The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 21- who the f*ck do you think you are!? 2

instead of posting 2 on Tuesday,  I decided to post one today and another on tuesday, hopefully I'll be back on schedule for the last chapters of the  arc.

CONTENT WARNING, victim blaming.

<p.o.v. ???>

"Yes! Yes! Haruto!" 

Two shadows in a darkened room are moving violently in the night. 

"Cum in me, cum inside me. Cum for mommy."

A beautiful red haired woman is laying on her back, being violently thrusted by a naked young man with short black hair.

"Suck on my tits, remember how you loved them as a baby? Do you still love them? Suck on them like when you were a baby."

"You know I love mommies big tits." The boy said as he latched onto both the nipples of the pressed together mountains.

"Yes! Yes!" She cried as a *pop* sounded when the boy roughly pulled away from her nipples.

"Are you gonna give me another sister? Can I have a new sister mommy?"

"Yes! Yes! Impregnate me, you won't be alone ever again!"

"Take your sons cum, here, here , here it is!"

"YESSSSS!" The woman arched her back and received the boy's load.

Both of them breathing heavily and panting. After a few moments the boy spoke.

"Mommy it would be good to have a new T.V in here so we could watch all our old favorites don't you think?"

"Huh? But aren't we moving back home soon?" She asked while holding the boy smaller than her in reverse spoon.

"Well of course we'll take it with us when we leave, but for nowwwww mommy."

"Awwww ok, let's look for one tomorrow after you're done with school."

"Thank you mommy!" The boy said as he pressed his face into the woman's large chest.

They laid together until sleep over took them.

<p.o.v Haruto>


I awoke from my slumber with Mirais face near mine, and a wonderful warmth on my member.

"Ha, ha, ha." My voice is escaping. I feel close to finishing and it seems like the perpetrator knows it. Their movements are deliberately slowed and I start moving my hips to help myself finish but the assailant backs off further.

"Brother, do you want to finish?"

I hear Himenos voice coming from behind Mirais body, I try to move but I don't want to wake my little pixie, realizing I have no options I submit.

"Yes please." I try to whisper.

*slurp*  *SLURP*

"HOH!" I close my mouth for being too loud as I ejaculate. "HMMmmmmmm." I feel something wet and warm moving around the tip of my cock head, until it tries to penetrate my urethra? Eliciting a moan out of me. 

*slurrrrp* *gulp* *gulp* *slurrrrrrrrp* *pop*

"Good morning, Haruto." Himeno said.

I reached down towards my penis and patted her head. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Sakura." Himeno said with a weird tone.

I turned to Sakura's direction and she wasn't moving but one eye was open, staring at Himeno menacingly.

She is up really early.

"Ok I got to go." I shifted my pixie toward Sakura and I scoot off the bed, Himeno was naked and on all fours, sitting back on her feet like a dog waiting for a command at the end of the bed. I pet Sakura and Mirais head and walk to Himeno for a morning kiss.

"Sakura don't forget you're meds ok?" 

"Un." Nodded Sakura while she remained in her unmoving position.

"Himeno, there's no rush but try to make some plans for the future, like what you'd be interested in doing for work or even a hobby."

"Of course! I won't let you be the only hard worker." She said as she arched her back more and used her feet to spread her ass cheeks.

Fuck I'm gonna get hard again.

"Let Mirai know I'm at school. She might not want to be alone, it might be best for her to stay out of school for the day."

"You sound just like a… daddy, with all your worries." Himeno said seductively.

Sakura's head jerked at Himeno's statement, but quickly settled back before I could voice anything.

The girls don't have to do anything today, and I don't know if Mirai will want to go to school. I would just stay home, however, I have obligations that I commited to. So, I wash up and get ready. I'll stay in school after the fitness training for the club today so I bring a duffel bag with my uniform. Currently I'm wearing gray sweatpants and a white tank top.

