The not-immortal Blacksmith

19 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Military Intelligence

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Military Intelligence

Correspondence between various heads of the military and military intelligence, Redacted.


We have been delivered a Chosen One. But this one is a bit...tricky. He carries a letter of praise, recommendation, and threat. From HIM. How should we proceed?

Captain A


Captain A,

Thank you for the information. Yes, the letter is real. I recognize that signet. All of my rank do. It is required after what he has done for this country. His word is to be taken at face value. No if's, and's, or but's about it. He will do it. We heard rumors that he was traveling around again. I wish he would just settle down in one place. Preferably far far away from us.

Do NOT throw this new boys life away on some stupid suicide mission. Not if you value your life, or mine, or your families. Remember, Demonia is all his fault. We still don't know what all happened there, but his name is on ALL their dispatches and on their money.

Colonel XXXXXX



Thank you sir. I will heed your warning. The boy has been placed in charge of a squad of recruits. He is training them up very well. If it weren't for the war, I would commission him right now and put him in charge of training. Our regulars can't even keep up.

Captain A



Some well meaning fool let it slip that a Chosen One was here, training men for combat. That in itself isn't a problem. In fact that is a boon to recruiting. No. The IDIOT let slip that the chosen one in question was trained by HIM.

We have had to close the recruiting stations and offices. We have more volunteers than we can deal with. We have a full blooded DEMON volunteering. Not to mention Mixed Bloods, and the Beast Men.

Please advise.

Captain A


Captain A,

Assign them all to the newly promoted Master Sgt. Liam (please find the paperwork enclosed). Tell him he has eight (8) weeks to train his troops, before he will report to the front line.

As for the loose lipped one, if you find him, quietly string him up.

Colonel XXXXXX


In a pub, somewhere, Maxwell sneezed.

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