The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Edited* Chapter 9- Rika, Mirai, and danna-sama

This chapter gets pretty dark.  rape(implied) not shown.

<p.o.v Rika>

Akio's crying becomes silent. I'm not fooled, she's still crying, but with her mouth wide and eyes shut her voice has already left her, for it had chased after Haruto.  Chased after him like they all want to, like how I want to.

Like, those tears, I helped ta' make those tears a’ his.

I'm sure it's that same thought we all share that has anchored us all to the ground. What feels like an eternity is really only a few seconds…. A few very miserable seconds.



Second chance…



When I first met Haruto, it was soon after my second year of highschool started. I was still in pain from my boyfriend, Or who I thought was my boyfriend, stringing me along just so I could become a whore. I was lost and didn't know what to do. I lied to my parents about my reasons for always coming home late, saying I have a club activity. They didn't know that I stopped doing gymnastics since all my teammates alienated me. I could never find a place to fit in and their hateful stairs were only outweighed by their desire to see me fail.

I remember the day I met Haruto….

Last April

Soon, if Rika doesn't do something my lies, will come undone. I totes think mama 'as suspicions, I need ta think of some-

While thinking of my issues on the first day of the new school year I turned a corner and took a hit right in the tit.


"Owie…" I said as I rubbed my breast trying to soothe it.  Looking down I see a boy in a very large sweater lying on his back. 

Ahhh, we must'a turned the corner at the same time.

The boy slowly sits up. He moves his hair to look up at me from the ground.


His face made my heart skip a beat, but he only looked at me for a second before immediately shifting his body into a dogeza.

"Senpai! I'm sorry!" He earnestly said. I was just staring at him with his head on the floor. It took me several seconds before I realized my hand was still rubbing my breast and most specifically, my hard nipple.

"E-E-Eh," flustered, I put my hand down to my side. "Like, no biggie like right?" I laugh awkwardly fanning the air.

"I invaded your personal space without permission! It is a big deal." He said with his head on the ground still. 

Hehehe~ an earnest type, yeah?

"Uhh…." Not wanting to keep him like this I racked my brain for a solution. "But like, I invaded yours too! So... evens?" I asked while I reached for his head to let him know it’s alright. He looked up and grabbed my hand, thinking I was trying to help him up. He pulled thinking I had a base readied with my legs…. I did not, and I wasn't ready for it so we ended up falling down.

Like, how am I under 'im?

Somehow during the fall we rolled, he’s now on top of me looking down. His hair is being pulled by gravity allowing me to see his eyes. His face went from calm and collected until he realized the situation. Then his face turned red blushing innocent my to the situation.

Tote's adooorbs!

*DOKI* *DOKI* I stared into his eyes.

So black…

The vast darkness in his eyes pulled me in. It was like the ocean of the night’s sky and I wanted to swim in it. His face went even redder and he quickly got up.

"Sorry Senpai! May I help you up?" He reached his hand out to me.

He asked permission for ma' hand? He's a sweet one!

I nodded and I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

Sweet, attractive, an adorbs!!!  I thought to myself as I noticed his height was well below my chin. Fuck! My heart is beatin’ like a rabbit's.  My smile slowly fades as I face him, …but I'm no good anymore, this sweetie’s like outta my reach.

I was in my thoughts for a few moments before I realized….

Oh, Kami-sama! I'm still holding his hand! This whole meetin’ been awkward! I want to bury ma'head in a hole! Rika like get a grip!

He begins to shake my hand.

Smooth save, like totes thanks, sweetie.

"My name is Tomaki Haruto, I'm a first year student.  Please take care of me!" He lightly bows.

"You got like loads'a manners, yeah?" I giggled as we released our hands.

"Manners maketh man." He smiled at me.

"OH!" I decided to play around. I grabbed my already shortened skirt and lifted the hems exposing my laced panties (but only in the back) as I curtsied. "My prince, I am Sagrado Rika, please take care of me as well." I said in a deep stiff voice trying to be formal. I straighten up while giggling. 

"Sahg-lado…?" He attempted to pronounce my name.

So adorbs!!

"It’s Brazilian, or like actually totes Portuguese. Papa is from Brazil. Anyway, Heehee like, it’s fine don't worry." I giggled.