Under-dressing has started to lose its appeal,  but my wardrobe is lacking so I don't have much choice. I should probably buy more normal clothes.

After washing up, I make some sandwiches  and put them on a plate. I take one for myself and I wrap the rest in clear wrap and leave it on the table for when the girls come down.

I hope they like it.

I leave. Bags and sandwich in hand destination, Judo club.




In the Judo club room is a huge open matted area. On the walls are mirrors to allow you to see form, technique, and mistakes. Hanging around the mat sitting in a circle are all the members: 13 girls and 21 boys. In the center is the 3rd year captain, Miyamoto Kazawa, the monkey faced judo expert.

"ADONIS-KUN! You have decided to shed your outer shell and EMBRACE the world of muscle as it's meant to be."

The bald 177cm tall man speaks loudly with his raspy voice as he removes his arms from his Gi letting it fall to his waist. The man flexes at me exposing his pale 92kg bulky body. He isn't overly defined, but for his size with no extra hanging fat, you know he's in shape. He turns sideways and positions his front arm in an L shape, then grabbing his own wrist he flexes and poses. Only when he flexes can you can see the definition in his muscles, its intimidating. 

Did this gorilla just call me Adonis?

"HAHAHAHAHAA!" The gorilla (Miyamoto-senpai) begins to laugh and the rest if the club follows suit.

"Enough!" He says and everyone goes silent as he walks toward me.

"Tamaki-kun," he chuckles to himself. "I'm sorry that was just my Sumire-san impersonation. There's no way I could handle being on the giving or receiving end of that." He gives me a short bow, "I'm impressed you can handle it."

"I wouldn't necessarily say I handle it…" I nervously chuckle. "Oof…" he patted me on the shoulder.

What's with this strength?

I've worked with the Judo club once already, when I did all 3 clubs in a day, but that wasn't productive for me learning or me teaching. So I have divided my time to each club once a week, and if I have any free time I'll stop by an extra day.

"Are you ready to get started?" I ask him.

"Yes of course." He turns back to everyone that was on the mat.

"YOSHHHHH!" He yelled, causing everyone to simultaneously leap to their feet and assemble in their lines.

"FIGHT-O" Miyamoto-san yelled.



"FIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHTTT-O" they yell as he turns back to me.

"They are fired up and ready for you. Let us begin."

I went over the normal routines I do. I found out that if you haven't attempted to do 200 push-ups within an hour(let alone a day), then it's very difficult to do so normally.

And that's not including the squats and sit ups…..and 6 jack off sessions.

To compensate for time I make them do 60 each as fast as they can, while I go around and check their form. We do this after warm ups of course. (Which was rounds of shrimp ingredients, jumping jacks, and jogging the mat)

I focus on flexibility with them since being flexible will allow them to defend against throws, as well as produce better ones themselves.

Too many of the girls are asking me to help them stretch, because of that all of the guys are avoiding me! What happened to comradery?! Where's the brotherhood!?

I ended up partnered with a first year girl. The only first year girl that wasn't actively trying to be my partner. Standing at 161cm she has her long black hair tied up in a ponytail. She has a defined oval face, with mesmerizing black eyes. The Gi blocks off most of her figure but you can see at her belt that her waist is thin, hips are wide. Her thigh thickness is noticeable through the gi as she moves, but nothing else.

"I'll be in your care, Tomaki-san." She greeted me.

"Oh… err…" shit I forgot her name

"Miyamoto Kohana." She said looking down in disappointment.

"Oh Miyamoto-san…." I bowed, wait a minute! "Miyamoto-san…?"

"Yeah, the captain is my older brother." She said looking towards the gorilla and waving.


How?! Just how does this happen?! They have to be step siblings! That man obviously has baboon in his bloodline! Sorry captain but I dont lie and neither should you banana lover!

"Through marriage?" I chuckle nervously.

"Huh? No, we have the same parents." She looked at me like my question made no sense.

