying,

"You're old enough to take care of yourself."

Whenever he'd leave for a business trip, with or without mother, that's how he'd say farewell. As early as 5-years old I was old enough to take care of myself, 

When was I ever young enough to be taken care of?

His current business venture has had him and mother away for 20-months. Technically it's  two 10-month trips he has been on with mother, but rather than coming to see their daughter after 10-months they decided to take a 2-week vacation because they earned the rest.

They will return a couple weeks. Normally I would feel joyous about their return, but they haven't been here for the entire time I was getting blackmailed or when Tama-kun left.

I struggled with all my chores and tried to get as many accomplishments as I could so I could be recognized, so I could be seen. Nothing mattered, no matter how much more I tried to force onto myself, it never got the attention I wanted.

If anything it just added onto what he could judge me for. I wonder if father would even notice if it was me if he saw one of my videos.

"I'm very tired of this all." I sighed as I laid back onto my bed.

My parents won't be home for another couple weeks and the only people to talk to in my home are the servants. All of the veteran servants have retired before my parents left on the first of the two trips,, and I now have only new recruits so I don't know them. 

I climb into bed and get under my covers. Today's events were extremely emotional. From wanting to get to know Haruto more, to learning he has an incestuous relationship with his sister. With my own issues compared to his, it should be balanced but what I saw from them today, wasn't a disgusting fetish play.

They were serious about each other. Was that real love? Seeing that made me…… nervous.

Of all the things I've endured to be recognized as a Kuwabara, I've endured without ever feeling fear. However, seeing their love and passion today.

It made me hurt, it made me scared, it made me…. Wet.

It hurt me to see Haruto love another woman.

And that's the biggest issue. He didn't fuck his sister. It wasn't an act filled with debauchery and sin. Whenever I imagined Haruto fucking someone else I never imagined… I never thought he'd be violent, but giving that much affection to another person beside me? I am in love with him, I want to be loved by him, but I have never used my body to express love, I'm afraid that I won't do it right. That another woman can commit the act of love with Haruto better than me is painful. It's painful but watching him do it, watching him express it, makes me ache to see more of it. I blushed at my thoughts 

After seeing Himeno and Haruto I wasn't bothered by them being brother and sister. I was bothered at how I still felt dirty and instead of being closer to the sinful me, Haruto having such pure feelings for his sister, made me feel further away.

If he does start fucking women, I might feel closer to him, I know that's a selfish thought but its true. If he can commit non-loving acts, I could like to feel he is within my reach. This won't be one-sided though! I won't stay lying down, I will do my best to cleanse my sins to also have Haruto feel closer to me.

My mind rewinds time to when Haruto and Himeno had their loving session. My hand travels between my thighs as I work myself to sleep.




<p.o.v Rika>

Just getting out of the shower I enter my 6 tatami mat sized room. I put on an oversized(yes even oversized for my large body) black shirt from the Konichiwa Kitten collection. On it is the Badbatz(that doesn't look like a bat) character. 

Don't get me wrong totes Konikit (abbreviation for Konichiwa Kitten) is adorbs, but bad btich badbatz so totes matches with my eyes. Gyaru is kawaii, and kawaii is Badbatz.

My room is neatly decorated with some cute stuffed animals(Badbatz being one), my full size bed(because I'm too big for a twin) is covered with a pink comforter with pillows in silverish-white pillow cases.

I call it ma' strawberry shortcake to dreams express! Totes adorbs.

on my white walls are club pictures I took throughout this school year. You can see in the earlier ones we kept a business-like distance between each other, but as time moved on we all tried to get the best seat next to Haruto.

Time totes passed in a flash. It was like so much fun.

I checked my phone and I still have my Haruto lock-screen saver. Once I unlock my phone, my picture changes and now I have all the sisters posing with a smile.

Mirai in the center with Sachiko resting her tanktop cover mountains on him from behind. Me and Akio doing a side pose on Sachiko's left, while Sakura is hugged from behind by Himeno.

Like why have a pic of ma' rivals ya wanna ask? Totes cause they are my actual friends!

Growing up mostly in Japan I've never had friends for long and once my body developed I no longer had any friends for any amount of time. 

I just came from hanging out with my friends on a Saturday afternoon! Totes exciting! 

Never having had friends and all of a sudden being able to do what all groups of friends did was amazing.

I almost thought this would never happen while I went to school, *sniffle* "I never thought a day like this could happen." I said as I wiped some happy tears from my eyes.

The entire "normal day of a school girl hanging out with school girl friends" can be scratched from my bucket list TEEHEE~

I'm still wow'd how normal the day went! We got together, hung out, played games, talked gossip!

(Note from Author*- even I don't know how she avoided mentioning the sex, incest sex, or cum pizza. She must be just that damn happy, so I'll let her have this.)

Ma' Ruto-babes cooked for me. Like sausage but totes cut like octopuses! IT WAS ADORBS! he could make our kids bentos for them until they graduate highschool, and once our two kids move out of the house we can free our restrained libidos, I can seduce him again whenever I want.*Heavy breathing*

I got up and acted out my delusions.

