The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 46 -haruto is hurting himself part 6

my edit turned into an 8k word chapter enjoy the ride

Sumo wrestlers? I really can't believe it. In this love hotel hallway, I was just taught how to give sexual pleasure to a random woman who, by a misunderstanding, these two incest enthusiasts think is my mother. These two large men are apparently gangsters….. sumo wrestler gangsters, Akechi would have gotten a hoot outta this.

Melancholy washed over me with the thought of Akechi. Even with his fucked up intentions and what he did to me, he was my only male friend, so of course this would be something I would've wanted to tell him.

Those days are over though, huh?

Going back to the sumo wrestlers, they lightly introduced themselves and I introduced myself as well. They let me know they were the "caretakers" of the building we were in and that Rikishi is a former sumo wrestler and T-bone competes now and then but it comes second to their "caretaking" job.

Rikishi did look like someone familiar, but I couldn't quite remember.

They lightly spoke about themselves in a carefree manner, although T-bone would speak slowly and with a lot of growls. Rikishi on the other hand was a prime example of energetic. For every word T-bone would say, Rikishi would say 15 or 20 just to affirm, confirm, or praise what T-bone said.

"This is almost like a comedy act", was what I though….. I didn't understand how accurate that description was until a short moment later

The larger man, T-bone, was currently in a sumo squat showing off a technique he says "Will subdue mother."

"YES! T-BONE-SAMA, SHOW HIM THE ANGLE DRIVER!" The blonde haired big man Rikishi exclaimed with excitement while he excitedly imitated the weird pose T-bone was doing, only he was gyrating while doing it. His motions were surprisingly nimble for a large man.

The scene itself was ridiculous. The size of the blonde haired man dressed in an ALL BLACK yukata twerking in a hallway right next to an even larger man in a suit, was just crazy.

"AND THEN YOU MUST…" Rikishi begins his preaching and slightly raises a leg. The action itself caused T-bone to look at him.

"HMMMMM…. Too early." The semi growl from T-bone forced Rikishi to freeze in mid twerk.

"FORGIVE ME T-BONE-SAMA!" With rather ludicrous flexibility and body movement, Rikishi stood up straight and bowed at 90 degrees. "TO SEE MULTIPLE TECHNIQUES USED ONE AFTER ANOTHER! I BECAME TOO EXCITED, I'M SORRY!" Rikishi's bow was immaculate, almost statuesque.

"Hmmm…. It's fine. Excitement," while still squatting, "is a spice that gives life flavor! Hmmmm." With a big thumbs up and growl of approval Rikishi springs back up and begins praising and preaching again.


I should be laughing right? I should be right? This entire scene is right out of a cartoon and I don't mean an action anime, I mean one of those goofy 'American guys with families' cartoons. But I cannot laugh, as silly as this seems, their advice is actually very good.

They re-started the advice and immediately stopped the extra shenanigans. They had to feel up my body, which of course was weird, but they kept it at arms and chest. They were actually surprised by my physical development and they asked to show them my abs. They stepped back when they asked as they understood it was a weird request, and it made me feel more at ease, so I flashed my abs muscles and that caused Rikishi to go on a rant of how men of honor commit to their own bodies before they commit to the bodies of others.

As fanatic as Rikishi is, he's like a cool uncle giving advice to children, just overly excited when he does. They both actually seem like nice guys. Is that ok to think of a gangster?

My mind immediately reminded me of the last gang affiliated person I ran into and my blood ran cold.  As I was thinking this, a visual of a black terminator with a severe daughter attachment pops in my mind and my body stiffens. That man almost killed me based on a misunderstanding, but he was also a really nice guy. As I was lost in my thoughts I looked at the theatrical movements of the two men and I realized….

Aren't I making friends with really dangerous people?




The entire meeting between me and the men was a total of 20 minutes and I have a hot redheaded M.I.L.F I've got to tame. Standing in front of the door to our room, I'm holding a bucket of ice and I have Rikishi and T-bone right behind me. As if I was about to fight in a match, Rikishi was rubbing my shoulders and repeating the advice they gave me one final time. T-bone was on a knee in front of me again just growling and nodding. He was so large that even on a knee he was almost my height.

From their support I feel both relieved and slightly more pressure. As if the hopes and dreams of men everywhere, somehow ended up on my shoulders

"Remember kid, all the men and women in the world with hot mothers; young kids, olds kids, step kids, adopted kids, all of them." Rikishi whispered in my ear. "All their hopes and dreams of making their mothers happy, rests on your shoulders."

Ok that could probably be the reason for the pressure.

