The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 23- making a statement

content warning... gore, slight ero-guro, suggested child abuse, suggested rape, scat, piss play, mental manipulation, victim blaming.

<p.o.v Haruto>


My hands are shaking. 

Did he just cum in my Akio?! Did he say he's engaged to MY akio?! Why, why, why, why, Why, can't I get a fucking break! I knew what they had to do, I knew how they "worked", but did I have to fucking see it?! After fully accepting them I shouldn't have to deal with this. What about MY feelings? Do I always have to push them aside or allow them to get trampled on?





I snap back into reality by everyone either shaking me or grabbing….what used to be my phone in my hand, is now just two half screens.

Huh? What happened.

I looked around and the girls all look concerned.

Totally not a good time for naked apron, and that's why you shouldn't always use naked apron. Now I'll remember the time I was upset when surrounded by naked apron…. I'll worry about this later.

"What happened." I feel very dizzy and my body is hurting, fuck! My body slumps into my chair. "Mirai?" My little pixie is trying to be a shoulder for me to lean on. "Mirai what happened?"

"" she nervously looks around at the others, no one says a thing. "You were yelling you were going to kill Uzumaki-kun for tainting your Akio, and your whole body tensed up and you snapped your phone." Mirai has a worried look in her eyes, "you started bleeding from several bruises, we don't know why but we had to get you to calm down, I'm sorry, we had to."

"Huh? Had to… wha..t?" 

Blackness takes me.

<p.o.v Sakura>

We all made sure to put the tranquilized Ruto-kun to bed. We bandaged him up, made sure he was breathing properly and tucked him in. I just stared at his body, the body he put on the line…...for me, now in worse condition because of these distractions of his.

He fought for me, but he got angry for that Akio? Look at you Ruto-kun? You don't need them! They will only hurt you! I'll protect you! You have to see this is true! You have to know!.... no… I'll show you its true!

That bitch Akio put Ruto-kun in pain, I'll have to make her pay.

Sachiko and Mirai went down stairs to clean up. I kept staring at the broken and battered body of the person I love more than anything. 

How did things get like this? So many thoughts in my mind, my memories are messed up. Ruto-kun is hurt, they hurt my Ruto-kun. My heart is torn, I would have helped him, used my body to shield him as many times as it takes. I know he's mad at me and seeing him like this is painful, but I'm also glad……. He still loves me, I still have a chance……….  There's so much going on right now that it's bothering me. Life would be perfect if that bitch was never here. Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to do that kind of thing, I know that much! I'm being pushed away because of her!

"Sakura," Himeno called me out of my thoughts. "Sakura we have to talk." She looked at me with somber eyes.

Fuck not again no no no no no no no no no!

"I-I-I-I-Ive been good! I've been a good girl!" My tears swell up, and my body shivers. 

Himeno got closer and closer, she reached her hand out and I kept backing away until I was against a wall. She comes closer but I'm so scared that my mind… goes…. Blank….

<p.o.v Sakura>


*when breakfast was burnt and Haruto played with Himeno*

"You remember you have a boyfriend right? One that isn't Haruto." Himeno scolded me like a mother 

I shook my head, unable to decipher what Himeno was saying. That doesn't make sense

"Why would I have a boyfriend that's not Ruto-kun?"

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" Ruto-kun yelled, causing me to flinch and almost curl up into a ball. He took a few breaths to get his composure back before talking again, "I appreciate what you did yesterday," he said as he got closer to me, but I backed away, I can see anger rising in his eyes again. 

My Ruto-kun would never yell at me. He's the kindest person in the world. What's going on with my life?! I want to wake up and it will just be me and Ruto-kun again, then nothing will be wrong.

"You're gonna say you don't remember picking Sasuke over me?!"

I chose someone over him? I chose...

"Huh? Unnnhh." Sakura grips her head in pain and almost collapses to the ground, but Himeno catches her.

What are these images! I don't want them! Ruto-kun!

"Haruto? Could you make breakfast? I have to have a girl talk with Sakura." Himeno said as she leaned me against my shoulder.


"For me," Himeno caressed my cheek and stared into my eyes. "please."

Please stop touching him!

My eyes are puffing out from dealing with the smoke and from crying. Himeno takes me to her old room. It also has a very large bed in it. Her white nightstand and white desk are covered with framed pictures of Ruto-kun she probably took from the family album she has a pink canopy above her bed and black sheets and comforter.

We enter her room and Himeno removes her apron, becoming fully nude, and picks up a pillow from her bed and hands it to me.

"Here lift this up to your face and put your right ear to it, its a neat trick I learned."

Huh? I almost thought she was gonna threaten me.

Not seeing the harm in what she asked I complied, taking the pillow from her. I lifted the pillow to my face and put right here to it. I don't know if I'm suppose to listen for something, or-


My body went limp and I fell to the floor. My head is spinning, my jaw is rattled.

Something hit me?

I tried to lift the pillow off of my face.

"Mmmmppphhhh!!!" The pillow is being pushed onto my face.

Is Himeno trying to kill me!? AHHHH!!

I feel heavy hits being pushed through the pillow. Like a rock is being slammed into my skull and the pill is my only protection!

I struggle for a few more seconds before my body stops flailing…. 

Images similar to this start playing in my head

"That's right baby, once step-daddy finishes I'll lift the pillow so keep up that tight grip with your pussy."

I was a kid……

"HwaaaAHHHH." I take a deep breath in once the pillow is removed and placed on my chest.

"You see!" Himeno has a beaming smile on her face. "Not… one...bruise!" She starts laughing maniacally.

"W-w-what are you doi-oomph!" Himeno punched me in the chest. Again. Again. Again.

Tears are coming out of my eyes, images keep flashing in my mind.

"I thought I told you no teeth you little bitch!" *pak*

"Lets see if my load comes out with enough pressure to the stomach." *Dooshe*

Images of me naked being smacked around at a young age, or punched in my gut to force out semen. 

What is this? I don't remember that ever happening to me. I hate it. I hate it. Please no more, i'll be good. I'll be good.

"… good." I squeek out in my silent cries.

"What was that Sakura? Huhhhhh?" Himeno puts her hands down to her ear mocking me.

"Please… stop dad… I'll be good…." I whimpered

"So…. It was that fat fucks fault." Himeno glared at me and picked me up by my hair. "Does it hurt sweety?"

My face is covered in tears and snot, I'm having some trouble breathing, but I nod to her.

"Good you stupid bitch." Himenos eyes looked like they had become soulless.

I don't know this person, this person isn't human.

Clenching the pillow in her free hand she swings it at my face knocking me to the floor again. 

She doesn't want Ruto-kun to know. That's why she's avoiding my eyes and nose.

"I'll tell him….." I said.

"You'll what?"

"I'll tell Ruto-kun, he won't…." I struggled to crawl away. "Let you hurt me."

"What makes you think he'll believe you?"

"I don't lie to Ruto-kun," I turn to her and say, "and neither do you."

"Oh?" Himeno lunges at me, and this time she grabs my tits and pulls me up by them, "Sakura, do you like pain?" She stared at me with the eyes of a monster. 