"Honey its so quiet ya know? While you work, Mama-Rika misses being a Mama. Could you….?" I act out the scene in my room. I'm breathing like I just ran from hungry wolves. My face Is heated like an oven and I can feel it blushing! Everything above my knees are heated, if I keep this up I might after to take another shower. 

(Note from Author*- never mind shes in her heart-eye vision. Thats how she overlooked everything. She's in Vanilla-Yandere mode.)

I make my way to my desk and open a drawer. Its empty.

*knock* *knock*

I shut the drawer immediately.

"Come in!" I say as the door opens.

In walks in a very LARGE dark skinned man. 2 meters tall, 147 kilograms, not as toned as he burly. He had black wavy hair, big silver eyes, an oval face, and large lips. He has a towel over his bare shoulders and is walking around in just his boxers. 

This is my papa Santos Sagrado. Or Sagrado Santos while here in Japan. He gets real close to me and bends down to hug me. He begins speaking to me in Portuguese.

"Did my baby girl have fun at her friend's house?"

"Yes papa!"

"Finally getting friends! Hanging out with friends! You are definitely in the springtime of you baby." He gives me a tighter squeeze.

"I have been worried over you for so long!" *sniffle* "when can papa meet your friends?"

I can feel him tear up while hugging me.

"I don't know when they can meet all up again, but I know Haruto wants to meet you."

"Ha..ruto? That's a strange name for a girl."

"....hehehe, uhhh, it WOULD be strange for a girls name totally. Haruto is a boys na….."


My papa let go of his embrace.

"You are too young to be next to boys! The springtime of youth is separated by gender! You tell me! Did he try anything bad? Did he stare at you longer than 2 seconds?! You must tell papa!"

Noticing he's going into overdrive dad mode, I must quell him.

"But papaaaa!" I used my ultimate pout on papa.

"Nooo!" Papa stands up and covers his eyes "I cannot! Boys are evil and should never get close to my Riri!"

"Haruto is not evil, and I'm pretty sure I love him."


Papa is frozen in place. Holding his chest like he was shot. He collapses to his knees.

"Is there a reason why it's noisy at ni….." my mother walked in speaking japanese. 159cm tall, weighing 50 kg, G-cup breast, she's wearing a pink yukata.

Papa and Mama must have had a date night.

"WHAT-THE-HELL-ARE-YOU-CALLING-BOYS-EVIL-FOR-YET-ENTER-YOUR-DAUGHTERS-ROOM-IN-YOUR-UNDERWEAR!?" My mom shouts as she stomps repeatedly on papa, until he becomes blood puddle that is formerly known as my father.

"….e..n." my papa whimpered 

I know like, my mother looks like an oppai-loli and my father looks like he could outsize Bobbu Sappu. She is also the one that is strict about formalities, but she's lax about me and relationships.

Obs thats cause if she were strict about relationships she wouldn be with a free spirit that is ma' papa. Teehee~

My father is still a doting dad never wanting his daughter to grow up. People avoided me even more in school when he came to pick me up from class once. They said he was scary, but as I look at the puddle formerly known as papa….

I just don't see why they'd be afraid.

"Rika-chan, are you saying there's a boy you want us to meet?" My mama asked tenderly

"I…." I blushed noticeably, "yes, I have a special someone." My mother put her hand to her mouth and giggled as she approached me. She wrapped me in a tender hug. She whispered in my ear.

"Good, mama has been tired of smelling different men on you." Her whisper shocked me

"Ma….ma…." She put her finger to my lips and pointed at my father

"You have someone you love now and it's real right? Do you remember what I taught you?"

"Y...e...a mama," I nodded my head ,"Learn his likes, dislikes, scent, hobbies, habits, where he lives, favorite colors, favorite meals, always grab an item of his so you can remember his scent even if you don't see him for a while, love honestly and earnestly."

"You forgot one." My mama said.

"Oh yeah, always carry lucky panties just in case."

"Good girl!" She said as she kissed my forehead. "You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get your papa, he used to be a priest ya'know." My mother covered her mouth as a little gyaru slipped out of her.

"I know! It was my favorite bedtime story mama." I said with a beaming smile.

"Good good." Mama grabs the puddle that is papa and drags him out of the room. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight." I wait for my door to shut then I open the empty desk again, I remove the false bottom that hides all my treasures.

-pictures of Haruto before he exposed his body (i.e him in the hallways of school, lifting his hair to read a bulletin, entering the stall INSIDE the men's bathroom)

-locks of his hair.

-a cookie he made (she laminated it)

-pens and pencils

Underneath it all was a notebook. In the notebook were dates and times and activities.

Saturday, January 28th 20033- 

-was invited to see sister at MMI by Haruto

Was cancelled


-instead went into Harutos home at 9 am


-introduced to Harutos sister 1206pm


-had first taste if Harutos semen at 1231p..


Inside this book was entries like this since she first joined the journey club.

Haruto! Tonight I will dream up the names of our grandchildren.






