The not-immortal Blacksmith

41 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith Chapter 16 – Baker VII

Lostcairn, Snows Province, Kingdom of Garthia;

35th of Amsiel, Second month of Summer;

2120 years since the new gods came.

I held the first “boss” meeting this evening. Things went well after they loosened up with a bit of drink. I actually broke out a small bottle of what Bjorn called “The Good Stuff” that he had gifted me a few years back. It acted very well as social lubrication.

42nd of Amsiel,

Rumors abound that a trio of heroes are fighting the demon army on the far western front. I wish them luck.

56th of Amsiel,

The second boss meeting went much better than the last one. The Lady Ermistan and her paramour showed up to find out why “A lowly baker like you had the audacity to invite me to a party in the slums”. She enjoyed herself perhaps a bit too much. Then we all found out that she's a card shark. I haven't lost that much coin since Bjorn and I had a match with throwing axes. I still think he cheated.


Date unknown (assumed to be on or around the 1st of Kusha, 2120), Location Redacted,

“Well James, nice job on that last one. This village was just like 'Nam, you don't lead the women and children as much as the men!” Michael half said, half laughed.

“Yeah, you were there weren't you. I was stuck in Istanbul at the time. I hated it there.” James replied.

“I was in Leningrad. The women were nice, but the weather was horrible.” Robert said, not to be left out. “With our various backgrounds, how did we all get stuck in Columbia?”

James cocked his head to the side, “I would blame it on the Russians and Colombians working together, and the products coming in from Laos. As for me? I think Mr. Smith had it in for me. That or The Company just kinda screwed up.”

Robert slapped James on the back, “Whatever happened, we make a great team. Did you see that kid's head explode? That shotgun of your does wonders!”

“Back to the mission at hand, how many targets do we have left?” Michael asked.

“Two more generals and their armies. Arguably the better two at that. Plus a half dozen villages that are harboring sympathizers. After that we are supposed to visit a non-cooperative blacksmith.” James replied. “I understand the the villages and generals, but what is it about this blacksmith?”

“Ours is not to reason why,” Michael said.

“Ours is just to do or die!” Robert replied.

“Okay. Enough of that. Portal up!” James said, raising his left hand. A shimmering portal sprang to life in front of the three and the men disappeared through it.


20th of Kusha, the month of Harvest,

The trio of adventuring heroes has indeed killed the far eastern demon general. Good on them. What is more concerning is that they supposedly destroyed a nearby village of half-bloods, there were no survivors.

34th of Arah, Second month of snow,

Another demon general has fallen. Good. Business is booming. A small brass tube, with one end sealed with a brass cap in the middle has made it's way to me. Stamped on the sealed end is “.45 Auto” and “78” in Tristan's tongue. Aside from how short it is, it reminds me of the ammunition for Tristan's “Long Gun”.

Lostcairn, Snows Province, Kingdom of Garthia;

21st of Samue, the month of Planting,

2121 years since the new gods came.

Things progress. I am opening a second location on the other side of the city, just outside the “East Town” gate. I know a guy who got me an introduction to the previous owner of the building. I know I overpaid, but the gentleman needed the money.

25th of Kielat, First month of Summer,

Rumor has been spreading of late about a pack of “Overly smart wolves” prowling the outskirts of the slums. Lord Chapman, head of the city council asked me to “Please use your resources to look into it?” I will, of course, take care of it. I don't want anything unpleasant to happen to my people.


26th of Kielat,


Maxwell walked past the end of the slums. They didn’t look so much like slums anymore, they were looking more permanent, and better maintained. The night air felt good after so much time in front of the oven.

He approached the open scrub land and waited, a slice of day old bread in one hand, and a water skin in the other. After a while he felt the creatures before he saw them, then they were there, downwind, standing in plain view. Wolves.

Great. They really are wolves. I hope they understand the common tongue, he thought. “Greetings,” Max said aloud, “I am here to ask that you refrain from killing during the day, and from killing in the city at any time.”

A wolf walked up to him, sniffing the air, tail down, and hackles raised, then in a deep rumbling voice it spoke, “My alpha has no time for two-leggers such as you. Why should we listen to what you ask?”

Max sighed, it’s going to be one of those days, “Because if you don’t, we'll have to ask the adventurers who plague the land to rid the town of the threat you pose. The people with whom I work believe that you would make better allies than enemies, and as such would like to avoid a war. If you do as they ask, they will derail any attempt by the locals to have you hunted.”

The wolf gave Max the side eye, “I don’t believe you, human.”

“Well, I've told you the truth, and given you the best terms that the group can come up with. If you decide to ignore it, then so be it.” Max replied, before turning on his heal and striding back home.

An ancient wolf, by wolf standards, stepped from the shadows, “That one is different. Different and dangerous. I would suggest, young prince, that for the time being at least, follow his request. Perhaps send some scouts who have undergone the change to assess the situation?”

The wolf who had spoken with Maxwell looked over to the ancient wolf, “I believe you are correct, father.”


28th of Kielat,

The wolf attacks on the boundary and within the city have ended, not petered out, ended. I'm glad that I could be of some use.

45th of Amsiel, Second month of Summer,

The criminal underworld was shocked today by news that the Birdknife family was taking their business legitimate in order to protect the next generation from “legal” entanglements. While this will leave a small power vacuum, I believe the “lords” that are left can make an easy transition of power.

48th of Amsiel,

I have been invited to Lady Ermistan's estate for an eclipse viewing part on the 50th of the month. I usually pay no attention to such things, but according to Sam it is an opportunity not to be missed, so I will go.


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