The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 20- Fluff in your trap

CONTENT WARNING, trap play, gender dysphoria, some fucking cuteness

<p.o.v Haruto>

I woke up and found myself wrapped around a tiny pixie. The explanations must have gone on so long that I dozed off. I look down at Mirai's sleeping face. I trace her hair line from her forehead to her cheek down to her neck. Even her Adam's apple is unnoticeable, you can feel it if you touch it but that's it.

So cute.

Mirai is the embodiment of a kitten wrapped in sex appeal. 

If we ever get isekai'd, she is getting neko ears for sure.

I get out of bed and decide to do household chores. Cleaning my parents unused room, as well as all the other bedrooms. Making sure they are free of dust or rubbish. It's a rather quick thing to do if you know what you're doing. Cleaning everything from top to bottom and then changing any sheets that need to, then finish with a vacuuming.

Seeing as I didn't use much time I decided to do my exercises. 

Lately these exercises have been feeling monotonous. I gotta spice things up soon.

I finish my exercises shortly, and decide to do some studying.

This is how my weekends would always go before. Only Sakura being around meant a break from my schedule, and that's if she was out doing god knows what, then I had nothing but free time.

I keep things fresh by adding things to study, or I even look up "How to…" videos on BLuUtube just to learn a new skill. I even used it to help me pronounce Rikas name. 

I can't wait to surprise her with what else I learned.

The girls came back while I was using my "Dabble" app, it's an app to help me learn languages. I got up to go greet them.

"Im back."

"Im back."

"Im back." They all said together. As they walked in with several bags.

"Welcome back." I replied. "You guys went out shopping?"

"Yes we did." Himeno said cheerfully.

"Did you guys all have fun?" 

"Yes!" Himeno said as she rushed up to kiss me.


"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Sakura said with a smile.

"She's just pouty because the doctor said she should stay home tomorrow and rest. She has a fracture in her rib, so being bed ridden a couple days will help it heal properly."

"Oh you guys went to the doctor? I would've come with, I'm worried about her too."

Sakura's eyes beamed up at my words, she's been very easy to please lately.

"Sakura how is everything feeling?" I asked

"Nothing hurts as badly anymore." She beamed a smile at me.

Knowing she's recovering is great. But I've put off asking a question because of everything that's happened

While they seperate the things in the bags I walk to Sakura.

"Sakura do you remember what that senpai did at the train station?"

"Se...n..pai?" Sakura looked up trying to remember, 

"We were going to get candy for Hime and you went to the station ahead of me. When I found you, you were surrounded by boys."

She focused on my words and her eyes widened, "I-I-I didn't want…" she started tearing up, "that day, that day." She raises a hand and massages her head. "It was Harutos day. We needed candy for Himeno." *sniffle*  "I-I-I told them, it's Harutos day! Ahhhhhhh" Sakura dropped to her knees gripping her head and wailed out loud. 

"Sachi take her to calm down in a room." Himeno said.

"Ok." Sachiko guided a crying Sakura by her shoulders to her room.

Himeno waits a moment for the two to leave and turns to me.

"Haruto what is wrong with you?!" Himeno stared at me down.

"What did I do?!"

"What was so important that you needed to know now?!" She stared at me clearly upset.

"I-I-I just wanted to know."

"Why?! So you can hate her more? Or so someone else can take them blame and you can beat them?"


Yeah she kinda hit the nail on the head.

"If Sakura being here was bad, I wouldn't allow her to be here since I returned. So drop it. It's not like you, to look for a fight, and I can't have you starting." Himenos eyes were wet as she approached me and put a hand on my cheek. "Please, stay the kind Haruto, please." Some tears fell.

"Himeno, I… Im sorry." I don't really understand why she's so hurt. 

"No, no. Obviously it seems like I'm overreacting." She said as she was fanning her eyes, "but please, I've waited years," she cuts the distance between us and wraps her arms around my head, "waited years to see my wonderful, kind brother. Please let me have him for a while longer, I know everyone becomes a grown up but let me be selfish for a little while." She hugs me.

Have I acted that far out of character? I must have worried her. Now Sakura is in pain too, just so I could settle some macho bullshit.

"Of course Hime, I'm sorry." I hugged her back.

