The not-immortal Blacksmith

16 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Demons 2

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Demons 2

Selections from the personal journal of Demon Lord Gexra, of the new lands.

It has been three years since that cursed heretic has left my lands. My soldiers are restless and becoming complacent. A few have deserted (well transferred) to other armies. My replacement troops can hardly be called stellar.


Four years since the Heretics deal was struck. Several of my soldiers have decided to retire! They are moving into human towns! Hardly any of them are eating the live rations now. Most have started cooking them. It ruins the flavor.


Nine years ago the Heretic's curse was cast upon us. But still we thrive! I was happy to find out today that we demons can still have viable offspring with almost any creature. I'm glad my troops are willing to experiment.


Nineteen years have passed since the Heretic effectively neutered my army. I have been forced to turn my camp into a fortified town with a keep. My once loyal troops have mostly gone their own way. The half human children of the early deserters are starting to show up at my keep with the intent to serve in the army. Most of them don't even like stewed kitten.


Twenty years of the curse. A mixed unit of "fresh blood" and "old blood" troops made contact with a large force of bandits today. The remote viewing device my...Nephew...made gave us a splendid view of the battle. Half human or not, the Fresh Blood troops definitely have what it takes. Perhaps I will give up my immortality to properly breed with a human, as opposed to just using one to propagate my species.


It has been 35 years since the Heretics blessing was laid upon us. I am smitten by a wonderful, yet cruel human lass. She has suggested that we spit in the eye of High Commander Eserfin and declare independence. A most evil, wicked and cruel plan she has lain out before me. She may be the one. In five years time, we shall be free.


Forty two years. I cannot believe it has been so long. The war was only three years long, but we were victorious. Our half breed children swelled the ranks of the army and we took our lands in our own name. We are now "The Free Peoples Republic of Demonia".

What truly amazed me was the team of chosen ones who came to assist us in our battles. At first we were distrustful of their assistance, but they proved themselves time and time again.


Constitutional Monarchy. What a world. With the founding of the Order of the Kitten, I believe we are complete in our military duties. Tomorrow I give up immortality, and embrace my human bride.


Ninety years have come and gone in the blink of an eye. My wife of fifty years lies on the funeral pyre. I am heart struck in my grief. I will turn over the reigns to my next of kin, she should be able to grow what Eliza and I started.


From the private diary of Queen Eliza II

My father passed away into the arms of the demon king last night, not even a week after my mother. I am saddened by this, but I will fulfill my duties, otherwise the Heretic will come back.

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