The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Cousin “Qinghu”

Translator: Iamgt  Editor: Lucas

Chapter 21: Cousin ‘Qinghu’

Back in the day, Teng Yunlong, the Village Chief of the Teng Jia Village, was known to be the number one hero!

Teng Yunlong, who was Teng Qingshan’s grandfather, was the Chief who held the highest authority within the village and also the best blacksmith of Teng Jia Village.

Although Teng Yunlong was called a blacksmith, his skill of weapon manufacturing, which was passed down from the ancestors of Teng Clan, was much more superior than some of the weapon craftsmen in the surrounding cities.

He had accepted more than ten disciples. The most outstanding disciple was Teng Qingshan’s father Teng Yongfan. Currently, with Teng Yunlong being advanced in age, Teng Yongfan, the disciple that had learned all the skills of weapon manufacturing, became the best blacksmith in the entire Teng Jia Village. Since Teng Yongfan was now the best blacksmith within the village, unless any of the unexpected happens, Teng Yongshan would become the next Chief!

There were merely three occupations in Teng Jia Village: Hunters, farmers, and weapon forging.

However, hunting and farming earned too little money.

However, the ability to forge a good weapon could bring an extremely high income. The skills of blacksmiths could enrich Teng Jia Village. Moreover, all the weapons in Teng Jia Village needed to be refined or forged by blacksmiths. Therefore, blacksmiths would allow the Teng Jia Village to prosper, and also provide the men with sharp weapons.

Hence, blacksmiths held high statuses in the village.

If nothing unexpected occurs, the best blacksmith of the village would either be the Village Chief or the successor of the position.


Teng Qingshan’s father, Teng Yongfan, would usually spend most of the day in the smithy while his mother, Yuan Lan, had her hands full with various chores. So most of the time, Teng Qingshan would be the only one left at home.

Teng Qingshan was pleased with this. After closing the gate of the courtyard, he would cultivate with a peace of mind.


Teng Qingshan’s left foot planted onto the ground like an iron plow while the other foot swept out. Almost simultaneously, both his right fist and right foot lashed out.

The Three Xing Yi Postures were simplest but most profound martial arts.

The Three Postures were the core of the Xing Yi Martial Art. It was a move that even the Grandmaster of the Xing Yi Martial Arts needed to practice continuously. Currently, every strike and kick of Teng Qingshan were definitely at the Grandmaster level. If one was near Teng Qingshan, they would be able to hear a subtle noise, a sound produced by the movement of his muscles and bones.

The song of the muscles and bones!




His breaths were in coordination with the Three Xing Yi Postures, occasionally brief and short, while his chest was like a set of bellows playing a bizarre rhythm.

The cultivation went on for four hours!


“The environment in the ancient times is indeed much more suitable for the cultivation of martial arts.” Teng Qingshan felt a surge of emotions as he thought to himself, “I have only cultivated the Xing Yi Martial Art for a short period of one year, yet my inner strength has preceded the apex of my previous life. No wonder marvelous techniques such as “Crossing Worlds” exist.”

Now that he had experienced life in the ancient times, Teng Qingshan realized that it was not the”Crossing Worlds”that consumed too much inner strength. Instead, it was Teng Qingshan who had too little inner strength in his previous life.

“However, having too much inner strength also has its own set of problems.”

Teng Qingshan was vexed.

As he was only four years old, very few of his meridians were opened. Moreover, Teng Qingshan didn’t dare to forcefully open up these meridians with the use of inner strength. If he had done that, the impurities hidden within the meridians would ooze into other main meridians. As a result, it would become impossible to open up all of his meridians in the future.

Why would he ruin his future prospects for immediate benefits?

To sever future prospects for immediate benefits?

Teng Qingshan would never allow this.

“However, possessing more inner strength would allow me to strengthen my body as much as I like.” Teng Qingshan thought to himself.

The Internal Martial Art was divided into three levels and each level is able to improve the physical quality. The first level was the physical strength reaching the maximum.

The second level started after the inner strength was generated. This is a process of simulating the deeper layers of muscle with the use of inner strength and causing the muscles and bones to grow even more by absorbing inner strength. Previously, when Teng Qingshan was shot by the Godly Sharpshooter Sun Ze, he was able to live because his muscles had already grown to a terrifying level.