"Don't be," she rubs her head into my neck, "just be at peace at home. Leave all the world's problems at the door when you enter." She pulls away and looks at me, "except homework." We chuckle

She can always change the mood.

"Ok Hime, I promise." I gave her a quick kiss and we seperated.

"Also, Haruto, please know that Mirai is having a tough time. Don't dig into what it is." She looks at me sweetly. "What he needs now is to feel safe, and make sure he feels absolutely loved and accepted."

"Will do." 

Since Mirai is still unconscious, I'll go settle other business first.




*knock* *knock*

"Come in." Sachiko said.

"Hey." I said as I entered. Sakura was laying down with her head on Sachiko's lap. "Could I get a moment alone with Sakura?"

Sachiko looked at Sakura and she nodded. She sits Sakura up and gets up to leave.

"Thank you for looking after her." Sachiko gives me a nod and walks past me. I enter Sakura's room, and you can't think of anything other than blue. 

Light blue sheets, blue nightstand and desk, dark blue curtains, the light coming in the windows causing a blue shadow throughout.

I approached her bed, which was a normal full size, and sat down. She sat next to me.

"Sakura, I'm sorry." I hang my head in shame. "Look you've done some things that affected me directly and that clouded how I see you now."

Sakura holds back tears as I continue.

"You are someone I have cared about for a very long time and right now you are in pain and I have not been too caring." I look at her, "I'm very sorry, I'm jaded because of what happened and I allowed that to change how I do things, so… I'm-" she puts her hands to my mouth.

"Stop please. *sniffle*, all my mind has are pictures of you, in tears looking at me. All I can dream about is me staring at visions of us in this house with no happiness. None of my recent memories have you smiling, and it hurts. Apparently it's two years worth of days, but there are no breaks to the scenes of you being near me and sad." Tears are falling from her face, "I'm the cause but I don't know what I did or how to fix it, I'll endure anything I have to, to become a reason you smile. Just please don't change Ruto-kun. There's only one of you." *sniffle*. I turned and took both of her hands.

I'm not gonna dwell on anything more than I need to right now, and if I'm going to 100% hate Sakura, then I will hate a 100% Sakura, not this broken one.

"Sakura I'll look into treatments to help you ok? We will fix this together." 

"Together?" She smiled so brightly, "yes! Please let's do it."

"By the way, Sakura?"

"Yes?" She let's go of my hands and wipes her tears.

"Could you cut my hair?"

The smile on her face becomes so bright, that the blue shade in her room almost disappeared.




The girls put all their new items away.

It seems like I'll need more dressers soon. My room will have me and Himeno in it, while Sachiko and Mirai will use Himenos. Sakura has her own room, but will anyone really sleep in their own beds?

Himeno had one bag I was not allowed to look into until later, saying it's a surprise. I don't mind it much and just think of it as something to look forward to as I perform my next task.

I prepared some tea and a nice sandwich for Mirai.

There's a rumor that a sandwich always tastes better when made by someone else. Because all the ingredients are raw, your brain knows how they taste. When you prepare a sandwich yourself, your mind reminisces about each taste of your ingredients preparing you for it. Like bracing yourself for a punch. But, when someone else makes it for you? You get all the ingredients intensified by the surprise.

<p.o.v Mirai>

I awoke much later than I had planned but the day was still full. 

I did arrive very early in the morning 

I stretched and I immediately panicked. 

Where's Haruto?

My heart was shaken, it makes no sense because I'm in his home, surrounded by his smell, but without him near me.

I'm scared

"Mirai, got some food if you're awake." A gentle knocking before he opened the door.


It's Haruto! But it's not Haruto. This can't be Haruto, my heart can't accept it. It's beating so fast it's about to leap out of my chest. 

Before my eyes, Haruto was wearing just an apron. His toned arms holding a food tray in front of him; hamburger steak on rice with a good drizzle of gravy. His feet planted on the floor with veins going up his calves, stopping at the knee and leading to a smooth thigh being covered by the apron. His chiseled chest is teasing my eyes with only two thin straps covering it, perfectly obscuring his nipples.

Fuck me, mama wants some milk from thos hidden duds.

But to top everything off, his beautiful smile shined so brightly that staring at it hurt the eyes of my soul. Now the real kicker, is his hair. 

