The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

*special chapter* Himeno corruption


Himeno special

I was 9 years old when my mother and I were jogging through the park. We were wearing similar spanky pants with sports bras, total twinning moment. I was my mothers mini me and I loved it.. It was early on a weekend and we were training as normal, this entire day seemed like a normal fun day.

Until it wasn't.

Mother sat me on a bench because she had to use the bathroom. I told her I was fine there because I didn't have to go. Mother smiled at me and jogged to the restroom.

I was only 20 meters from the bathroom, mother would take only a few minutes, this was my park that I knew so well, it was a bright sunny day, why would something bad happen to anyone?

Those words weren't mine. Those words were the echoed cries of my mother after this day. She never let me out if her sight after this and she was honestly more hurt about this situation than I was, but that's because she knew what the situation was.

I sat there on that bench with my feet dangling and kicking the air. I was wearing my konni-kit sneakers and enjoying the sunny day. While the park was in silence a figure sat down next to me. 

I can't remember the figure so whenever I recall this memory the figure was an entirely shaded out person. Like a character you need to unlock in a video game.


The figures voice was happy and cheerful as the day was perfect to be happy and cheerful.

"Hello Ojii-san." I replied back. I can't remember the perso. I spoke to, but I can remember my words. 

"Don't you look really cute in your outfit." They said. 

As a grown up I know now that this can be, if not lead to, sexual harassment. However at the time I was a kid and I loved being praised. I was told I was cute, while trying to be cute like my mom. So being called cute made me happy.

"Thank you! I really wanted to look nice like mommy!" I said with a bright smile

"Oh! You do! You do! Did you know that grown ups can always tell when something is cute because we have a cute-measure."

I was taken aback, adults had such a convenient tool?, is what I thought. I have never heard of such a thing.

"What is that Ojii-san?!" I asked with sparkling eyes of curiosity.

"Well, where's your mom, she could probably show you." They said.

My mother had a habit of always taking a long time in the bathroom at home. So whenever it took longer than a couple minutes it would take a REALLY long time. She was young and very into phone games. This wasn't the case when we weren't home though, I didn't know that at the time, and my curiosity also had the better of me. I needed to know how to measure cute RIGHT NOW.

"She will take a long time to come back, so you can show me."

"Well! If you insist. You have to come sit here though." They directed me to sit on their lap and I did, thinking this was just a ritual. "Ok, sit right in the middle and wiggle a little bit. I followed the persons instructions and wiggled in the center of their lap for a while, until I felt something underneath me.

"Something is happening Ojii-san!" I exclaimed

"Thats the cute-measure, you got it working! Good job!" The man tickled his fingers all over my body and I giggled with delight. "Now lean forward. I'll take it out so I can measure properly." I looked up at the person and nodded. I leaned forward and there was some ruffling of clothes behind me. I felt something on my butt and a hand on my waistband.

"Ojio-san what do I do no-"


I looked up and saw mommy running from the bathrooms at a speed I've never seen before. The person whose lap I was on pushed me to the side, having me land on the ground.

"OWWIEE." I looked up at the figure and all I can remember was…… a dick. This person whoever it may be, had their dick out in public and they tried to get up off the bench.

In hindsight, he shouldn't have thrown me to the ground for a couple reasons. 

1) being that he just hurt me in front of mommy.

2) he no longer had me as a shield.

Mommy jumped in the air and crossed her shin to the person's jaw. I remember mommy having a tooth in her leg afterwards, but I couldn't help mommy with it because she beat the shadowy figure up. She beat them for a long time.




The police were called and it became a huge incident. Mommy wasn't the same after that. She never seemed as happy as she used to be when it was just us together and she would apologize to me every now and then for no reason. Mommy also stopped having us twinning all the time. The cute clothes I was used to had to be generic or loose fitting. I really missed those days of innocence with my mom.




Realizing what had happened to me later one, made me cautious around men. I couldn't trust their motives at all. Right before my parents' accident I was groped on a bus while I was riding it with my little brother. I paid it no mind. As long as it didn't cross a line I wasn't going to fight it anymore.

I have voiced out molester a couple of times and it turned into "he said/she said" between me and an adult male. The issues would always be dropped. I was almost a teenager and developed enough to look older. 

"She's hot, of course someone would take advantage, its natural."

Is what I would hear some of the passengers say after the incidents. If I assaulted the perpetrator than my parents would get involved and…… I didn't want to make mom think about the park again.

However, on this day, the hand on my ass was quickly removed and:


I turned my head and I saw Haruto holding the man's hand to his crotch. The man tried to pull away but Haruto held on. The crowd of people made room and singled out the man. I IMMEDIATELY began punching the man.