"Here." T-bone hands me a small silver bucket full of ice with an already open bottle of champagne, but with only one glass. T-bone's reasoning was "be a delinquent anytime, except in front of mom's.".

This guy must be a great son, the woman that raised him has to be a nice person right? He can't be that bad of a guy right?

"I won't let you guys down." I said to them and repeated those words in my heart, as I pledged to them and to every mom-con in the world.

It's good that I have some role play experience. After today I can probably use my skills on Himeno, and the best part is my real mom, when I find her, will never know how degenerative her children are.



After final touches, each man pats me on the shoulder and goes on their way, leaving me there. My nerves are shaken, but I'm not scared, I'm actually excited. The biggest desire I have right now is to pleasure this woman like no one has before. I will not break her, I will mold her. I will not subjugate her, I will cooperate with her. Where she is empty, I will fill her.


I grasped the doorknob, exhaled one last time, and opened the door.

"Pardon the intrusion." I say as I enter the room. My heart beats harder and faster with each step I take, getting deeper in the room. I exit the small hallway and turn towards the bed and I see the naked M.I.L.F laying on her side reading an article or something on her cellphone. Her entire body is captivating to the eyes but her bust and her stomach draws me in instantly. 

Her tits aren't gravity defying. They are warm, inviting, motherly, but also firm enough for repect. She has the slightest sag in her breasts, a sag so little you wouldn't be able to notice it unless you knew what you were looking for. 

This woman used to be in ridiculous shape. 

The sag in her breasts are from muscle atrophy and not because of her age. Her abdomen is still nice and smooth, yet firm. Her abs being that firm with her slight sag in her chest, its conflicting when you see them together and that's what is drawing my attention to them.

How does she have atrophy yet she's clearly still active? Unless she used to be in even better shape and her smooth abdomen is an atrophied version of what they used to be?

"See something you like?" The woman looks up at me with a sultry smile, causing all my thoughts to stop. "Do you finally," she let her phone drop to the bed and she shifted her weight so she laid back and brought her legs between us and slowly opened them. Her legs opened wide apart and this woman's folds stayed closed. "have time for…. Mommy?~" She purred, clearly making fun of what I said earlier in the hallway.

I looked directly at the small plump flesh mounding the dead center of this curvaceous creature's legs and my mouth instantly began to water. The mound was her flesh folds covering her labia, a small opening can be seen a little lower and closer to her pale rosebud. She slowly reached down and spread her folds open with her index and middle finger, like a peace sign in a move that could be considered both slutty and sexy.

As she spread her folds open the outer skin finally pulled back exposing her wet labia and slightly moist hole. Her leaking sex juice was the reason her folds covered her pussy so tightly, it acted as a pseudo-paste. While covered by her folds, her pussy became insulated. Her pussy looked so pink and hot I could almost imagine steam streaking off of it while it was smeared with juices that were obviously smeared by her thick and juicy folds.

"Actually.." I began as I lowered the ice bucket onto the floor and raised the bottle and glass out of it. "I thought you might be thirsty." I slowly poured a glass for her and she put on a seductive smile as I handed her the class. "My… little sister." I saw the sparkle in her eye as soon as I brought up her fetish.


"Oh my." She reached toward me and grabbed the glass. "Thank you my beloved older brother." She placed her luscious lips to the glass and took a sip.

As she took her sip I began to undress. I had to make sure she stayed in the right state of mind. Every move I made while I undressed was deliberate and maybe a little bit embellished. Fully extending my arms to show off their definition, flexing my abs as I take off my belt, and showing off my ass as I take off my pants.

"Hmmmm…. Create the world, where everything is about sex. Keep her thinking sex, and sex will be all she's thinking…. Hmmmmm."


The advice from the two men earlier echoed in my mind. If all this woman can think of is pleasure then she will be much easier to please.

Reminiscing back to the words the men said these were the steps given to me by the duo: 

"These steps cannot be taken lightly and should be used on people who've already been partnered with you before and have some degree of trust. Trying these on new people can be taken as manipulation, so be careful." Were the words from Rikishi while T-bone only nodded in the background.

Step 1- "Immerse your partner in sex mentally and emotionally. Creating an ideal environment mentally for your partner to safely orgasm, helps them orgasm."

Step 2- "immerse your partner in sex physically while keeping their mental world intact."

Step 3- "push boundaries."

Step 4- "always ask for consent, but do it in character." (A safe word should be used in these cases guys, but please forgive Haruto for not knowing about safe words.)




Ok Haruto, you can do this. Make her love this.

