The not-immortal Blacksmith

032 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith II - Speculations

The beautifully cut yellow orange diamond hung in space, shining its sunlight onto the first planet of the solar system. It wasn’t actually just hanging, it was slowly circling the planet, spreading its rays across the world. It was happy with its ‘new’ shape and job, not having to stay in one spot as the planets circled around it. The freedom of movement gave it a semblance of joy. Over the last few millennia, it had felt an occasional pull to become what it had once been, but it faded quickly into the background.


Demonia Countryside.

16th of Aura.

2290 years since the new gods came.

Fifteen miles in two days. Ninety-Five in total. Slogging through the snow is getting old. At least everyone is good company. I can’t believe Nomvula is still wearing her ridiculous traditional getup! It looks so cold. She claims she is ‘Training’ her ‘Cold’ resistance stat. Some sort of ‘Hero’ thing, I assume.

Anna snuck up on Magni this morning and used her Wand of Cleaning on him. His beard shed so many ticks and lice that I was more shocked than frightened. She then told him to strip, or she was going to bathe him in cold water to get rid of the smell. I guess I never noticed, but Brandy and Nomvula agreed with her, so he submitted. The wand itches when used, but it’s nice to be clean again.

20th of Aura,

Another thirty miles; and we have crossed into the Deeplefalsian Dominion. We saw a small herd of Hera running across the snow, but the wild ones aren’t worth chasing, especially through the deep snow.

I had to explain to the heroes what Hera were, that is to say, they are the offspring of horses and demons that thrive in the cold, and will eat anything from carrion, flesh, people, plants, desert scrub, etc. etc. Vicious beasts if not hand raised. If one likes you, you have a friend for life; if it doesn’t like you, best stay away. I lost a hand to one once, but it was a wild one and I had been…drinking? I forget.

We have about twenty-five miles left until Ghostward. Can’t wait for a proper bed.

22nd of Aura,

Bandits? Really?

We will arrive tomorrow around noon.


Grendel Repute sat in his customary spot on the end of the wagon, stroking the cat. “Okay, I’m going to call someone and offer an ‘Extended Wagon Warrantee’ to cover ‘any’ repairs on their wagon or coach, or whatever. Here goes!”

“Why hello Lord Lackluster! We have been trying to reach you about your carriages extended warranty! As you know, carriage repairs can be expensive in this day and age…” And the calls started.


23rd of Aura,

Arrival and finding rooms went well. We pick up our Hera in the morning, then we will leave. Stupid animals are scared of me. Me! You would think that Brandywine would scare them, but no, just me.


The Hera was a strange beast, almost the size of a horse, but with more muscle, cloven hooves, a tail that more resembled a lizard's than a horse, and sharp predatory teeth. They could eat any manner of plant, but preferred flesh, specifically rotted flesh; and they were also immune to poison and disease.

Max stared at the beasts in front of him, and tried not to gag on the smell. “Is there any way to get rid of the stink?” He looked at the Hollister.

“Not unless you have a magic item that can clean them on an hourly basis.” Was the reply, “The smell serves to ward off all but the most determined predator, because the meat of a Hera is actually quite delicate and well flavored!”

Max barely held down his lunch at the thought. “Alright. We’ll take six.”

“Very good.” The Hollister smiled. “Try not to expose them to ‘holy’ magic, it can make them spook.”


24th of Aura,

A solid 18 miles today. The Hera are fast, if not for the snow we would have probably mad twice the distance. I still hate the smell, and climbing into the saddle is a pain, but they work.


The Hera trembled as Max approached. Even with Brandy holding the reigns, it was a struggle for him to climb up. Once he was settled, the Hera stopped trembling, but had to be coaxed into movement by the application of heel to flank. And then it wouldn’t stop unless the reigns were pulled at a significant force. Max just sighed, and carried on.

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