The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

*special short* an innocent Himeno.

      My mother raised me to be a fighter. I have no idea why, nor do I know who I was supposed to fight. Don't get me wrong, its not like I was raised as a soldier but more along the lines as a princess. Well a princess of violence anyway. 

Two short black pigtails, chubby cheeks, and baby fat arms. I, Himeno, was the warrior princess! armored up in a sundress and spank leggings, I practice my kicks and punches of love and justice!


And pose!



     Starting from the tender age of 4, she had me doing workouts with her. She would make it like a game at first and to me it was just me playing with my mom. Of course my baby brother would always be by our side when we worked out, my mother always said 

"We work harder when we have fans in the stands."

   My beloved brother tried working out with use when he learned how to walk, but all he ended up doing was falling on his face. His crying face sent me into a panic, I would then coddle and dote on him even though I struggled to pick him up So, it just looked like I was carrying a drunk person and dragged half his body on the ground. My mother thought it was the cutest thing:

"Himeno looks like mommy when she had to drag papa out of the bar one night."

   My early life consisted of running, cartoons, martial arts training, push-ups, playing, and spending time with my brother. It was basically childhood but some of my "play" time was structured to actually make me a fighter. Mother always said that 

"When you get older you'll have something you want to protect, so if you get strong now, you'll be able to protect whatever it is."

Of course at that exact moment my baby brother fell on his face again. So I turned to go pick him up.

Big sis was going to get strong to make sure you are always protected.




Over time my protectiveness hit an all time high. I loved my baby brother and as his Onee-san I will clearly spend more time with him. Besides, mom has to spend most of her free time protecting dad. I asked mom what fighting style dad used and she said:

"Oh honey! Fufufu, your dad is only good for work and love. He couldn't fight a common cold."

Mother laughed as she said those words, but I didn't! I didn't know who this "common cold" was, but I will be strong enough to protect Haruto from it! 

This eventually lead to me and Haruto playing in the bath for too long and my mother came in.

"Kids don't be in the tub too long, or everyone in the house can be hit with a cold."

My current enemy! He wanted to attack me and Haruto when we were naked and vulnerable!

My mother, not knowing the can of worms she opened, stripped and joined us for a bath. Mother has gotten even more muscles than before. Her abs are chiseled and defined, her arm muscles sculpted and separated by definition, all while having a womanly shape.

She was always beautiful to me, but unlike other parents, she kept growing. I don't know why that is, but every year that I grew, so did she. I just started kindergarten and asked some kids when their parents stopped growing. 

This was how it went:

Me- "Hey when do parents stop growing? My dad stopped and I'm catching up to him, but my mom didn't stop yet, its not fair! How can I catch up at this rate?!"

Kid 1- "Do parents stop growing?"

Kid 2- "Parents can only be parents when they stop growing, can't they?"

I created the ultimate riddle for my classmates.

My sensei at the time told me to ask my mother when I became afraid that I stopped growing. I never knew this was a way for my sensei to avoid talking about my mothers age.




With my thoughts of growing satisfied at the moment, I decided it was time for my ultimate battle.

I will fight the common cold!

It was a weekend and we had no school. With mother protecting dad I knew I had to protect Haruto. I grabbed him extra clothes, his potty training potty, some snacks, and our Koni-kit toys as they are very important.

I locked myself and Haruto up in my room for the weekend. Knowing my enemy's name was cold, I assumed heat would beat him. I constantly had me and Haruto changing blankets and I willingly sacrificed myself to empty out his poops when it made my room smell awful.

As hot as it was in the room, Haruto wasn't a crybaby about it. In fact he seemed very happy to spend all that time with me. Maybe it was because I have been going to school, but he laughed an smiled the whole time.

Once again my mother found this behavior adorable, but my father, after a couple days, had to know what the issue was. Since he was always working he hadn't a clue about the situation. So he gave me a stern talking to. 

Although he also found my actions cute, he was afraid how I'd proceed if I kept thinking some invisible enemy was after our family.

I really wish mom was as good at talking as dad was, I wouldn't of had to clean up Harutos poops if I knew the common cold was just getting sick.

Well, hopefully I won't try to lock Haruto up again for a silly misunderstanding.





"Feel better darling?"


In front of me and Haruto was a scene we've grown accustomed to. At the entryway to our home hangs a small mirror on the wall. My father, like he has been for weeks now, is slapping himself and psyching himself up, while mother encourages him.

My strong and powerful mother gently strokes the cheeks of my father and kisses him. 

"You will get that promotion, I know you will!"

"I also have those investments and today might hit or m-"

"Hit harder."


"It will be hit or hit harder," she stroked his face, "you won't fail, the worst that can happen is you coming home to the family that loves you. So you win no matter what, you only have a chance to win, harder."

I saw my mom touch a no no place on daddy, causing him to stutter and blush. She says that she touched it by accident because her hand has "cop-a-feel-a". It's some kind of American disease, since it is in english, that happens to married women. She says she always apologizes when he gets home. 

I really hope Harutos wife doesn't catch that disease, it would be very embarrassing. Being an adult must be hard if you have the same accident almost everyday because of a sickness.

My mother is happy even with her sickness, father is beaming, and Haruto and I are smiling. 

I hope our days are always like this.

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