The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 45- Harutos hurting himself pt. 5

i am already working on the next chapter. I actually cut this chapter short *at 4k words* because the total chapter was gonna be over 9k if I didn't. So disclaimer, next chapter will be fetishy as f**k and this chapter actually introduces two characters from another story I'm writing. Enjoy.


While cursing my situation and dwelling in my anger, a voice rose up from the side. The voice that reached me was so harmonic, so beautiful, so lovely, so familiar, and yet I couldn't place it. 

Why did that voice resonate within me so much that it could calm me down?

My thoughts were going a mile a minute but for my body not even half a second passed and as if by instinct, I was already turning toward the voice.

*ba-dum* *ba-dum* *ba-dum*

My heart felt like it was slowed down, yet to compensate, it magnified in strength for every beat. I felt the equivalent to fear, yet it wasn't that, it was almost the reverse of that.

 The movies that showed the monster in the dark, behind the beauty who was the last to survive the deadly onslaught before being the lone survivor, that feeling, but reversed

As if turning my body would lead me to God, the holy land if you will, that voice was heaven incarnate and if death followed behind witnessing it, it wouldn't be a scary horrific end, but a beautiful peaceful one.

Or so I thought but I am, of course, just a normal hormonal teenager and I was nervous to see the creator of that beautiful voice so I created an illusion bigger than the situation.

I turned my body so quickly, it defied the author's long ass description of my feelings. Upon turning my body, my eyes were assaulted. I instinctively blinked, as if I looked directly in the sun and adjusted my vision.

What in-the-holy-birth-water of aphrodite?!?

Before me was Mrs. Rabbit, the beautiful redhead that married a goofy rabbit comicbook character. Red hair with that fiery red dress…

"No! Not a red dress!", it was a low-cut long sleeve red top, "Her aura made me imagine something ridiculous!". She was wearing a business casual black skirt that went down to her knees. Her lava-like hair was red and full of volume, her body was tight yet delicate, and her mystifying eyes….. they were green.

"How is she Japanese?! Is she Japanese?"

My mind and body became hot. I wish I could say I was a walking hard on and I radiated a sexual aura to combat the wave of sexiness that I was assaulted with, but thats not what happened. She was so beautiful that I blushed. I became bashful. How was man supposed to conquer women and continents in the olden days when the sight of one can make me feel so…. So….. unworthy.

Oh fuck! I'm staring! She said something right?! What did she say!? How do I respond!?

"He-cuptyou…" I replied. She stared at me and tilted her head, I slowly acknowledged the word I just coughed out, and… my… face… slowly… distorted. My face scrunched as my jaw opened, I became so embarrassed I couldn't properly comprehend the tsunami of shame that had swept over me. The blood draining from my face was a blessing as I would have turned into a stop sign with how embarrassed I was. 

What the fuck just happened!?!? What did I just say?! Fucking kill me! Holy shit! 

I want to scream! I want to scream from the top of my lungs.

 This is fucked! No one could save themselves from this situation right? God please tell me anyone would feel the shame I would feel right now, and there isn't some type of superhuman who feels no shame that could walk away from this easily, PLEASE GOD TELL ME!!


The sound of an angelic instrument rang into my ears. The sight of this woman lifting her hand to her mouth to hide her cute smile….. was cute in itself. I felt warmth creak up my spine, and I felt my horror begin to reside.





The glass of disappointment painted on my face disappeared. The beautiful woman in front of me just giggled in such a cute way. 

What do I do!?

"Are you ok?" She spoke in a melodic voice. 

"I-I-I…" I stammered, I may feel better, but I still didn't have my shit together.


She laughed again.

So cute! How can she be beautiful and this cute??

When she closes her eyes and opens them, I get shocked by them everytime. I cannot understand how she is this beautiful.

"Please…" she walked toward me, "could I have a moment of your time?" She raised her hand and gently stroked my cheek as her hand made it toward my hair, giving me a gentle pet.

All I could do was stare at her without blinking and nod…

"Thank you." She said with such a sweet and innocent smile.






There I was…. in an awkward position with this woman I just met… being used as a sex toy pretty much.. she held both my legs in the air as I laid on my back, and she is now pretty much scissoring my dick like a lesbian sex scene. 

"Oomph! Oomph! Oomph! Oomph! Oomph! Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!"

With one foot by my face an the other on the other side of the bed, she slams her pussy on my cock. 

Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again and again!

I felt like a grown dildo. I wasn't a human being involved in sex, I just a useful tool!

