The New Babylon

Chapter 0 : Prologue

I fixed some of the more obvious mistakes here

In a forest not far from some kind of gigantic camp stand a lone goblin.

This little green being was writing something on the ground with a stick while hysterically mumbling gibberish, some kind of unknown language. He was writing then frustratingly grumbled before erasing what was written and then writing again . The goblin was wearing a terrified and panic stricken look while thinking.

‘I need remember… but what need remember ? The flashes of memory, they are incomplete … can’t think clearly. Why can’t ?’

The goblin knew, he had to remember something important but his patchy and glitched mind limited him, still he remember that it is too important to be simply forgotten, because he had the conviction that if he did, what make his self will cease to be.

The simple perspective of this happening terrified him more than anything. This for him would be no different than death.

The goblin started yelling in frustration.

« _ Who is I ?! Who is I ?! Who the hell is me ?! »

On the ground was written in French : my name is N…

« _ N for what dammit ! Is it N for nothing … ? arrrrrgh~ ! »

Crestfallen the goblin roared and threw the stick used for writing in the distance then sat, his back resting against thetrunk of a tree while getting lost in thoughts.

‘I want to cry … but what is crying ?’

He then suddenly hears the sound of footsteps and ruffling leaves followed by an old man’s clear and distinct voice.

« _ What is it that you are so desperate to remember young one ? »

The goblin stood up abruptly in fear in front of a being he should have never seen before, but a part of his problematic memory was telling him that the old man was human, he then looked at the man in fear, his eyes wary. The man looked in his sixty, approximatively 1m80 with long white hair tied in a pony tail and a three day old beard, he was wearing a simple white shirt with black pants, boots that comes to his calves and a long black coat.

His most striking feature was his eyes , golden and sharp like those of an eagle. 

The more he looked the more the goblin felt a strange sense of comfort in his presence and instinctively responded, trying hard to speak clearly in the common tongue, one which was established by the gods worldwide, every sentient beings are born with the gift of knowledge necessary to speak it.

« _ My name ... I need my name !

_ Your name ? Indeed, it is important … Fortunately for you young one, this is exactly my area of expertise, let me give you a hand »

Said the man with wry smile before appearing like a ghost before the goblin and grabbing his head. The goblin saw a flash of light and then a stream of memory came gushing in his mind, all the things he thought he forgot, all the things he desperately wanted to remember, all the informations that compose his person rushing through his brain. After some time, he finally came back to reality and saw the old man sitting on the ground, smoking on a wooden pipe in his right hand and playing with the stick the goblin threw earlier in the other.

« _ So, what is thy name young traveller ? »

Spoke the old man handing the stick to the goblin who took it while still a little confused, he then walked to the spot where he was writing before and completed the phrase he so desperatly wanted to finish a few minutes earlier, while speaking excitedly.

« _ My name is Nathan … Nathan Laplace ! »

He then turned around to look at the man and asked.

« _ But you … who are you ?

_ Just a vagabond » Answered the old man wearing a bright smile showing his pearl white teeth.

« _ But why are you here ? In this godforsaken place and how did you help me remember if you are merely a vagabond ?!

_ Well this place is not so forsaken if I am here. Now to answer your previous question, I was exploring this desolate yet so rich continent when I felt something calling me, something linked to who I am …So I came to see what was so desperately reaching for me. »

The old man said still wearing the same bright smile before looking seriously at the goblin

« _ But now that I gave you what you needed you will have to give me something in return »

The goblin gulped and took a step back in fear while thinking

‘ Shit ... Did I offer my soul or something ?’

Seeing the reaction of the goblin, the old man smiled wryly.

« _ Do not fear, for you are now my adept, my very first one in fact, I will not demand anything excessive.

_ So, what do you want from me ?

_ I want you to observe, memorize and remember everything that will be part of your story for me. »

The goblin stared blankly before asking

« _ Why ? Is it important ?

_ Why of course it is » Answered the old man laughing loudly in front of the once again confused goblin.

‘ok so ... No matter how I think about it i don’t understand what’s so funny’
« _ It is the essence of my very being that’s why mortals call me the god of reminiscence and memory »

Said the old man while standing up

« _Now good luck adept of mine I expect a great story from you. Until will meet again ! »

Then he disappeared like a dissipating dream 

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