"Hey, little sis." I uttered those words as I turned toward the woman on the bed, while fully exposing my hardened shaft to her, with this I made my opening move. I had my face slightly stern, right now it's bad big brother time. I reached toward her, but stopped short and grabbed a pillow and threw it on the ground, to set up the first part of the "role-play", not once in my movement did I take my eyes off of my target while trying to intensify my gaze.

I need her to believe I'm upset with her as I create this 'world for us.

*gulp* the woman finished off her glass while looking at me. Her gaze becomes more nervous with each second.

She is in an illegal hotel room with a person she never met before, if I don't play this right she might think I'm a psycho and panic.

Gaining my wits about myself, I immediately grabbed her class and threw it (*gently lobbed it) to the ground(on the pillow I laid there earlier).

Good, It didn't break! I'm not trying to create a mess for the staff here. Especially if they work for T-bone and Rakishi. They were nice to me afterall.

It was shocking that the glass didn't shatter(not too shocking). I leapt onto the bed and straddled the woman's body. My engorged cock (that this woman didn't let ejaculate yet) was now on her chest, between her amazing tits. Upon closer inspection her eyes were filled with dread. The overwhelming atmosphere I created has seeped into her mind.

I have officially immersed her into this role play emotionally, now the script so she can enjoy.

"This is what my little sister likes to do?" I spoke as if reprimanding her and her nervous eyes flickered a little. "Your big brother has to study for his entrance exams and you decide to skip school and drink alcohol in my room….. again!?" I slightly hesitated but I feel I finished properly. This woman's eyes slowly changed again. With my throbbing cock on her chest I feel her legs wiggling, she's shifting her thighs because she just got excited, I decided to continue. "Being naked and drunk in a man's room is what my whore-of-a-sister enjoys?! The possibilities of being raped and impregnated by anyone just thrills you doesn't it you slut!" 

"..huhnn.." the woman let out a moan as I felt her hips wiggle a little faster, causing my veiny-throbbing cock to rub on her bare chest since I'm still straddling her. Her eyes have completely been glazed in lust, and her lips are not in a full smile, but in a crazy smirk as if a predator found the perfect prey.

Oh fuck! Thank all the holy spirit's this is working. I was so nervous about saying all that, that I'm certain I shaved off years of my life, but also her reaction is making my dick even harder. If I don't do something soon I'm afraid I'll pop a vein.

"..Mmmmmm… nooo~" She sang in a coquettish voice. "Only for onii-sama. I want only to be used even if abandoned, only by onii-sama."

Oye! Oye! Oye! That's a little dangerous fetish! Hime might be altering my thinking with her dirty talk, but incest play aside, "abandoning" play doesn't sound right. Fuck! Come one Haruto, counter her words and keep the "image" up.

"Ohhhhhh?...." I meakly said.

Man up Haruto!


"Oh? Has my sister done something worth being abandoned? Grades aside, you were always my treasured lil sis you know?" I cooed back at her.

Yes, mix 'punishment' onii-sama and 'caring onii-sama. Carrot and stick! Balls in your court 'sis' 

"Yes~" She purred as she squeezed her tits together, making a makeshift hotdog buns out of the hopes and dreams of boys around the world that manifested in the physical world as, Massive Mammaries. "I've been so bad onii-sama." She began pressing and maneuvering her tits to stroke my inflated cock. "I've skipped school~"

"Hhhmmmm.." I slightly moaned.

"Gotten into fights~" her stroking got faster

"..t-thats… not… good~." I beganosing myself in the cloud like pocket pussy that was this woman's breasts.

"...I raped a boy~." She said in her still playful manner.

"Tha-... huh?" As if being splashed with cold water I shook my head and stared at her.

"Oh? Did that affect you onii-sama? Do you hate knowing that you won't be your sister's first time hehehe~?"

I grew silent. Things went through my mind that shouldn't have. This whole situation was for me to gain experience to conquer women, but she turned the tables on me and images flashed through my mind. The images that I always tried to suppress to be able to stay a good person, but that would be fine. Those images would normally not bother me because I'm used to it. I already had to acknowledge that the girls I love have been with others, even as young as I am. I know its childish to wanna be someone's first and last lover at such a young age.

Common sense wasn't the issue right now. The issue was what we were doing at the time these images popped in my head. Hearing this wan speak of other men made me think of those close to me, being with other men.

Mirai… Rika… Akio… Sakura……even Sachiko …

Those were fine, I could handle that. However, what just triggered me was this roleplay, and I thought of…





"Oh? Did that upset you onii-sama? You are making a really scary face right now." Though she acknowledged the change in mood, she continued the play, maybe even more excited than before. She stared at my face with a look of pure ecstacy, she could noonger hold back and began sucking the tip of my dick that poked out of her bountiful cleavage.