That was our first meeting, but within the span of a week...

"Sagrado-san!" Haruto called at me while waving. I waved back. "Di-di-did I say it right?" he asked.

He did?... HE DID! Too fucking adorbs!!


"H-h-h-haiiii…" I squeezed out, completely impressed at his pronunciation. "How did you get so good?"

"Everyday I'd look in the mirror and say your name." He smiled so innocently.

"M-m-my name…in… your mirror?"

Why's he making me weak? Does he like, want something from me…? That... must be it. Rika can't fall again! If it's like too good ta'be true… then it most likely is.

"Yeah, using my phone’s translation app," he took out his phone to show me, "I record my self saying your name and look how my mouth moves when I say it correctly. It was a little hard but you are the first person I met at this school. So, I wanted to say your name right because I wanted to talk with you again." He showed me a video of him practicing.

He's not lying? But why? So adoooorbs, I never want'a believe he's tryin'a hurt Rika.

He had a proud smile that was so bright, that even his hair in his face didn't ruin it. "Besides, I couldn't say your name wrong in front of your friends."

Just to talk? He wanted to say it right, in front of my friends too? But I like, have no friends."

"Tomaki-kun, I don't really have…." I tried to get his attention.

"Oh! I met a friend of yours, Kuwabara-san! She said you might be interested in coming after school to….."

My friend… Kuw...aba..ra-san?  I thought to myself as my heart filled with dread.

I like hadn't thought of Kuwabara-san as a friend. Sasuke is threatening a bunch'a girls, I woulda outta ma'self to mama and papa but if I did Kuwabara-san woulda been hurt. Does she like, consider us friends? But, is she draggin me into a new problem? I never went ta papa because I didn't want her hurt. I know how serious she is about protecting her family name. Rika's body is dirty already, so dirtying it more don't matter. Does Kuwabara-san need me to help again? That 'as ta'be the case.

"Oh… thats why." I looked defeated as I interrupted him.

Well he's nicer than most, so I might as well...

"Just tell me when and where." 

"Okay!!" He looked really excited. Maybe he really wants this.

If he stays sweet to Rika, I won't mind this too much. I wish this coulda been real though.

He tells me where to go and when and we go our separate ways.




"Sagrado senpai! W-w-w-what are you doing?"

"..uhhh.. sex, right?" I said nonchalantly.

I'm currently naked in an empty club. My platinum hair is dyed so the hair on my pussy is black, but it's in a neat landing strip. My large dark-breasts are on full display, my thick thighs touching each other blocking any view of my pussy. I have a genetic disorder that makes my eyes silver, but it also makes my nipples bright pink. When seen with my dark chocolate flesh it usually garners attention…. Usually.

He's looking only at my face? Should I be mad? Its nice, but like a li’l frustratin’. Isn' this like your idea?!

He begins to tell me our misunderstanding and I turn beet red, or as red as I can get. Seeing his stoic face, I decided to get dressed but not without turning around and showing him my chocolate bubble-shaped ass. I may have misunderstood the situation, but him fully ignoring my body made me feel defeated as a woman. I JUST HAD TO bend over and get my clothes too, it was important.

Hearing his *gulp* behind me, made me certain I hadn’t lost my touch.




I was suspicious about Haruto for a couple weeks, because all we did in the club room was hangout and play board games. He'd even make us snacks.  Akio would make tea, and even the introverted Mirai-kun started to show up, and after a while also baked sweets and brought them in. 

I kept offering blowjobs to Haruto because I wanted to know the real reason he was doing this. Well, I ended up stopping after a couple weeks. 

I didnt stop offering blow job's of course, I meant that I had stopped being suspicious.  Honestly, like, he was so sweet and adorbs! I just wanted to suck his dick, like, just for dick suckin’s sake ya’ know? But, realizing he wouldn’t cheat on that GIRLFRIEND of his I gave up.

He would remember all sorts of details about things we talked about from the week before and he'd also research things we could talk about the next time we’d meet.

Rika thought she fell in love before, but like, it wasn't like this.