My reality is breaking, the difference between them is too big!

"Tamaki-kun? Should we start?" She asked me. I didn't realize all the other partners already started.

"Ok yes Miyamoto-san."

"Please don't be so formal, after all," she looked away shyly, "you are kinda my sensei right now."

She emphasized that word pretty deeply.

"Oh...uh.. sure, Miyamoto-chan." She looked up and smiled as I said those words.

We began our stretches. Helping each other with calf, quad, hamstring, abdomen, back, and shoulder stretches. I was very careful not to touch anywhere inappropriate.

What is this feeling?? There's no way that an orangutan escaped from the zoo and is staring a hole in my back is there?

Finally once we are done I go over the week's fitness plan with Gorilla-san, so they can progress before my next visit. 

From here in they continued their judo practice going over the basics:

Ippon Seoi Nage – One Hand Shoulder Throw

Kata Guruma – Shoulder Wheel.

Kibisu Gaeshi – One Hand Reversal.

Kouchi Gaeshi – Minor Inner Reap Reversal.

I participated and Gorilla-san was impressed with my learning speed; he was impressed enough to also show me an extra move in our little bit of down time.

Kuchiki Taoshi – Single Leg Takedown.

Unbeknownst to me the Miyamoto siblings give each other a knowing nod after I was taught the leg takedown and my back was turned to them.

I, in no way shape or form, mastered anything in a day. I will practice them when I am able. 

Consistency is the magical spell that leads to mastering. I could learn these martial arts to strengthen what I was taught growing up.. Hmmmm… Hime might be interested in learning.

The idea of teaching Hime something for once gets me pumped up and excited. 

Maybe I should get some Gi's

Just imagining us progressing with training while I have my hands all over her, our gi's becoming disheveled during training and hers being pulled open, as I slammed her to the ground, exposing her muscular body. The sweat dripping on every brick of her abs. 

Awwww yeah.

In front of me is Miyamoto-chan and she looks frightened or shocked, but her face is burning red.

Huh? Oh a few girls are staring at me. Or not staring at me….

I look down.

FUUUUUCK!!! My dick is harder than a viagra popsicle!!! I only have my sweatpants and regular boxers on! My jock strap is in my duffel!!

I quickly bow while holding my dick down.

"I'll be on my way, thank you for your time." I stayed hunched over as I grabbed my duffel and school bags and left.

The Miyamoto siblings approach each other.

"So what do you think brother?"

"You never had to get my approval you know? But even still, you did get it. He's a hard worker and very capable, I'll leave the rest up to you."

They were leaving to do more mat work but then,

"Also, good luck handling that python he has hahaha."

Miyamoto-chan went beet red.




After that day, the Judo club was known for the monkey faced captain and the python legged fitness trainer.




I'm taking a shower in the gym, boys locker room. Trying to scrub myself clean from all the sweat and naughty thoughts.

Fuck! It took two times but it's finally down. Wait! This feeling….. hea-

"Like ya'know, gushin that smelly cum out makes it totes easy to find ya babes."

I turn around and there's a naked Rika in my shower stall. The water dripping off her dark body looks like chocolate is melting off of her.

Her pink nipples are hard and on full display. I don't know if I'm staring dagger at them or the other way around. Her meaty pubic area is home to a classy landing black landing strip.

My plane wants to dock that hanger.

"Holy fuck."

"For seeing me naked full on fo'the first time I totes thought I'd get more out of ya." She comes to me under the shower head staring down into my eyes, her hearts are on full display. "I guess I just can't compare to a sis like Himeno." She looks away for a moment.

"Rika." She turns her head.


I vanilla kiss her, she's taller than me so I didn't know if this would work. I tiptoed just in case.

Wanting to show her my feelings for her I become more assertive.

