The not-immortal Blacksmith

10 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Abbot of Coxnia

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Abbot of Coxnia

A correspondence between The Abbot of Coxnia and the Archbishop of the Goddess of Tranquility

Dearest Archbishop of our Goddess of Tranquility,

I find myself in need of informing you of the recent events here in the Duchy of Coxnia. I, as the local priest in charge of such things, was asked to be the officiate at the wedding of Sir Einar of the Land of Ice, and his fiance Lady Beatrice.

The wedding itself was a wonderful affair, but, the Goddess herself was in attendance, and as her escort was Maximilian, God of War! As a side note, as I don't find it too import, Bjorn was also in attendance.

The most stressful thing of the whole wedding was the Heretic Blacksmith was there! I do not understand why the Goddess would let such a man exist, let alone come to a wedding in which he was involved.

I also don't understand why the Goddess would wink at me like that. My heart has not yet fully recovered.

Yours in Tranquility,

Abbot Cecil


Dearest Abbot Cecil of Coxnia,

I would never dare to guess our Goddesses intentions. You have been graced by her presence now, and should be grateful of it. The fact of her escort being the god of war is an interesting tidbit, but do not bandy it about, as it may have dire consequences down the road. As for Bjorn, I have no idea as to why he was there.

Thank you for reporting on the deeds of the Heretic, it is much appreciated. I will attempt to speak to the king on the subject of the Heretic again, as such a person should not be walking this land.

Be well, and keep Tranquility in your heart,

Dhocdir, Archbishop of Tranquility

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