He learned of my interests and hobbies.  Six months into joining the club, he had bought me a camera so I could take pictures. He said he bought it from a pawn shop so it was cheap, but it was still a nice camera. He knew I wanted to be a photographer and said:

"It's great to have a dream."

My heart has been fully conquered by him already, and I'm sure the same can be said of the other girls who he is also so kind to. 

Akio, who is almost always tense, has been soothed by the environment he creates. Me and her bonded over our love for Haruto. Without question we actually became best friends.

The board games we play are so lame, but they’re still fun. Akio's competitive side comes out all the time, even more so when she loses. Teehee~. But just doing these things where we don't have to worry and can just feel accepted, heals us so much. So much so, that we thought of letting Sasuke out us all as whores… Only now, at this point, we worried what Haruto would think if he found out. 

Don't get me wrong, we have other reasons why we also didn't stop, ya know? Because of all the other issues such as our family life and school life, blah blah, ya’ know? For Rika I never wanted to hurt Akio. Even before we became totes besties, I never wanted her hurt. Now as her bestie like, there was obs no way I can put her on blast. 

Especially Mirai-kun. He’s never had a real friend before. He was forced to alienate himself because of what Sasuke did to him.  It was to the point that he didn't come to the club for the first month after joining, afraid of of what his brother might do or say.  He's become more sociable at school too, because of Haruto. If everyone learns what he does…. What any of us do….

We aren't ready for that!  But, until we are, we have Haruto and this space he made for us.

Even Rika don't fear the rumors or the hateful glares while I'm here, in this room, and especially… while Rika has Haruto.


The first picture I ever took was one of Haruto blowing the hair out of his face. I replaced my ex-boyfriend’s picture on my phone screen with it instead, and even though Haruto has been growing and catching up to my height…

He’s still so fucking adorbs!!




Back in the club room that he brought us to, where he created a safe place for us... Where we didn't need to wear the masks we had to wear in school, at home, or while being used.  This is where we hurt him terribly.

W...e… hurt him… he’s seen our videos an’ never hurt us. We hurt him bad like. I want a second chance at love… But I didn’t think for a moment that maybe he does too? We rushed it cause Sakura was out the way. Dammit Rika! Stupid Rika!

I can't move. Tears stream down my face, and my teeth are tightly clenched. *sniffle*

"Why is everyone crying? Haruto will be fine." Sakura said while staring at the key in her hand, sounding like she's trying to convince herself more than us.

"S-s-s-sakura," Akio whimpers her name out, while trying to calm her breathing. "Have you ever told Haruto that you love him?"

"Yeah, everyday." Sakura says matter of factly.

"Y-y-y-you have sex with others," Akio gets up, "while you tell him you love him, you can still do that so guiltlessly with others?" She walks toward Sakura, Akio looks…

Akio looks fucking pissed!  I thought to myself.

Right when Akio was in front of Sakura, she balled up her fist.

Akio thought saying 'I love you' was all we had’ta do. She neva’ confessed before, even I neva’ said it to the ex. It was a big step for us and Mirai. But Sakura shat on it by always saying it!

Right before Akio raised her hand to swing, a little blur with Haruto's jacket in hand bumped them both to the side and ran out the door.

<p.o.v Mirai>

Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama Senpai-sama

In my hand is senpai's sweater. In my head are thoughts only of Senpai on endless repetition. Tears trickled down my face as I ran. I Just ran, looking for Senpai.


I tripped. Dammit all!, I placed Senpai’s sweater on the ground and wrestled to take off my pants (I still had a skirt on), It’s because I move much better in girls clothes, because that’s how I was raised… Yeah, exactly how I was raised.

I stand up and kick my pants off, then readjust my shoes. Grabbing Senpai’s sweater, I begin running again. 

We hurt him! That look in his eyes right when he was about to strip… It made me remember.  How could I ever have forgotten?

"Take your clothes off!" A voice booms in my head, my heart feels like it's being crushed in a vice.

"Now, show this nice man what a wife does to greet her husband." *Pang* another jolt goes off in my chest. I almost lost my footing, but I keep running.

"This doesn't belong on a wife, does it? Maybe we should RIP IT OFF!" 

I hated living everyday.

I hated what I had to do everyday.

I hated myself everyday.