"Whoa!" She said as I picked her up slammed her into the shower wall. With nowhere to escape I kiss into her. This time it's not vanilla. Tongues are lashing, lips are sucking, and I am fondling. I came three times this morning and that's all that's stopping me from rising up and drilling into her right now.

Am I pussy enough to be passive when a woman gets naked with me in an enclosed area? HELL NO! Unless she said stop of course.

"Stop." Rika squeezed out of our conjoined lips.

Wait what?!

I seperate my lips from hers.

"Is something wrong?" I ask 

"Babes with you? Never. It's just," I put her back down. "I've made a choice, yeah." She looked at me with sad eyes.

"What is it?"

"I work this week, and after like…. Im gonna come clean." I see a tear coming from her eyes, "I can't do it. Havin other men touch ma' body is disgustin. If I do it much longer I could never allow you to touch me again." She touched my cheek. "I can't dirty ya babes, you're like totes my new world, and I made a mess of my last one." Her tears start flowing freely. "All I ever 'ad ta worry bout was ma' parents finding out, I woulda quit soon after the initial blackmail, but." Rika starts sobbing, her cries echo in the shower. "Rika wants love, Rika wants love bad babes! I totes stayed working at first hopin my ex-bf would take me back! Hoping if I can be 'at type o' girl he'll look at me. Then when I realized it was done-done, I was already friends with Akio. Akio' dad is a big politician, he got a lot of pull, if 'is only daughter was caught in this," she looked me in the eyes, "I stayed cause Sasuke said if one of us step out of line ALL of us will go down."

"You are a good friend Rika." I said as I kissed her.

"*sob*, but I can't be good no more!" She wipes her eyes, "I told Akio I will give a few days, but… I'll tell ma' parents then turn myself in. I totes won't touch babes while I have the stink of others on me." Rika starts scratching her skin roughly, I grab her hands to stop her. "I want one of those romance nights for me and you when we have our first babes. Not here, B-b-but if Rika disappears…." She starts sobbing again while I hug her.

"Wait wait what do you mean?" Im concerned about her disappearing.

"If I like don't go ta' jail, I might get sent ta' brazil, my parents are forgiving but protective."

And just like that, I felt like something was taken from me. I felt a sense of loss, yet she's right here still. Rika is my world. Yes I have Himeno, Akio, and Mirai.

But who will say totes? Rika is my everlasting positivity, I don't wanna lose her from my life like this, but what do I say? Keep fucking other men?!

"I wanted just once ta' feel ya' pressed against me."

"When you tell your family, I want to be there."

"Huh?" Rikas face twisted to one of horror. "N-n-no they would blame babes…"

"Thats fine. If your parents feel I didn't protect you and I don't deserve you, I'll accept that, but I've always wanted to greet my in laws. It was a huge goal, that I thought I would have to abandon because of my life with Himeno and Sakura. I want to make this big step for you. Whether I succeed or fail, whether we do end up together or not, I want them to know I'm proud of my love for you.


fuck I did it again.

Rika now has me slammed against a wall being lifted in the air, her eyes are glowing with their heart shapes and with my feet dangling 

I'm actually very scared for my brown cherry chastity.

"Ruto-babes!" She begins licking my chest, leading up to my neck, finally kissing me. "Did ya…." Her breath is hot and heavy. "Totes just say…. in-laws?"

"Yes, I want to date you with the intention of mar-"

"AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She moaned as her chocolate body quivered. A stream of warm liquid hits my dangling feet for a while before she drops me and slumps to the ground. She begins crawling up my leg. "I… want it. *chuu* *chuu*" she's kissing up my thigh. "So badly, I need it. *chuu* *chuu*" Now she's kissing around my pubic area. I can feel her moca-mountains on my dick, but she's only kissing near the area. "I want…." She stops kissing me and she stands up.

I feel like I'm getting mixed signals.