"The only reason you are still here is because Haruto cares so much about you, and if you disappear" she yanks my breast until I'm standing again, "he'll always worry, or blame himself unless he fully loses all feelings for you. Do you fucking know how much I hate you!?" Himeno tosses me on the bed and mounts me while she's still fully nude.

"I hate you too!!" I tried to yell, but some kind of force is stopping me from raising my voice

"Yeah? Why do you deserve to hate me?!" Her face is inches from mine.

"He…." Its hard to say, my voice is trapped in sobs. "He thought of you everyday, I don't remember much, but I know that much. Being near him, knowing he's thinking of you!" My words are followed by tears.

Himeno stares at me for a second and kisses me.



I slapped her face.

"What are you doing!" I stared at turned head

"You see Sakura," *smack* she slapped me back, "if you could have done that with ANY of the men you fucked while I was gone, you'd be first in Harutos heart." Himeno put the biggest smile as she finished, "it's because of your slutty ass that he loves me so much!" Her smile fades away, "yet I can see him looking at you, trying to find any reason to let you back in his heart, and I'd rather you fuck it up again."

"No! I won't!"

"Pfffffp" Himeno starts laughing, "you just pushed away his sister who he loves, yet let random strangers defile you. Do you get it? Fucking other men with your cum-dumpster-pussy is what hurt Haruto."

"What? That makes no sense!" *Doosh*

She pelted me in the stomach this time with no pillow… as I was speechless for a while she goes on to explain that women aren't meant to be like that. They can choose their partners. 

My head hurts, like the more she talks my head throbs. 

"Here, just to show you how in control a woman can be, look at this."

She hops off of me and grabs a digital camera from her dresser. She jumps on her bed and pulls me close to her so that I'm laying between her legs. She rests her arms on my breasts as she plays the tiny screen.

On the screen is a man tied to a chair wrapped in plastic.

Wait I know that man.

"You remember him right?! Hahaha, he's the one that hit you with the bat. He hurt Harutos feelings so badly that we had to make it right."




I watched as the man admitted to being sent, that it was done by Sasuke-senpai.

I chose Sasuke-senpai over Haruto? Something isn't right, and why is Sasuke trying to hurt Haruto? 

A few moments later I stared at the screen in horror as she dissected the man's legs.

Himeno's crazy she's gonna get us in trouble with all men! I have to stop her somehow or Haruto might get hurt!

"See men are human too, see he died like humans do."

Does she even understand what she's saying? She murdered someone, she murdered a man! Women can't do that! We'll be caught! I just caught an STD if I become any worse they'll remove my pussy!

"So, that man hurt Haruto, does he deserve to get away with it?"

"Y-y……" my eyes open wide, what was I about to say?... the answers no, no one gets to hurt Haruto.

"See now that, that man's gone, he won't try to hurt Haruto anymore."

Sasuke sent him, but he can't send him again. The police wouldn't have protected Haruto. Is what Himeno has been saying…. the truth?

"..g...g..good… for him. Anyone that tries to hurt Haruto needs to disappear."

I agree with Himeno. In a world where Haruto is never hurt, me and him can be happy. But everything she said can't be right can it?

"Eeeekk! Stop it!" Himeno was fondling my breasts.

"Why? Why could you make such a slutty face when strangers did it, but you can't with me? At least Haruto would love seeing us together."

"I-I-I…. I didn't hate them!" I exclaimed

"Oh? Even though what they were doing to you hurt Haruto? You know you hurt him so much he actually went out and got more girls he could love, because you trampled on the love he gave you."

"I...I…. It's what women are supposed to do! How does Haruto not know that!"

"Well his other women hate doing it and are being forced to. There's videos on the internet of them but block their identity. If they tried to quit, their families and schools will know they are sluts and prostitutes." She said and then opened her eyes like she got hit in the head, "I have an idea. Here, if I can prove you are wrong, then you have to play my game."

"What if I'm not wrong?"

"I'll leave. Without a way for Haruto to contact me."


I wasn't going to miss a chance like this. Finally I can get rid of her and I can't be blamed for it.

"Deal. Come on let's go eat breakfast."

A naked Himeno walked me out into the kitchen.

Why are the girls here?

"Rika, Akio, Mirai! You all look so pretty! Was there a special occasion?"

All of them quickly looked around wondering what to say.

What's with this atmosphere.

"It's a welcoming party for Himeno, I didn't tell you because I figured you'd be with your boyfriend." Ruto-kun said.


So Ruto-kun thinks he's not important because I supposedly have a boyfriend? I just have to prove he's the most important. 

I chatted with the girls and everyone commented on how cute the food Haruto made was. Everything was going great until….

"Babes ahhhhhh" Rika was feeding Ruto-kun from her plate.

"Ahhhh" Ruto-kun ate it.

He ate it? What's going on?

Rika quickly licks the end of the chopsticks that were just in Ruto-kun's mouth.


Mirai fed Haruto as well.

Maybe this is just a "thank you for inviting us" type of thing?

Akio shyly fed Haruto as well, her face was scarlet red.

Himeno did it as well.

I got up and did the same, Haruto seemed hesitant but he ate it.

Ok, ok so he'll eat anyones. He's still mad at me and still ate it, so it's not special.

We all finished our plates and I cleared the table, but Mirai was already at the sink, ready to wash dishes.

I helped dry.




In the living room …. My world ended.

"Sachiko, please take my virginity."

*crack* *crack*

Who is this woman! Why is Haruto saying this! Why is this happening.

The girls and Himeno are fighting over Harutos virginity.

I don't understand what's going on! Is Akio dating Ruto-kun?.....

Himeno begins to play videos. One after another the girls are shown having sex with strangers. Mirai has flown himself to Ruto-kun's legs and has been calling him Danna-sama, Akio looks broken, and Rika thought she was being kicked out.

They hate it? They all regret it? They are being forced? No! No! No!

Tears are running down my face, everything is wrong. I was wrong.

I looked up and saw Ruto-kun crying….

"He's hurt by seeing you with other men….. you understand that now don't you Sakura??"

Himenos' words echoed in my head. How many times, how many times? I can't remember anything. Why did I do it? Why couldn't I see that Ruto-kun was hurt by me?

How can I fix this?

I stared at Himeno and she grinned back at me while grinding on Ruto-kun's pulsing cock,  the new woman swallowing it trying to slurp Himenos juices.

Then came the moment his first time was used and lost. The entire scene hurt, seeing him enter another woman broke my heart. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Just despair.

That virginity was mine. Why can't i say anything? I feel like my chest has hiccups.

The show went on ending when Himeno offered everyone drops of his cum.

I'm looking at a tainted Himeno with jealousy. The cum she was covered in, I coveted.

Soon I had a blob of it stuffed into my mouth.

"We have a lot of work to do right? It's best we stay together." Himeno whispered to me.

I rolled the cum in my mouth until I memorized the taste.



Himeno pulled me aside to make refreshments for everyone so we went to the kitchen. She hasn't put clothes on again after that little show.

"So, I won the bet right?"


"It's great you can admit that!" Himeno pulls me toward the island in the kitchen and bends me over. She slammed her hips into my ass so I can't back away. She brings her hands into my shirt and maneuvers my bra, she clamps down on my nipples with her fingers and massages my breasts.

"Do you hate this?"