"Here, try this." A voice of warmth enters my head.

"You can wear your male uniform, you know?  All we’re doing is just hanging out."  But I didn't want to, I wanted him to look at me.

"Oi Oi! This tastes really good Mirai-kun!  Super delicious!" He'd say all excited at the simplest of things.

Why did he look as happy as us every week? We who lived in pain everyday finally found a little bit of peace. Yet, he never made us feel that we owed him. In fact, it seemed like he was at peace with us as well.

My feet continued down the halls until I exited the school.

I know how small I am, but how fast is senpai!? As always, everything about Senpai is amazing!  When I first met you, I never would have believed I'd feel this way about you.




All my life, I only remember my brother. I do remember some images of our mother hitting and beating him, but nothing really clear.  All of my full memories of my mother were of her trying to be motherly. Telling us how we have to be good and do good things because Kami-sama watches all of us.

My brother would always scoff at her, telling her mean things like:

"Shut up you fucking hag!"

I never understood their relationship. They were all I had in life and I always thought we were normal. 

We weren't normal at all!!

When I was four years old, my brother would always have me sit on his lap.  As a kid I never saw the harm, but brother would say things like:

"Is Mirai's butt dirty today?"

I always said no, but he'd have me go into the bathroom with him where I would have to bend over while he wipes me.

I thought this is what older brothers normally did for their younger brothers.

As we grew up he formed our relationship. He would comment on my chinchin while holding it in his hands, as he'd perform his cleaning duty.

"It looks so small and cute today Mirai." He'd say, while he fondled me.

He forced our mother to buy dresses and girls panties for me, and I was no longer allowed to be wearing boys’ clothes at home. 

He would also have me do all the chores in the house saying:

"You'll need to know how to do this as an adult!" 

It was chores, so it made sense, and when I would make a pouty face, he would help me. I thought I had the best big brother in the world when he'd help.

Over time, my mother became… strange.  She would always hug me and apologize over and over, but never say what for. 

When I was 10 years old… my mother left one day and never returned. Now, it was only me and Sasuke.

Apparently, my brother was beating my mother to unwind, and since she was now gone… 

I was washing the dishes one day...

"Onii-chan, can you help me with the dishes?"

"Do it yourself!" He said in a rough voice.

"Oh come on Onii!" I put on my best pouting face, the smile I expected from Onii-chan, was replaced by a fist.

He punched me, and I fell to the ground. He climbed on top of me and began beating me more, yelling at me.


The punches stopped. I'm sobbing and bleeding, and Onii-chan looked like he just got an idea.

I received daily beatings from Onii-san after that.  If there wasn't a reason, then he'd give me a light beating instead while telling me "Good job today."

His daily clean up duty also changed. He'd no longer use wipes and it would be done by his bare fingers. Saying: 

"You're older now, so it’s usually dirtier inside."

I was conflicted with the beatings, but him showing how much he cared.

Before I turned 11 he said:

"Mirai! You're a man, so you have to look like one! Onii-chan will help you!"

Starting on that day I began receiving shots from my Onii-chan. They hurt and I cried a bunch, but Onii-chan said it was necessary for our future.

He would teach me to lift weights. I had to take those shots until I was almost 12. But my body changed nicely! My calves and thighs were very muscular and I was able to jump higher than anyone else in my grade!

Onii-chan is the greatest!

Finally done with the shots, Onii-chan would give me a pill instead every now and then. In the first year of middle school, I had developed feminine features and was often being confused as a girl.

I figured it was because my hair was long, so I cut it. 

Onii-chan didn't like that. I got beaten very badly.  So badly in fact, that I had to stay home from school for a while.

Over time I healed and my hair grew naturally into a bowl cut. In my second year of middle school I got confessed to by a girl.  I’d never even thought about dating, so I asked her to wait.

I needed advice, so I spoke with Onii-chan. 

That day he had me dress in a loose nightgown and then sit on his lap while naked. He had me put my hand between his legs and play with his chinchin. When I did it wrong, he'd grab me by the testicles and squeeze.

"This kind of thing doesn't belong on a wife, does it!? Maybe I should rip it off!!"

I begged and pleaded with Onii-chan, telling him I'll do better. I don't know if it was my hand technique or my whimpers but my Onii-chan finished.

