The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

*Edited* Chapter 2- letters coated in love

<p.o.v haruto>

Monday night, January 23rd

Stepping into the bathroom after dinner, I quickly locked the door behind me. Sakura has tried to catch glimpses of my body quite often, but I can’t allow that just yet.  I quickly scrubbed my body down, rinsed off, and entered the tub.  I'm holding the letters my onee-san sent me as my body soaks off the stress of the day. It's been 2 years since I've had any contact with onee-san, so I'm very nervous.

Apparently Sakura has intercepted every letter and phone call my onee-san attempted. This time however, she has made contact.

I'm curious as to how she made copies of the originals without access to a copy machine. Two of the letters are Onee-san just describing how she misses me, loves me, and can't wait to make love with me…

I never put thought into laying my hands on my sister that way, but I'm not adverse to it. The idea of sex with her actually seems natural when I think about our relationship.

It seems my Onee-san has been very lonely being apart from me.  I also miss her and love her deeply.  After my parents' accident, she was the one who took care of me, raised me up right and taught me how to be a proper adult, although I know I'm still very much a kid in my behavior.

The third letters’ contents are very different however:

"My dearest beloved, my hands are coated with the love that pours out of me for you. Everyday I dream of you and it helps me get by. This letter however has not been coated with my love as all the others.

I’m so sorry."

My heart sinks upon reading that message, you see, Onee-san has only ever apologized once before, and that day changed my life to be what it is today. Swallowing hard I continue to read the letter.

"Today I allowed my body to be sullied, please, please forgive me! I have sent you a letter everyday for the last two years without receiving a reply, I knew something must have happened. It took a few months but, after flirting with a guard, they finally agreed to send my letters through a courier and not through regular postal services. I know you don't know where I am but I have written the address on the back of this letter so that you may finally contact me. Please forgive me, please! My body may be sullied now, but my eyes even now only see you. My heart is yours, my soul is yours, all of this no good sister is now and always will be yours. 

Stupid sister! My hands begin to shake as I read the letter. 

There's nothing to forgive, everything you’ve done, it has always been for my sake! I'm such a worthless piece of shit, making my precious Onee-san cry! My thoughts are rampaging through my mind as I fight back the tears and continue reading to the end, skipping her half page length apology to me.

“All my calls and letters might have been intercepted and that is what I want to believe, but if you have finally decided to abandon this no good sister, then I can understand. My heart is yours and you may cherish it or crush it as you choose, but please don't ignore it. 

The ones in charge here are currently deciding if I will be eligible for release soon, and I want to know if I still have a place in OUR home…

I hope against all hope that I still do.

With Love,

Your Hime."

I stare at the paper and I can see small blots of damage in various places. 

Her tears...

I hop out of the bath and I almost walk out of the bathroom naked without realizing it. I had only noticed because the mirror at the bathroom entrance was reflecting my naked self.

As a first year I'm proud to say my body is beyond the normal physical definition of kids my age.  I'm not extremely large but my muscles are quite noticeable. Thick veins wrapped around my chiseled calves, only stopping at my toned thighs. A large vein in each arm travels the length from shoulder to elbow, branching out into several veins in my forearms. My chest and defined eight-pack abs could be considered sculptured if it weren’t for the veins in my lower abs leading to my groin that disrupts the surface smoothness. This body is proof of how much I can love a person.  My hair was combed back exposing my high cheekbones, thin eyebrows, black eyes, and medium sized lips.  If I manage to grow a little taller I could probably be a model. There is no facial hair(yet! No facial hair YET, I hope).  Between my legs a girthy member declares me a spiritual member of the Amazon's ‘Anaconda Tribe.’ This place has the most exposed veins on my body. It is currently in turtle mode as the tip is covered with phimosis, but ready to strike savagely at a moment’s notice. 

Realizing my close call at betraying Onee-san’s important lesson to me, I dried off my body with a towel, then put on my baggy sweatshirt, tucked in my dick as I put on my jock strap, then my underwear and finally, sweatpants.

You are probably wondering why I wear all this to hide my body. The answer is simple… It’s as I mentioned just before, It’s part of my Onee-san’s lessons to me.

She told me that as a man I must be pleasing to look at and strong enough to push forward through all kinds of troubles I may encounter. But, she also said I must be wary of people who want to take advantage of all her hard work that was put into raising me.  She can accept someone falling in love with me, so long as they don't know that I'm well off financially and they don't know the extent of my physical attributes, and how they are way above the standard for my age. As silly as it seems she wanted girls to like me for my personality, saying

 "My prince is too attractive to know if a woman loves him for his heart."