I, however, was barely paying attention. What I didn't realize was that, it wasn't my facial expression that was scary. No, in fact I probably only looked slightly upset. The scary part was I stopped breathing and my body tensed up as I imagined my beloved sister Himeno saying those words to me.

Do you hate knowing that you won't be your sister's first time

Those words echoed in my head, but my mind manipulated an image of Himeno's face actually saying those words to me.

Do I think Hime would've been with someone else? 

Could she cheat on me?

Would she cheat on me?

I love her… she loves me right?

But I thought the same about Sakura….

That's right, all my loved ones are used goods…. Why is Hime special?

No, why weren't they special?

Why couldn't life just give them more time to meet me before that motherfucking asshole Sasuke?!

Fuck life! Fuck losing loved ones! Fuck losing anything! Fuck Sasuke!..... AND FUCK LOSING MY SISTER!

My body was tense, my muscles flexed, my heart pounded, and my veins began to pop. Especially the veins in my face, that was why I had a scary face right now. I looked like a calm person about to commit murder and this woman loved it.


I exhaled deep and took a breath, I felt the blood move from my face, I must have changed shades of color. That however only motivated the woman to pump her tits and move her luscious lips on my cock at an even faster pace. 

My sister needs to know, she's forbidden to touch anyone else.

I could feel it. This dark murky feeling in my stomach that is igniting my chest and throat. I have become angry and I needed an outlet and coincidentally, this entire situation was the perfect outlet.

T-bone-sama, Rikishi-sama! I will not betray your expectations, but for you both and for all brothers who should never let go of their sisters. I'm going to tame this bitch in heat.


"GUUFAAHHKK." Was the sound the woman made as I clamped the back of her head with an iron like grip and pushed my dick deeper in her mouth. I begin rocking my hips violently as I try to get deeper and deeper aiming for her throat, however her two heavenly peaks are pressed against my thighs and are being pressed into her chin with every thrust. Although these tits aid in stroking my cock with every thrust, my aim was to dominate and to do that I had to make this less comfortable for her.

"You think a no good little sister who touches others is worth anything to an upstanding older brother?!" I snapped at her while I raised my hips and lean forward to allow my body to hop over her tits and now my ass is slightly in the air and I'm fucking her throat in a downward angle. Despite me being upset, I know my dick isn't something just anyone can take to the base, I was surprised how much she could take though. Even if she's a stranger, with my mentality, her deep throat in ability actually raises more animosity. "My beautiful little sister can take a lot of my dick huh? HOW MANY DICKS DID MY SLUT OF A SISTER SUCK BEFORE HER OWN BROTHERS?? DIDN'T YOUR BROTHER DESERVE IT MORE? WHO DESERVES THEIR DICK SUCKED BY THEIR SISTER IF NOT THE OLDER BROTHER?!"

*gyuck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck* *guck*


I don't stop pistons into her mouth until I hear coughing and I slowly pull my dick out of her mouth. I can feel the walls of her throat open around the back of my cock head and slowly relax as my tip exits her entirely. 

"Cough, cough." Large amounts of sticky flemmy saliva is caked down her chin and cheeks and bubbles form in her mouth as she coughed. She may look like a mess but her eyes only showed pure euphoria. "Oni..*cough*... Onii-sama, I just wanted to practice to be good for when we finally fucked." She batted her teary eyes at me, trying to be cute, but all her words did was ignite me even more.

I swung my leg over her body and gripped her shoulder that was closer to me and forcefully flipped her over.



Her yelp was stopped short by me gripping her head and slapping her ass. I brought my face close to her velvet-like red hair to whisper in her ear.

"....My little-sister has been bad!" I paused because the scent of her hair hit me hard, in more ways than one. My dick is now raging, but her smell almost calmed it down, almost relaxed me. I wanted to bask in her smell longer but I couldn't risk ruining the roleplay, so I continued.

"Yes~! Such a little sister sucked dicks to be better for her brother~. Such a little sister let dicks enter her, because she was afraid of brothers huge cock~. I need to be good at sex for my onii-samahhh~." She moaned as I pressed her head into the bedpost, I reach down her firm bubble ass and reach for her pussy.

She is soaked!

Unlike most of the day, there was no resistance for my ring and middle finger as I hooked the inside of her pussy.

*sss-sque* *sss-sque* *sss-sque* *sss-sque*

Her pussy sang to me as I fingers her.

"Yes! YES! Finger your little sister's cunt." She moaned out loud.

