The New Babylon

Chapter 3 : The hunt is on




I fixed some of the more obvious mistakes here

When Nathan and Steeve came back, they could see the goblin group resting around a small campfire. They all had a few Javelins near them. Their atlatl all tightly in their hands. When they saw Nathan, they turned to him, releasing small grunts and nods to acknowledge Steeve and his return.

Meanwhile Nathan stared at the fire pondering something.

‘Do they have flints, or something to make a fire ? I should get one too in case I need it. Now that I think about it at the stone age, the hunters used to harden their wooden javelins by burning the tip. This enabled them to hunt more resistant animals’

Nathan then clapped his hand to catch their attention and announced.

«_ Alright fellows, we managed to find a prey big enough to eat for days … Buuut ! »

As the goblin looked overjoyed, he yelled

« _The beast is too large to hunt it directly, we will need more preparations ! First slowly burn the tip of your javelin to harden it-

_ But burning no good ! Weapons break !

_ Believe me ! I am the one who taught you how to make them right ?

_ Y-yes

_ Then fucking do as I say ! Now second thing to do I want you to prepare some stakes for a trap we will build ! »

The goblins looked at him intently like they understood, But Nathan thought otherwise.

‘Those critters they have a face saying : I will do it ! But I too was a student once I know that look all too well … They did not understand anything, but are too afraid to ask, now that I have admonished one of them for raising an objection …’

« _ A stake is a kind of smaller spear but larger … you will not have to harden them by the way. You will show me your work afterwards ! We depart tomorrow with the sunrise.»

The goblin all acquiesced and got to work right away as Nathan took his wooden javelin and burned the tip enough to harden it, as an example for the goblin to follow.

After a few hours, the goblins completed their work mostly successfully since a goblin transformed his javelin in a torch. Nathan got to inspect their work before calling it a day.

Before going to sleep Nathan thought

‘Maybe I should pray to the god of memory for tomorrow’s hunt, he did say I was his first adept after all. May I come back alive … amen ?’

When the sun came back in the sky all the goblins were awake with their weapons ready. Nathan turned to them before yelling

« _ My fellow goblins tonight we will feast on meat ! Let’s depart we still have more work to do before we can kill our prey !

 _ Meat !!

_Ok ! »

All the goblins responded in unison, but not Steeve, who was still roleplaying as an Okemon.

They took around an hour to arrive nearby where the giant boar was yesterday. Nathan then announced in a quiet voice, while pointing to the ground before him.

« We will dig, a hole here I will tell you when to stop. Try to be as noiseless as possible. Steeve, you will go watch the boar, immediately come back if its not here, or moves around. »

All the goblins nodded silently, before they started their own task.

After three hours and a few used javelins, Nathan who was keeping watch around for any beast, inspected the round hole in the ground, which was at least 1m40 deep with a diameter of 1m70, before giving the goblins the stakes while speaking softly.

« _Good you can stop digging, now plant the stakes and the trap will be done. »

His improvised workers wordlessly took them and quickly finished the pitfall. Nathan then helped them out, before hiding the trap with weak branches and leaves. Afterward he pointed his finger at one of the goblins before speaking

« _ You will come with me, and you guys … just hide around here and wait for me. »

When Nathan reached Steeve with his helper he signalled him to come closer and whispered to them as he looked at Steeve

« _ So here is the plan, you come back with me to the trap location.

_ Yes

_And you … you will throw a javelin to the boar to get its attention, when it starts chasing, immediately run in the direction of the trap-

_No ! Me die-

_shhhhht quiet … listen you built the trap; you know that the beast can’t do anything if it falls in there right ?

_ Y-yes, but …

_ It’s okay look you just have to run 1 minute before reaching us, just take care to run between the trees and to not fall on the ground then you will be safe. If you do it, I will give you three time more meat than the rest of us. Understood ?

_ Yes … Me not fall, you give more meat, promise ?

_ I promise, so don’t fuck up and everything will go as planned.

_Me understand …

_ Before throwing your Javelins wait for us to yell, when you hear it you start the plan … do you understand the plan ?

_ Yes … »

Nathan nodded at the goblin who lost all colours on his face before going back with Steeve at the location of the trap. When they arrived, they were greeted by the remaining two goblins of his team. He then instructed them to hide around the trap while waiting for the baiting goblin. Finally, he roared as loudly as he could to signal the start of the hunt.

After waiting tensed for what felt like hours, Nathan could finally see the baiting goblin running in the direction of the trap followed by the boar.

‘Good he did his job perfectly, if everything works as planed, it will be an easy hunt.’

But just when Nathan finished his thought, the baiting goblin slipped before falling flat on the ground.

‘Shit, you had one job mate !’

Since I'm not a native english if you find obvious error do not hesitate to tell me pls and hope you enjoyed the chapter

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