He got a haircut, just a haircut?! His muscles look more defined, his smile looks brighter, his eyes! I can see his eyes. Fuck! He has a beauty mark on his eyebrow. 

*doki* *DOKI*  *DOKI*


"Uh Mirai?"


"Mirai! Are you ok?!"

".... huh? What?"

"Mirai are you hungry?"

For that dick.

"For that dick." I said my thoughts

"........." Harutos eyes opened wide.

"..........." My eyes opened wide.

Whatthefuckwhatthefuck! Did I just say that outloud?!

My eyes were darting every where.

"Uh…. I-I," my eyes locked onto Harutos apron lifting a little. "D-d-did, thinking of me being hungry for… D-D-Danna-sama's cock make you happy?" I stuttered out. I'm blushing like a stop sign.

What is wrong with me?! Normally teasing him is easy, I can't even look him in the eyes

"Of course." He smiled at me and put the tray on the desk in the room and he approached me, his dick rising up and up. Lifting his apron far enough from his body that it was comical, until it raised higher, bring it back to his body but at a vertical point. 

Any higher and I could see his luscious balls, wait huh?

My dress gets a tiny rise of its own, I quickly push down on it and enter a fetal position.

Dammit I don't have a cage, it feels so sensitive.

"Mirai are you ok?" Haruto is on the bed crawling to me. The sight alone is making my dick throb but I close my eyes in shame.

He'll be disgusted!



A light sensation hit my cheek.


It happened again, my body feels like electricity just ran through me. I open my eyes and I see Haruto kissing my cheek and staring into my eyes as I look at him.

"What's wrong Mirai?" His eyes look so sad for me, deep concern is being transmitted into my heart.

*doki doki*

"I-I-I don't want you to hate me." I admitted

"Why would I hate you?" He backed away a little.

"....." I lift my dress slowly, exposing my thicc tanned thighs. I raise the dress until the small bump in my panties is noticeable.

"So you're happy to see me? Why would I hate that?" Haruto looked at me confused.

"But-but it's not…. It's not like the other girls." 

I can't say it, I have a dick. He knows it, I know it. But now, it's out in the open and not caged in. I feel like he should hate me, a lot of people at school already treat me differently.

"Ha-ha-ha" my words skipped a beat as he tugged my panties down with one hand and began massaging me.

"No two women's pussies should be alike. Hell I bet even the pussy of twin sisters would have differences." He said as he massaged my dick and balls in a circular motion.

"My-my friend Ai-chan had me read a web novel that talked about twins having different p-p-p-pussies." I blushed again.

Why can't I act normal with him looking at me? Why the fuck am I talking about a web novel right now?!

"Can't say pussy?" He looked at me with a smirk.

"......" I shake my head

I really can't right now?!

"Then what am I playing with?"

"My…. Peepee." He immediately kissed me softly.

"As cute as that was, you're wrong, this is your pussy."


"Are you my woman?"

His words caused me to go beet red, my tan skin looks burnt now.

Holy fuck, why can't I yell YES.

"" I whimpered 

"You're like a little kitten right now." He said as he quickened his hand movement. "What am I playing with? If you don't answer I'll stop."

N-n-no, I've never felt like this over there don't stop.

"...m….my pussy?" I looked at him shyly and he kissed me again. "Hhaaahn!" He put one of his strong arms behind me an using my pussy and my back he lifted me to the head board so I can watch him play with me. 

"So why should I hate you? Because I made your pussy excited? A three inch clit isn't anything to be embarrassed over." He stared at me.

Its too much, he's eyes are staring at me so hard I can feel his gaze as if he was fucking my eyes with his eyes. Is that what this is? He's playing with my pussy as he eye fucks me? Did I just call it a pussy?

"But my pussy looks ha-ha-ha… different." My breathing is getting rough.

"Should I love your pussy any less?"

"NO!" I shouted, taking myself off guard. "P-p-please love my pussy as much as you can." At my words he squeezed my pussy, he pulled my dangling labia over my large clit and began stroking them together. "Please… please… rougher." He squeezed harder, shortening my breath but increasing my excitement.

"Mirai" he kissed me as he said my name. "Don't ever fear disappointing me. We disappoint people in our lives but please, don't let it stop you from being yourself around me or feeling ashamed around me. I accepted your feelings and YOU come with that. You said you wanted to be MY woman right?"