"Ruto-babes I love ya', I never got over ma' ex until ya' showed me friendship, showed me being with someone can be 100% fun just by bein there. I hadn't wanted sex before, I crave ya babes, but ill wait Ruto-babes, ya worth waitin 1000 days for. But, I have one selfish request. Can I?" Rika said blushing, heart eyes still on.

I'm a little concerned at what her request could be in yandere mode.

"Name it."




We were in the shower for a little too long, but we were able to get out safely, we separated and headed to our homerooms. This is the first time I'm wearing our school uniform properly, and with my new haircut I'm turning a lot of heads.

I now head to my classroom where it seems a lot of people are surrounding my desk?

What's going on?

I get closer to my desk and everyone disperses. Some girls take off guard, freeze and blush as I enter their personal space to get through. A few girls start speaking up while the boys seem just as concerned but less vocal. All the girls turned and looked at me, and rushed to be first to report to me.

"Tomaki-kun I didn't see who did it, it was like this when…"

"Tomaki-kun who would do this?"

"Hey did anyone see who did this?"

My classmates were in a frenzy. On my desk is writing and marking.



Whore lover

Sakura cunts cuck



Semen sucker

Tunnel buddy

And inside my desk are torn up pages of NTR novels. From the most hated, to the most heartbreaking. None matter to me though.

Once you live it, reading someone else's NTR life is just like oh? First time?

Unfazed I decided to just clean out the inside of my desk, and tried to use a rag to wipe off the words. I got some off before class started. 

I guess THIS is the legendary bullying.



The day was almost normal except more people were trying to give me attention. I kept trying to catch Akio or Rika in the halls, but no luck.

I don't know if the halls are more crowded but it seems more people are bumping into me, and I think they are getting handsy.

In classes everything seems fine I have all male teachers (not like I can pull older women to my side anyway.) So everything goes smoothly. More people than ever has asked me for help though. 

Is it really the hair cut or is the material difficult?



At lunch I go to the cafeteria. I'm trying to meet up with Rika to fulfill her request but I finally see Akio.  I waved but, i got no response, so I tried to catch up to her and say hello. Akio looks up at me while I approached her and her face looked like she's just seen a monster.

Huh? Why does she look so scared?

She starts shaking, she grabs her shoulders and heads into the opposite direction.


"Ruto-babes!" Rika found me and tries to pull me to the cafeteria.

"Wait wait." Rika freezes. "Have you spoken with Akio today? I just saw her but she seemed spooked."

"Hmmmm…?" She puts a finger to her lip and thinks,  "No actually. She must be totes busy. Normally we talk a bunch by now."

"She must be avoiding us right now."

"Huh? Why would she..?"

"Thats wh-"

"Hey asshole!" 

Huh? I turned around to see Azawa Ito with his cronies. "Yeah you dumb fuck." He said as he pointed at me.

I just stare at him while he's making a scene. 

"Your fucking bitch gave me an STD, now how are you gonna take responsibility." He is now in my personal space and his cronies are on either side of him. Rika is still holding my arm.

"Don't know what you mean."

I didn't lie, I don't call women bitches. So none of my bitches gave him anything since I don't have any.

"Oh are you upset? That's why you're acting stupid!? Upset a real man took your girl and was making her moan?" He tries to goad me but I literally have no reaction to his words.

He's a discount Sasuke I don't even feel like talking to him, but here we go.

"It seemed like you were upset about something, and now it seems like you're bragging, which is it?" I pat Rikas hands on my arm and guide her behind me without taking my eyes off Azawa.

"Oh! You have another one?" Azawa says as he eyeballs Rika in a very disgusting way. 

"You should've seen the whole thing, she was acting like she didn't want it, saying she had to do things with you that day."

Ok that sounds like what Sakura told me? So she might have been forced a little, she still didn't seem to not want it when I showed up.

"But once me and my friends pulled her to the side she was riding my dick like crazy."

That's what I came in and saw.

"She even called your name out when she came if that makes you feel better."

She…. Hold on! She called for me?