"Do you want me to stop?" She pinched harder

"Hmmm… yes, please."

"Good, because here's the game. At random times I will do to you what you allowed those sick assholes to do to you so you can learn to hate everything they did. I saw your videos, getting off from those men, thinking about Haruto, but I'm cutting that shit. From now on you'll hate all sex that doesn't involve Haruto do you fucking get me? If Haruto doesn't accept you again and if you fuck up to where he leaves you…. I'm going to make a new tit-less video just for you!"

"Just kill me if he doesn't."

"Huh?" She lets my breasts go and turns me around. "Did you say kill you?"

"Seeing other women getting from Haruto what I always dreamed of… if I can't get it, I can't live knowing others are allowed but I'm not." *sob* ,"I rather die then be less desirable for him."

"Hmmmm…. I actually believe you. So here you slut, let's say you learn to share by watching him be happy with all these other women. Thats 1. Step 2 would be your punishment of me doing to you what those guys did, and 3, you apologize properly and I will personally make sure he'll take you back." At Himeno's words my eyes light up.

"H-H-H-HOW…." I realize I was being too loud. "How can I apologize properly?"

"Well, you couldn't of had sex with those guys if they…..never existed right?"

"Yeah?" I looked at her like she's crazy.

"We just have to…. Cease their existence."

Kill people??

"I-I-I don't think…." Himeno kissed me, but I held back from fighting it.

"Good, that means you're willing at least. So, take your time and think about it."

Himeno backs away and grabs some drinks from the fridge.

"Grab some and let's go."



Throughout the day we played games and hung out.

I've missed this. I remember playing games as a child with my mom and dad, my real dad, I would invite Haruto over or he'd invite me over.

Tears fell down my face all day from remembering the good innocent days. My headaches would block a lot, but the happy times warmed me.

Tears also fell from seeing all the girls being able to masturbate or flash Haruto to help him cum by himself.

(Himeno forbade me because its a sexual activity)

We continued like this until it got late and we ordered pizza.

Our games ended up leading to Ruto-kun blowing several loads on our pizza.

I got a slice of cum pizza! 

I was way too excited when I got it.

We played video games and card games until Himeno took Ruto-kun to do "training" with Sachiko.

An hour later Himeno comes down stairs and invites us to watch her deflowering.

My heart sank. Women could keep their virginities for the man they chose. I feel sick, I feel robbed. I hesitantly agreed to go with the others.

Would I have been better off not knowing?

The scene came right out of a dream.

No name calling, no hitting, no degrading, no one yelling how my mother would be ashamed for giving birth to me, no other cocks, no one trying to make me shit or piss. Just love, and having fun. I can't fucking take it. This isn't fair! My life, all my life? Why did I not deserve that!

While I was lost in my thoughts holding my tears back.

"Sakura doesn't count, I have done all I could and I don't think I could ever be with her with our history." Ruto-kun's words stabbed me. And I couldn't hold back my whimpers…

"" *sob*

We were caught. Each of us spies break down in front of Ruto-kun and so did I.

"Ruto-kun, I'm sorry." I bowed quickly and looked him in his face,  "I can't remember what I did, or how I hurt you."

I see Himeno pausing Ruto-kun so he hears me out…..

"Himeno and I talked. I must allow you to love as many as possible…." I choke up and tears fall from my cheeks, "and.. I must endure you doing so without receiving any of that love while I work on…. apologizing properly."

"Yes…. Properly." Himeno repeated.

"Please don't abandon me while I try." 

It was already late so we cleaned up and the girls went home.

….. I hate them.

They've been close to Haruto for so long behind my back. They do the same things that I do but because they were forced to…. Haruto forgave them? Haruto…. loves them? I'll earn him back and then we can run away. I have money saved up, so I can take care of us while we look for a new life and new jobs.

I decided on my plan, I'll make this work. I'll win my way back into Harutos heart and become his number one again….




A portly man entered the room belonging to a little girl. She was asleep in her bed. The room was decorated in blue.

The man stood at 170cm weighing about 110 kg. He stood there naked belly hanging over his belt, gray hair in a mess, with his hand stroking his member. 

He took the girls blanket off, and then lifted her pink nightgown exposing her cute white panties. He placed his face to her crotch and inhaled deeply. Opening his mouth he latched on to her crotch.

"Huh?.... what?...kyaaa papa, I thought l… hnnnnn… I… hmmmm…. I thought only Saturdays.." the girl woke with a startle.

"You're staying home tomorrow so it doesn't matter."

"Well what are we gonna huuuhhhnnn do today? The special massage or the tickle toy?"

"Oh you stupid bitch, today you're becoming an official cum-dump."

"Huh? Papa… d-d-did you call me…" the girls face twisted in fear."

"Don't call me papa, call me step-father, there's no way a slut like you could be my real daughter."

"Huh? Papa what ar-"

*PACK* the girl was hit across her face.

"Shut up, you have to be a good girl, or this is gonna be painful, do you want that?"


The man pulled down her panties. Her love cave wet from months of conditioning, the man spat on it, lifted her butt, and as he was about to force himself in the image went dark. 

But my body remembered the feelings.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Mama,mama mama,mama,mama,mama, mama, mama mama!

Those were all I could think about at the time. As no words could exit my mouth.

Why didn't I remember this? Did this really happen? Mama!.... mama I miss you. Where were you? Mama! Mama!

Wait, mama doesn't live here.

I slowly open my eyes to see a chest in front of me. 

Im…. Sucking on a breast?

I look around, Haruto is inside of this woman, my tears are already here from my dream,, but now they flow freely… I look up.


I bit down on her nipple and she looked at my tear stained face as I did. She, however, paid it no mind and even directed me to suck more as Ruto-kun drove himself into her. Seeing her be pushed to the brink by his cock made my heart aches. Seeing her submitting to it…. Made me wet.

I want to be put in my place by his cock.

She came, and came, and squirted so much I was more impressed than upset, but that lasted a moment as I tried to play with myself but she slapped my hand away.

"No sexual activities! Remember?"

Have mercy on me! My pussy is aching, my heart is breaking, and I'm losing my mind!

Himeno just stared at me while she took in Ruto-kun for herself until she was flipped over and the final assault left her motionless. 

She looks so blissful. Was this the kind of sex I had with strangers? The emotional sex yesterday… that wasn't normal sex was it? How can it be like that most of the time.

Ruto-kun approached me…..his dripping cock is right there….. *mmmm* I purred as he patted my head.

He told me to wash up and take my medicine before he walked out….. I want to grip that ass as he enters me...I shake my head if my delusions.

We aren't together yet he cares for me, my heart burns when he shows these other women his love. How was it for him when we were together and he saw me spurn him for others? Is it still my fault if I don't remember?

"I have to use the bathroom." Himeno is staring at me.


"Did you hear me?"

"U...h what do you want me to d-"

Himeno  grabbed her phone from the night stand and put the screen in front of my face.

"Hahahaa stupid bitch, say thank you"

"Glllrrrgg bbnyuuu"

"Swallow some of it, and gargle the rest!"

"Look guys shes doing it!"

"Spray her chest!"

In the video, I'm in a public bath and three old men are….. using me as a toilet.

My head hurts.

These videos, these videos. I remember a voice.

