The not-immortal Blacksmith

38 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith Chapter 13 – Baker IV

Rorewell, Deepfalsian Dominion;

14th of Arah, Second month of Snow;

2109 years since the new gods came.

Received a letter from Liam. Glad to know he is alright. I will probably have to attend his wedding in a few years. I hope the Idiot doesn't show up.

Martha has accepted the Reverends marriage proposal. They will be married just after the first planting of 2110. I have offered to make her gown as my present. I have just the pattern. Finding the cloth for it out here may be a problem. I will have to ...Stone?...Call?...Message?... Coxnia to get it delivered.

30th of Arah,

The fabric has arrived. Both Jenni and Martha cooed over it. When she discovered it was for her gown, Martha fainted. I will be taking her measurements in the next few days. The gown will be finished in a few weeks.

34th of Arah,

I am running out of Wyvern wings. Who would have thought? I will post an adventurer notice tomorrow.

41st or Arah,

The wedding gown is almost complete. The veil will be next. I at least have the fabric for that. Fine pale yellow lace that will match her complection, but still yellow enough to show that she is a widow being remarried. Customs are customs.

50th of Arah,

The new year is almost upon us! The snow has all but melted. No one has picked up my quest.

Rorewell, Deepfalsian Dominion;

3rd of Samue, the month of planting;

2110 years since the new gods came.

The wedding is tomorrow. Everything is ready. I hope nothing goes wrong.

4th of Samue,

The day was warm, the sun was high, and the sky was clear. The bride was beautiful. I heard many positive comments about the gown. The Reverend for the day was someone I had never seen around, and seemed to surprise the Rev a good bit.

No one did anything stupid. Everything went off without a problem. I am very happy for the newlyweds. There was a buffet that would put the royals to shame, as the whole town had come together for this event.

The Reverend that did the ceremony was a nice guy, aside from being a cleric. After listening to him preach, I can almost like the church of healing. I even shook his hand after the whole thing was over. Never caught his name.

I am stuffed. I have the rest of the week off. I think I will see if I can hunt up a wyvern.

9th of Samune,

There is a decided lack of Wyverns in the area. This hunt has been a bust. I had forgotten how much fun adventuring can be. Maybe I will take it back up again in a few years. After I finish my apprenticeship, that is.


Garthax, Capital of Garthia;

24th of Anael, First month of snow;

2112 years since the new gods came.

Liam's wedding was nice. I met the priest of the Goat. Nice guy, strange religion. Amusingly enough, there was a nice mixed herd of animals with bows around their necks waiting when we left the church. I could hear Liam cursing under his breath before he and his brides took the herd somewhere.

Glad I was able to avoid all the pomp and circumstance of the wedding itself, just attending.


Rorewell, Deepfalsian Dominion;

2nd of Amsiel, Second month of Planting;

2117 years since the new gods came.

Jenni has gotten engaged! Rev Paul and Martha aren't particularly thrilled with the gentleman in question, a young man named George Paulson. I have had a word with the young man's father, Mr. Paulson. I believe it will be a good match. I have been asked to make the gown, and have accepted.

Martha's other daughters have been a pleasure. The 6 year old, Elisa, has taken to baking like a fish to water. Sarah, at three, has only been playing, but minds her mother well. Adalade, the youngest at 6 months, is very loud.

I have been informed that I will be graduating from apprenticeship after the wedding. This of course means that I will have to move out, and will be expected to start my own shop. I think I will head back west.

53rd of Amsiel,

The wedding was today. Martha cried. The service was beautiful.

56th of Amsiel,

I graduated to Journeyman today. The wagon is packed, my recipe book is overflowing with my recipes. I am ready to start out on my journey.

1st of Kusha, the month of Harvest,

I left this morning to much hugs and tears. I will miss these fine folks. I must admit that I shed a tear or two.

The weather was fine today. I made it halfway to Whinere, the next major town to the south. 26 miles done, of the 590 miles to my destination of Lostcairn, in the Snows province of Garthia. It is a large town on the Kings Road. There should be plenty of business opportunities there for a baker.

16th of Kusha,

328 miles into my journey. I am still averaging around 20 miles a day. This afternoon my wagon broke down just outside of the port town of Dradowarf. A few locals helped me get it off the road and to a local farm. I will fix it in the morning.

17th of Kusha,

There was more wrong with the wagon than I had originally thought. It took most of the day to repair. I am spending the night in town, and will depart in the morning.

22nd of Kusha,

5 days, and 123 miles out from Dradowarf, I have reached the city of Snateborn. There is a trade caravan heading in the direction in the morning, so I will be joining up.

29th of Kusha,

7 days of travel (138 miles) has brought us to Curside. I have been enjoying the comradery of the other traders. It reminds me of my days as a traveling tinker. One of the traders had a pair of Wyvern wings he was willing to get rid of. They were a good price at only 142 gold. Less than half of what I was offering the adventurers.

73 miles, so almost 4 days left to Lostcairn.

32nd of Kusha,

The border crossing was slow today. Wagons were backed up for almost a mile. Most wagons were barely searched. I wonder if they were just trying to prove that they were useful?

34th of Kusha,

Lostcairn hasn't changed much since last I was here. Still a nice place with friendly people. I have lodged myself at a small inn. In the morning I will see about finding a shop.

36th of Kusha,

It has taken two days to find an appropriate spot. There were no vacant buildings in the city proper, so I have had to buy a chunk of land just outside Ivy Gate. There are plenty of people in the area, even if it is a bit rundown.

37th of Kusha,

Apparently no one ever bothers filing for building permits et cetera for outside of the walls. I am first in memory. Well at least this means they can't complain.

It will take almost three weeks to build the place, but I want to use local labor, not hire from inside the city. These people out here? They are more my type.


Lostcairn, Snows Province, Kingdom of Garthia;

6th of Anael, First month of snow;

2117 years since the new gods came.

I open in the morning. Everything is set. I hope all things go well.


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