The third layer began after the attainment of the Grandmaster Realm. At this level, one would have transcended beyond the limits of human body and would be able to continue improving one’s physical quality.

After all, the Spiritual Qi of the Heaven and Earth was too sparse in the modern world. Thus, one naturally had less inner strength. Of course, the main goal was to improve one’s body.

“Now, I have more than enough inner strength. I should begin the second level of cultivation and strengthen my body with the stimulation of muscles and bones.” Teng Qingshan was a Grandmaster. Thus, he knew what and how he should cultivate.

The inner strength was akin to nourishment. The bones and muscles were like plants. Once the bones and muscles had absorbed the nourishment, the bones and muscles would grow.

The method of stimulating the muscles and bones and allowing the muscles and bones to absorb the inner strength was a secret technique of the Internal Martial Art. In fact, this was the most treasured aspect of the Internal Martial Art.

In the previous world which Teng Qingshan had resided in, numerous talented figures cultivated and perfected their skills for over a thousand years. It took generations to create an incredibly powerful fist art like the Internal Martial Art.

“Hm. Mother should have been back by now.” Teng Qingshan opened the gate of the courtyard and locked it before he headed towards the training grounds of Teng Jia Village.

The training grounds of Teng Jia Village was the most lively and bustling place in the village.



All kinds of shouting sounds, as well as conversations mingled with laughter, could be heard. When Teng Qingshan went over to take a gander, several adults, along with some youths were either rolling iron boulders, lifting stone weights, or practicing their spear techniques.

Except for the mornings when the grown men gathered around for group exercises, the training grounds was usually filled with people training on their own.

There were also some women who were washing and folding their clothes as well as other chores on the edge of the training grounds. The women would work as they watch their men train.

“Qingshan is here.” Some of the women laughed as they greeted Teng Qingshan.

“Hello, Aunty.” Teng Qingshan greeted them politely.

“Qingshan is such a good kid. He never cause any trouble. Although he is only four, Lan could already let him play by himself without any worries.” Those women laughed as they praised. Beside being famous for his big appetite, Teng Qingshan was also famous for being obedient and smart. Many people who had raised kids before knew that children could be very annoying.

However, Teng Qingshan was a very well-behaved kid who never let his parents worry.

“Mother.” Teng Qingshan strode over.

Yuan Lan was currently seated by the edge of the training grounds. She held a small infant in her arms. This was Teng Qingshan’s three-month-old younger sister, Qingyu.

“Qingshan, your elder cousin is over there.” Yuan Lan laughed.

Teng Qingshan turned and saw a six Chi tall boy who was raising a large stone boulder. At a glance, that boulder should weigh at least a 100 Jin. It required extremely powerful arm strength to repeatedly lift stone boulder that weighs a hundred Jin.

“This world is brimming with so much Spiritual Qi of the Heaven and Earth that an ordinary person’s physical quality is actually two to three times stronger than that of an ordinary person in my previous world.” Teng Qingshan lamented.

“Your elder cousin Qinghu had lifted a boulder that weighed 300 Jin during the celebration of the new year. He was only nine years old. He would most likely be the number one hero of his generation in Teng Jia Village.” Yuan Lan remarked emotionally.

“Hm.” Teng Qingshan agreed.

At the age of ten, Teng Qinghu was already 6 Chi tall. According to this world’s measurement, one Chi was equal to 25 centimeters. In other words, Teng Qingshan was nearly 1.5 meters tall.

Teng Qinghu, at the age of ten, was already 6 foot tall. According to this world’s measurements, one Chi was akin to 25 centimeters. In other words, Teng Qinghu was nearly 1.5 meters tall. In this world, it was a normal occurrence for a nine-year-old to lift 70-80 Jin.

In this world, it was normal for a nine-year-old boy to lift 70-80 Jin. Someone who was able to lift over a 100 Jin, would definitely become a great hero after growing up.

If a nine-year-old was able to lift 300 Jin, he would be considered gifted. It was not without reason that his mother, Yuan Lan said that Qinghu would become a great hero.