Time had gone by and in my last year of middle school I had alienated myself from everyone. 

If the confession caused my Onii-chan to do that, then people just aren't worth the trouble. I thought to myself.

Rumors about me not being into girls spread around. Match that together with my feminine face and I became a social outcast practically overnight.

When I said I alienated myself, that was only half right. Girls still thought I was cute and pretty and so I avoided them. The boys avoided me because I avoided the girls. I was really very lonely.

One day I heard a conversation:

"I went to her house and in their washroom I could see her panties were all dirty!"

Girls were gossiping about another not being hygienic.

"Why doesn't her older brother help her?" They all looked at me like I was a psycho.

"What are you talking about?"

So I told them how it's an older brother's duty to double check how clean we are. Long story short, I outed my Onii-chan.

My homeroom teacher came to visit my home where my Onii-chan waited.

I was there already bruised up from Onii-chan, but my Sensei immediately was beaten unconscious by Onii-chan. When he woke up his dick was in my mouth while Onii-chan recorded it.

"Show this nice man what a wife does to greet her husband!" Onii-chan said to me. I cried as I was made to please my teacher.

"Mirai what are you doing!" My Sensei asked, horrified.

"This is the real him, teach!" Onii-san said while pushing my head down.

My teacher would come over once a week after that, until I graduated. He knew I didn't enjoy it, but that didn't matter. 

"Getting what you want, is what being a man is." Onii-chan would say.

He began to have others come by to play with me, my body now looking completely feminine. All the muscles I gained smoother over from lack of continuance of resistance exercises.

I would have to suck off every man Onii-chan brought by.

I hate men.

He also brought women by, he’d have me masturbate with my ass and penis when he did, so he could see. When he was through with them I'd have to clean them up and escort them out. He would then beat me for getting erect at the women.

I hate women 

At first, I was jealous of the women Onii-chan had when I saw how much they enjoyed him. But that feeling went away when I fully realized all the bad things Onii-chan had done.

All he robbed me of while I was negligent to everything, I thought he could take nothing else from me… I was so wrong.

One man that came by tried to play with my ass and I refused, he complained to my brother and my brother beat him bloodied.

"My brothers ass and Dick are mine!!!" He yelled, while stomping on the man in our home… home?

My home stopped feeling like a home a couple of years ago. This small house is now my prison

When Onii-chan was done, he beat me. After he beat me, he kissed me.

He stole my first kiss away by way of having me swallow his semen. If things were done in order, I probably wouldn't have hated it ‘as much’ as I did.

"I’m glad your body is still pure, but a customer is a customer... SO TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!" He yelled, and I complied.

He took something out of his pocket and rushed at me. He pushed me onto the floor and put something to my chest.

*chchk* *chchk*

"AHHHHHHH…" I screamed. Feeling my chest where I have two small fat pockets under my nipples. 

He pierced my nipples!

My brother beat me more, and told me this was my engagement ring.

In the last few months before highschool it was an everyday routine for me to cook, clean, grocery shop, and greet Onii-chan with a welcome home kiss.

Valentine's day of my last year of middle school. He brought a certain girl over.

The girl said she is his girlfriend... Her name was Nomura Sakura.

That night, I was forced to have sex and lose my virginity… But it wasn’t until After Sakura had left.




I entered highschool, broken. Every day I wanted to die. Everyone will use you if they have the chance...  That teacher, Onii-chan, his friends. 

There is no such thing as a good person.

Normally when reality betrayed me, it did it in a bad way. But this? This made me happy.

Walking down the hall I saw a boy bump into my fellow prisoner, Sagrado Rika.

He was so polite. Too polite! He was the one that got hurt most from the fall.

He must be after something.

Their meeting was… Awkward, to say the least but it finished smoothly. 

I would see this weird dressed boy always offer help and then he would leave.

He helps everyone and leaves? What kind of two step process is this? This has got to be an act.

I won't lie, he caught my interest enough that I did some minor stalking... I eavesdropped on him talking to Akio-san and having her meet in a club room. 

Just in case Akio-san needed help I hid in the supply closet of the room right after school. The scene I watched however, betrayed everything I believed in. 