"Sakura don't worry these videos are just for me. Of course if you want a copy I'll make you one."

"Oh, if that's the case, then ok senpai."

I agreed to this, why does she have the video? My head is throbbing. 

"Oh? Seem to remember something?" Himeno grins, "not like it matters, the only thing you need to remember is our deal."

No no no no, I have to let her… I have to be her… toilet?

"Ohhhh that panicked look means you remember hehehe~" Himeno gets off the bed and directed me to lay on the floor on my back


I did… I laid on the floor, feeling the carpet behind my head as I stared up at the white ceiling. I can still see Ruto-kun's desk and bed in my peripherals, but all that goes away as thick thighs enclose my head and face comes inches away from a cum dripping pussy. 

Himenos pussy is pinker than mine, is that normal? Is mine not normal? I've never been this close to one!

"Now, if there are any leaks on the floor, the deal is off." Himeno grins again, "but if you do a good job, I'll push out all the sperm that my brother left in me that didn't make it to my womb. Could you imagine? You might've just witnessed Haruto becoming a father, from a pussy….thats not yourrrrrs~"

A baby? Haruto a father? Imagining him carrying a baby in his arms makes my heart tingle. I-I-I…. I don't want it not to be my baby. Can...I….be...a…. 

My head hurts again.

"Here it comes!" Himeno cheered.




She did it, she pissed in my mouth. She would play with the strength of the stream to make me focus on swallowing, and when her stream turned to drops she forbid me from swallowing until my mouth filled more. She made me keep my eyes open.

"You can't think of Ruto-kun while you do this, you need to KNOW it's me doing it."

As I held the piss in my mouth she made me gargle and count to 5 before I could swallow.

She reached behind her and shoved her fingers in my pajamas and fingers my pussy.

"Still wet when you said you hate it? Someone's not honest."

She rewarded me with the cum dripping out of her pussy and I felt much better. I almost lunged my face into her pussy to suck it out… half the reason was to get the piss taste out of my mouth

but she held me down.

"If I wanted a sex slave I'd call sachi. YOU…. are just being punished.


I said, and she let me up. 

I'm feeling really drained right now, mentally and emotionally I have nothing going on. I take my meds and go to scrub out my mouth. I go to my room to change my clothes.

I'm not really in the mood for putting effort so I'll dress in my blue striped panty bra set, jean shorts, and a loose white top and ill just call it a day.

I head to the kitchen to eat breakfast



Walking into the kitchen I see-

"N-N-N-Naked APRON!?" I exclaimed and collapsed

"Sakura!" I heard a voice say, I slowly started snapping out of it.

"Uhh…. Ruto-kun?" Her eyes shoot open. "Am-Am-Am I getting a l-l-lap pillow!?"

My heart is throbbing so much! As I look up, none of Ruto-kun's hair is blocking his face. I can see his shimmering black eyes expressing concern, worry, and over all tenderness. I long for days like this, Ruto-kun and I bathing in each other's care, just feeling complete by being by each other's side. My lust and desire constantly surround my womb and heart for him, being sedated by this act. Wait!? This isn't sexual is it???

"Calm down, yes you are. You fell down I'm checking on you."

"I-i-is this allowed? Are lap pillows a sexual activity?" I feel heat in my face, just a lap pillow has me blushing, or is it eyes?

I feel my heart beating rapidly, my body is heating up, my eyes feel different….. maybe I'm imagining it.

"No Sakura, a lap pillow isn't sexual." 

This is embarrassing.

He asked me to set the table and I agreed. I scurried off to take care of the table. I heard a loud cry and turned around.

Mirai is here. 

My blushed face calms and reverts to normal when I see Ruto-kun hugged by Mirai like that.

Soon enough the table is set and we all sit down and begin to eat. It's Sunday so that means I am getting Ruto-kun's pickled vegetables.

That's right, it's not just me getting Ruto-kuns specialities anymore. 

I eat in somber silence, worried about what I must do to prove I belong here. All conversations and thoughts stop when it seems Mirai isn't eating.

Trying to find out what's wrong, prompts Mirai to drop a note on the table.

"One order broken legs."

Himeno sends Haruto upstairs and we discuss the issue.




After the talk we all learned a lot of things. What happened to Mirai, the fact that Ruto-kun…. Has killed…..

Ruto-kun might kill someone and get taken away from me….

I become depressed as I change my white top to a black one before we go shopping, it was kinda see through and I've been feeling self conscious,

No! I won't let him, Ruto-kun will always be kind…… he has to, or…. He would discard me.

As I'm walking out of my room I peek into Ruto-kuns room and I see Mirai is cuddled up next to him.

If Ruto-kun is willing to protect so many others….. won't he forget about me? Won't I get left behind?

"Sakura!" I immediately jolt and turn around and see Himeno. She's wearing skin tight low cut jeans, a white tube top that covers only her breasts exposing her toned abs, and a jacket that looks like it's just sleeves.

"Stop gawking at those two, keep working hard and you'll be cuddled by our man."

I hate how she says it, how can she willingly share? She could have him to herself yet promises me a chance, what is she planning?

"Un" I nodded to affirm her words.

We met Sachiko outside. She was flaunting her hips and ass in blue jean shorts that leave little to the imagination. She's wearing a black short sleeve shirt, hairs in a ponytail tail, and….. boots???

"Ok Haruto is worried for Sakura so we will go to the hospital first, then we go to the shopping outlet. We need clothes and some toys." We hop into her car and we head out. 

"By the way Sakura, show me how you make these appointments." Himeno said with a an evil grin.




The hospital visit was very straightforward: they check on my x-rays we did a couple days ago, re-checked the area of injury and told me bed rest would be the best for another day or two. I still had a bruise that covered my entire right side from rib to hip.

How would Ruto-kun feel if he saw this? I want him to give me attention… but that way would be too risky, he needs to stay kind.

We left the hospital with new medicines to help me sleep if I wasn't comfortable at night. Only a couple days worth for the worst part of the healing.

We head to the outlet and the first thing we do is head to the sex shop in the remote area of the outlet. Upon entering Himeno looks like a kid at Christmas.

"OOOOOOH! Look at this!!!" Himeno said, bouncing up and down in excitement. In her hands was a cock cage that was, for a lack of better words..

Holy shit that's small!

"This would be so adorable on Mirai!"

Me and Sachiko both actually gave her blank stares.

"Can you imagine Mirai in a dress and he'd be oh no I forgot to wear underwear today…. And while he's walking the only things protecting his she-cock from the outside world," Himeno is being very animated as she describes the situation, acting out the environments of the world and Mirais reactions, "would be this cage and his dress, when all of a sudden strong wind blows and he'll go kyyyaaaaaaaa as he holds his dress down!! It's cute right? Right?! RIGHT?!" Himeno is panting hard imagining Mirai in embarrassing situations.

In the end she bought quite a few things:

  • 2 vibrators 

  • 7 blindfold (for thats needs to be strapped and 3 easily removable.

  • Multiple rotars

  • 10-inch double dildo

  • 3 handcuffs

  • 10 butt plugs (3 sets of 3 identical plugs that escalate in size, and one bigger than all of them)

  • 2 remote control vibrators 

  • 1 pocket pussy

Sex toys cost a lot of money! I thought to myself as we paid.