Using that as a prompt, I pulled her body, by her pussy, toward her head stuffed against the red bedpost. Her ass naturally arches and her back curves, but I still pull her ass closer to her head until I feel she's uncomfortable. I have been silent for a while and my agitation with her choice of roleplay is visible on my face, but she can't see it.

I nimbly hop behind her and thrust my pelvis into her ass, just to push her into the bedpost more. Hoping it hurt her a little I then planted my knees in a way to give me the motion I needed. I spread her legs apart to the point that with her arch and head placement, she looked like a contortionist.

I pull my pelvis away and look at her open assurance. Her legs are spread to a point where her holes are partially opened. Her asshole looks so delicious and inviting, my horniness has reached levels where I want her asshole to turn inside out so I can rub all my food on her prolapse rose bud before ingesting anything. I couldn't hold back, her asshole winked at me (probably because she's having mini-orgasms by being rough handled) I shoved my face into her asshole and sniffed and inhaled as hard as I could.

Oh fuck! This acidic smell! Oh! Why is it so sweet to me?? Oh fuck! I love this.



"O-ONI….Onii-sama, i-its embarrassing…." The woman lost her voice a little, proving she was actually embarrassed by having her asshole sniffed, this could have been seen as cute, but I was irate.

"Oh! So my dumb… useless… and.. SLUTTY little-sister can~ feel shame?"



I slapped her ass eliciting a moan.

"Shame, from her brother for seeing and smelling her asshole."



My nostrils inhaled the scent of her back hole again as I slapped her other ass cheek causing her to moan again. The tip of my nose was tickled by a small puckering motion her sweet asshole did as my slap reverberated on her ass. I didn't move my face as I continued to speak.

"But, you feel no shame if it was a stranger?!" I spoke in a harsh tone with dramatic pauses, partly to emphasize what I was saying but also because I needed time to think of what to say. She went silent but I felt heat resonate from her pussy(on my chin). This proves she gets off on all the demeaning things I've said, so using that knowledge I acted accordingly. With my nose still in her asshole and my lips almost touch her pussy I said, "what a fucking whore of a little sister. I'll stop everything right now, why should your brother work for something that you gave away freely?"

"NO! ITS YOURS! ITS ALL ONII-SAMA'S." She turned her head with a pleading face, "Nothing matters if onii-sama doesn't accept me."

I didn't know how accurate her words were, but I didn't feel the need to rebuttal. I dug my nose deeper into her asshole so I could reach her clit with my tongue, without losing this scent.

Fuck, every smell from this woman is making me lose my mind. Why is it so good?

I pulled away from her body, although reluctantly, and place myself ready to penetrate her. 

She fucked me earlier and got off, now, not only will I get off, but ill make her bow down to me….. thats the goal anyway, I have to keep up the intensity.

*Deep breath*

I lined my dick up with her dripping wet pussy before me. Her pussy was fully glistening as I could see strings of her nectar falling from her lips and clit onto the sheets of the bed.

Before I entered her, the final words of Rikishi entered my mind.

<AN- the next part just imagine Rakishi dancing and flexing as he speaks>

[Creating the perfect world for your lover to FULLY BE IMMERSED, in the pleasures of flesh is admirable and as T-bone-sama would say 'Delectable'.... BUT! To do that only is a rookie mistake, for this world you create isn't just for your lover… BUT-FOR-YOU!!!! True debauchery IS true romance! Even if your lover has different tastes, you, YOURSELF! Must also be caught up in the world you made for them. You must use 100% of your heart and soul so they can feel everything you're giving them!! As T-bone-sama would say!: 

"The most glorious tragedy that humans must endure, is that we can give so much magic to a moment. Only for us to either forget the moment, or forget how to use the magic."

PASSION! That is magic! To create passion, which is the perfect food of life you need TWO ingredients:



Use the special technique we taught you to mix it together, and you will make 'delicious' life moments.]

Full-flavor, Full-love, and immerse myself. Imagining Hime being with others, passes me off, but would I hate her? To treat this woman like a sister, I must envision her as my sister. Would I hate her? No, I could never. Would I be hurt? Yes I would, but if she found someone better than me then I would have to endure it because I love her….. But who's better than me? Who could love her more than me? Who could make her smile brighter, laugh harder, and enjoy life more than me?


With everything that happened to me and to the women I love, I feel I took a backseat to things. I tried to support them and just ride everything out with them. I never spoke out or became aggressive about their circumstances. I never vented how I felt before, not earnestly. 

I held back a lot because I want to be a good person and I hold back on a lot of the kinky things Hime says because I want to think of our love as being pure even though it gets me off, but whether it's kinky or wrong I don't have to think like that right now. I just have to think like a brother, who never wants to lose his sister to anyone.

