The not-immortal Blacksmith

043 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith II – Vacation I


Wildreach, Sorina Province, Kingdom of Garthia.

49th of Amsiel.

2290 Years since the New gods came.

It’s been three weeks since Grendel came back. He’s a troublesome lad, and has been running a mostly clean gambling den in town. He was only here for three days when he decided to break his message stone and buy a new one. Someone was trying to sell him “Life Insurance”, whatever that is.

The stupid cat is back, and has been doting on his child (the one he gave Brandywine). It is kinda sweet to see, but I will never admit that to his face. I also caught the bastard using MY forge as a litter box. We had words. Loud words. He is lucky he can dodge so well. I had to patch a few holes in the forge. Asshole.

As I have finished my masterwork test, we will be leaving in a few days to visit “my” islands. I don’t want to go, but Brianna has hinted a few times that she would like to visit them, and I will not deny my wife what she wants.

Oh, and Brandy took Bri to see the “Vault”. She apparently had a good swoon when she stepped into the second room. She landed softly on one of the antique rugs that was on an unsorted pile of coin.



It has taken a while, but Maxie has finally decided to take us to visit his provinces! Three island provinces! I can’t imagine! It will be a fun trip, and I will enjoy the sea travel to get there, as they have steadfastly refused to build teleportation circles on the two islands. They have claimed the circles will bring too much “Governmental Interference” to the islands.

Maxie has decided not to warn them that we are coming so that we can see what the places are like without any interference! This will be so much fun! I have everything packed. Three days until we Circle to the nearest port town, Trarebreak, and take to the regular trade ship that runs the islands.

Have I mentioned that I am excited to see my husband’s lands?



Trarebreak, Crogaria Province, Garthia

52nd of Amsiel.

We have arrived in Trarebreak, and will be taking passage on the Windswept to Necallhill, the capital city of Ehelm, one of three provinces that I now “rule”. I only remember having two provinces…but in correspondence the crown has assured me that it is indeed three. There seemed to be an offer of Crogaria as well, but I ended the conversation before anything could be set in stone…

I must admit that the circles are a wonderful system for moving freight and people (who can pay) from location to location. There are several places that the system doesn’t reach, so the trade caravans are still in operation, and delivery services still operate. Apparently, most of the system is operated and paid for by the crowns “Postal System”. I remember Tristan talking about such a thing long ago…



Maxie is so cute, the way he tries to duck into the crowd and mix in. He doesn’t seem to understand what a Vacation is, sadly. We are supposed to gawk at the sights! Enjoy the street venders hawking their wares! Maybe even buy a couple of overpriced trinkets to ensure their goodwill. Poor man has been on the run from himself for so long. It is sad to see.

Grendel has proved his worth several times today. Three cutpurses warned off before I had to do anything. One undeserved beating called off, and a quiet introduction to the local Repute. Very helpful indeed. I would suggest to Max that we adopt him, but he seems to like his name.

We board the Windswept tomorrow at two bells after dawn. I look forward to the adventure of the high sea. I just hope I don’t have the sickness that Uncle Roger has, as that would ruin the journey.


Grendel waived off a fourth pickpocket before the Lady could notice. Truth be told, he was more than a little concerned as to what she would do when, not if, she caught one of them. The kids? Probably a slap on the wrist and a candy; The adults? A split stomach with the straight razor she carried in her baggy sleeve. Or the sharpened fan she carried in the other sleeve?

He stole off from the group and wandered the alleys for a while, locating the local guilds, and warning them off from the family (which he now counted himself part of, not that he would admit it outside of severe distress). A godling, a lady of station, a pixie, and me? Who woulda thunk it? He sighed before entering another rundown bar.

“What you want, kid? We don’t serve your kind here!” The dwarf behind the counter snarked at him.

“Sorry barman, I’m just looking for a certain type, let them know about stuff?” Grendel replied in kind.

“Oh? Really? Trash like you bringing messages?” The dwarf guffawed. “The next thing I know is you be telling me that Lord Maxwell the Heretic is in town!”

Grendel gave the dwarf a hard stare.

The dwarf raised an eyebrow. “…Seriously? If you be lying, there will be hell to pay.”

“Not lying.” Grendel replied, a slight smile on his lips. “Gods honest truth, may they all be shot!”

“May they all be shot.” The dwarf replied. “Where they staying, so I can give a warning?”

“The High Mast.” Grendel replied.

“Good place, nice folks.” The dwarf gave a real smile. “Same family has owned the place for four hundred years. They even have a room named Heretics Roost…”



Open Ocean

53rd of Amsiel.

The town of Trarebreak was as lively as ever. Grendel did a good job with the mugging and the thieves. Glad we didn’t have to handle it ourselves, that gets bloody quickly.

Met with a nice dwarf at The High Mast. Good fellow. Very pleasant. Nice conversation. He did let drop that there have been a couple of pirates in the area. Good to know. It’s been a while since I’ve burned out a ship.

I have missed sailing. Almost as much as I do smithing and farming. Only fifty years till we can settle down and have a quiet place to ourselves! It will be nice to have a farm and children again. Perhaps someplace where people (and gods) won’t bother me as much?



It’s nice to know that I don’t have my uncle’s problem with boats ships. I must remember there is a difference! Sea folk don’t like when you confuse the two. The difference is size and number of masts, also where they are sailed. It’s all very interesting!

I didn’t know this before, but women weren’t allowed on any ship but passenger ships until almost a thousand years ago! I can’t imagine how they were able to eat properly! Unless they had someone like Maxie on board to cook. My man is an excellent cook, and his bread is truly divine!

Sadly, one of the sailors has been looking a little shady. I may have to put a knife in him. I hope it doesn’t come to that.


“But Boss! Why can’t I dice with the crew?” Grendel grouched at Max.

“Because they have more years of fleecing customers than you have lived.” Max rolled his eyes as he replied to the young man’s grumbling. “Then, if you can’t pay, they run a line under the ship, tie it to your leg, and drag you across the bottom of the hull. It’s called Keel Hauling.”

“What’s so bad about that? You just need to hold your breath.” Grendel snarked.

“There are barnacles on the hull of the ship.” Max smiled at a memory, “You remember those sharp mollusks on the pier?”

Grendel’s eyes grew very wide, “Oh... Never mind then. No dice for me.”



Early morning, On the Ocean,

We will be in port soon. I miss port cities. I love standing on the deck, facing into the wind when the port comes into view.

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