“Elder cousin is able to lift a boulder weighing 300 Jin. He would make great achievements if he could learn the Internal Martial Art.” Teng Qingshan said to himself. The cultivation requirement of the Internal Martial Art was extremely harsh. There were many cultivators in the modern society, but small sects like the Godly Thief Sect had declined to the point that they no longer had anyone who managed to generate the inner strength.

After all, it was rather difficult to internal with external techniques.

Only one in ten thousand could generate inner strength. However, only one in a hundred million could reach the Grandmaster Realm. Thus, one could only imagine the requirement for one’s aptitude.

His elder cousin Teng Qinghu definitely had a high aptitude.

“Unfortunately, I’m still a child. Who would believe my words? Besides that, I cannot disclose anything about that, or else…” Teng Qingshan stopped himself from thinking further.

“Hey, Qingshan.”

At this time, a voice resounded from afar. Teng Qinghu placed the boulder down, and came over with his bare upper body drenched in sweat, “Qingshan, what do you do everyday at home? Come to the training grounds more. You’re still young. Even though you can’t do any strength training, staying at home all day isn’t healthy.”

If a child stayed indoor all the time, the child might become introverted. Therefore, it was not a good thing.

“Thanks, Elder Cousin.” Teng Qingshan smiled.

“Ah, Qingyu, little Qingyu.” Teng Qinghu moved closer to the infant and teased her.

“Qinghu, you’re covered in sweat. Be careful not to drip it on Qingyu. Go and take a shower, and put on some clothes.” Yuan Lan lectured, “Come over and have lunch at our place today. A brother that went hunting yesterday gave us a wild chicken. I have already cleaned it. It’s now cooking on the stove.”

“Yay.” Teng Qinghu laughed as he rushed nearby and picked up the calabash, scooping some cool water to rinse himself clean. Afterward, he then grabbed a towel to dry himself off before putting on his clothes.

Teng Qingshan was rather fond of this elder cousin. His elder cousin had the straightforward and forthright attitude that the men of Teng Jia Village had and he treated both himself and his sister well.

“Hmm?” Teng Qingshan’s ears twitched slightly.

As Teng Qingshan trained the Internal Martial Art, he possessed extremely acute senses. He could hear the soft clamor faraway. The noises gradually became louder. Soon, three women were seen carrying a man with a bloodied head. One of the women yelled, “Quick! Someone! Carry Dahou home!”

What happened?” The gate of the Teng Jia Village opened and a bunch of villagers immediately rushed out.

The entire training grounds was noisy and chaotic.

“Something bad happened.” Yuan Lan held the baby in her arms and instantly stood up.

The men of the first and second squad, remain in the village. As for the others, grab your weapons and follow me.” A shout sounded at the gate of the village. Teng Qingshan immediately recognized the voice. It was the great master that taught all the men in Teng Jia Village the cultivation of spear techniques—Teng Yongxiang.

Upon the command of the great master, the entire Teng Jia Village became noisy as news spread rapidly.

“Someone from another village is picking a fight with us. F*ck them all.” Teng Qinghu picked up a long spear and turned to look towards Teng Qingshan as he asked, “Qingshan, are you coming?”

Teng Qingshan casually picked up a handful of pebbles.

“Are you going to hit people with these small pebbles?” Seeing what Teng Qingshan was doing, Teng Qinghu burst out in laughter. “With your strength, such small pebbles are useless.”

Let’s go! Elder Cousin, mother has brought my little sister home. I won’t be able to go when she comes back.” Teng Qingshan did not bother explaining. A majority of his meridians had not opened up. However, kids had sparse impurities in their meridians. Moreover, the meridians located in one’s hands were the easiest to cultivate. In fact, when Teng Qingshan first generated inner strength, he smashed through the ground with just his hands. Indeed, the meridians in his hands had opened up when he first generated inner strength.

Teng Qingshan could use his inner strength and hurl the pebbles with the skill of hurling the flying knives. The pebbles that were filled with inner strength would definitely not be any weaker than actual bullets.

Since Teng Qingshan was still young, he naturally did not possess a huge amount of physical strength. Therefore, he had to rely on his inner strength.

“Let’s go. Rest assured for I, your elder cousin, will keep you safe.” Teng Qinghu was brimming with confidence. With a spear in his grasp, he led Teng Qingshan and rushed out of the gate with the big group of men.

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