"Himeno! Is this what you meant by being used by a woman?! This woman is beautiful, I thought I would reach the gates of heaven,, but I feel nothing but degradation by this woman."

"Ha! Ha! Haaaaaahn!"  She used me to her completion, and the expression on her face was so beautiful I could come from that, but that would be if I didn't feel like a deprecated dildo.

She smiled as she grinded on me to expand her orgasm… 


she tried to slam her pussy down to the base of my cock… I haven't measured my dick to to other dicks, but so far I've always hit a wall when entering a pussy. I can't say if I'm proud of that fact right now as this woman tries to slam my dick deeper into her.




While slamming her pelvis onto me, she had this seductive smile on her face and after several hard thrusts, she looked at me…..  actually no she didn't. She looked in my direction, but she never looked AT ME during our sex.

I was just an object, a tool for this woman's maturation. When she spotted me outside she immediately pulled me back into the massage parlor and requested a room, she seemed to be knowledgeable about this type of place, and I was totally swept up by her pace. I should feel happy about being used as a sex toy by the most beautiful woman I've ever met, but honestly I'm not.

If you could imagine those old movies where there was a moment of pause when the two destined lovers met for the first time. Now imagine the plot of those movies where either they couldn't express their feelings for one another or some obstacle kept getting in their way. That's how I initially felt when I met this woman, and now all I feel is abashed discontent. This woman looked magical, as if I was meant to meet her, or even worse, as if I was already searching for her without knowing!

"Is this all I'll ever be?! A fucming dick to hu guy whores?!"

My own personal weak side started to leak out. My emotions are still a mess after everything that happened with me and my girls.

"Am I failing them? Do I deserve them? Even worse, do I deserve them because they are whores?! If a random stranger can use me as a toy, could they even acknowledgeme as a man???"

My thoughts and feelings were in disarray. Betrayed by my own expectations of this beautiful woman and yet, also welcomed. She pulled me in and desired to call me nii-san. Her beloved brother who couldn't do this task himself, I assumed, because they are related.

 "HAAAAAAAAAHN!!!" The woman moaned as she slammed her cervix on my dick, which interestingly enough, had over an inch resting on the outside of her developed pussy.

Why does my dick seem longer? Is it the angle it's aimed at?

My thoughts were interrupted by the mystery woman unsheathing my still hard dick from her hot and wet slit and laying backwards til her back is on the bed.

*gasp* *gasp*

"HaaaaAAAAHHH!!" the woman breathed out. "That was…. *pant* that was, amazing."

It could be more amazing if I could be involved? Instead of being used like a sex toy.

"Uhh… yeah, it was fun." I did my best to sound enthusiastic.

"Hmhmhmhhehe" she giggled as she moved on the bed to meet my face, "I'll be right back, I have to freshen up." She said with a sultry smile, "be prepared~." She booped my nose and got up off the bed. My eyes were hooked on her curves and body. She was so sexy and as mysterious as she was, she gave me an air of familiarity.

Is she reminding me of Himeno? Is this what she would grow up into if we didn't get together? A woman who hooks up with people that remind her of her brother?

I'm fucking upset at the idea. The thought of my sister with anyone else makes me…. It made me…. It…… 

But what if it made her happy?

I became irritated and conflicted. The idea that you love someone and you stop them from being happy due to your selfishness. Is that what I want to do?, knowing my sister is happy should be the happiest thing for me, yet…..

Fuck this…

I was annoyed and irrational. I hopped off the bed and got my clothes that were scattered on the floor. I was supposed to be looking for my mother and instead I'm fucking random woman and questioning my relationship with my sister.

All of this was a fucking stupid idea.

I quickly left the room in a huff. Walking quickly and glancing back at the room I didn't realize someone was in front of me in the hallway.

*BOOF* *thud*

I fell back immediately falling on my ass.

"Oye! Oye!" A deep voice yelled out

Trying to collect myself a little bit I was able to look up.

Oh fuck!

In front of me were two behemoths of men. The small one, who was still a massive giant, stared at me making it obvious he was the one I bumped into. He was dressed in a black Yukata, he had very dark skin, was almost a meter wide, and had blond hair on his scalp while his face has a small blonde beard.

"HHHGGGHHH." The larger one growled. 

Holy hell the large one was scary as hell

He was dressed in a very big dark suit with a red tie, and he had scars across his face. Actually the scars joined together on one side of his face so I guess it was one scar, but either way both of these men were tall and wide. They had huge bellies but their shoulder width was a prime example that they weren't pushovers.