She used to tell me that brothers and sisters can be lovers, that they are naturally, instinctively made to be lovers and the only reason that we can't marry each other, is because we are already family. She said that fact proved that ‘outsiders start outside’ because no one can be as close as a brother and sister.

Yes, at my age now I realize what she was doing. Yes, I realize that it's creepy. Yes, I realize it's wrong. But, It's my Onee-san. She has been through a lot and if she decided that I'm the best man for her, then that's what I'll be.

When I was ten years old, she told me she would marry me if I could do 200 push-ups, 200 squats, and 200 sit-ups in an hour. Knowing a ten year-old couldn’t hope to achieve that, she thought it would give me plenty of time to grow up stronger. However, at ten years old, I inevitably cried everyday when I failed at completing that important task.  My Onee-san hates it when I cry, so she tried to lessen the amount of that goal but I refused.

"Onee-san is worth too much to me to settle for me doing less!" I proudly proclaimed to her. Her entire face went beet red, but her eyes… they had held a hint of something else behind them when they would fall upon me.

I left the bathroom with my Onee-san’s desperately sent letters in hand and I approached Sakura, who is in the family room sitting on the couch. Her evening wear is her boyfriends shirt thats 5 sizes too big, and pink hot pants.

"You did it, didn't you." I said, levying an ice cold gaze at her.

"Yes, I did." She stared back with a giant smile, not even trying to hide her crime.

I was visibly shocked at her immediate confession.

"W-w-why…?" I asked while still taken off guard at how easily she admitted it.

"Because, siblings should give each other space so they can both grow into… healthy relationships." She said that as she pulls her shirt up exposing her braless bosom.

Healthy relationships!? What the fuck kind of "healthy" relationship is she talking about!? She just had a stranger inside of her! Fuck this.

"I'm done." I say.  “I've had it! Almost a year of this, and I've had it!!”

"Huh?!" Her teasing smile disappeared and is now replaced with a dumbfounded look. "What do you mean, ‘done’?"

"I mean, you don't have a bodyguard anymore." I strengthened my resolve, as I informed her of my dissolution of partnership.

"W-w-wait! But what about the money, how are you gonna keep the lights on!?" She said, panicking suddenly.

"I told you already, I never needed the money.  I have enough money saved to get through highschool." 

I actually have way more than that. But she doesn’t need to know.

"But once that's used up…" 

"Stop!"  I interrupt her,  "It was never about the money, all you ever wanted was the sex. It hurt, you know? Every day, it hurt! Having to know you let others use your body and always knowing I'm not good enough!"

"Wait! What are you talking about?! We just have to.." She tries to pacify me with some bullshit that is too late in coming.

"ENOUGH! I am not going to waste my first time on an inconsiderate bitch like you." The words I've never said but have bottled up deep in my heart finally left my lips. Sakura’s face has the look on it as if her entire world was just shattered into a million pieces.

"It’s just a little while longer, okay? I know what I have to do, I swear I'll do it…. Just a little bit more and I’ll…"

"I SAID STOP!" My tears start coming out, tracing down my cheeks "You had your chance, and you blew it.  Everyday since we broke up was another chance for you to return to me, to show me you loved me and cared about me, but you never once tried. You don't have to pay any bills, I do the cooking for you everyday, I always helped you with your homework, took care of you when you were sick... I even protected you while you did what you wanted knowing damn well that it hurt me.  I'll still let you live here, since there is nowhere else for you to go, but I'm sure as hell not gonna be your lapdog anymore."

I began to strip myself.

"W-w-wait! What are you doing!?" Sakura the whore turned as red as a tomato, her face was blushing to the point she could light up darkness.

"I'm ending this. I promised my Onee-san," I pull my sweater up over my head exposing my chiseled upper body to her in full view for the first time since we were both in elementary. "...that I'll never show my body to a woman I want a relationship with, until she can accept and love me."

Her face is blank, mouth agape, she’s locked on my body like a wolf to a rabbit. 

I won't lie, this attention is something I craved from her for a very long time, and all of me would be hers if she could've been true to me. But, knowing she won't have this body with the way she's staring… is kind of turning me on. I even flex a little. Not too much, just a little.

During my little show, I began untying my sweat pants and I think my words had finally clicked with her.  No, I know they did.

"Wha…. What did ya say?" Her lustful eyes disappeared, "You’re showing me ya’ body… because I'm no longer a woman ya’ can see being with…?"

"That’s right." I said coldly as I dropped my sweat pants. The veins in my calves were riding up to my thighs and the veins in my lower abs leading prominently downward. It’s like all arrows are pointing to my boxer briefs to keep a strong hold on my master of ceremonies.

