The not-immortal Blacksmith

36 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith Chapter 12 – A Return to Baking

Gilip, Capital city of Demonia;

34th of Anael, First month of Snow;

2109 years since the new gods came.

I spent the night at the inn. No one has tried to steal my wagon or horses. Looks like the best guards are thieves after all. I will gather some supplies and leave soon.


“Mr? Are you the Heretic?” A voice from waist height asked Maxwell as he paid for his breakfast bread for the road. He looks down to see a young girl standing between him and the girls mother, maybe 7 or 8 years old, looking up at him, eyes wide.

“Some call me that, little one.” Max says with a smile.

“Wow! You look just like you do on the coins!” The girl states in the matter of fact voice that only the young and correct can muster.

“I know. They did a good job, didn't they?” Max responds.


“Here,” Max held out a small coin, “This is for recognizing me.”

The girl took the coin, then turned to her mother, “Look mommy! The Heretic game me a coin!”

The mother looked down as Max turned away, “That's nice dea...” she trailed off when she caught sight of Max's profile as he turned to go.


*Addendum, as I was leaving town I was noticed by a little girl. She recognized me from the coins. I'm glad adults aren't that observant.

34th of Anael,

The roads today were better than when I came to town. I'm making good time. I will be making use of the walled Wagon Rests on the way back as they are free, as opposed to renting a room at an inn. This time of year they are more empty than the inns.

35th of Anael,

Good miles behind me today. Ran into an old customer on the road. Had a pleasant lunch. He was surprised I have taken up baking.

36th of Anael,

It rained all day. With sleet thrown in. Only 4 miles. I find myself tempted to move north of the Demons Desert to avoid the cold and snow.

37th of Anael,

Almost 20 miles today. Got some fresh Elvin Coffee Beans from a trader. I look forward to roasting them when I return to the bakery.

39th of Anael,

Rumors were abounding at the inn last night. Apparently “The Heretic” drove the demons from Demonia a few days ago. The speed of rumors always surprise me. I should arrive late tomorrow night.

41st of Anael,

I'm back and settled in to my room at the bakery. Thank the assholes that I made it safely. Tomorrow I'll be pestered for gossip about my trip to Demonia. Hopefully Mrs. Bernstan will stop by so I can share the coffee beans with her. The old biddy really likes her coffee.

42nd of Anael,

Mrs. Bernstan died while I was away. I visited her grave and poured out a cup for her. She will be missed.

43rd of Anael,

The young Reverend Paul of the church of Earlnil, god of healing, has stopped by again today to demand I stop supplying healing bread to the poor house for free. Apparently I'm cutting into the churches profits. I have told him that if he wants me to stop he will have to buy all of the day old bread from the bakery. That will teach him.

Midwinter celebrations are almost upon us, a mere week and a half away! This is the strongest selling season for sweet breads, cakes and pies.

44th of Anael,

The bastard did it. Rev. Paul actually bought out all of the day old bread. Looks like I'm going to have to eat my words. I expect to have this backfire on me.

Young Johnny Bernstan, a half-blood, and Mrs. Bernstan's youngest great grandson, has invited me to their family celebration. For gifts I think I will bring a set of kitchen knives. I had best get started on them.

47th of Anael,

A representative from the poor house has come by to beg for the healing bread. I had to explain the situation to him, and apologize. He said he will go talk to the Reverend. I hate religions. Especially when they take a dump on the poor.

50th of Anael,

Reverend Paul has kept up his side of the bargain. A full week of bread buying. Yesterday he stopped in twice. Tonight Mistress Martha is all dressed up and meeting a gentleman caller.

51st of Anael,

Turns out the Reverend and Martha have been walking out together for a while now. Good for her! Although she could do better in my opinion. The knives are almost done.

54th of Anael,

Big hubbub at the church last night, don't know what it was about. In other news, the Reverend has asked that I supply him with the healing bread, and he will see to its proper distribution to the poor house and other places of need across the region. I have decided to acquiesce to his request. Glad to see that a church is doing it's job.

Two more days until Midwinter Fest. For the first time in ages I am actually looking forward to it.

56th of Anael,

Wow. It has been forever since I have felt this drained. But it's the “good” kind of drained. Hard work has paid off. The Bakery sold out by mid-morning, and I am off until tomorrow evening, when we commence “the cleaning”. One more month of snow before the planting and beginning of the new year!

This evening I have a party to attend! I hope they like the knives.

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