The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 34- shota shoots his shot pt. 2

part 1 was the "?????" Chapter.  This chapter i actually explain how I have a legal shota whose stealing someone's mother. Remember guys, I am aiming to use EVERY NTR trope... then debunk them.. and then make people regret being involved. P.S one more shota back story chapter and then we get back to the story. Please leave a like and comment.

     My name is Ika Haru, for the last 8 years I have been a nurse at one of the most prestigious hospitals in Tokyo. This hospital caters to the wealthy, famous, and most often then not, the scandalous. I worked hard to get to where I am and I deserve something for all the hard work I've put out. My entire life has been a struggle and I have earned my right to be happy.

<many years ago>

I was a very eager boy while I was growing up. Eager to learn, eager to excel, and eager to make my mother proud. Making my mother happy was something I aimed for as a child and even now. Unfortunately my mother would not give me that chance.



When I was born my mother had complications and her life was put at risk. They had to give her a C-section to deliver me properly, but in the end she told me that both her and my father were ecstatic. My mother and I survived… although I wish that was the last hardship that I caused.

My mother was a black haired angel. Her eyes were small that black of her irises almost seemed to cover her scelera. Her face was small yet molded into devine definition, tiny ears, that had curves at the ends like an elf, and the smallest mouth that held the worlds greatest smile.. She was a small woman standing at 154 cm, but she always seemed so strong despite her age. Due to my condition I didn't eat too much, causing her breasts to swell to unnecessary proportions. She was the ultimate definition of an oppai-loli.

My father, who I was assuming had a specific fetish, was a leaned athletic build standing at 185cm. He was working multiple temp jobs trying to secure something permanent. Most of his jobs were physically taxing, yet he held up. 

They were an odd couple, but they made it work. My toddler years were filled with two things. Hospital visits and very loving parents. They always tried to be happy. Our small apartment almost exceeded the maximum capacity of love and I was at first a very happy baby. Smiling as much as they did.

To me my mother was always a beautiful woman, an angel you could say, her smile would fuel me with energy that could get me through my bad days. 

I often had "only" bad days.

While father worked, mother raised me and as normal as a life I wished we had, it was actually one of worry and anxiety. Something was wrong with me since birth, it wasn't too noticeable until I began crawling…. At 8 months. The extra length it took me to crawl and, in the same aspect, walk was because I was constantly fatigued. I was terribly anemic and I could barely progress as a baby should. When sitting I always seemed lethargic and oftentimes I would faint. A lot of my toddler years had me in the hospital.

Mother worried for me, and father worried how he would pay my medical bills. 

My mom and dad were highschool sweethearts and got blessed with pregnancy right before graduation. Considering how hard working my father was, in normal circumstances he would be able to provide for his family easily, thanks to me that dream died in his eyes.

Hypopituitarism…. That's what the doctors called it. I had a pituitary gland issue and I wasn't developing properly. Causing my parents stress beyond what they were prepared for. There is treatment options of course however for a temp worker like my father he had jobs in supply, but not medical benefits.

The stress on my parents only got worse as I entered school. Often being sent home because I kept fainting. This meant my mother couldn't hold a job to assist my father with the bills. Over time it seemed the loving parents that I had, had turned onto bitter versions of themselves. They began to constantly fight and compare their worth to each other. Almost like they sought their own validation for everything they had been through thanks to me.

By the age of 7 my father had ran out on my mother and I. As a kid I couldn't understand what a "divorce" was, but I felt I was the cause. My mother was broken and all I wanted for her was to be happy. I wanted that smile that used to encourage me to stand up again after falling on my ass. I wanted to give it back to her.

Unfortunately there was nothing a child could do. As time went on, my mother began to work nights, she wouldn't have to worry about me fainting if it was at a time I was sleeping I suppose. 

Time went on and we ended up having to move into an even smaller apartment. It was a 1 bedroom but we made it work. As long as my mother didn't give up I wouldn't either.



My teenage years were hell. Due to my condition I grew at a very slow rate. At 16 and in highschool was when my nightmares finally became my official reality. Being teased throughout middle school couldn't prepare me for it.

I opened my locker and received a love letter! I was so happy I couldn't believe it! All day I wanted and waited until the last bell. Once it rang, I bolted out of my class. My little legs couldn't carry me that fast and yet when I arrived on the roof I was still out of breath.

Once there I was looking around and that's when I saw a silhouette against the fence that formed a barrier to keep us from the roof's ledge.

I walked up to her looking at her back. Black hair in a ponytail, wearing the school uniform, but as I got closer something didn't seem right. I approached and tapped her shoulder….. it was hollow.

I turned her around and turns out it was the anatomy dummy from science class with a wig on it.

"What's going on?"

"Fucking loser! You should try and score with her, a doll is all a fucking baby like you can play with anyway!"

I turned around to look at the voice that came from behind, there was a small crown behind me. All the popular boys with some random girls they were showing off to.