He refused sex? He didn't scorn Akio? Why is he so nice?! Wait! WHO DID HE SAY HIS GIRLFRIEND IS?!"

My breathing became ragged. 

His girlfriend lives with him?! The house I went to with Sakura and Onii-chan… was his!? The bed they used… I thought it looked like a boy’s room! 

They left the club room after Akio suggested some people who might want to join. He was very easily excitable, but seems like this is his real personality.

I did it again…

I ended up stalking him again and this time he bumped into Sagrado-san. Overhearing their conversation I could understand that he worked hard to say her name….

Who the fuck does that!?

Their conversation ended and I went about my business. Akio found me however, and told me about the club. She said its founder is nice.

I’m not gonna say OH YEAH I STALKED HIM SO I KNOW teehee~.

I told her I'll be there but I still wasn't sure of it. So for  three weeks I skipped going. I skipped the fourth week for a different reason though. On a Tuesday where I just finished dressing into my after school girl wear, I was leaving campus when I saw the boy…. Tomaki Haruto. He’s taking flyers down around the hallway.

No one’s supposed to be in this wing right now, so what is he doing…? Ugh! He’s probably helping someone again.

"Hello Hachi-san!" He bowed at me.

"O...oh… hello Tomaki-san." I was dressed in my girl outfit so he probably finds me a bit weird. "You probably don't want me in the club anymore huh?" He looked at me as if I said something very confusing.

"What, why?" He looked at me like I was hard to see like a chameleon on a wall.

"I GET IT! I'm weird, okay! It's not like I wanted to wear this!" I started to get frustrated, but I don't know why.

"What you wear doesn't matter though?" He said like it just made sense.

"Huh?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"I mean we wear what we are supposed to at school, but what you wear besides that is for your own reasons, right? I mean, look at my sweater..." He chuckled at his self tease, "Whether you wanna dress like a boy or dress cute how you are now, it’s your choice isn’t it? My opinion shouldn't matter."

It's like there's a bright light around him! Are you speaking the gospel or something?! What the fuck are you? W-w-wait… did he just say….c-c-cu….

"Cute!?" I gasped my question out. He just chuckled again.

"Well yeah, isn't that obvious?" He smiled.

His smile is the greatest!

"I-i-i-i-i gotta go!"

"Bye Hachi-san." He waved.

Why is he so nice!? I'm even the brother of the guy that does horrible things to his girlfriend! Why can't he be a bad person…? Why can't he be more like…

*THUD* I hit something and I fall on my back.

"Oye, you piece of shit, watch out yeah?" 

I looked up at the voice and I see three large boys who look like they are wearing uniforms from a different school. Their gakurens are all black even though it’s Spring. They all have the same short hair style.

The muscular one had an ugly face, the lean one had a somewhat handsome face

And the fat one had the bastard face.

All three were much larger than my 140cm body.

"Look look! It's a fucking pervert, hahaha!" One of them pointed down, my skirt was flipped up exposing a small bulge.

"Kyaaaaaa" I yelled, pushing my skirt down and backing away on the floor. The muscular one approached me and kicked me in the stomach!

I was sent into the wall of the hallway while clutching my gut.

"We came here because there were rumors of hot sluts! But, if creepy beta bitches is all this school has to offer, we’ll just have to take out our frustrations on you first." He picked me up by my hair.

"Hehehee~ let me get a turn with that queer after you beat him Jin!" The fat bastard  face one said.

"Hahaa why? So you can have a homo date?"

"Traps are life!" The fat one said, rubbing his own bulging crotch.

"Iki, shut the hell up!" The lean one said.  "Men should be men, us beating the gay outta’ this little shit will help his life. We are humanitarians after all."

"Hahaha, gotcha boss." He said as he lifted me up, I only came up to his chest. He punched me in the gut again.

This time I vomited on the floor and some of it caught his shoes.

"Hey hey! What the fuck are you doing!?" He lifted my chin up and back handed me. Stumbling several steps, I began to fall to the ground.


But I never made it to the hard floor. Instead, I was caught.

"What the fuck…. DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" 

My vision was blurring, but I'm in the arms of the one yelling. 

"Tomaki-kun." I said.