We went to drop everything off at the car before we continued. 

"Sakura look at this." Himeno said sweetly.

I turned to her and my face PALED. We are in public and she is showing me another video! This time I'm giving a blowjob while a dildo is in my ass and a vibrator is on my clit. Its one of the old men from that last video.

"N-n-no, you don't mean…"

"Don't worry you're not gonna blow me. We just gotta get these toys in you. So here you are, I need the whole thing in your ass, and this in your panties." Himeno said as if this was a normal conversation. "Hurry up and do it in the car, Sachiko make sure she does it, and I'll be right back. I have a couple of things to grab.

"Ok, but don't take too long, I'll…." Sachiko stopped and blushed before she finished, "... miss you."

"So cute! I see where Mirai gets it from now." Himeno said as she skipped away.

"She called me cute." Sachiko said with a longing gaze. "Anyway, get inside and hurry up, oh before you open it, put these gloves on."

I grab the latex gloves and put the on. I lower my shorts and panties to my knees and lean in my seat. Sachiko is in the front seat watching me through the rear view mirror.

"Is there any lube?" I ask as I grasp the dildo.

"Himeno didn't think you needed any."

How can someone not need that!?

Knowing what I have to do I begin sucking on the double dong. Wanting to end this quickly, I shove it to the back of my throat and I jerk it down my throat a couple times, *gulgulgulgul*  and pull it out *hah* and its covered in a clear-white mucus. I scoop the mucus with the fingers of my free hand and bring it to my asshole.

First I lather the insides of my crack with it, lubing the path to my hole, then I scoop more off the dildo and insert 2 fingers immediately. I pass the first knuckles and I begin wiggle and massage my asshole. After a few moments I begin to finger my asshole enthusiastically. My breathing gets ragged and my body leans into the door as I lift more of my ass off the seat. I subconsciously begin sucking the dildo just to fill my mouth. "HAAAA" I moan as I go 3-knuckles deep into my asshole. I pull my fingers out and shove them in my mouth with the dildo trying to force more mucus lube out of me, my fingers are now a with new added sour taste, I quickly replace my fingers in my ass and add the pinky. Middle, ring, pinky. Its not long til I switch my fingers for the skinny-yet-long dildo. It slides inside of me with no problem. I jerk the dildo off using my asshole and I push it deeper and deeper, its half way in and now my problem is my mucus hand has now found my clit. "HAAAAAAAAHN" Penetrating my ass while I rub my clit elicited a moan in the vehicle.

"Here." Sachiko says as she handed me a remote vibrator rotar. Once I had it in hand she turned it on. Immediately I knew where to put it. The vibrator touched my swollen clit sending electric shocks into my system.


My dildo hand was pushed suddenly and the dildo is shoved into my ass until my sphincter closes around it. I'm breathing hard, it was too much at one time and it was pushed with such force. I look to see the culprit was... Himeno.

"You were taking too long, that was suppose to be a task, not a vacation." Himeno said from the open door she was leaning in.

"Kyaaa!" I quickly gathered my clothes.

"Don't worry no one is around. Anyway put your pants on and let's go."

I do as she commands, Sachiko turns off the vibrator as I slide it into my pussy, and we head out. Of all things to happen, what happened next was unexpected…..

It's a very normal shopping day.

 if you don't include the dildo in my ass and the vibrator rotor in my pussy.

We purchased some clothes for each of us, trying on new outfits at different stores. We stopped by a phone store where Himeno started a new plan for Mirai and herself, and she purchased a prepaid phone.

I wonder what she's planning.

I didn't linger on my thoughts as we continued the excursion. It would be better if I didn't have a dildo trying to escape my bowels but it's still kinda fun. I've never had girlfriends to hang out with.

Is this what it's like to have friends? Laughing and spending time together? If Sachiko wasn't here I'd be fully on guard with Himeno, so I'm grateful for her presence.

Everything was going smoothly until we bumped into Rika and Akio both dressed fashionably.

We all went to a table in the back of the food court.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you guys, but Mirai is done prostituting and he will get first crack at Haruto."

They were both visibly shaken, probably upset too since Himeno told them to keep working. However, Himeno then told them about everything that happened to Mirai and explained about Harutos condition from the fight.

She then told them we will be expediting our plans but the decision to whoring is now up to the girls and Himeno wouldn't push it because Mirai is out.

"Oh! Speaking of Mirai I almost forgot to do thiiis~, Sachiko, phone please" Sachiko handed Himeno her phone and then Himeno took a weird looking phone out of her pocket.

That's the prepaid phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sending something to a number I got out of Harutos phone" she sent something from Sachiko's phone, to the pre-paid and then, "…. annnnnnd sent!"

She flips the phone over to me and shows me what she sent. 

A picture of Mirai wrapped in arms? I know its harutos arms but you can't see his face. I don't recognize the number though, and the words attached to the picture:

Found this little morsel on the side of the road. All tuckered out from the rough fucking I gave its asshole.

Who did she send that too!?

"Himeno…?" I asked nervously 

"Don't worry it'll be fine, I left Mirais old phone at the bar by the toy shop teehee~"

What is she planning?

"Anywayyyy~" Himeno spoke to Rika and Akio, "Rika, Akio tell me about your families. I feel like I know nothing about you both and that changes…. Now."

Rika was the first to answer.

"Totes my mama and papa met in Brazil while my mother was on vacay, papa did his best to avoid mama as he was a priest yet one month of learning(she means stalking) about papa he slowly opened up(she stalked him some more) about himself. Until mama and papa met up for drinks(she cornered him at a bar) and they learned they had a lot in common (he liked big boobs and she liked big men) they then slowly dated(she kept showing up where he was an wouldn't leave) and one passionate night papa couldn't hold back(she slipped him a viagra) and they shared a loving night(they broke a hotel room and had to pay damages) so passionate that they totes couldn't imagine seperating from each other(they totes couldn't imagine seperating from each other)"

She went on to say that her mother was a local big shot but didn't know what she did, and her father retired from his former job to become a priest.

It was an interesting love story to say the least.

Akio just sat there when we focused on her.

"I…. Don't know."

Was what she said.

"I really don't know how they met or their backgrounds apart from what the public knows. My father is in politics working for the cabinet of ministers, my mother was a former model they met and married 22 years ago. My father is strict and stern, my mother is kind and elegant, however I rarely spend time with either of them, even rarer is spending time with both of them."

That…. That sounds lonely.

Himeno tried to find out more, but there was nothing else Akio could offer. 

"How will you stop Sasuke from blackmailing us or anyone else?"

"We get his customers to confess, and we get his site shut down. But we try to do it without him knowing, if the police start monitoring the site they can find out who uses it, especially if someone has the authority to edit the site, so they can find where the person edited the site and they could use surveillance to track him after that."

"You make it sound easy."

"Well it kinda is, for people that actually want it to stop."

The aura of the table changed, everyone was looking at Akio.

Does Akio not want it to stop?

"Wait! No, that can't be right? Like 100% Akio hates this, right?" Rika said, trying to defend Akio.

"Oh? Is that right? Because from the sounds of it, these appointments still help her escape her life for a while. Hell, she might even look forward to them, knowing Haruto gets hurt by it."

