The New Chimera

Chapter 25: An Awkward Explanation

Lilith woke up with a start, a moment of panic gripping her as she stared at the unfamiliar ceiling.

“Ah, you’re finally awake.” Raphael said, pausing the TV.

“Not this again.” Lilith groaned.

“What are you talking about?” Raphael asked, giving her a frown. “Anyway, do you know where we are or why we’re here?”

“Yeah, but…your reaction to waking in an unknown place was to just start watching TV?” Lilith asked, a little taken aback.

Raphael shrugged. “Why not? All the doors are locked, and we wouldn’t be given this stuff if we weren’t allowed to use it.”

“I…suppose that makes sense” Lilith admitted. “Still…” She trailed off as she heard one of the doors open, a sound that was followed by Kali stepping into the room.

“Hey there, good to see you’re awake.” She said. “Means we can finally get started with this.” She paused, giving Raphael a look. “Um…look, long story short, Lilith and I are working on a big project. I’m sort of…uh…an overseer for the universe, and I’m working towards reunifying the people of Haven and Earth, as well as overhauling magic.”

Raphael gave her an incredulous look. “You expect me to believe that?”

Kali gave Raphael an oddly relieved look in return. “No, actually. I can prove it to you in detail later, I want to brief Lilith on what exactly we’re going to be doing today first.”

She turned back to Lilith. “I’ve done a bit of finagling and got the system to accept you and Siph as being in a party together. Think of those as like…well, as easy ways to share effects between a group of people, as well as a way to share experience. You can turn off the experience sharing if you want, but only once this thing is really live. When experience is shared, everyone in a party gets an equal share, and since Siph can’t receive any right now, you’re going to get all of it.”

“So…where is mama?” Lilith asked.

“Out gathering up a bunch of monsters to kill and get you a bunch of experience.” Kali explained. “We need to get you to level one hundred once before your stats and Skills get properly unlocked, so that’s the priority for now. Fortunately, with the caliber of things Siph is killing, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes once she starts in earnest.”

“And…what do I do? Just sit here while she does the work?”

“Pretty much.” Kali said. “I have to teach you some things, so all the level stuff is going to be happening in the background. Well…and I had another idea as well, but I would also prefer to wait on that until I’ve verified the stability of the new system. I should be able to have enough data for that once you hit level one hundred, though.”

“So, we just waiting for Siph, then?”

Kali nodded. “Yeah. I have a kitchen where you can get breakfast, if you’d like.”

“That’d be good, I guess.” Raphael said. “I still want to see this proof you’re talking about, though.”

Kali smiled. “After breakfast, okay? “

“And besides, what am I doing here, anyway? I’m completely unnecessary for this plan.” Raphael asked. “Why bother kidnapping me like this? Do you want some sort of ransom from my grandma?”

Kali shook her head vigorously. “Nothing of the sort!” She said. “We’re…well, um…” She floundered a bit. “How to put this…”

“You remember what I said a couple weeks back about the way your grandma treats you being awful?” Lilith said. “Well, we decided that we couldn’t stand it anymore, so we’re…well, for the time being we’re taking you away from her. Back on Earth we have something called ‘child protective services’, and that’s what we’re doing, since no one else would be able to.”

Raphael frowned. “And if I said I wanted to go back, what would you do?”

Lilith paused. “Well, this is only for a month or two, I think we would make you wait it out here. If you really hate it, then we’ll let you go, but we’ll have to wipe your memory.”

A conflicted look crossed Raphael’s face. “You know Grandma’s gonna freak out, right?”

“We’re blocking everyone’s memories of you. Same with Siph, and kind of the same for Carmen, everyone’s just gonna think she’s Lilith.” Kali replied, having composed herself a little more. “If you would like, I can let you check in on Elenoa from time to time, see how things are going. Probably won’t be anything too interesting happening, but that’s just how things are.”

“Fine. Let’s just go eat.” Raphael said, moving towards the door.

“Ah, not that way, that’s somewhere entirely different.” Kali said. “I’ll take you there when I’m proving things, but the kitchen is through that door.” She motioned to the door on the other end of the room. “This place is kind of a maze if you’re not used to it, since I occasionally change the room layouts to make things more convenient for me and that doesn’t always end up with the most logical floor plan.”

Lilith raised an eyebrow, waiting for Kali to go over to the door and open it before following her into the space beyond. They went through some sort of room with a large window looking out on blackness before going through another door and entering what looked to be a kitchen.

“What do you two want?” Kali asked, opening up a door to what appeared to be a pantry of sorts before pulling out a box of cereal. “We’ve got most breakfast-y type stuff, so don’t feel shy about asking for something.”

“I’ll have some cereal, I guess.” Lilith said.

Kali stepped to the side. “Third shelf, I’ll get you a bowl and a spoon. What about you, Raphael?”

“Uh, I dunno. Toast?” Raphael responded.

Lilith pulled out a box of cereal that looked good, pausing for a moment to scan the pantry for bread. When she located it, she took it out and passed it to Raphael. “You want jam or something? Looks like there’s some in here.”