"I'm sorry." I spoke softly as I entered her waiting folds slowly.

"Huuuuh..nnn~?" She tried to question but was taken off guard by my slow entry. 

I pushed deeply and slowly until I hit the end of her love cavern causing a waft of air to escape her mature twat. Leaving 1.5cm of my dick outside, that I could probably force into her, I stopped and I slowly pulled out. Her pussy lips are pulled out and sticky strings of her cunts-fluid are being strung along from my shaft. I began to stroke her head as I tenderly continued my slow motion.

"W-w-what are you-" 

"I'm sorry for being a bad big brother." I interrupted her before she broke her character.

"O-o-onii-san, I don't under-"

*pap* I thrusted my hips forward with a little assertiveness, causing our flesh to clap together and cutting off her words.

"Hnnnn~" she arched her back a little deeper and I leaned in closer to her so I could whisper in her ear.

"You've wanted your brother for a long time right?" I said in a hot breath into her ear, stroking my cheek on the side of her head as I slowly pulled my dick out of her again.


*pap* a tuft of air escaped her quivering pussy as I slammed into her. 

"Hmm~, Y-Yes!"

I continued my slow motion, allowing her small orgasms yet denying her a large one. Her pussy was heated and only getting hotter, she desperately wanted a spray of cum to quench the thirsty desire of her burning cunt.

"I've left you alone too didn't I?"


"Y-y-yes…. Big broth-e-er~...haaah-"


"-left me lonely."

"I should have cherished my precious-" I continued to whisper directly into her ear, but made certain to emphasize the right trigger words left, "-little sister more."

*pap*...*pap*.... *Pak* *pak* *pak-pak*

I began to increase my rhythm.

"Yeeessss~ CHERISH ME! Spoil your little sister more! Ha-ha-ha." 

The increased rhythm starts to affect her mentality, her body seems to be wanting everything but her heart seems to be holding back.

A brother shouldn't want his sister to be with anyone else.

"Promise me, no one else."

*PAK-PAK-PAK-PAK-PAK* I had to pull my face away from her ear because I needed my balance to increase my speed more.

Fuck fuck fuck! I'm about to cum…. Ok ok, now's the time for the secret technique!

Unbeknownst to her, with all my strength I continue to piston her pussy but I also clench my taint and ass as hard as I could and slow my breathing. 

The love Kegal taught to me by two sumo wrestlers in a love hotel hallway, will now bring me victory.

Using all the strength in me, I stifle my orgasm. I shouldn't have had to do this, but this woman hasn't fallen for me yet and I feel I'm close.

"Promise! No else gets to touch you! You're my sister, sisters belong to their brothers."

"FNNNGGHH~" She clamped my dick with her pussy, those words must have been a trigger.




The next minute of silence was only filled with the sound of slapping flesh. I didn't really have anything I could say, and I left the ball in her court. What's really weird though is her pussy only just relaxed a little.

Did she just cum for over a minute? No, she'd pass out right?

".....want it back…"

"Huh?" I slowed my thrusts

*sniffle* I heard a whimper and she reached behind herself to grab my hip. She then started throwing her delicious MILFY ass back.

"I WANT IT BACK!" She screamed 


I was already having a hard time holding back my cum, and right now she seemed like she was trying to drain me.

"Want…uhhhh… what back?" I try to hold back my moans.

"The time!" She picks her pace up and begins to work her hips with her movements. My cock is being sucked by a pussy and I need to re-establish control. "All the time haaa…. I was… I good little hmmm… sister…. I back! I want to be dirty! I want my big brother… hhhhaaahhaaaHNNNGG…." She is trying to hold back her orgasm until she gets this out, I can see that now and I continue accordingly. "Use your sister. Go back in time… hnnn… and use me as soon as you can! Ha-ha-haaaammmm."

Uhhh…. What the hell did she say? What do I do now?

I didn't know what to say, I was at a loss for words. I tried to think as deeply as I could, pondering how to save this situation. When a scene from my memory came to mind.

It was a memory of my mother watching Saturday morning cartoons of Konichiwa Kitten with Himeno. Even now I can't remember their faces from that long ago even though I've been with Himeno up until this morning. I remember my mother saying:

"I used to watch this when I was your age"

If that was true and Konikit (Konichiwa-kitten) still makes episodes after this long, then this woman whose between Himeno and mom's age should know about it easily know the show!

"Back to when you would watch Konikit mom? Should I have taken you then?"



A stream of clear liquid sprayed onto the bed. The strong scent and the image of a child version of Himeno on my dick…


*Gojugoju*  *Gojugoju*

Wave after wave of euphoria overtakes me. Rope after rope of cum shoots out of me. 