That was the trigger that told me everything I needed to know about that day. Sakura called for help…. And I wasn't there.

"She'll be next," he pointed behind me, "you think I didn't hear rumors about the slut behind your back…."


"AWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Azawa looked at his finger he was pointing at Rika with. His hand is still facing in our direction but the finger he was using, is facing upwards. I bent his finger and broke it, but Azawa is trying to reset it.

Gotta make space to deal with him.

I punch the goon on my left with a straight punch I learned from the boxing club, hitting him up the nose, making him wobble to the floor. I pull back and lift my foot as I turn with my fists momentum and thrust kick the goon on my right pushing him away.

Now Azawa is alone in front of me. He popped his finger back in place, we have long since gathered a crowd, I know I am being recorded, but I'm beyond upset.

"You forced a girl into sex and complained about you catching an STD?!" 

I swing a wild punch at him but he blocked it.

"You come to me, to brag about it?!"

I throw a thrust kick to catch him off balance but he stance is evenly distributed so it had little effect.

"You threaten to do that to another girl right in front of me?! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?"

I lunged at Azawa, throwing a wide punch, he caught my wrist, twisted his body, and slammed me into the floor.

Ippon Seoi Nage?

I scrambled to my feet attacking him again. This time I dived low, took his feet out from under him and ended up on top of him. I begin to throw uncontrolled punches at his entire body. 

Cover your stupid face! Once you can't move your arms I'm coming for that next!

I aim for his ribs and chest, but I land only one good punch as I'm being dragged off. The second goon has my neck and my legs are dangling on the ground trying to find a base. I see goon one get to his feet as well.

Nice one asshole, but today was the wrong day to try this!

I grab the wrist and elbow around my neck. Goon 1 gets in front of me with a completely blood soaked face. He starts punching my body. I begin to tighten my body as I learned from boxing club.

Thank you boxing club. But I can't lose focus.

Gripping goon 2's arm in my hands, I plant my feet and stand straight up, and at the same time pop my ass back, while simultaneously pulling forward. Goon 2 flies onto goon 1 as I flipped him over my shoulder. I run to the laying down goon 2, I jump and slam my knee into his chest. I hold his neck down as I deliver 2 punches up his nose.

As goon 1 stumbles to get up I jump to my feet and run toward him. I use him as a stepping stool as I catapult my body into Azawas chin with my head. Connection.

Goon 1 is trying to get up, now it's time for sports. I stand up and position myself, he's kneeling with his head hunched over… step, step.


Goalie kicked him in the chest, he entered the fetal position trying to gasp for air. Azawa is back on his feet. I rush at him again. We both swing wildly at each other and we both connect. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.

I'm just punching. He's trying to gain an advantage. Most of our punches hit the opponents arms or fists with a few connecting. I swing wide again.


He caught me and flipped me again knocking the air out of me. My breathing is getting heavy. Goon 1 & 2 haven't come back into my line of sight. I try to focus on just Azawa but my thinking is getting clouded. All I can think of is Sakura calling for me and I didn't make it. 

She needed me and I didn't make it.

She tried to explain and I slapped her

I failed to protect and I to believe in her.

Yes she cheated on me in horrible ways and ruined my trust, but without me knowing I let the resentment shape me and my decisions. I can't control what others do, but I can control what I do, and I should've been a better man!

My mind goes crazy, what would happen if it was anyone else? I imagine him doing the same to Rika…….Mirai...Akio…… Himeno.

Everything narrows. I charged at him. I connected, I connected, I connected.



I can't remember what happened.

Am I being hit? Did I get hit? Azawa is on the floor… next to me?

I look up and I see two faces. A crying Rika, and a worried….

"Miyamoto-chan?" I squeek.

Everything goes black.




I awoke in the infirmary. Rika is nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck my head hurts." I try to sit up, my body is bruised all over. I try not to pay attention to it but.

Fuck this hurts.