*splash!* *gak*

They started pelting me with water balloons filled with dyed blue water. It stained my white shirt under my black school vest.

I did nothing wrong, as I only wanted to get good grades and make my mom proud.

I began to cry and I quickly ran away. Distraught, upset, and very weak from running it took me a while to reach home. Quickly rushing past my mother I went to the bath.

"Haru, are you ok?" My mother asked through the door. All I did was sit in the tub and didn't speak a word.

I want to cry, I want my mother, I want her to heal me with her smile, but I also didn't want to burden her anymore. I didn't nothing but cause her grief. 

would she have to protect me as I entered adulthood? 

"*hic* I'm f-f-fine…" I said through my tears.

"What happened to your uniform? It was the only one you had."

"I-I-It was an accident at school…"

".... ok…." I heard my mothers footsteps leaving the door.

I finished my bath and readied myself for dinner. I was saddened and depressed. I felt smaller than this disease could ever make me feel. All I wanted was my mom to hold me, to let me feel sheltered from this cruel world. The bullying never stopped since it started and only escalated in middle school when everyone could noticeably see my condition. Now in highschool, I'm a target.

I don't want to ask my mom to hold me, but I'll just sneak in her bed like I used to and I know she will oblige me in my selfishness.

"I picked up an extra shift tonight, so mama will be home late."

"Oh, ok." She noticed my depressed face.

"Don't worry, I will be able to get you a new uniform and maybe even one of those games you like." She smiled at me, it was a forced smile but still good enough to brighten my mood.

After dinner we cleared the table and I excused myself. My mother sleeps in the living room and she gives me the room, a growing boy needs privacy, was her reasoning.

Unable to focus on school work, I decided to play games. I got stuck on a very irritating boss fight and decided I need to grind my levels, very tedious but it is necessary to push forward.. it can… also.. be… monotonous …… *snore* *snore*


"Huh!?" I woke up to a weird sound. My game was still on, but my light was off. "Did mom turn it off?"

Realizing I was thirsty I began to exit my room. Opening the door a crack, I froze…



Right in front of my door where our foldable sofa was, I saw the backs of two people. A large rotund man and his hairy ass, and the other was my angelic mother. Being smothered by the larger man's shear weight my mother was having a fit of moaning and attempting to breath.

"Im...c..c.cummming AHHHHHHHHH.."


The man bucked one more time and fell onto my petite mother. My eyes couldn't look away. The angelic mother of my being used as a pocket pussy by this fatass…

Is she dating him? Wait what's going on?

Although I'm emotionally upset at seeing my mother with another man,  it seems physically I was having other thoughts. I was pitching a tent in my pajama pants, but it wasn't the normal erection that I'm used to. 

It hurts! It's so sensitive!

The man finally got off my mother, pulling out of her he slightly turned to grab something allowing me to see his withering cock in that used purple condom, as well as allowing me a view of my mothers spread out pussy.

"Ha...ha...haaaa" it felt like electricity entered my body through my penis and jolted up my spine.

What was that!?

I looked down and my erection was going down after leaving a large stain on my pants.

Did I just cum!?

Due to my slow development I haven't officially gone through my puberty yet, so this was the first ejaculation of my life. I've played with my dick before, but nothing like this ever came out.

"Here you go Ika-san." My attention went back to the man outside. He was handing my mother money.

Why is he giving her….. no! It can't be.

"After refusing me for so long, I'm surprised you accepted my offer tonight."

"It's not something I plan on doing again."

"Now, now, don't say that. Your body can cater to a fetish that a lot of people can find…. Legally troublesome, hehehe. It could be quite profitable for you since its a specialized taste."


"Ok well I won't keep you any longer, thank you for the evening. I apologize if I wasn't catering toward your needs tonight, I was just too excited that's all."

"....Goodnight Akabe-san."

"Yes, yes, goodnight."

The large man quickly dressed and left. I closed my door and laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling.

My mom, just…. Prostituted?

I turned off my game, never again was I able to play it due to the memory of the evening. I heard it was highly rated though. Maybe one day when this lump in my throat disappears, I can finish it. Tears fell from my eyes that night until I fell asleep.



Waking up for school the next day, my mother greeted me in the kitchen with breakfast. I had a hard time looking her in the eye. Visions of the night before engraved in my soul. I couldn't help but get hard remembering what a sloppy mess her pussy was.

"Is something wrong?"

My mothers voice brought me back to the table.

"Just worried about not… uhhh… having a uniform."

"Don't worry? Mom will take care of it." She said with her smile seeming strained.

Today my mother walked me to school hand in hand. As we entered the school grounds I relinquished my grasp on her hand, not wanting to embarrass myself among my peers.

Seeing me flustered holding her hand my mother chuckled and let me do as I pleased. Standing next to her I still looked like I could be her child. I was only 127 cm tall. My black hair was short, and was always cut short to lessen my mothers worries about my upkeep.