"THATS WRONG!" Akio shouted and stood up, making the atmosphere in the food court verrrrry awkward. She sat back down slowly, and in a broken voice she said, "it…. its still different than what I'm used to. It's a world that's not part of what I was raised in. I won't lie, a small part of me had a feeling Sasuke was setting me up, but the feelings I have everyday of not being good enough, was suddenly gone. The strict rules I live by, the constant need to be accepted, appreciated, acclaimed, and give pride to the Kuwabara name….. none of it was there. When that blindfold is on, it's not me anymore, I'm just a random woman living freely against the rules. My desire for that world over ruled my common sense."

"I think Haruto would find it less painful if you chose to express your freedom by robbing banks with a mask on." Himeno quipped.

Sachiko doesn't do or say much unless Himeno tells her huh?

"I have enjoyed these appointments, but when Haruto accepted me…. I am afraid. Afraid that one more appointment will be the reason he leaves me or abandons me. I will work a little while longer to not give Sasuke a heads up while you do what you have to."

"Yes! Rika will too! Totes can't leave ma' girl alone, and then….*breathing intensifies*.. Haruto," Rikas eyes did something strange and changed shapes while she caressed her own cheeks, "we will…." Rikas breathing slowed, her enthusiasm fell and she slumped her head down. "No, Rika can't do that." Her eyes watered, "Ruto-babes dont deserve a lying-former whore," she chuckles *sniffle* and lifts her head up with a smile. "When I quit and everyone's families are safe from what we did, I'll tell my parents everything. I will tell them what happened, what I did, my feelings for Ruto-babes *sniffle* I wanna be like Ruto-babes; honest, caring, kind. I like, totes wanna deserve ma' man!" tears fell from her face.

She wants to deserve Ruto-kun? But, she's already his girlfriend right? Didn't she already get what she wanted? Wait, that's how Ruto-kun is! He never changed, did he? Always worked hard. We were together right? Was he differe….

"Ughgh." My head begins to throbbing, I clutch my head to compress the pain.

Images of Ruto-kun pop into my head, his smiling face and that dorky hair-cut. Images of my mornings:

-being woken up by him, (whether we slept in the same bed or not he'd always get up first without waking me)

"Sakura it's time to wake up. If you don't wake up you'll get tickled."

He'd make me pout when he'd go too far

"Ok ok I tickled you too much, next time I'll use kisses."

He would kiss me while tickling me the next day, but it was much more tolerable 

-breakfast would always be made by the time I'm downstairs.

"Why do I get up just to cook for you? Uhhhh…. I want to? Making sure you're taken cared of, makes me feel happy."

He would always have a goofy grin when I tasted his food and showed him I loved it 

-he'd make me bentous whenever I didn't want school lunch

"School lunch is nutritional and balanced….. but a nice bento is good for a change of pace right? I'll make you your favorite"

He'd scold me halfway but always cave to my requests.

-his dinners he would make us

"If I cooked for you in the morning, and didn't do it at night, wouldn't that be me not taking responsibility for giving you morning food babies?"

His jokes always needed work

-the cute way he'd make a big deal about the smallest things

"Its our one day anniversary!"

"Ruto-kun thats too much isn't it?"

"Oh? Ok you have a point."



"It's our one-week anniversary!"

Every milestone was a celebration to him. The first "hold hands" as a couple, first kiss as a couple, first grocery trip as a couple. All those "firsts" we had, was more special than any other firsts I had

-the way he never changed

"Why do I still try so hard even though I already have you? That's silly, I gotta work even harder everyday so you know that I love you… everyday."

He never stopped trying to win me over even when-

The pain in my head gets worse and the smiling Ruto-kun comes to an end, I see images of Ruto-kun crying beating men with me naked near by watching him.

I was…. Aroused?

The thought of Ruto-kun fighting for me while other men were having their way with me…..aroused me?

No! No! I don't want him fighting, he needs to stay kind.

"If Toto-kun gets mad over you and fights for you, then that means he loves you the most doesn't it? You're just seeing his love."

A voice echoed in my head.

I used to believe that? I really believed that? Why? Why? Why? Why? What's missing? What am I missing?


"SAKURA!" a voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"You totes don't look good." Rika said

"Are you ok?" Akio said.

"You need to recover quickly, we still have things to do." Himeno said.

Everyone gets back to talking about the current situation.

"So, how will you get the customers to confess?"

"Oh! Like this!" Himeno brought her new normal phone out and showed them a video.

The video she played was the one she showed me of the man in plastic. Himeno told them who the man was. 

Rika and Akio were….. they were fine?

Rika was the first to speak, but her heart eyes beamed in anger, I couldn't understand her but I think she was speaking two different languages.

"That rat-bastard was fucking murder that fuck, touched my Ruto-babes?! All trash needs to know they are trashhe dare touch my totes adorbs Ruto-babes?! His soul better find hell before I find it." 

"It was something he deserves. However, you said he died?" Akio said

"Uh? Oh… yeah." Himeno said

"We can't have that."

"What? Are you gonna be a goody two shoes and say murder us wrong?" Himeno scoffed

"Not at all, but what you need are witnesses and people we can blame. If all the perpetrators are dead, then all attention will go to those who killed them…. as in you," Akio looked away, "I haven't known you long but, Haruto would be sad if you disappeared."

Himenos eyes shot open as if she just had a realization of something. She also had a  look on her face as if she got shot.

"Shit…." Himeno said without changing her face, she looks at her phone, "well, I don't have enough time to change much, but you make a point." Himeno got up and we all followed.

Thinking she was going to do something rash, we were all pleasantly surprised when she went to get ice cream….. for herself.

"Ohhhh! That looks De-lish! Ima get one!" Rika announced and we all ended up getting ice cream and enjoying ourselves again.

How does this keep happening? The entire day was ups and downs! And here we are again!

"Akio," Himeno said, "if you do or say anything that i'll feel will hurt Haruto, I'll show him the rest of your videos you make."

Akios face fell. However, she just nodded slowly and we all walked away with me in the back until I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering," a pretty boy just tapped my shoulder and began talking to me. Ikeman would be the best way to describe him. He's wearing a hat that he kept tilted down hiding his eyes, blue jeans and black shirt. "who is Haruto? I think he's a classmate of mine."

"Huh? Ruto-kun is?"

"Ruto-kun? What's his whole name?"

"Tomaki Haruto? Are you friends with him?"

"Ahh, no sorry wrong person. I thought you all were talking about a person whose notes I have to return. Guess not, have a good day." He said as he turned to leave.

Strange guy. I thought as I jogged to catch up to the others.




It's still early but we leave Rika and Akio and head home.

Or I thought we were heading home, heading home but instead we ended up in a love hotel. Sachiko brought out a wheelchair from her trunk as well as a bag with some sex toys.

We wheel everything in and get a room and we just right on up. I wash nervous about the situation.

"Uhhh Himeno what are we doing? And where did you get a wheelchair?"

"Oh! I set an appointment for you today and of course we stole the wheelchair from the hospital when we took you."

"Wait! I'm not supposed to have sexual activities!"

"It's not sexual! It's punishment, remember?"