Shit! I'm fucked.

"Uh.. uh.. uhhhh." I stammered, I was obviously nervous. I'm a teenage boy and I'm the one that bumped into them. The fact that they were both larger than Sasuke didn't help, but my good manners collided with my please don't fucking squish me instinct.

"Fucking piece of shit can't even apologize!?" The blonde haired one grabbed my throat and picked me up with one hand. I was standing on my two feet now, but my weight was mainly supported by the man gripping my neck. "You disrespect us on our turf?! You got some balls don't ya!! Who sent you!? Who is getting killed today!!?"

The man was yelling at me and I had no rebutle, I didn't mean to attack him yet I can't really speak.

 What do I do!? 

I tried to speak but it wasn't going through. I was panicking and all my memories were flashing before my minds eye. My voice was garbled as I tries to speak but I didn't try to attack the man, I was too occupied with trying to reason with him and the fact that he would probably kill me if I tried. I began to black out until I heard…


A big ass hand touched the should let of the man grabbing me.

"Don't bully the weak." It what the scarred man said.

Almost immediately all my weight re-entered my legs because my throat was released. I immediately fell to the ground.

*cough* *cough*

"Sorry T-bone! I just didn't want to be taken advantage of!" The smaller big man bowed to the larger man. The big man's response was a creepy kind if smile and pat to the head of the bowing man.

"Did it for friends, it's fine."

*cough* *cough*

They were having a moment while I was choking on the ground. Unfortunately my writhing drew their attention and the suited big one grabbed me this time.

"Fwueh!" I exclaimed as the large man grabbed me and put me on my feet. He began to dust me off and straighten out my clothes.

"I'm sorry about my friend, but he cares." He said with his creepy smile. "Friends who care, are friends you care for." He said as he finished brushing me off.

I'm very bewildered at the situation. I was about to die and now I'm being cleaned up.

What the fuck just happened?!

"This is my building. What brings you here?!" The big man said.

What? The owner is willing to speak to me?

"Uhh…uhhhh… ummm," I stumbled on my words, I didn't know what to do until…..

"Ohhh!" A sultry voice said. "Are those your friends?"

All three of us turned around to see my M.I.L.F poking her head out of the door to our room. It's not hard to tell she is not only out of my league, but way older than me. I couldn't hide the fact she knew me from anyone around me, and I knew she would have a hard time explaining this to anyone if we were caught,, so I did the only thing I could….

"Mom go back inside, I'll be right back in." I smiled as big as I could, but my words were flustered and hard for me to finish. I seemed to.have said it confidently enough for the large men to buy it, and it seemed my words caused the M.I.L.F to blush as well, and instead of refuting my words she obediently nodded then began to close the door while looking at me with longing gaze.

*clack* The door shut, and I turned my head around to look at the two behemoths. Now that I'm standing up I can see that the blonde man isn't that much taller than me. He's maybe 17cm(7-inches) taller while I stand straight up, but his brown eyes look at me like they only see an insect in front of him. In contrast, the larger man has softer black eyes but his entire aura is one of death. It's as if DEATH himself was a waiter at a nice brunch location and no matter how friendly he looked and seemed, you know that he's death!

"Fwue…" While stumbling on my words the big death stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder causing me to gasp.

"You…." He began and immediately paused but kept staring at me. The few seconds seemed like minutes as he just looked me in my face. The tension in my body began to grow, and I could feel the sweat building up on my back.

Huh!? Me!? What!? Don't just leave it like that without letting me go!... My thoughts were going wild while the man remained, not only silent, but also motionless. I closed my eyes and just as soon as I did….

"Why are you here with your mom." Those words caused me to open my eyes and look at the man.

Fuck! Thats right!! This is a shady place! I acted like this was a normal motel and called that woman mom! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is a love hotel right above a massage parlor! My eyes began to dart all around me and I looked at the floor, ceiling, and finally back at both men….. They said this was 'their turf! They know what kinda place this is! I just admitted to being in a love motel with my "mother". Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Well…." I began to speak. Running low on ideas I decided to give them an abridged version of my life story. I told them about my parents' accident, my sister leaving me because she was arrested, I mentioned my cheating live-in girlfriend just to lead back to my sister coming home, and I finished it with my comatose mother going missing and me being in the city looking for her.

I didn't lie but I left out the other girls and Sasuke completely. I mean look how long it took for the story to get where we are now, if I told them everything I would never leave. So I didn't lie, but now the woman I called mom is my missing mother and I am currently in a love motel with her. 