I had larger eyes than my mother but the same black color.

Dressed in casual clothes my mother took me to the principal's office, once there she simply asked for three sets of uniforms for me. She filled out the forms for my new clothes and paid in cash.

That was when it hit me….. last night…. Was because of me! Because I was bullied I forced my mother into a corner and she had to sell her body to get cash immediately! Those bullies didn't just sully my clothes…. They sullied my angelic mother! Those fucking assholes are going to get….. I don't know!... SOMETHING.

I'm allowed to change and my mother takes the extra clothes with her. 

"M……" I called out, still remembering how she got the money for my uniforms. "Thank you…"

"You're my son, it's only natural." She smiled and left, with me staring at her back.

I went to class in a new uniform.




Ever since the day I ejaculated to mother, something has changed inside of me. My voice is slowly cracking, making my horrible social skills that much worse. I've constantly been hungry, sweaty, or horny as well, but the biggest change was I was always angry.

Like the cork to my top finally popped! All the things that I endured before, I was slowly losing the reins on my anger, but what could a person my size do?

I was at a crossroads. I was finally becoming a man but that meant I had to deal with my oppressors.

The bullying hasn't stopped, I'm just entertainment for the plebians it seemed. Throughout the school year I have been the butt of every joke of the popular gyaru-oh boys. I honestly couldn't wrap my mind around what was so entertaining about hurting someone's feelings.

As my social life had never improved, my academics were top notch. I gave up on physically being able to care for my mother, but with my grades I will find a way to give her a good life.

Speaking of my mother, my home life has become….. awkward.

I can't seem to stop lusting after my mom. It has been eating away at me slowly, however I am a smart child. I have turned this into a training tool. Doing my homework meant I could fap, getting nothing wrong on my answers meant I could peek at mother in the bath, I never had to sneak a glance, mother never saw the harm assuming I'm still pre-developed. Acing tests meant I would steal some of my mothers used panties.

All in all it was a great system for a new fapper such as myself. Despite all that was wrong with my social life, I felt accomplished. My happiness was kinda cemented and I felt everything would work out.



During my second year of highschool a miraculous thing happened to me. I had an amazing growth spurt. No, I only became 135cm tall, but the thing in my pants seemed to have been absorbing all my nutrients.

It looked like I had a third shin every morning.

It was an awkward affair, with my hormones developing in my body and my treatments from the hospital, I've never felt better. Yes, I was still bullied, but I helped my mother with the home and even gave her time to relax. Everything seemed to have been going in a great direction…. Until.

*knock* *knock*

Not used to visitors I was very concerned with who could be knocking on my door. Getting up I walked over and received my visitor. Upon opening the door it was a face I wouldn't forget.


In front of me was a beautiful gyaru named Saotome Kamina. She had been a giant in all dimensions to me, it wouldn't be difficult considering my issue. 170cm tall, THICC, dyed-blonde hair, light hazel eyes. She never wore vests and always had her blazer wrapped around her waist. She rolls her skirt so short that if the blazer wasn't there her ass would be constantly out in the open. Her white uniform top was unbuttoned and only tied together on the bottom, to show off her E-cup tits barely being held back in her bra. 

She goes to school pretty much like this but with her skirt unraveled 2 more times and she would actually use her buttons.

"Eyo shrimpo!" She flashed a peace sign at me.

"H-h-h-how c-can oomph." She just shoved her book bag in my stomach and entered my home.

"Kinda tiny eh? But like I guess that's fine for Ika-kun." She waltzed into my family room and plopped herself down on my couch/mothers bed.

"W-w-what are you doing?" I'm not used to talking with girls, especially gorgeous sluts, or alleged sluts. The big issue with Satomi-san being here is that she is supposed to be in a relationship with Matsuzaka Hiro, my main bully.

"Well Ik-chi, I know you get super good grades yeah? So, I was wondering if ya could tutor me?"

"W-w-why me? Matsuzaka wo-"

"Fuck Matsu-cchi." She said with a completely serious face


"Look Ik-chi I know like you are the total smartest. Matsuzaka, wouldn't listen to me when I asked him to leave ya alone. Like totally having fun is one thing, but I started to think he was bullying ya with all the pranks he pulled. When I asked him to ask you to tutor me thinking y'all were like totally friends, he tells me ya were never friends. I never knew it wasn't just playing around among friends, I thought he even got ya new uniforms everything he messed with ya. I always waited to see you get back at him…. But ya never did, I thought like you were just too busy being the smartest kid in school. I'm sorry Ik-chi." She stood up and bowed, allowing the globes filled with the dreams of men and boys to drop into view.

Fuck I have a boner 

"P-p-please don't worry about it!" I'm waving my arms frantically.

"So does that mean ya can tutor me?"

"I...uh…. I guess?"


My vision was eclipsed in darkness, but it was a darkness that contoured and cushioned my face.


Little did I know that this two massive mammaries in my face would lead me down a path that made me the man I am today.

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