The not-immortal Blacksmith

034 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith II – The “Heroes”

Meanwhile on the Other Continent…

28th of Arah

Having finally destroyed all the buildings in the abandoned villag, the three heroes from another world headed south along the best road heading from the village. As the miles stretched on, their stomaches began to growl.

“Where are we supposed to find food?” Sam asked his companions. “I don’t see any restaurants on the road.”

Molly rolled her eyes, “Haven’t you ever read an adventure story? You hunt for food and gather plants and stuff!”

Hesh stopped and looked between the two, “Do you have anything to cook with? Matches for a fire?” Molly and Sam shook their heads. “I guess it’s a good thing I came along then.” Hesh whistled and started walking again.

“Wait. You brought your mini camp with you to a PaintBall tournament?” a somewhat incredulous Molly asked.”

“Of course they did.” Sam responded for Hesh. “You think they would leave there scout supplies behind?”

“But that’s, like, twenty pounds of stuff!” Molly snapped back.

Hesh stopped again, looking over their shoulder, “It’s twelve pounds. I have cooking supplies, minor first aid bits, a bit of light fishing stuff, and a blanket for myself.”

“We are going to have to all snuggle under one blanket? Together?” Sam asked.

“No. I won’t share my blanket.” Hesh smirked. “Just the other stuff.”


Several more miles had passed as had most of the day. The group of friends has beded down next to a creek for the evening, and Molly and Sam have begun to gather wood from the dry forest, while Hesh began fishing.

“Fire is ready for you, Hesh!” Sam yelled out. Hesh just shrugged as he pulled another trout looking fish from the stream.

“Looks like my line doesn’t break here.” Hesh held up the stick with almost invisible low test fishing line attached to it. “It’s only six pound test, and this guy,” he pointed to a large fish on the bank next to another three, “should have snapped it right off when he ran under a log.”

“This place just gets stranger and stranger.” Molly replied, setting a broken log next to the prepaired fire pit. “How do we clean those things?”

Hesh ripped a different log in half along the grain, and pulled a knife from his pack. “Like this.” He deftly gutted an prepared the fish for the fire. “My dad taught me a bunch of stuff before… Anyway, lets cook!”


A tasty meal of pan seared fish later, the group huddled under Hesh’s blanket as a cold wind blew the embers of the fire around in a swirl.

“Maybe we should put that out?” Sam asked, eyeing the embers.

“Naw. It will die on it’s own.” Molly said, “Right Hesh.”

Hesh responded with nothing but a snore.


Embers in the night,

Drifting on the wind.

A fires delight,

The dry forest floor.

A crackle of life,

The trees explode.


Hesh jumped from under the blanket, smoke and fire in the trees. “GET UP AND RUN!” They screamed, hicking their companions awake.

The sleepy companions roused slightly, then smelled the smoke. “I told you so!” Sam almost screamed to Molly as he started running down the road, and away from the fire.


Fire! Fire had come to the village of Nezbit at last. Kahill, the pyromancer of Nezbit did his best not to smile as he helped the people evacuate. He had spent the last several years keeping the justified fires of fate from the village, but here it was. Too large to contain. To mighty to fall to his magic. He smiled finally, and it began to lick the edge of the village. He looked to the sky, “Took you long enough.”


29th of Arah,

2290 years since the new gods came,


Twenty miles today. Brandywine started talking about summer, and how the other continent was warm during the winter months. I don’t believe her, but she swears her grandmother said it, and her grandma never lies. I think it messes with the natural order of things.

No more undead. We must have passed their area of activity. Glad for that. I don’t like bashing the poor things on the head to make them rest. When I was younger, with Tristan, it was a great challenge. Now? Now it just makes me sad.

Brianna burned her romance book at the fire tonight. Something about breasts with diamonds cutting a bodice? I don’t get it. Women still surprise me.

Magni is getting back in the swing of bathing. Good that he has finally lost his lingering…scent. He cut a hole in the ice tonight to bathe “In the refreshingly natural water”. Then he clawed his way out of the hole covered in winter leaches. I tried to warn him…kinda tried anyway. It was fun to watch the huge man running around the fire in the buff screaming “Get them off! Get them off!”

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