I mean that's what they would think right?

The blonde haired man turned away and the big scary one with the scar on his face looked down. His grip on my shoulder got tighter and he began trembling.

What just happened?

The big man lifts his free hand and curls it into a fist and slowly crouches down to my height.


My muscles begin to spasm and I feel my flight or fight response kick in, but the fight option was NOT going to happen. I stood there and my forehead began to sweat, I had hoped I could grow wings so that I could fly away. Of all things right now, I'd much rather grow wings and jump out the window, gravity be damned.

Icarus? That lucky bastard who fell to his death peacefully instead of being beaten in by these to silvercack-guerillas-of-warfare! Fuck Icarus! Fuck I'm so scared im rambling. Please something happen, what the fuck is with all these pauses!?

"HMMMM!" The man almost sounded like he growled as he dropped to a knee. Even on one knee the man was much wider than me, but only half a head shorter than me. He raised his head to look at me and it almost looked like his eyes….. were shining?.... his free hand balled in a fist, quickly turned and became a thumbs up, "Good sons take good care of their mothers. HMMM." He semi-growled again at the end of his statement as if to patent his words.

"Uhhh…… what?" My face went blank.

The blonde haired man turned back around 

*sniffle* *sniffle*


"ONLY THE MOST HONORABLE MEN COULD STEP UP AND BE THE MAN THEIR MOTHERS NEED!" Large tears fall from the man's eyes. The steady stream of liquid pouring from his eyes was surely inhuman, "TO STEP UP!" The man now speaks as if he's giving a sermon at a church, "EVEN FURTHER AND BE THE MAN TO PLEASURE YOUR OWN MOTHER!" The man begins to fan his large face. "THE SELF SACRIFICE! TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD THAT WOULD SHAME SUCH AN ACT! YET TO BEAR IT ALL FOR YOUR MOTHER! THE NOBILITY!!"

"HMMMMM." The kneeling bigger man just does his growl and nods as he affirms the blonde big man's words.

"Hehe…hehe..he." I nervously chuckle, "well I don't know about all that, and honestly I don't know how much pleasure I gave her. She pretty much went with her fantasies and used me." I accidentally was too honest and I realized immediately I might have said the wrong words. The faces of both of the big men suddenly became serious. The blonde haired big man steps closer to me.

"Please tell us the details." The blonde man requested, inciting another nod from the kneeling larger man.

I nervously went into detail about my "moms" fetish and how she used me as her proverbial scratching post. The intense love making session we had where she just dominated me while she played at being my "younger sister". I explained how lost I felt afterwards, as if I wasn't man enough to be involved.

"Hime told me to sleep with other women and at first I thought it was just a kink of hers, but now," my face drops down, "now I see that she wanted me to learn and not to be toyed with."

"Hime?" The blonde man asked.

"Oh!...." I overshared again, what if they think I'm  cheating on my "mother"!? Will they get mad? Fuck should I lie?, weighing the options I had I decided to stay honest.  "She's my sister. The one that came back to me."

Everything went silent…..



"WAHHHHH!" The blonde man began to ugly cry. "THIS MAN'S LOVE KNOWS NO DEPTH!" He began to preach through the tears and the large kneeling man nodded at every word. "TO LOVE NOT ONLY MOTHER AND SISTER, BUT TO BE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE, AND TO DESIRE TO BE SEEN AS THE MAN OF THE HOUSE WHEN HE COULD EASILY LAY BACK AND BE PAMPERED!" The blonde man's arms begin to flail to emphasize his words. The large man kneeling looks up at the blonde man, and the blonde man looks back at him.

Huh? Desire to be seen as the man of the house? What does that mean?.... while lost in my thoughts the large nods again at the one man and they both look at me. This time the one man had a fanatical look in his eyes.

"YOU SIR! WHO CAN DOESN'T WANT TO BE PLEASED, BUT INSTEAD DESIRES TO PLEASE THOSE HE LOVES! THESE WOMEN WHO WERE LOST AND ABANDONED," The mans arm movements has turned into some type of interpretive dance and he imitates someone throwing something away and someone being cold,, "AND THOUGHT THEY MIGHT LOSE YOU, SHALL BE REASSURED TODAY!" The blonde man's words stopped and the atmosphere of the hallway became thick and heavy. "For I, Rikishi!" The blonde man bows, "has been instructed by T-bone-sama" he points at the kneeling man. "To teach you the necessary skills to conquer your mother!"

Wait… what? When did this T-bone instruct anyone to do anything?! What just happened!?


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