Despite trying to argue for a little bit, there was a knock on the door. Sachiko hid in the bathroom, Himeno took out a camera and placed it on the dresser, I didn't know what to do.

Himeno made me strip and put a blind fold on me and had me kneel in the middle of the room.

I didn't know what was going on, everything was black. Himeno answered the door.

"Good afternoon master."

I heard Himeno greet the man (I'm assuming)

"Oh, uhh, your new."

"I'm in training so I'm here to watch and participate if the option becomes available. No extra cost to our frequent customers, oh good energy but no touching me, only the one you purchased can get felt up.

Immediately after those words, I feel a hand groping my breast.

"Hnmn" I moan out.

"Yup still sensitive nipples I see."

I know that voice? It was from the videos Himeno showed me, he was in both.

A creepy oji-san kinda fat always wore pants too big, and shirts too small for his fat body. His dick always smelled bad. He was at least 40, gray hair, balding, a big nose, and a face that looked like his eyes were too small for.

He begins pinching my nipples harder.

"Here master, we will play a game."

"Huh a blind fold?"

"Yeah! Me and Haru(fake name) will take turns and in your mind you have to think whose whore mouth is pleasing you."

"Oh.. ok, this could be fun."

This old man loves to grace women with himself. He's too good for any one woman so he constantly has to have sexual conquests so support his inflated ego, normally a prostitute would be beneath him, but my fetish plays allowed him to do what he said he couldn't do at home at the risk of being caught.

Hands direct my head to a smelly area… his dick.

"Now suck!"

I reluctantly do as I'm told. Still blind folded I suck on the man's cock. My body apparently doesn't need eyes to do this as it is accustomed to it.

Every now and then I get pulled off and I hear squelching noises.


"What are you doing?" I heard the man say

"Its to increase stimulus."

I continue to suck. But now I'm walking on my knees and being led somewhere.

With a plop the man is laid on a bed.

"So master, how is the mouth of a school girl?"

"It's not bad, she should be so lucky to still be able to taste my cock."

It tastes disgusting!

"Lucky how?"

"She's older than what I normally go for, she's beyond the perfect age."

"Oh my! Haru you old bitch! Suck harder to apologize to master for aging!"

*smack* *vrrrrrr*

She slapped my ass and the vibrator in my pussy was turned on.


"Master, would you put toys in a school girl?"

Its too much stimulation! Fuuuuck. "HNNNNNNNN" I came.

"How else would they learn? They need to be stretched and stimulated, punished and rewarded." The man said.

"So you would put a dildo in a girls ass and vibrators in her pussy?"

"Haaannnnn" I keep moaning.

"That's beginner shit. My niece already takes a dildo in each hole, even when I fuck her she'll still have two dildos in her."

"Haru, force that dildo out of your ass. Master how old is your niece?"

"11 this year, hehehe. For her birthday she got her asshole ripped. Her stupid parents don't even know!" He admitted.

"If you give me her name-"

"MMMMMMHHHHHH AHHHHHH" I pushed the dildo out of my ass and came again. Then all of a sudden the vibrator stopped while I'm still sucking the smelly dick. But now the room smells a little worse, there is probably scat on the dildo.

"Give me her name and I can abduct and train her so you can see her gangfucked by strangers on the site you go on for all the underage girls."

"Really?! She can be on xxxxxxxxxx .com?!"

He made it sound like some cebrity game show!

Their conversation went on, but the idea of a child being trained like that started to resonate in me. It sounded familiar. The man admitted her name and address so we could do as we suggested.

"Haru, how do you feel knowing what he's doing to a little girl, does it excite you? A girl being tricked into this life and then ending up enjoying it. Sounds fun right?"

I don't know why, even though I'm used to horrible sex talk, this one boiled my blood. 

"How does it feel knowing Haruto hates you because that smelly dick in you're mouth? That you lost him to other whores because you enjoyed this life too much? That he… got...hurt... because that dick."

"Hey wait what's ggrrgglllleee." The man said.

My anger, my rage, all those women around Ruto-kun. The love he shows them and not me when I'm the one it belongs to.

Fuck this dick!



I feel the spray of something hot shooting onto my body. I'm separated from that man and all I can hear is his muffled screams

"Sachi now." The man's cries quickly die down.


I hear a searing sound and smell something burning. A hand tried to open my mouth and I allowed it. They grabbed what was inside.

Fuck him for hurting Ruto-kun. There doesn't need to be any other cocks in the world besides Ruto-kun's! Ruto-kun is the only one whose kind! Ruto-kun will always be kind! Always! Always! Always! Always! I won't let anyone ruin it!

My blind fold was removed exposing my heart-shaped eyes. I can now see the man whose hands are cuffed behind his back. He has a shit covered dildo in his mouth, his entire cock is now flaccid, burnt, and missing its head. His fat belly is moving proving he's still alive. I look at Himeno, who is holding a pocket pussy, (she didn't even touch that gross man did she?) and Sachiko who's holding a torch lighter in hers.

"You should shower." Himeno said as she stared at me. A hint of kindness in her eyes.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I'm covered in blood, this, 

This is proof of my love for Ruto-kun! Yes!

I caress my bloody face in euphoria and massage the blood into my skin before snapping out of my trance, and getting in the shower.

The clean up was easy. Himeno had already laid plastic on the bed, all the sprayed blood ended up on me. They tranquilized the man it seems, before clothing the man, Himeno shoved the dildo up the man's ass.

When I was out of the shower Himeno gave me a new shirt, she said that some blood ended up on my old one and we gotta get rid of it, and I was finally allowed to pull the vibrator out of me.

Getting the fat bastard we put him back in his clothes and we put him in the wheelchair, grabbed our toys and walked out the front door claiming the man passed out drunk.

We stopped by an internet cafe where Sachiko helped Himeno upload the video to the net. I then helped her edit it and we made a copy. 

Its scary how prepared Himeno was. When I was dildoing myself she grabbed blank dvd's, her plastic to catch the blood, and a few of the morning after pills. She's like a soldier.

Himeno prepared a note saying

"Child rapist"

With a copy of the DVD, we put it all on his person, and left him in an alley near the police station and called with an anonymous tip of a sexual predator in the alley.

Well it's not wrong.




When we finally arrived home we were greeted by Ruto-kun. 

He asked me about the senpai from the other day and my head hurt so bad again. 

Sachiko had to help me to my room. We said nothing and we were just silent. Until she pulled me down and tossed me a bit until…… lap pillow?

"I'm not very social, but I know when someone is hurting, so just relax. You did good today." She said as she stroked my hair.

I said nothing in return, after a few moments Ruto-kun arrived. We spoke some of our heartfelt feelings, and he asked for a haircut.



I cut Ruto-kun's hair with Himeno and Sachiko watching. They were both trying to be backseat barbers saying 

"His eyes pop with this cut."

"But his chin matches this one!"

Holding up magazines trying to get me to match pop idol hair do's, but I know Ruto-kun's best hair style.

All in all it was peaceful and fun. When it was over Himeno told me we had to have a talk.



In my room again.


I was pushed on the bed by Himeno.


"Because you had another man's dick in your mouth, even though you didn't see him, you couldn't see me. So, punishment time."

With a quick yank my panties and shorts were off quickly.

"Take off your top and present your tits to me"

"Uh….. what?"