I finally sat up. 

I wish I had some more adrenaline pumping through me.

"Sensei! You shouldn't move on your own."


I look and I see the beautiful face of Miyamoto-chan stepping through the curtain that surrounds my cot. She's dressed up in the same school girl uniform as the other girls but wears it properly like Akio. 

"Miyamoto-chan? What time is it?" 

"It's after school, clubs just started. The principle was here but told me to tell you, your guardian will be notified."

"Where is Rika?"

"Oh…. You are close with Sagrado-san?" She looked a little depressed, noticing I used no honorifics. 

"Yeah, we are."

Fuck I think my lips busted open. I hope I don't sound like that one ear-biting boxer.

"She said she had an appointment and you'd understand."

Fuck! If it isn't guilt eating my heart, it's this huh?

"....yeah…. I do." I said in a defeated tone.

"I saw some of the videos of the altercation with Azawa-senpai, I was wondering if you could tell me about what he did and when?"

Video? Yup recording confirmed.

"Does it concern you?" I asked in a tone harsher than I meant

"It just might sensei." She sat in the cot and said earnestly.

"Do you mind if I leave the girl's name out? I know you probably already know who it is, but I will feel troubled if I use their name without permission."

"Not at all, in fact it's one of your best qualities." She formed a little chuckle.


Without questioning anything I tell her about what happened on Friday. I do add that I've been part of other situations the girls put me through for context, and initially I blamed her.

"So, even though she hurt you so much, you fought for her honor?"

Huh? Did I? I made a promise to always protect her, is that the same thing?

"I guess? Where are Azawa and the others?

"The hospital."

"Wait what?"

"Sensei, what's the last thing you remember?"

"After I put the goons down Azawa and I were hitting each other until he flipped me, I struggled to get up and……. That's it." The look of shock on Miyamoto-chan's face as I said that.

"Sensei after that you grabbed Azawa-senpai by the inside of his mouth and kept punching him, his friends got up to help him, but at that time Azawa-senpai's jaw was dislocated and he slumped to the ground. You then beat the other two as they kept hitting you until they couldn't get up. You.." Miyamoto-chan bit her lower lip, "you kept beating them even as they were unconscious so I stepped in and subdued you with a hip toss. I'm so sorry Sensei." Miyamoto-chan gets on the floor for a dogeza.

"Please please, its fine. If anything thank you for stopping me." She slowly gets up with a guilty look on her face.

"Sensei, last Friday Azawa-senpai quit the judo club. He was one of our best members and usually very nice. He confessed to me on friday." She said looking down

"That guy? Nice?!"

"Yes he was. But, what happened might be partly my fault. I told him I couldn't date him because I liked someone else, and thats when the trouble started. He took it very personally and quit the club. I didn't understand his reaction when I was very forthcoming, but upon further investigation," she looked away my me to finish, "the problem happened to be my brother."

The fucking gorilla!?

"My house has a very strong belief in strength, and that's how we pick our partners most times. My parents married and run a dojo together. It's been a tradition where we acclimate a family into our own that has their own martial art, teaches martial arts, or is very adaptive in learning."

That last part seems to hint at something.

"So my idiot brother told him I'd accept him if he was good enough, and if he's not good enough he'll be rejected. So when I said I liked someone else…"

"He took it as he saw someone as better than him."

"...." she nodded.

"Well the guy you like must be one hell of a guy if that's the standards." I chuckle then wince in pain.

"Oh he is! He always helps others when they need it, works himself to exhaustion to keep his word, is very kind, hardworking, smart, he's the most amazing person I thought I could ever meet. Then to my surprise he was even greater than I could ever imagine, because he's very strong." Her eyes became soft as a maiden in love at that last part. "I could never talk to him much except in our math class last year in middle school, but all he talked about was his female friends interests, until she finally became his girlfriend. Then he would talk about his girlfriends interests"

"He sounds amazing, and amazingly dense." At my words Miyamoto-chan begins laughing

That's a lovely smile.

