The New Babylon

Chapter 15 : Prisonners

Hey guys, I need to inform you that there will be no new chapter tomorrow since I will be going to a wedding, tehe :p

Now that he had more time on his hands, Nathan sorted though his spoils of war. There were some used leather protection pads that only served to cover the vitals, leather boots that were just a bit bigger than his feet and some longue linen cloths, He also found a metal short sword that was in a relatively good condition.

‘ Should change my Dumb slayer for the short sword ? Or use both ? yeah both is good. What’s more my bone sword weigh is almost non-existent in comparison to the metal one.’

 As for the rest he called Mourzuk to do the distribution. But also, to move the unprocessed hides to the hunting camp to get some decent protections for his fighters.

After loading everything on some rafts, Nathan asked the goblin to stop immediately stop their work so he could deal with the prisoners in public.

Since they could not feed people with absolutely no loyalty forever.

‘ Honestly, goblins are stupid so even if I keep all the prisoners alive and recruit them it should not be a problem. Still … I need to make an example, if everyone I fight start to think that it’s okay to attack my gobgang because they will get out of the fight scot free, I might get overwhelmed by numbers.’

After taking his decision, he watched the goblins gathering in front of Him, and his officers. Nathan could hear Vorya speak to Grom in a whisper.

“_ What’s happening there ?

_ Boss gather the goblins sometimes, to make announcements and other Boss’s thingy

_ Oooh”

Hearing Grom explanation Vorya clearly did not know more then what he guessed before asking. He started to approach Nathan but was stopped by Stevie. The little goblin giving the large and bald hobgoblin a menacing glare.

As he saw the prisoners being escorted and standing in the middle of the crowd, He started to talk in a loud voice for everyone to hear.

“_ My dear guests, as you may know I’m Nathan … the guy who killed your ex-leader. Since I can’t house prisoners forever, I will give you a choice.

Everyone of you who will accept to be in the front line in our next battle will be released, you will be able to go wherever you want or even join me. That is if you survive.

_ And if we don’t want to !?”

One of the prisoners asked Nathan, but before he could respond he heard Vorya speak behind him

“_ You should ask what god they follow. If they don’t it’s okay but if they follow a tribal god …”

Nathan looked back at him and nodded before continuing.

“_ You see I have already thought of what I will do to those who don’t accept. But I will keep the secret, I do not want to spoil the surprise.

Those who accept step forward !”

Most of the prisoners were hesitating but when one of them took the first step the rest quickly joined only three of them stayed behind. Nathan laughed as he continued

“ _ Good, good. Now those who follow a god, raise your hand !”

The goblins all looked at each other in confusion before a few of them raised their hands. Nathan thought for a bit.

‘ I don’t know why he is so adamant about those false gods, but that satisfy him, I don’t really care... Even if I’m a bit curious of why he does.’

He turned back to Vorya and whispered

“_ Now you know who is a believer and who is not, you can monitor them if you want.”

Vorya frowned as he looked at the goblins who still had their hands raised with apparent hate in his eyes.

“_ I will take you on the offer then.”

Nathan nodded again before he spoke again, slowly walking to the three goblins who refused his offer.

“_ You can lower your hands now. And you guys … you made your choice, so no hard feeling ‘kay ?”

He then spoke to the goblins behind the three prisoners

“_ Restrain them !”

The goblins quickly obeyed and forced the dissident goblins to kneel before their boss.

Nathan pulled his Dumb slayer with a relaxed gesture as he took the time to look in theirs eyes one by one. He cleanly slashed their throats in the same order, executing them before the crowd. He looked at the ones who accepted his offer as he thought.

‘It really isn’t a good feeling to kill someone defenceless … Still a man gotta do what he need to survive. Still the remaining dude really are scared shitless … Wow, there is even one who’s pissing himself. Where did you lose your self-esteem mate ?’

He then asked Mourzuk to interrogate them to see if they have any useful information about other Hobgoblin camp.

One of the smartest goblins quickly obeyed, it was the one who took the first step. According to him, there is a relatively powerful camp not so far from here. He also said that since Nathan killed a Hobgoblin before he evolved, most of the Hobgoblins leaders will come after him when they learn about his feat.

Officially, to make an example out of him so no other goblin tries to butcher them in their sleep. But their real reason would probably be to plunder an easy target.

Nathan then dispersed the crowd and forced the goblins who accepted the offer to cut wood for the camp while monitored by some archers. He then called Grom.

“_ Grom ! Go scout the closest Hobgoblin band. When you find them come back and show us the way.

_ Aye boss !”

Grom took his habitual group and walked right away. As Nathan looked at everyone busily working, Except Stevie and himself. He sat there and realized something was missing.

‘ Trenches ! Yeah, I need to get the goblins to dig trenches around the barricades ! We can fill it with stakes, it would be an upgrade from my first trap. Let’s see, some watch towers would be a fine addition .’

And as usual … he delegated his work after a quick explanation to Mourzuk.

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