“Yeah, give me strawberry.”

Lilith grabbed a jar of strawberry jam and passed it to Raphael before shutting the pantry.

“Toaster’s over there.” Kali said, pointing at the toaster. “Let me get you a knife.”

A few minutes later, everyone had prepared their breakfast, and were sitting down to eat at a small table when Kali perked up. “Siph’s ready.” She said. “Just give her the okay and we can get started.”

Lilith nodded, putting down her spoon. “Alright. I’ll do that now.” She took a moment to focus, reaching out for her mother mentally. Alright, mama, I’m ready. Go ahead!

Sure thing, sweetie! Siph replied. Let me know if anything starts feeling weird and I’ll stop, alright?

Immediately, her vision began to fill with windows, which she hastily moved to the side so she could focus on one at a time.

Your party member Siph has killed a Juvenile Wall-Breaker Worm! You gain 2480 EXP!

Your party member Siph has killed a Young Wall-Breaker Worm! You gain 1394 EXP!

Your party member Siph has killed a Wall-Breaker Worm! You gain 3869 EXP!

Finally, after a few moments, the experience windows stopped popping up, and she was able to deal with all the other windows that she had received.

Congratulations, your Class has leveled up! (x99)

Congratulations, you have gained a Racial Class level! (x150)

Because you reached the level the system judged you would have been at were you born into this system, Accelerated Growth (Temporary) has been removed.

Congratulations, you have obtained Growth Up (Minor)!

Growth Up (Minor): Level 1
261/100 EXP (Experience gained by increasing your stats by leveling up a Class)
Rank: Uncommon
Each stat has an additional 1% chance to gain a point upon leveling up any Class.
Get stronger, faster.

Congratulations, Growth Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x2)

Congratulations, you have gained Class Experience Up (Minor)!

Class Experience Up (Minor): Level 1
435/100 EXP (Experience gained by gaining Class levels. Rate of gain dependent on Rank of Class.)
Rank: Rare
Increases Class experience gained by 1%.
Gotta grow fast!

Congratulations, Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x4)

Congratulations, you have obtained Racial Class Experience Up (Minor)!

Racial Class Experience Up (Minor): Level 1
900/100 EXP (Experience gained by gaining Racial Class levels)
Rank: Rare
Increases Racial Class Experience gained by 1%
Your progress will surely race forward now!

Congratulations, Racial Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x7)

Congratulations, you have gained Skill Experience Up (Minor)!

Skill Experience Up (Minor):
Level 1
31/100 EXP (Experience gained by leveling up Skills. Rate of gain dependent on Rank of Skill.)
Rank: Rare
Increases Skill Experience gained by 1%.
Skills to pay the bills.

Congratulations, you have gained the Skill First Come, First Serve!

First Come, First Serve: Level 1
927/100 EXP (Gain EXP by gaining stats from Classes you were first to have. Experience gained is dependent on the Rank of the Class.)
Rank: Unique
If you are the first to obtain a Class, growth rates in that class are increased by 5%.
Nature doesn’t discriminate. I do.

Congratulations, First Come, First Serve has leveled up! (x6)

Congratulations, you have gained the Skill The Early Bird Gets the Worm!

The Early Bird Gets the Worm: Level 1
1,500/100 EXP (Gain EXP by leveling up Classes you were first to have. Experience gained is dependent on the Rank of the Class.)
Rank: Unique
If you are the first to obtain a Class, experience gained towards leveling that Class up is increased by 5%.
I suppose you’re early like the person robbing the store a night before opening is early.

Congratulations, The Early Bird Gets the Worm has leveled up! (x9)

Congratulations, The Early Bird Gets the Worm has reached maximum level! Please inspect the Skill to see evolution options!

First and Foremost: Level 1
3,300/100 EXP (Gain EXP by leveling up Racial Classes)
Rank: Unique
If you were the first to possess your Racial Class, experience gained towards leveling that Class up is increased by 5%
The oldest is the one most skilled at staying alive. You’re only technically the oldest, but technicalities work anyway.

Congratulations, First and Foremost has leveled up! (x9)

Congratulations, First and Foremost has reached maximum level! Please inspect the Skill to see evolution options!

Journey of 1000 Miles: Level 1
3,700/100 EXP (Gain EXP by obtaining new Skills. Experience gained is dependent on the Rank of the Skill.)
Rank: Unique
All experienced gained by “introductory” level Skills is increased by 5%.
Begins with a single step. Unless you’re flying. Or swimming. Or burrowing. Or taking public transportation. Or, in this case, eating breakfast.

Congratulations, Journey of 1,000 miles has leveled up! (x9)

Congratulations, Journey of 1,000 miles has reached maximum level! Please inspect the Skill to see evolution options!

Alpha and Omega
1,390/100 EXP (Gain EXP by leveling up Unique Skills or Classes, as well as by obtaining Unique Achievements, Titles, Skills, or Classes.)
Rank: Unique
All effects of Unique Achievements, Titles, and Skills are increased by 5%. Unique Rank Achievements, Titles, Skills, and Classes cannot be stolen from you by any means.
You were the first, and you will be the last. I’ll make sure no one can ever take that from you.