Afterwards when the investigation happened the crowd on the bus were disgusted.

"How could he touch someone so young!?"

"A little boy? That can ruin him for life that sick bastard!"

"No! I wasn't touching the boy! I was touching the girl!" The man said to the officers

"This 12 year old girl?" One of them said

"What!? No! I thought she was older!"

"The sick bastard was caught fondling a little boy and thought changing his story to this little girl was better!?"

"She really doesn't look 12, but he was obviously molesting the boy!"

"Excuse me, but I know how these situations  can be for people as young as you. There are a lot of witnesses and we will notify your parents. We won't let him get away with this."

Our parents were called and instead of being depressed, Haruto was all smiles. He explained how I saved him and beat up the bad guy. My mom was so happy that I saved my little brother. It looked like a piece of her former self returned to her that day. I wanted to cry so badly, my brother made me so happy.

This was a magical day. My knight in shining armor, my hero, my Haruto. 




My little brother. He always talked about wanting a marriage like our parents. He would go on to say how he would support his family like dad, or he can raise the kids like mom. It was the weirdest dream for a young boy to have, but it was that innocent dream that started to corrupt me.



I've had crushes before, on classmates, the ikeman. However, after the bus molesters I just couldn't trust men. I tried to date only to have them make a move on me too roughly. 

I was "Himeno, the warrior princess." Everyone thought I had to be tamed, but I just wanted kindness. And after my brother saved me on the bus, I realized the type of kindness I wanted.

The feelings for my brother were always strong. I never had those feelings for him until my classmates asked me:

"So what type of guy would you date?"

"Someone like my brother." I said.

"Gross! A brocon!"

"No wonder no one stood a chance!"

"Shes an abnormal!"

So with those words I preached the gospel of Haruto. I told them about how helpful he is around the house, how kinds he is, how strong he is, how hard working he is, his dream of a married life like our parents, and I mentioned how he saved me from a molester.


"Let me have a little brother like that!"


It became a big clamor in class and I didn't know what to say, but everyone knowing how amazing my brother is…. Felt right.

"Its going to suck when a girl takes him from you."

Someone said those words. Why would they say those words? What did they mean? Take him



My chest started to hurt, I my breathing got a little rough.

"Hehehe yeah right?" I said as I tried to brush it off….. but I couldn't.




Haruto and Sakura were playing house and my thoughts were a mess. I needed to know the answer to my question. Even though I felt he might be too young to understand, I needed to know.

"Haruto…. When you get a girlfriend, you wont…." I had a hard time squeezing out my words. "You won't cast me aside right?" 

"Why would I do that?" Haruto stopped playing making Sakura pout.

"Because we are brother and sister you can't be with me like you can…. Others." I never thought of sex. I never thought of pleasure. The molesters never made me feel anything. The idea of a woman doing to Haruto what those molesters did to me….. hurt. It hurt more than anything else I thought about. It wasn't the thought of him being with someone else, or having sex with someone. The thought of Haruto throwing me away just to have those things with someone else. Would he do that?

He wants a marriage and a family, he'd have to have sex to have that happen. I always knew he would do that, but if someone else becomes his number 1, would he still be my Haruto?

Can I let someone else be his number 1?

"Who said I can't!" Haruto looked at me with a face of determination. My face turned red, I've never blushed like this.

"I'm your sister, so even if we'd do that. If you got a wife, would you…."

"I'll make Hime my wife too!"

Doki…. Doki...Doki

My heart raced. I've never felt the emotions I've felt at that moment. I still didn't desire sex, but I just want to stay with Haruto. All these other men thought about how sex will chain me to them, Haruto on the other hand just wants to…..

"I want Nee-san happy!"

He really just wants me happy.




Not long after, my parents had their accident. I never spoke with my grandparents so I didn't reach out. Mom's friend was a lawyer and helped us take care of finances. It really helped that dad was such a hard worker.

That wasn't the big change though. The big change was that I only had Haruto left. We were all each other had… well and Sakura. So I had to make sure that Haruto would want me.

I began grooming him to see me sexually. It was as much for myself as it was for him. I've never masturbated before yet here I was trying to seduce my brother.

Over the course of a couple years….. I went from a frigid ice queen, to a love sick puppy. Everyone at school could tell I changed and even at home I was no longer the no experience girl I once was. Now I craved Haruto. I needed him. It was like a switch flipped in my mind.

I never forced anything onto him. If he caught a boner I asked for consent and dived in. Given that in the beginning he didn't really know what consent was and just went a long with the pleasure, but I am certain he will become the greatest man for me and I will be everything for him.

I'll do anything for Haruto…. And I did, that's how I ended up being arrested.

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