"HHHHHHHHNNNNNNN." Most likely by the sheer volume if cum, the woman falls and cums again. My cock sloppily slips out of the mature woman's pussy, cum still dribbling from my tip.

Fuck! Not only did she edge me, i didn't cum all day yesterday for the first time in years!

*chupuchu* *chupuchu*

Without a break, the woman was kissing and sucking every bit of my and her cum from my dick.

"Please…" she looked up at me with pleading eyes, "Don't stop being my big brother yet." I saw desperation and pain in her eyes and I wish I could say that I wanted to be a gentleman and give her what she wanted, but the truth was, I want to make love to my sister more and my cock was still hard anyway. So I I pulled her legs toward me and reinserted in her cum filled pussy in one stroke.




After another hour of love making, I came a total of 3 times and I finally got my wits about me. My redheaded milf laid in my arms spooning with me and we just embraced eachother. She kept rubbing her stomach and I swear I heard her say something about 


But she seemed sad and I can't just leave someone like that.



"You know…" After a few moments in silence she finally spoke. "I know you probably think I'm weird with what we just did."

Her words, after what we just did, made me crack a chuckle due to the irony.

"No actually," besides Himeno I thought about all my girls, all the pain I endured so far to be good enough for them, and the current results with them, especially Sakura and Akio. "I know what it's like, loving someone you shouldn't." I held her tighter, and she wrapped her arms around mine and lowered my hands to her pelvis, I didn't know why she did, but I didn't resist.

"I….*sniffle*" she seemed a little choked up. "I fell in love with my brother." She spoke while facing away from me (as the little spoon). "I lost almost everything *hic*, I cut off my parents because my mother and her sister, my aunt, they…"  I lean into her ear.

"It's OK, you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to." At my words, she turned to me and cupped my cheek, 

"You remind me so much of my brother, that's why…*hic* I want to say this. I need to get this off my chest so I can move on." At her words and her trembling eyes, I simply nodded. "My mother was a twin and her sister, they were invented with each other, but they wanted a family. So they both decided to pick a man, and share him so they can be as close to each other as possible. My brother's mom started dating him and she switched with my mom when she got pregnant. They pretended my mom was dating him the entire time while they lied about my aunt's pregnancy. My father," the woman let out a weak smile at the mention of her father. "He had low fertility, it was a miracle my aunt got pregnant so fast, my mom took a while with me. When I was born I was raised with love and affection, but there was one person's affection I wanted most of all."

"Your brother?" I asked.

"Well at the time I thought he was my cousin, with a different family name, so I knew I could marry him when I got older, but there was something, dark inside of me that wanted him so badly…. Aaaahhh." The woman began sobbing and tried desperately to hold it in. "My brother *sniffle* wasn't like you, he was soft and squishy." She said that as she tried to punch the fat on my stomach, it didn't really work and a flash of lust enter the woman's eyes again, but she continued on, "even as a little girl, I took him by forced and it ended up with me being pregnant. I told him I can get rid if it, we can keep what I did a secret just as long as we could stay the way we were. He looked at me and told me that if I did that, I'd regret it for the rest of my life. He knew me so well so,we decided to come clean to our parents."

What's this?

I felt my cheek and I realized I'm crying. The words the woman just said found its way to my heart. I never had to think about it before, but what would my parents' reaction be to the love me and Himeno share. When things got sexual between us, they were already out of the picture so I never thought about anything passed Himeno.

I hope they'd be happy as long as we are happy.

"Coming clean to my parents…." The woman looked away, "my dad was actually very supportive, or as supportive as he can be, for a father with such a young daughter. He punched my brother a lot of times over an hour and still my brother persisted with prostrating himself and wanted to claim responsibility, my father agreed and we had ground rules set. No matter how angry he was at my brother, he knew it must have been me to do this and that's the only reason he accepted so easily.

I would move in with my brother and become a proper wife. My brother started off meager and worked hard to attend his school and pay for our small apartment. I couldn't even greet the neighbors because of my age and knowing I'd soo have a baby bump, I couldn't bring more shame to my brother, and for a few months this was happiness."

 "The issue happened when we spoke to my mother and my auntie when my belly began to show. My mother, who had been locking herself away lately, looked like her entire world was broken while my Auntie couldn't be anymore delighted. My Auntie went on with how cute our babies will be and at that my mother snapped."

"Don't you dare support this! This wasn't part of our plan!"

"Was what my mother yelled and my auntie just smiled, my father was trying to rational and calm my mother down until;"

"They're siblings!"