He placed me to the ground gently and faced the boys.

N-n-n-no Tomaki-kun’s too nice!

"No Tomaki-kun its ok! Ju-ju-just leave it…" my words were cut short by a pat on my head and his smile.

"I won't let them get away with hurting you." He said gently


"Hey! What are you dating that queer!" The fat one(Iki?) said, and started laughing.

Haruto stood up and stared at them.

"What if I am?"





The three boys stopped laughing at the bold statement, but I was the most shocked.

"What if I am?! Huh?!" His voice getting louder, "tell me what it has to do with you. Tell me what right you have to judge a stranger's life without knowing them. Do you know Hachi-san? Have you seen Hachi-san? Have you heard of Hachi-san? This is Hachi-san!" Haruto pointed at me.

"Who….. THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Haruto ran towards them.

The scene was incredible, I honestly know from my perspective my mind probably exaggerated it, but still….  Sugoi!

The muscled one up front swung a punch that Haruto easily ducked under.

Harutos target, though? It was the fat one. Haruto jumped up and planted two feet on the fattie’s face, but it wasn't a dropkick. Haruto bent his knees as his feet connected and pushed off like it was a springboard! 

Using the fatty like that, he launched at the muscle brain as he turned around, and headbutted him right in the jaw! Sending him to crack his head into the window nearby and the fatty was pushed face first onto the wall from the recoil, knocking him out.

Haruto walked up to the last one who was visibly shaken. He swung at Haruto but maybe due to fear didn't aim it properly, but it still hit Haruto in the face.

"Tomaki-kun!" I screamed. But Haruto waved back at me signaling he's fine.

"Thank you. Now I can say this was self defense." Haruto chuckled and the other boy looked scared.

After a few minutes of a beating. The boy was black, blue, and bleeding in a dogeza in front of me.

"Say it!" Haruto commanded.

"I-I-I-I apologize for me and my friends' uncultured selves. We were weak minded and driven mad by y-y-y-y…."

"SAY IT!" Haruto put his foot on his head.

Why am I jealous of this asshole?

"Driven mad by your CUTENESS PLEASE FORGIVE US!" he yelled.

He nodded and Haruto had him pick up his friends and leave.

"Can you stand?" He asked me

"I-i-i d-d…" why am I all shy?

"Ok then." He put his hands under and picked me up.

Princess carry!  I’m in a Princess carry right now!!  I hugged him close(I may have also sniffed him.)

"Danna-sama♡" I said softly in a dreamstate.

"Huh?! You say something?" He asked as he carried me to the club room, causing my face to look like someone stuck a flashlight in my mouth.

"Ca-ca-can I call you S-s-senpai-sama?” I tried to redirect.

"Sama? Wait, aren’t we in the same grade?"

"Yeah but... I always dreamed if I had to have a senpai, then I'd want a senpai who'd protect me… is that weird?" 

He laughed at my question.

"No, actually that kinda makes sense. If you think I'm worth it, then sure."

Though bad things just happened I ended up very…




I started coming to the club. I was jealous because Rika always tried to get Senpai-sama's attention. After two weeks, I started showing up in my girls clothes and along with sweets I made by hand. He said he fully believes in me running a bakery, and he wants to be my first customer.

I was being trained to be other men's wives, having to role play again and again. But a man that'll protect me, believe in me, and support me?

I want him to have everything of me.

I finally got a leg up on the other girls.

Senpai-sama loves my thighs!

I always sit in angles that let him catch a glimpse and I caught him staring a bit on occasion. Teehee~

Having friends and hanging out. Something so normal yet it never happened in my life before him.

My life can go on if it’s like this.  I thought to myself.

But I ruined it.


When we learned that Sakura doesn't have a monopoly on him, we were then taken in by our own desires for him. Yet, we never questioned even once what does HE want? He'll accept anyone that loves him? 

How is that fair to him!? He deserves to be able to be with who he wants! Even if it’s temporary, even if he rejects me. If I can make him smile more, take some of his pain away. I want to do it!

My legs are tired but…..

"Senpai-sama!" He has things in his hands, but I leap at his shirtless body and wrap the sweater around him.

"I’m so, so sorry."

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