The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 37- milking milfy mommy making mommy mad may mean murder PT. 1

short chapter,, sorry guys worked non stop since last release and got injured.  This was suppose to be a 2 parter but I most likely will have to extend it. I also didn't wanna leave you'll hanging. I'll have a full chapter up when I am able. Also, this does lead into the cliff hanger, your patience will be rewarded.

I couldn't believe it. My son had just told me that my husband and I were involved in an accident. The accident caused me to be in a coma for several years, while my husband didn't make it. My husband, Tomaki Hiroshi, was my everything. I dare say I may have loved him as much if not a little more than my own children. He was my lover, my friend, my partner, he was my Hiro-niisama.

Laying in bed I had to think of my life and just how it got to this point.




When I was a little girl, before I even began walking, I remembered my mother reading bedtime stories to me. All those stories about a girl being swept off her feet by a prince who saves her. These stories began as a simple pacifier to help a little girl sleep, that was until I met him.

I was four years old, wearing a blue KoniChiwa Kitten jumper that came down to my knees and a plain sky blue t-shirt. This was my fated day, the day when I walked off of my family's property, just a curious little child wanting to see the world. I wandered too far and I got lost. As a child on her own for the first time I really wasn't that far from home, but my sense of direction was horrible. What felt like hours, to me anyway, of walking I wanted to rest my little feet so I sat down close to the road, a little too close.

*Vrrrrrrr* *SCREEEEEEECH* 

"Look out!" A voice yelled out.

"WAHHHHHHHH! WAHHHHHHH! *hic*" Something hit me to the ground. I looked up and I saw the face of a man, no a boy I've never seen before. He looked like an angel. My sniffling slowed down, but everything else was drowning out.

"Are you ok?" He said as he was lying on top of me.

"Hina! HINA!" I heard my mothers voice calling for me, but I couldn't look away from the boy laying on top of me.

Seeing I was unresponsive the boy stood up and picked me off the ground. He picked me up easily and held me against his chest and shoulder.

"I think she's just shocked aunty, I'll take her back to the house if you don't mind finishing up here."

While I was in a daze due to my savior, my mother went to speak to the owner of a car parked in the middle of the street. I found out later on that the car swerved to avoid a stray cat and almost hit me as I was sitting near the road, when my savior jumped in and protected me.

He brought me into my home and put me on the couch. I had some scrapes on my knee and he was going to clean them up.

"Ok Hina-chan, this is going to sting a little. Just take a deep breath and 1...2...3.."

"Wahhhh!" I called out as he sprayed alcohol on my cuts. He immediately starts to pat dry the area with cotton, added some weird cream, and topped it off with a band-aid.

"~pain pain, fly away~" he said as he gently rubbed around the area.

It felt like magic to me actually. I did instantly feel better. Who was this magical person?

"Hina!" My mother came into the room and wrapped her arms around me. She was a Japanese beauty for a housewife, easily could have been a swimsuit model as she is right now. Wearing a sun-dress she looked like a teenager.. Her black hair was disheveled, and her black eyes were red, she was still beautiful.

"Hina-chan!" Another woman, who looked just like my mother appeared behind the kneeling boy. "I'm so glad you are alright." She said as she placed her hand over her chest, also wearing a sun-dress. I was shocked to see the new woman with a face I'm familiar with.

"Two mommies???" I squeezed in my mothers embrace.

"Oh?" My mother let go and turned to the other woman, "no Hina, that is my twin sister, your aunty."

"Yes I am Hirono-nee's twin, I am your Aunt Hinata. It's a pleasure to meet you Hina-chan." she gently bowed, "this young man is my son, Tomaki Hiroshi."


"You can call me Hiro if you want Hana-chan.:


""AWWWWWWEEEE"" everyone in the room had their hearts melted at my words. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

"Yes! You can call me Hiro-nii if you'd like!"

Everyone was glad everything was alright, but the smiling face of that boy was the best smile I've ever seen. Even if I only saw mommies, daddies, and aunties. His was the best.

"Hiro-nii…… I love you."

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