The New Babylon

Chapter 29 : Divine apparition

The sun was still high in the sky when Nathan and his troops departed for battle.

The discipline that Nathan thought the goblin started to show within his ranks, his little soldier were walking in two organized groups, in front was shield bearing goblins behind them were spear wielding goblin, in the rear there were first the javelin using goblins and behind them the archers.

As everyone followed Grom’s scouting team through the forest, it only took them two hours to arrive at their destinations. The enemy camp was already in chaos before they even arrived since they were all packing their belongings.

As Nathan immediately gave the order to attack, a volley of arrows struck the unsuspecting goblins, further intensifying the chaos.

Looking at the enemies moving around Nathan shouted to his troops

“_ Secure the food first !!! Do not give chase if they flee ! Massacre any of them on your way”

The frontline Goblins obeyed, and a bloodbath ensued. As the shield bearers followed by the spear wielding goblin advanced, all the enemies fled in random directions until three hobgoblins shouted in a effort to regroup their fighting force. They forced their men to attack only to see them crushed against a shield wall. The hobgoblins knew that they had no chance to win by throwing disposable goblins at their enemies, so they tried to bypass Nathan’s frontline, one tried to come from the left and two from the right. While they rushed around it, clad in their evil aura, Steevie reacted instantly and threw a Javelin in the legs of on the hobgoblin on the right.

The hobgoblin easily avoided the javelins but was surprised to see bolas flying in the directions of his legs before falling comically on the ground.

Mourzuk chortled loudly before he rushed the remaining running hobgoblin, as he clashed against him, Skeis rushed the hobgoblin that was sitting on the ground trying to get rid of the bolas. Unfortunately for him, he was quickly shot to death by Grom while defending against Skeis assault as he was worming around in weird positions.

Skeis immediately turned around and crushed the skull of the Hobgoblin fighting Mourzuk with his axe as Mourzuk skewered the falling hobgoblin.

Meanwhile Nathan shouted to Vorya and Stevie

“_ Go to the frontline and wreck the goblins ! Stevie ! You and Sio come with me to meet the hobgoblin on the left !”

Without a word Stevie and Sio followed Nathan to meet with the enemy clad in darkness only to be dumbstruck as the hobgoblin turned around with gracious movement and fled in the direction of the forest.

Nathan snickered before looking at the back of the hobgoblin in disappointment

‘ I really wanted to see the results of my training mate, not cool …’

As he was thinking Stevie took Sio’s spear and threw it right in the back on the hobgoblin. Looking at the hobgoblin that only staggered despite the Spear struck in his torso, Nathan decided to give chase anyway.

“ _ Stevie ! Keep an eye on the battlefield ! Sio come with me, you need to get your spear back ahah !

_ Yes boss !!”

Sio immediately started to run behind Nathan, the hobgoblin was quick on his feet but after a few minute he started to slow down as he was losing a large amount of blood because of the spear struck in his back, the more he was moving around the worse his injury was getting.

When Nathan finally clashed with the hobgoblin, he noticed that his opponent was panting heavily, red blood covering half of his skin, even it’s dark aura was receding.

‘How underwhelming, well at least I won’t even get a single cut from this fight’

Just as he thought this Nathan felt an oppressive felling on his shoulder completely paralysing him.

As he and Sio was shivering uncontrollably, the dark aura on the hobgoblin intensified.

‘This aura is stronger than any I’ve seen before … I’m going to die ? No ! I don’t want to die this time ! I’m the only one that can kill my self !! I want to live …’

Just as Nathan’s thought were turning chaotic the head of the hobgoblin suddenly exploded in a firework of beautiful purple light, like embers in the wind.

The oppressive feeling not only lessened, he started to feel strangely comfortable.

Suddenly he heard a voice he did not hear since his evolution.

“_ Oh Oh ? Even if you are not the most rational one, you should know the rules well enough right ? You can’t directly interfere with the kids. Do you want a war that badly ?”

The feeling Nathan got from being observed quickly disappeared as he turned around only to see the old god of memory peacefully smoking behind the still paralysed Sio.

As he opened his mouth, the god started to speak first

“_ That, my little green skinned adept, was one of the evil god that your race is worshipping … But do not fear them since I won’t let them meddle in your affairs, not for now at least.”

The old man then turned around and as he started walking away Nathan shouted

“_ Wait ! Could you answer some of my questions ?”

The old god turned stopped and spoke without turning around

“_ I will … soon enough

_ Thanks …”

Then Nathan vision blurred for a second as the of memory disappeared

After a second Sio let out a surprised yelp as she was looking at the dead hobgoblin on the ground

“_ Boss you did this ?

_ What ? No, you should know since you were here with me …

_ I can’t remember …”

Sio answered Nathan’s question with an embarrassed look.

‘I see … Well it’s better that way, I don’t even know how I could explain what happened to her’

“_ Anyway, get your weapon back, we need to join the others”

Nathan and Sio then rushed back to the battlefield only to find his men’s cheering while sorting out the spoils of war. 

Hello folks ! I hope you will like the new chapter ! By the way, I will be going overseas for work tomorrow. The next chapters may be even more delayed, sorry ! I will try to write as much as I can there, but the releases will become even more irregular.

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