She stands up and walks to me. One of her arms slowly reaches out. She gets close and right before she can touch me, she stops.

I pull my boxer briefs down, and all that’s left to go is my jock strap. I put my thumbs in the lining.

"…." A soft voice spoke out causing me to halt my movements.

"What?" I stare into her face.

"No…. n-n-not ….this…" her lips are quivering. Her tears are running down her face (we are a very emotional couple), "not like this." She dropped to her knees and takes hold of my leg, staring up at me with pleading eyes.

"What the hell do YOU mean 'not like this'?" I say with my brows furrowed.

"I tried to way... way… WAY…*hic*," shes a big mess right now, "I tried to wait *sniffle* I wanted this everyday." Her voice is breaking, "I still dream of you taking me in your bed, showing me your love." She’s almost yelling to get the words out, "I cant… I can't!" She’s in an almost dogeza pose, but most likely this is just an upward fetal position. "I always said I'll make it up to you, be who you want me to, that it doesn't have to be now! He said it! He told me 'have fun now, be a wife in the future' you said you loved me! That you'll always love me!" Her rant is stating those comprehension. "Were you lying!? Were you!? You said you'll be with me forever, no matter what!" The floor is puddled with her tears. "We are *sniffle* gonna be married right!? What about the kids we named!? This is just for now! How would you know if we could've been happy when we get older?! *sniffle* it’s better to be together later so we know it’s real! Don't blame me for enjoying my body while it’s still young!"

The pity I had quickly disappeared as she questioned my feelings. 

"Marriage? Kids?" I said, I see her fighting back more tears as she looks up at me. My foot is wet with those same tears. I bring out my phone and play a video I have long kept saved on it, and show it to her.

The video was something I saved from around the time when we broke up. It’s of Sakura with her current boyfriend(I was her boyfriend at the time of this video), and my former best friend Akechi. I already know the contents of the video so I just let it play, and listen.

Akechi:  Yes! Right there! Fuck! I'm cumming in your slutty mouth!

Sakura: Give me all your cum *slurp* *slurp*

???:  I'm about to cum in your pussy, this slutty first year wants a baby right?

Sakura: Fuck fuck fuck! Yes! Impregnate me with your fat cock!

Akechi: Hey, are you on birth control?

Sakura: ahhhhnnnnn!! HNNNNNNN!! Hehehhee nope~

???:  Here comes your favorite creampie!!

Sakura: You always shoot big loads Senpai, what’ll you do if we did have a baby?

Akechi:  You guys definitely have a couple of screws missing. High schoolers shouldn't raise a kid.

???:  It’s fine we can just have her fuckin’ simp, Haruto, raise it. Just say it’s his.

Sakura: Huh? What no! …no senpai, you said you would...

???:  Shut up! *smack*

Sakura: Hnnnnnnn... my ass hurts, senpai.

???:  Just have him do it

Sakura:  But… but… but we’ve never had sex!

Akechi:  Wait, what?

???: STILL!? You're cheating so much on him, even his friend is fucking you behind his back, and the only one not getting laid is him?!  Hahahahaha!

Akechi: Wait?! Behind his back? But Sakura, you said..

???: Don’t you get it? She lied, dumbass.  She does what I tell her to. Just like if she gets pregnant, she's having Haruto raise it. You can even name it that name you both chose... Kanae, right?! Hahahahaaaa!

Sakura: Hai… hai…

Back to reality, if you didn't catch that from the audio, she was double teamed by her current boyfriend and my best friend on our six-month anniversary. I closed my phone after it ended. Apparently, my friend thought I requested my girlfriend to NTR me for our anniversary. He didn't really need much convincing as you can guess, In return for his betrayal, I decked him hard then stopped all communications with him. As for the boyfriend? I don't wanna get into that right now.

"H-h-h-how d-d-di…" she stutters.

"Your boyfriend sent it to me that night."

"B-b-but we didn't break up for an…."

"Yeah, for another month. So... Marriage? Kids?" I pull my jock strap down and let my dick rise up.  Her eyes opened wide looking at the slayer of slayers, the savior of the broken, of the beaten, and of the damned.  "Go talk to your fuckboy boyfriend about that shit." I say snarkily as I walk away from her, enter my room, and lock the door behind me.

"Tonight I'm sleeping naked!"





In another room a lone Sakura sits in front of her vanity mirror. In a catatonic state staring at herself moving only to breath. Her eyes flicker and she falls to the floor where she sleeps.

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