"Take off your top, and present your tits to this house' Hime."

I'm nervous and I feel scared. Even with my bottom half already naked, exposing more of myself to her feels…. Shameful.

I take my top off and remove my bra. Himeno pulls me off the bed and bends me over on my dresser. She pushed her hips into my ass. We are now in front of my vanity mirror. I see her behind me. I brace my body for her to be rough.

But, it doesn't happen. She begins to trace my body with her finger tips, her hands on both my arms, my skin begins to shiver, goosebumps trail up my arms. She brings her hands up to my neck slowly and tenderly.

I brace myself for her to choke me as her fingers reach my throat….. but they just change direction and head for my breasts. As her hands glide in my collar bone my nipples become erect. She creeps closer and closer to my nipples.

Here it is she's gonna pinch 'no yank my nipples. I closed my eyes.

Huh?! No!

She avoided my nippled only touching the edge of my areola.

Did I just think no when she passed my nipples!?

Her hands are now circulating my navel. 

When did my breathing get so rough?

My entire body is covered with goosebumps, she begins licking my ear. 


I'm scared, I don't know what I feeling. Her hands get closer to my pussy, trailing over my pubic mound…. She went right over it


She went down to my thighs as and is down stroking my inner thighs upwards, its feels like she's sending the blood in my body to my pussy. I'm so sensitive. She begins sucking on my ear.


Did I just cum?

I'm losing my mind, my body feels so tender. I'm so sensitive.

"....please." I squeeked, causing the sucking on my ear to pause.

"Please what?"

"Rougher! Be rougher!"

"No." Himeno said as she sucked on my ear sending shivers down my spine. "This is punishment, that loving caring sex you want to experience with Haruto…. Im stealing your first time. This is how you care for someone with your body."

"N-n-no… haaaahnnnn, I want it to be Ruto-kun, please let me keep it for Ruto-kun."

Lovey-dovey sex with Ruto-kun. My chest! My heart is beating so fast.

"So cute. I'll let you keep it for another day then, but for punishment ill have to clean you."

In the mirror Himeno doesn't stop  sucking on my ear, she brings one hand to my mouth and I suck on those fingers, curious how she'll clean me.

She pushes me down a little an removes her fingers from my mouth and brings them to my asshole, and she pushes in.

"This got dirty today right? And we can't have anything dirty for Haruto, don't you want it clean for him?"

That's when it happened, my eyes changed shape in the mirror.

Clean for Ruto-kun? Yes, yes!

"Please clean me for Ruto-kun."

She immediately shoves three fingers deep in my ass, but still gently. Her face is next to min sucking on my ear. We are so close to the mirror my breath is hitting the glass. She's fingerings my asshole, cleaning it for Ruto-kun.

"Clean me for Ruto-kun." Her fingers moving in a rthym scrubbing my anal walls to prepare them for Ruto-kun.

Himenos other hand reached for mine and dragged it to my pussy.

"This is a little reward for working hard."

I begin working my clit with a fever pace.

"Im cumming while you clean me, fuck I'm cumming!" 

"Whose cleaning you and for who are you being cleaned?

"Hi-hi-Himeno is cleaning me fooooo...FAAACK. for Ruto-kun. Himeno clean me for Ruto-kun. Clean me, clean me." My shivering body is cumming again and again.

I collapse on my dresser as Himeno slowly pulls her fingers from me and her sucking is turning into kissing.

"Have you ever felt like that?"


"That's a no. Remember only Ruto-kun can make you feel that. Well, Ruto-kun and me."

Even though it was for Ruto-kun, Himeno just made me cum!

I shoot up covering my breasts. 

"A bit late for that yeah?" Himeno laughs.


I don't know what to feel? I feel wrong somehow.

I grab my clothes, put them on and I walk out.

I'm haunted by the faces I made thinking of Ruto-kun, while being handled my Himeno.




Monday- present

This morning I had to see Ruto-kun covered by Mirai being sucked off my Himeno. I couldn't hide my irritation. She woke me up before she started sucking Ruto-kun, and told me to pretend to be sleeping. She said:

"imagine how Ruto-kun felt…. seeing me suck some other man's dick."

She had such a devilish look in her eyes while she stared at me taking Ruto-kun into her mouth

Its not sex, but it's a sexual activity, right? Why does it seem to be more?! Why does it feel like her sucking on Ruto-kun's dick, means more than that right now? Why clean me for Ruto-kun if I can't be used by him!?

…...used…? That's not it. Everything she does with him, she gets…. She gets.. my love. She's stealing it! 

Mirai sleeping on him! Why? Why? Why? Why?! Why do you have to take away space between me and Ruto-kun!?

Himeno quickly savors her breakfast from Ruto-kun. Ruto-kun will be going to school while I'm left here… with her.

We all get out of bed and get dressed. 

Mirai is wearing a short red and black plaid skirt, a white shirt, black blazer, thigh high black stockings.

He looks like a flower!

Himeno and Sachiko are wearing black skinny jeans and black short sleeve shirts.

Go be a couple and leave Ruto-kun to me!

I'm wearing a short dress, and naughty underwear.

My ass almost shows! This outfit was in my  room!! Is this how I've been dressing?!

"Ok ladies, we have two appointments today." Himeno said with a toothy smile. "Lets go."



Later that day when we returned home.

 I felt dirty, I felt so horrible inside…. But, I loved it! 

Filthy men don't need to be able to reproduce. Only Ruto-kun needs…...babies?

Ruto-kun will have a lot of babies if he has a lot of girlfriends, so he won't need m-

*doki* *doki*

I don't want that…. I don't want him having babies… but I want to see him with babies! Does that mean I want to have th-

No! No! No! 

"You'll be a whore mother like your own mom, and any child you have will be a whore. Ill fuck your family til we all die."

I clutch my head in pain.

What are these…. Memories?

Unexpectedly, Himeno helped me to my feet and sat me down, she was about to say something until the phone rang and she went to answer it.

After a few minutes she hung up.

"Everyone, apparently Haruto got into a fight, that was the principle. I know he.... wouldn't fight without a good reason, so we have to cheer him up!"

And that's how we all ended up in naked apron.



That same Himeno was now… holding me crying into my shoulder.

"W-w-whats going on!" I demanded not wanting to have a part of anything Himeno planned again.

"Haruto is still hurt! I tried to protect him but he's still hurt! I don't want to lose our kind Haruto! Waaaahhh."

I'm confused at this development, I honestly have no words, but I also agree that Ruto-kun must stay kind.

"He asked me to try…. And be loved by you girls." Himeno backed away and looked at me, "could you love me?"

I stared right at her, all she did to me in the last couple of days flashed in my mind.

"No." I said.

"Good." *sniffle* ,"because I still fucking hate you. But, I'll be nicer nonetheless. Haruto deserves happiness, after this is all over, if he can't have that with both if us around….something will be changed."

"Himeno, he's mine, but he's in pain." *sniffle* thinking about Ruto-kun my tears fall, "I hate you but anything you tell me to do, ill do until I get rid if you." My words only caused her to smile warmly at me.


ok so this was a 3-parter that I combined into one chapter, so this is the only release I'm making for today. Hope it answers some questions and raises some others.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.