The not-immortal Blacksmith

65 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – Candlestick Maker XV

The Sky over the Kingdom of Garthia,

54th of Anael,

2128 years since the new gods came.

Tom Cat, El Gato, Deposed King of the Celestial realm, was falling. The first hour had been filled with panic. The second hour had been fun. Now he was bored silly. He had taken a nap, and a few moments ago he had eaten a bird that had flown to close thinking he would be an easy source of food. As he steadily dropped, he could finally see the ground. It was coming fast.

Below him was a sprawling city! Not nearly as big as the one back home, but still more than large enough. Hmm, maybe I should start by conquering this place, before I head back to the celestial plain. Just to get some practice? He kept falling.

As the ground approached, he started to aim himself with his tail. Below him was an open courtyard, with a lone tree in the center. He aimed for the tree. He spread his body, slowing his momentum, and gently landed in the upper branches. Then, something spoke to him.

A happy female voice spoke in Tom's head,“Hello there! Where did you come from? Welcome to my home!”

He looked around, surprised, but recovering quickly, Tom replied, “I have fallen from my former kingdom. I have been deposed by the foolish creatures that call themselves 'gods'!”

“Oh, that's too bad. I hear they are nothing but idiots. Well most of them anyway.” The voice replied, overwhelmingly filled with sympathy. “You can stay here, and regain your strength. When you feel up to it, you can go and reconquer the celestial realm.”

“Well...thank you?” Tom looked around at his new domain. As he watched, a woman came out the door of a large nearby building, looked up at the tree, smiled, and went back in.

“Who was that, talking voice in my head?”

“Oh that was my best friend! She's very nice. I asked if she would bring out a bowl of cream for you. You do like cream, right?” The voice responded. “Oh, by the way, I am the tree you are sitting in.”

Tom was done with being surprised, and just let the information slide past his brain. “Oh. A tree. Very nice.” He let his gaze again wander the courtyard. “So, where am I?”

“You are in the courtyard of the greatest smithing school in the world! They make the absolute best metal! Then they make it into tools, and weapons, and armor, and a bunch of other stuff!” The tree replied.

“Very interesting.” Tom said, then thought for a bit, “So about this cream...?”


The woman had returned a while ago with a large bowl of cream, and was currently laughing at something the tree had said while Tom finished lapping all of the cream from the dish. Good stuff! I wonder if they have fish here?

“So,” the woman spoke, “You are called Tom Cat? That is a wonderful name! May I give you skritches?”

Skritches?Tom looked at the woman...Why not? It may be food. He walked over and sat down, just out of reach. She stepped to him, sat on the cobbles, and started scratching him. First behind the ears, then the whiskers, under the chin, down the back, and eventually the belly. I could get used to this! A purr escaped him. Then another. Finally the bliss overtook him, and he just purred. Purring. I've heard of this, but?!?


Maxwell's Vault, Kingdom of Garthia,

56th of Anael, Midwinters Eve.

Brandywine has been swimming in the gold. I've been stalling. I have repacked my trunk four times. I guess it is time to face the family. I don't want to.


“Alright Brandy! It's time to go. I have to lock the wards, and it can be a pain occasionally, so get a move on.” Max said, waiving to the pixie.

“Fine, fine. Can I have one piece of gold for my bed?” Brandywine asked.

“Only one. If you take more than that, I will take all the coins back.” Max grumbled, hiding a smile.

The pixie quickly snatched the biggest gold coin she could find, and barely got it through the door of her room. “Done!”

They left the vault, and headed towards the city.


Max stared at the courtyard of the school. The stupid statue of him was still there. But it was now decorated. By a cat. Not just any cat either, it was a monster of the species, 30 pounds if it was a pound! Long gray and white fur that barely hid the scars. An eyepatch covered what he assumed was a missing eye. The cat, just lying there watching him, oozed, nay, screamed “I am Cat. You will obey me!”

Max shook his head, “Brandywine? Avoid that cat. I swear it's trouble.”

Brandy stuck her head out of her room, locked eyes with the cat, and charged.


Tom saw the strange bird creature charge at him. He did what any self respecting god-king of cats would do. He leapt at it. The two collided in midair, and fell.

Max watched with interest as the cat and pixie battled. Much biting, clawing, tail and wing pulling occurred. He looked away as a young woman walked out of the school to see what was going on, and asked, “So, why does the cat have an eyepatch?”

The woman looked at him, paused for a moment as recognition crashed across her face, and dropped into a curtsy, “My lord blacksmith---”

“Just answer the question please.” Max cut her off, “I don't hold to formalities.”

She stood up, smiled, and said, “You really are him! As to your question, he asked for it.”

The hissing and screaming intensified from the fighting pair, as fur, and pixie dust filled the air.“That's Enough!” Both humans yelled in unison, then looked at each other and laughed.

Tom and Brandy stopped. Tom with the pixies left leg in his mouth, and Brandy with a double handful of whiskers. They stared at the pair of humans, then slowly let the other go.

“Good fight, noble enemy.” Tom said under his breath, tail lazily swinging back and forth.

“To you as well, enemy mine.” Brandy responded with a smile.

The humans looked on as the mismatched pair of cat and pixie started laughing. “That was weird.” The woman said. “So, ancestor mine, how are you?”

Still watching the mismatched pair, Max responded, “I'm doing well. I thought I'd stop by on my way west and see how the school was doing. And request, again, that the statue of me be removed.”

“You know that isn't going to happen.” The woman responded. “My name is Nancy, by the way.” She stepped over to the cat, “And the cat here, is 'Tom Cat, El Gato, Deposed King of the Celestial realm'. Unlike the rest of us, He seems to share your dislike of the gods.”

Max raised an eyebrow. “Well now, that changes a few things.” He turned to Tom who was now going about the serious matter of cleaning himself, “King Tom, it is good to meet a fellow heretic. Even is you are a cat.”

Tom looked up at the man, then actually looked at him; and felt something from him. It caused a feeling he was unused to, awe. “You too, petty mor...” he cleared his throat, “human.”

Max took half a step back. “You can talk. That's new.” He looked at the now nearby tree, “And what is wrong with that tree?”

“The tree is named Sally. She seems to be mostly immortal.” Nancy said as she gently patted the tree, “At least she can come back from being a stump, anyway.”

She feels vaguely familiar. Max shook his head. “Whatever. The little trouble maker over there, petting the cat, is Brandywine. My companion, and general pain in my ass.”

Nancy stepped over to Brandy and Tom, and bowed, “A pleasure to meet you Miss Brandywine. Can I offer you and Tom a bowl of cream?”

Brandy and Tom stopped, and looked up, Tom answered, “That would be the appropriate gift for one such as myself, and my guest.” Brandy giggled.


4th of Arah, the Second month of Snow,

My last few days have been full of unimportant events, meetings, and classes. I had completely forgotten that it was midwinter eve when I arrived home. Idiot. The cat, Tom blah blah blah, and Brandy have wreaked unholy havoc on the school and town. Turns out, (I asked Bjorn), Tom actually ate the god of mice AND the goddess of doves while he was in the celestial realm! Kudos to him. He was apparently kicked out by a goat. Weird. A celestial goat? Who knew? Oh, I bet it was that goat. Meh.

I will be heading west in a few days. The snow isn't that bad this year. Oh, there is a tree here that claims it is descended from the tree I poured that damned potion on so many years back. Who knew it would turn a tree immortal? Meh.


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