"Yes… yes… yes… squeeze my pussy harder. Yes." My heart is being overwhelmed.

"I love you, Mirai. Whether being a man or woman comes second to that, because first and foremost I love Mirai for being Mirai."

Oh fuck!

"Mirai, it's still too early for us to get married, but…"

Marriage?! I'm being pushed over the edge.. I'm so close, I'm so close. 

"Could I have the honor of being considered a husband candidate?"

"Fucccckkk yeeessssss." I came the hardest I have ever cum from using my co…. Cunt. "Danna-sama, I already consider you my husband." I said with a flushed face 

"Mirai you were raised to be a wife, it was forced on you but you have experience, you can be a good wife to any man, but that's not a benefit for you. I want you to actually decide if I'm good enough to be your husband, after all I have no experience being a husband." He said with a chuckle.

So he wants me to have the choice and not to force me into this…… I love him.

"Ha-Ha-Haruto-sama," I blushed as I said his name, "are you asking me to be your girlfriend before your wife?"

"Well yeah!" He smiled still.

A girlfriend is below a wife, but why do I feel so happy to be one?

"Yes!" I lean forward and kiss him deeply. "Since I came, should I do something for you…. Ha… Haruto?" 

Why is saying his name more embarrassing than calling him danna-sama?

"Mirai," his face turned a little serious. "You came over because some trouble happened, so I want to only give you comfort so don't worry about it. Besides that, would you want me to clean your pussy?"

Haruto's face got close to my cum covered pussy.

Would he really?! Wait?!

"Stop!" I hold his head. "I want to wait the 30 days, it hurts me to say but I want something right. Something more clean. I've been a sex slave, but for Haruto I want to be….." my voice got really soft and I turned my head to avoid his eyes, "....a love slave."

He kissed me with the vigor of a perverted grandpa, but with the love of a compassionate grandma. 

Our tongues lashed out but caressed each other lovingly. Our lips sealed so tightly we shared our air. When we separated I felt like I was in a dream.

"Mirai, are you hungry? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you…." My gaze went down at my embarrassing request, "could stay close to me all day?"



<P.O.V Haruto>

What a cute request!

"You couldn't push me away if you tried." I got up and brought the food over to Mirai. He picked up the sandwich and started nibbling.

He's like a tiny kitten/kitsune hybrid.

Only able to finish half the sandwich and a few sips of tea. I place the tray back on the desk and swiftly get back to Mirais side.

I pick her up in a princess carry and carry Mirai to the bathroom…... downstairs.

As romantic as I'd want to be I don't wanna do that again. But Mirai looked scared we'd fall and cuddled into a ball of cuteness so I couldn't stop.

Bumping into Sachiko in the hallway, I ask her if she could bring clothes for Mirai. She stared at us for a while, seeing Mirai in my arms must have given her complicated feelings, but at the end she had the most tender smile. She nodded and ran upstairs.

In the washroom I put Mirai down and strip her. Seeing her tattoos and piercings always upset me before because she said she was forced to get them. Now I hate them because some price marked my woman. Seeing the look in my eyes Mirai smiled at me and clung to me.

"Does my markings upset you?" She asked

"They do. Would you be against us removing them?" I hugged her back.

"Not at all, but I want some to stay there, and I want new ones drawn over them. Ones that represent me, you, and our new life." She looked up at me from my chest.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She tiptoed an kiss me. "I went through pain to get these when I didn't want them. I wanna show you I'm willing to CHOOSE to get them for you. While also making me cuter~."

"Nope it's impossible."

"Huh? I can't get tattoos that represent us?" She looked authentically sad.

"Not that," I kissed her forehead. "It's impossible for you to get any cuter, I can not believe it can happen. This Mirai in my arms is the cutest."

As soon as I said those words, I got poked in my thigh.

"Could you bathe with me?"

"Of course, I was about to ask if I could scrub your back."

We separated our bodies and I got my first full glimpse of Mirais naked body and his full erection.

Is it wrong to think that's cute too? Her dick and balls can fit in my hand. Her adorable belly that's not flat or bulging, her thick thighs that rub together as she walks. Her cute palm-size tits have the tiniest nipples, only enlarged by the connecting chain piercing she has.

My dick starts to swell casting Mirai to cover her chest embarrassingly.