"Everyone was shocked, except for my auntie who kept smiling. My mother laid out the whole plan; how they find a man, share him, alternate between pregnancies, and sneak both themselves in the marital bed in the end. The deal wasn't so bad if you think about it, but my father was very family oriented and once he learned he had a son that was hidden from him and that son impregnated his daughter, it was too much. Right then and there he had a heart attack, we all panicked and tried to save him but we…."  She was shaking violently in my arms, I was about to pull her closer but she turned over.

"I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, it's almost unbelievable."

"I know, it's hard for me too, and I actually lived it." She looked at me deeply in my black eyes. "After the funeral my auntie was being weird and very handy with my brother, saying he's the head of the home now, this was too much for my mother and she began to shut herself away. I was very possessive and was angered at this, my sweet brother," she stroked my face, "he had money saved up and we moved away. We ended up living a happy and fulfilling life until…..*groan*.." the woman grabs her head and she enters the fetal position in a lot of pain.

"Oye! Are you ok??" I sat up not sure what to do.

"Th..e…the…. That girl…" she held her head and squeezed it and she slowly started to calm down. "My brother!" She sat up immediately, "I stole him from one of his kohai's, while I was pregnant and not able to have sex, he slept with her!" She gets up and starts putting her clothes on.

"Wait, wait, wait! Are you ok?" I stared at her from the bed

"Yes! My brother, he has another daughter! That stupid kohai moved into our neighborhood! I remember that girl was always attached to my boy,, but if they do anything it'll be incest all over I won't have some else touched by that woman or her family ever again!"    

It kinda went from general concern, to just jealousy in the end. She seems to have had a hard life so it should be fine right? I also have to tell Himeno about all this.

I quickly put my clothes on, helped the woman with her clothes, and picked up the champagne glass off the floor, for safety purposes. Looking at the champagne glass i look at the woman;

"Are you ok to leave?" The woman turned to me and saw the glass in my hand and the general concern in my eye and approached me.

"You really are such gentlemen." She said as she gave me a passionate kiss before pulling away, "yes, I'm fine."

I don't know what is up with her voice, but I want to keep listening to it.

We collected our things



Me and the woman were trying to decide how to pay for everything at check out and when we finally got there, 

"It's complimentary."

Was all they said, I already had an Idea why.

"Oh! Is this because of your friends?" The woman said with a radiant smile. We exited the building and tried to go our separate ways, but I had to know more about her.

"What's your name?" I blurted out and surprised the woman, but she responded with a nice welcoming smile

"My name is-"


My and her attention turned behind us.

"Oh, H-h-haru…" the woman looked back at me then at the…. Kid? that showed up.

What did I get mixed with? I should message Himeno.

"What's going on?" The kid, Haru, asked.

"O-oh! Th-this young man was helping me with directions, silly me ended up in one of those places." She pointed at the massage parlor/love hotel. "That's where I bumped into this young man and told me what kind of place it was. Hehehe~."

"Why would he be in a place like that?" Haru point at me and then at the building

"...uuhhhh…" I scratched the back of my head, "isn't it obvious?" I nervously blushed, in a way I did what I was supposed to do in there, but with this kids mom not the workers.

"Sorry I asked a personal question." Haru looked genuinely concerned that he got too personal, "since you helped my mom, why don't we have lunch, my treat."

"..oh uhhh."

"Yes of course, it's the least we can do for everything you did~." The woman smirked.



We found a food stall and we all got different flavors of Tako-yaki. We walked around and I messaged Himeno on where to meet us.

"Haru, your sister," the woman shook her head looking to be in a small amount of pain, "Sakura, what happened to her?"

Oh he had a sister named Sakura? I guess its a fairly common name.

"I told you that onee-san…. Gave up." At Haru's words the woman's face distorted.

"You mean Sakura also killed herself?" She is looking at him like she was judging every word of his.

"Huh? No! You got me off guard, I swear you said sister first." He spoke very quickly.

"Oh, I guess that's my fault. The girl you used to always play with as a child was actually your half sister." With her words Haru's eyes widened.

"My childhood friend was actually my sister?" 

I do not envy this guy, that would leave me wrecked to find out, especially given my history with MY Sakura.

"Dear why don't you tell me what happened while I was in a coma, you've always mentioned bits and pieces, but never all of it."




And with that, Haru told us a story mixed with his real life experiences as well as some embellishments.

When it was done the woman had a dazed look in her eyes, but everything seemed to be satisfactory with the story.

It seemed we all came to the end of the line.

"Oh by the way you can call me Haru, thank you for keeping my mother company.

"Oh! My name is Tomaki Haruto." I Bowed

The messed up chain of events that followed this………

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