The not-immortal Blacksmith

57 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith - Candlestick Maker XI

Aeglazan, Duchy of Oldwell.

47th of Samue, the month of Planting;

2126 years since the new gods came.

Lady Evangeline “Anna” Silverloch, third granddaughter of the elven throne, sat in her apartments in the holy tree, and stared into a mirror, smiling. “Yes mother, it was wonderful!”

The elder Silverloch nodded. “That is good. Is he as handsome as I have heard?”

“No, mother, he is above average, but no beauty. On the other hand, he has a large presence, and has a charisma about him that almost set my heart aflutter.”

“How long to you think it will take for him to fall for your feminine wiles?” Her mother asked.

“MOTHER!!! We have barely started to become acquainted! You can't expect things to happen so soon!” Anna shouted, a red flush showing in her pale face.

“Well your father did. Most men do, if you show the right amount of skin.” Her mother gave a suggestive wink.

The conversation continued for a quarter hour, advice being given and rejected, before the women went their separate ways.


47th of Samue, the month of Planting,

Willa was upset with me today, when I told her about my dinner with Anna. She did have one thing correct, Anna may have some sort of design on me. I only wish for friendship, nothing more. This could get ugly. Meh.


“You went on a date with that Ice Queen?” Willa almost shouted in the lab.

“We went out for dinner at The Drowned Duck, She was overdressed for the occasion, and her entourage was horribly out of place. The food was good, and the conversation was quite interesting.” Max said.

“I would keep an eye out, if I were you.” Willa said, a frown gracing her chin. “She only talks to men whom she thinks are going to be good husbands, and the like. She is some kind of princess in the elven kingdom.”

“Good to know.” Max replied. “Now back to work. The ratio of the curve on the glass, if you want it to be natural is...”

The lesson continued.


50th of Samue,

Finals start tomorrow. I am excited. The weekend was filled with study groups and drinking. Mostly study for me.

55th of Samue,

We are off school until the 12th of Kielat. I have no real plans. Perhaps I will play with my forge for a while.

1st of Kielat, First month of Summer,

I have rented a small work area on the south side of town. Setup has started.

3rd of Kielat,

I am up and running. I have decided to forge a “rifled” barrel for my new “Rifle”. I will be using the recipe I gave out at my talk last month for the metal, as it will be strong enough to withstand the pressures involved. I wish I had the tools to measure such things. Maybe I will build one.

4th of Kielat,

I am going to have to start locking the door to the shop if people are going to keep walking in on me while I am working. In 2 days, I have had almost 30 visitors, mostly staff from the college. Very annoying.

5th of Kielat,

I have imposed a fee for people who just come in and stare at me while I work. Idiots. Bjorn's people are at least respectful.


“Look, the price is a gold a day to stay and watch me work. You will probably learn something, and I might even talk about what I'm doing. But, if you don't shut up and let me work, I WILL throw you bodily from my shop.” Max said, looking at the growing crowd of onlookers.

Most of the people left at the demand for gold, but several paid the price, and stood quietly as Max started working again. “Alright, now that the idiots have left, you can all see that I am slowly heating the elemental mixture to the melting point, and stirring it with my adamantum paddle. We will keep it at just above the melting point for 3 hours, with occasional stirring, so that all of the bits can combine completely...”

The lesson and manufacturing lasted for almost 8 hours, before Max closed up shop for the day.


11th of Kielat,

Old gods, it's like having an apprentice that does nothing, times 12. At least I've had my evenings off, and don't have to feed them. Anna has been a pleasant diversion the couple of times she has stopped in to chat. I am somewhat disappointed in the revealing clothing she has worn, very inappropriate for a smithy.

Classes start again in the morning. I am looking forward to it. My barrel is done, and I will need to set up the heat treating for it tomorrow afternoon. It has been tricky, and I have had to remake it twice. I've never made a barrel for a rifle before, just pistols.

15th of Kielat,

Anna has informed me that her parents are visiting this weekend, and she would like me to meet them. I have had to refuse, as the heat treatment is set for the weekend, as I have been busy with class all week. She was very disappointed, but understanding.


“I don't understand him at all, Mother!” Anna nearly shouted into the mirror. “He paid me almost no attention at all!”

“I heard you the first time, my dear.” Her mother replied, “Perhaps a different track would be a good idea?”

“Such as?” Anna asked.

“Your father and I can stay for an extra day,” her mother said, “and we can invite him out to dinner the afternoon of Aniel the 19th of Kielat. Plenty of time for him to complete his work, and get ready for an evening out.”

“That might work. I will send him an invitation in the morning.” Anna beamed at her mother, “Thank you, mother. I really appreciate this.”


16th of Kielat,

I have receive an invitation to dinner with Anna and her family for Aniel. I should be done with things by then, so I have accepted. Willa will be so upset. I don't get it. It's just dinner.

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