"If you are gonna stare… at… at.. least say something."

"I'm sorry I was just thinking how beautiful you are."

Steam started to rise off the blushing head of Mirai. As this was happening Sachiko dropped off the clothes for Mirai, but not without staring at the situation.

"I'll be outside if you guys need anything else." She said awkwardly as she closed the door.

Not gonna lie, can't blame her. The kid that was just inside of her is now naked staring dick tip to dick tip with her former son now daughter. It's pretty up there in strange situations. 

We enter the sliding door to the bathtub. I Have Mirai sit on the wash seat. I turn on the water? Test the temperature and spray her down. 

I squirt some shampoo into my hand, lather, and apply. I massage deeply into her scalp, to relax tension.

Mirai is giving out mixtures of whines and moans. Turn my attention to the base of the head connecting to her neck and I massaged there with the tips of my fingers.

I get on my knees and soap up a cloth and scrub her down. I do almost her entire body but have her do her front and butt.

Mirai offered to do me as well, and followed the same procedure I did.

We rinse off and enter the tub together. She is sitting between my legs leaning onto my chest, as I stroke her chest playfully from behind her. Mirai seems to be at peace right now.

Not gonna lie, so am I.


"Yes Mirai?"

"I don't want you protecting me if you might get hurt."



"If you might get hurt, then I'm protecting you."

At my words Mirai sits up and turns to me


I kissed her and interrupted her words. I backed away.

"We are together. Not just as a relationship, but in all things whether it troubles, successes, failures, and celebrations. Me accepting you, means I've accepted that responsibility. I hope…." I trailed off, somethings shouldn't have to be said.

But that's what I thought with Sakura, and it seems there's more to that than I know.

"I hope you want the same." I said I turned my gaze.

"You mean…. I… can protect you?" Mirai said 

Huh? Wait that's what you got from that? Well you're not wrong.

"Yes, husbands and wives; boyfriend's and girlfriends. It's a partnership, not a contract. You have to help each other while still being the person the other fell in love with. It's work sometimes, sometimes it's a vacation. Do you want that with me?"

"Even if I'm the wife…. I'll be your equal?"


Now I'm starting to see more of the fucked up damage Sasuke caused. Men and women aren't equal to the point that a man representing a woman isn't equal? What the fuck!?

"Mirai, what does a wife do?" I honestly asked

"Cater to the husband, clean after the husband, cook for the husband, and pamper the husband after a hard day."

What the fuck happened to paying bills?! Wait!? Cook? Clean? Cater? And pamper?!

"Ummm Mirai, uhhh are you uhhh…. You know I just did all that for you right?"

The look of shock on this naked traps face was like someone threw a toaster in out tub.

Still adorable though.

"I honestly don't mind it as long as your happy, but let's save this talk for another time. Let's head out."

We get out of the tub and I help Mirai dry off. She sways her sexy ass to the clothes Sachiko brought as I dry myself off. 

No clothes for me, you may think I'm a narcissist or I'm bragging, but it's neither. I've worn layers of clothes for years and now I'm making up for lost time of feeling wind on my skin. Ill probably grow out of this phase soon.

As I finish drying my now short hair

It's so much faster without the hentai protagonist haircut.

As I remove my towel from my head… my jaw drops.

In front of me is Mirai…. In a bear onsie… hes wearing teddy bear feet pajamas! 

It has an ear hoodie.

Mirai does a little turn for me.

It has a butt flap.

"How does it look?" Mirai asked while shyly shifting her feet!

"Mirai, I said it would be impossible for you to be cuter and I was dead wrong."

I rushed over an tossed Mirai on my shoulder and walked us both out of the washroom.

"Haruto! What are you doing?"

"Mirai, you're too cute I can't allow you to be away from my body right now."

I quickly hurried us to the family room to sit on the couch. I grab the remote, bring Mirai off my shoulder and into a hug, and the plop down with Mirai cradled on my lap.

Fuck! I made a grave error!

I look around, Sachiko is on the love seat staring at us.

She must have seen all of that huh? I HAVE NO SHAME WHEN I HAVE THIS AMOUNT OF CUTENESS IN MY LAP!

"Sachiko." I said in the most normal voice I could muster.