<p.o.v Mirai>

**About midnight**

".....yes it seems so." A voice said

Coming to, I heard a female voice, I opened my eyes and in my home are just me, Sasuke, and Hajime Miyuki. I've known her for a while, I used to treat her like an onee-san because I thought she would marry Sasuke, but it turned out she was an accomplice of his. I even hated her a little after I heard her part of Akios entrapment.

"Fucking hell!" Sasuke is bewildered.

"When was the last time you spoke to Ryudo-san?"

"Yesterday. I sent him to break some punks legs."

Wait? Broken legs? The note! I have to tell him!

"Whose legs?" She asked

"The boy I took that Sakura bitch from."

Sakura? Haruto? Those legs belong to the guy that he sent after Haruto?! Wait a minute, that note! Could Himeno have….

"Do you think he could've done this?"

"That puppy bitch? Hahahhaa! Hell no." Sasuke laughed.

Why isn't he fazed by the legs! They are having a normal conversation while body parts are in the living room.

I sit up to acknowledge I'm awake. I look at the clock it's before midnight so I wasn't out long.

"Well I'll prepare a proper disposal kit in the morning. I'll be taking my leave."

"Yeah yeah." Sasuke waves her off as she leaves.

I don't know what to say, but I know I don't wanna reveal that note now.

All the words of Himeno and mama re-enter my mind. Was this how they'll help? Would they really kill Sasuke? I have to do something. I'm sorry Haruto.

"Sasuke," I stand up and walk toward him. "What if we just started our new lives now?"

"What the hell are you on about?"

"You said when we finally had our real lives you'd take me as your bride properly. You know why wait? We can just leave everything behind, I know you have money saved up and I have a lot in my account." I said as I traced my finger on his chest.

I have always had feelings toward Sasuke but they have been diminishing. My love for Haruto outweighs my love for Sasuke, but if there's a chance I can free the girls and stop Sasuke from getting hurt, I want to try.

"Why would I do that?" Sasuke said gripping my finger.

"W-w-w-well things just seem riskier right? Why not stay safe? We will always have each other right?" He let's go of my finger and I wrap my arms around his neck and plant a kiss on him.

"You know what Miri, maybe you're right." Sasuke said.

Thank God! With this I can save everyone.

"I can set up someone else to run the site and we can get more girls at our new spot." Sasuke said, shattering my dreams.

"W-w-wait why? What about me being a proper wife and us living normally? I-i-i can be a waitress. I know a cute Cafe with nice uniforms you'd be happy to see me in." I start panicking

"A proper wife huh?" Sasuke said with a smirk on his face. "Ok wife get on your knees, close your eyes, and open your mouth."

If a blow job can seal this deal then that'll only work in my favor.

I quickly assumed my position closing my eyes everything went pitch black.

"Say ahhhhh." Sasuke said.

"Ahhhhh'' something enters my mouth but I can't suck on it. It's too WIDE. I open my mouth to see one of the meat disc's from the cooler in my mouth. "AAA-"


As I tried to scream my jaw was punched upward, forcing me to bite through the meat in my mouth. I slide on the floor from the force of the blow and as soon as I was able I reached, and reached. The meat and my stomach fluids in a puddle on the floor.

I'm shaking. I'm shaking so bad my visions blurry.

"Proper wife? You're just a fucking onahole! AND YOU FUCKING THINK YOU CAN TELL ME HOW TO DO THINGS!" Sasuke walked up to me and picked me up with one hand on my neck.


as I dangle in the air he's assaulting my stomach in. Punching me over and over again until I vomit more.

I still can't stop shaking, I cant stop!

I-I-I-I-I just a-a-a-ate….. *BLEGH*

I can't stop the shaking. Sasuke finally gets tired of hitting my stomach so he begins to hit my chest. He avoids the face to stop people from asking questions.

I can't breath

My vision fades to black.




The next morning I wake up in a bed reeking of alcohol. I'm naked and my cock cage is off. 

He used it again.

The thought that Sasuke used my dick while I was unconscious made me feel wretched. I feel a lump of disgust form near my heart. I look around to get my bearings, my clothes are ripped and on the floor, Sasuke's naked body is turned away from me on the bed.

I have to get out of here.

I try to leave quickly but my body is beaten badly, slowing by steps. Hurt as I am I still soundlessly rush to my room. I gathered my school supplies and grabbed a duffel bag.. Grabbing a few things of my own I make sure to have my necessities. I put on white bow tie panties and a blue sundress. I look around one more time and decide that's enough. I leave out the door.

TRAPped- Danna-sama I'm sorry but I have to come over.

Rutotheprince- Sure. Is something wrong?

TRAPped- I'll tell you when I get there.

I send one message to my destination. This whole situation feels like Dejan vu. I decide to send another message.

TRAPped- Ai-chan, today I'm leaving my exes with the few things I have. If it wasn't for the reason, then this would've reminded me of you from that one time when I just met Haruto. Time sure flies. Hope you and your "Producer-sama" are still happy. You always gave me courage to hold onto my feelings with Haruto.

I was so stupid! But, what do I do now? Nee-sama wanted me to keep working, but I can't go back to that. 

Tears run down my cheek as I walk towards Harutos home.

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