Congratulations, Alpha and Omega has leveled up! (x9)

Congratulations, Alpha and Omega has reached maximum level! Please inspect the Skill to see evolution options!

Congratulations, Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x6)

Congratulations, Class Experience Up (Minor) has evolved into Class Experience Up (Moderate)!

Congratulations, Growth Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x5)

Congratulations, Racial Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x3)

Congratulations, Racial Class Experience Up (Minor) has evolved into Racial Class Experience Up (Moderate)!

Congratulations, Racial Class Experience Up (Moderate) has leveled up! (x7)

Congratulations, Skill Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up!

Increases Class experience gained by 1%.
Gotta grow fast!

Congratulations, Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x3)

Congratulations! Racial Class Experience Up (Minor) has leveled up! (x6)

You have reached level 100 in Progenitor! Please pick a new Class!

You have reached level 100 in a Class for the first time! Experience earned while your main Class is at maximum level is lost until you set another class as your main Class. This message will not be shown again.

You have leveled up 100 times! Weighted Training Body has been upgraded to Weights Lifted!

Weighted Training Body: Level Max
Rank: Unique
Your stats were reset by the system. All non-level bonuses to affinities, resistances, and stats are sealed.

Weights Lifted: Level 1
0/100 EXP (Gain EXP by performing actions while under the effects of Weights Lifted)
Rank: Unique
You leveled up 100 times while the system actively sealed your true ability. You have figured out how to overcome this restriction, removing the seal. Furthermore, this knowledge allows you to temporarily increase bonuses to stats, resistances, and affinities granted by Titles, Achievements and Skills. Doing so places great stress on your body, however, and Weighted Training Body is reactivated after the effects of Weights Lifted ends. The length of the reactivation is dependent on the time spent in this state and the amount by which stats were increased. You may not be under the effects of Weights Lifted for more than 24 hours at a time. You may reactivate Weights Lifted while Weighted Training Body is active but doing so will exponentially lengthen the recovery period.
If anyone asks, you can say that yes, you do lift.

Congratulations, by leveling up you have unlocked your previously sealed Skills!

As all Sin and Virtue Skills have been obtained and you have received sponsorship from the Administrator, you have become eligible for the Class High Arbiter!

Lilith stared at the window, trying to take everything in. After a few minutes, she figured she about had the gist of it. “That was…fast.” She said.

“Of course it was!” Kali giggled. “We don’t have time to do things the slow way right now! More importantly, though, how are you feeling?”

Lilith paused, taking stock of herself. “Great, actually.” She said. “A lot better than I was a few minutes ago, anyway. I feel…normal again.”

“Nothing feels out of sorts? No…aches or your head hurting or anything?”

Lilith shook her head. “Nope. I feel totally fine.”

Kali pumped a fist. “Sweet! That means we can actually start some of the other stuff I have planned. Um…in a bit, though, it’d be kind of awkward to start that now.”

“Why?” Lilith asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Umm…it kind of entails you being knocked out for a bit again?” Kali said, scratching her cheek embarrassedly. “Like…I know we just had you knocked out while we tinkered with the system, but this is more of the same sorta thing.”

Lilith shrugged. “Eh, that’s not really a big deal to me.” She said. “I don’t really mind being out for a bit while this sort of thing is happening. I’m assuming this has to do with that High Arbiter thing the window mentioned?”

Kali nodded. “Yeah. It’s something I’ve designed that will let you keep the Sin and Virtue Skills, and it’ll also give you a few more tools to help in enforcing order. It’s a concept I’m pretty proud of, if I do say so myself.”

How are you feeling, Lilith? Siph asked. Should I keep going?

I’m fine, mama. Hold off for a bit, though, I’m discussing some things with Kali right now.

That’s fine, just let me know when you’re finished!

“Siph talking to you?” Kali asked.

“Yeah, sorry.” Lilith replied. “She was wondering if she should keep going and I told her to hold off for a second until we finished talking here.”

“Right. So…do you want to go ahead with that now, then? Or, well, after you finish breakfast.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.” Lilith said. “What should I tell mama?”

“I’ll take care of it.” Kali replied. “You just eat for now. Raphael, once you’re finished, head back to my room. I can offer you proof once I’ve put Lilith under, alright?”

Raphael frowned, finishing her bite of toast. “I suppose.”

“Alright.” Kali said, tone indicating that she was trying to psych herself up. “Let’s do this.”

Well, I ended up having to do a lot more work to get this one right. Since this arc is getting a relatively major facelift, it wasn't quite as simple as just following what happened in the original. At least, not at the same pace they occurred in the original, anyway.

And, yeah, I know I was just talking about the arc being less window-heavy, but unfortunately most of this stuff is pretty important for Lilith in the future, so I had to keep this in.

But we should only be seeing one more chapter, where the sin/virtue stuff gets a proper explanation, and then we can let them comfortably sorta head back into the background. That'll come probably in the next chapter, so look forward to it, I guess.

And, as always, thanks for reading!

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