"Yes." Sachiko is giggling now, "I'm so sorry, I just didn't think Mirai could be so cute, and honestly I'm a little jealous at how well you treat him. Enough about that, what was it."

I really think Sachiko is enjoying her new life with us. She smiles everyday and she seems to be able to be herself.

"Sachiko could you grab my phone from my room please? I'm sorry I don't wanna leave my Mirai-kuma alone." I nuzzled my nose to Mirais and wiggle my face. It got her to giggle furiously.

Sachiko got up but her eyes never left me and Mirai. She hurried upstairs and brought my phone down. She handed me my phone and tried to walk away, but I pulled her onto the couch.

"What-what are you doing?" She asked as hopped in her lap with Mirai in mine.

"An adorable photo moment. smile!"


*click* "do a sexy face"

*click* "now funny faces"

Hahahahahaa, we were all laughing at the silliness of it all. When all of a sudden Mirai kissed me deep and slow. No tongue, just emotions.

"Haruto can you promise I'll never be hurt again?" She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Mirai," I softened my face for him. "I can't promise that. Life has funny ways to test a person. One moment everyone's laughing and having a good time and the last things you ever say to each other is 'dont stay up too late' just to be told the next day their gone." A tear ran down my cheek. "Evil people can cheat, use, or hurt others and still end up with what you want when you gave it your all and worked hard." I wipe my eye, "but what I can promise is that you won't face those things alone, I won't let you face hard times alone again. I can also promise that every day, I'll my best to make you smile at least once, so when you look back on your memories with me the good will always outweigh the bad. Lastly, I can promise I'll be good enough to never break these promises to you."

Mirais' eyes teared up and we kissed again. I felt a hand shoulder and me and Mirai were pulled into a hugged by Sachiko, then more hands. Himeno and Sakura are all involved in this dogpile hug now.

"..a..air!" Mirai squeezed and every dispersed a little.

"SO CUTE!!!"


Himeno and Sakura see the outfit Mirai is wearing and they start petting her and fawning over her.

We decided that we would do a slumber party. If I put on pajamas. The entire point was to be comfortable not alluring. Sakura wore her special blue pajama suit, Himeno wore a violet nightgown, I wore sweatpants and a t-shirt. Sachiko wore a yellow bra with a matching thong.

"I have to go to work soon, it's easier to just put more clothes on than change an outfit."

I'm not really complaining, it's a welcome view.

We all snuggle up and watch movie after movie. The great old classics. The one about a moving castle, the one where you're spirited away, but my all time favorite is the wolf princess. I don't know a beautiful, dangerous woman covered in blo…


"Haruto are you ok?" Mirai asked and everyone looked at me.

"Uh yeah, yeah. Just a little headache."

"Ok let us know if you're not feeling well."

"Ok guys I have to head for work" Sachiko got up and kissed Himeno on the cheek, patted Sakura's head, kissed Mirais forehead, and planted one on my lips…..

Uhhh what just happened?

Sachiko's movement slowed down and the look on her face made it known she didn't plan to do that. "Well see you guys tomorrow."

The only one who saw it and was still staring at me was Mirai.

"Hey guys how about we use a tablet and take this to the bedroom?"

We go to my room and we all snuggle close to each other on the bed. Teddy-bear Mirai between my legs and she's holding the tablet, with Sakura and Himeno to my sides. We watch one more movie as we all drift to sleep.

Mirai and I are the last to fall asleep. I kissed Mirai on the cheek.


"Haruto, when I wake up, i'll still be here right? This isn't a dream right?"

"My mom used to stroke my hair when I had a hard time sleeping, and she'd do it until I fell asleep. Would you like that?"

"I-I-I'm not a kid…."

"So you don't want…"

"I didn't say that." Mirai pouts at me, then smiles. I lean and kiss her.

So cheeky!

"Ok just relax ok."

So I gently stroked Mirais hair for the next 15 minutes. Honestly you'd think it was a long time, but I stared at the cute sleeping face of everyone around me and I was in a trance.

Why does life make it so hard to keep everyone happy? I'll make them happy somehow.

My hand movement on Mirais' head slowly falters, and drops to my side as I let sleep take me.

sorry guys, I'm writing chapters to keep up with my releases but all my chapters are getting over 5k words each, and I will have to do some editing on the newer ones, and a few older. So only 1 chapter for today.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.