"Sensei I am partially to blame for the situation, and I did injure you. Could I make it up to you?"

"I'm not one to turn down an offered gift, because I think it's rude but please don't trouble yourself if it will be a burden."

"Is there anything you'd like?"

"Anything you feel like giving me really, I don't want to pressure you after all you did he-"

This beauty that I only began talking with today is kissing me on my battered lips. Fuck her lips are so soft, that its soothing my pain. Her tongue awkwardly feels my lips, I try to meet it with mine but she pulls away.

"You're the guy I liked sensei."


"Its me, Koko." She pulled a pair of glasses out from behind her and put them on.


Jesus fuck! I was the dense guy!? Koko-chan was a classmate that sat by me all of my 3  years of middle school. She always wore glasses and had tight twin braids. She was also 25cm shorter!

"I-I-I-I-I…." I let my face get serious. "I appreciate your feelings, but I'm in a relationship right now."

"Oh really? Who with?" She had a devilish grin in her face.

"Oh with um, with um…. Wait, you know already don't you?"

"I know."

"How much do you know?" At my question she pulls out her phone and shows me the group picture of all the girls including Sachiko and Sakura that Rika had on her phone.

"So everyone of these girls, and that one is your sister, yes I know about her as well."

"You don't find me disgusting?" At my question she straddles my lap gently.

"At first I did, but I had over 3 years to get over it."

"Huh? 3 years?" 

"She would hang all over you when she was a 3rd year and you were a first year. Everyone thought you were boyfriend girlfriend, then we just found out you were just close siblings. I always had a suspicious feeling and one day after school I saw you both kissing." She kissed me again as she said that. "After that day I decided to distance myself from you, but you just shined more in my eyes as the days passed. When we, at the judo club, found out about the Adonis incident, I used it to have my brother bring you in to evaluate you. Today you showed a high aptitude for Judo and that's someone a husband candidate of mine needs. Not saying you are going to be my fiancée, but it's better to have approval then not having it."

"But I'm with other people right now, is that what you'd be happy with?"

"I waited years to confess to you, I'd rather wait for my turn rather than my chance." She gets up from my lap and bows, "Sensei I have liked you for a long time! Please go out with me."

I'm stunned speechless. This is…

The most normal confession I ever had to this day! But I have to think this through!

"Could I think it over? I don't want to rush into anything new while I still have so much going on, it would be unfair to both of us if we don't do this properly."

"Yes," she smiled and kissed me "I hoped more for that answer than a direct yes. Remember though, I just gave you my first.." she put her fingers to her lips and blushed, "just to prove I'm serious."

"Thank you for the honor." I kissed her this time. "I have to get going."

Struggling as I did, Koko didn't try to help me unless I requested. I kissed her one more time and said our farewells. 

Currently I don't  even know what the principal wanted to say, so hopefully I didn't cause trouble for Himeno. Sakura though…… I need to apologize.

Plagued by my thoughts I realized 

I didn't get to do Rikas request! Depending on what happens with the principle I can reschedule. Speaking of Rika, what happened with Akio? I should check my phone if anyone tried contacting me.

As I pulled out my phone I was leaving the school gate.

"Oi!" A voice called

I turned around and I saw a 172cm tall boy. Slim figure, dark eyes, he kinda has a young boy face, but he also looks like an ikeman.

"Are you Tomaki Haruto?" He said as he approached

"Yes I am."

"I'm so glad, my name is Uzumaki Tamada. We have a mutual friend in Kuwabara Akio, i was wondering if I can get your contact info, I'm trying to plan a get together."

"A friend of Akio? Sure I'll give you my contact info, she seemed off today, so anything that can help her, I want in." A look of annoyance flashed on Uzumaki-sans face but I didn't see it.

We exchange info.

"You can just save my name under, Tama."

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