The not-immortal Blacksmith

76 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – A Farmer has Sheep and Goats

My Dell, the real Western Wilds.

17th of Samue, the month of Planting.

2138 years since the new gods came.

Sheep belong in heaven.

Goats belong in hell.

18th of Samue,

Brandy is having a hell of a time keeping the sheep and goats contained. I'm trying to figure out how to attach some to the plow.

19th of Samue,

Sheep are stupid creatures. They will follow almost anything. Especially goats.

Goats are evil devil spawn of the animal kingdom who will head-but you in the crotch at a moments notice.

21st of Samue,

Goat milk is actually fairly tasty. I guess I won't kill them all. I need to figure out cheese. ...I wonder if That book has any recipes for cheese...NO.

25th of Samue,

Cheese is fail. Butter worked. Different from cow butter, but still good.

26th of Samue,

I will be washing and sheering the sheep soon. I have slat board fence parts made for the sheering and washing area.

38th of Samue,

Fence is up. I have lots of good soap. The water is running fast and clear. Brandy is looking forward to running them through the gauntlet as an act of revenge. Tomorrow is go time.

42nd of Samue,

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. A pox on the gods.

43rd of Samue,

I'm glad I have only 19 sheep.


Brandy closed the gate after bringing the last sheep into the coral. They immediately started to bleat. She threw a rope around the largest (head of the herd) sheep and dragged it bodily to the chute. The rest followed.

Max grabbed the first sheep in the chute, wrestled it into the fast running stream, and scrubbed it for all he was worth. The sheep went from dirty brown to a clean gray in a few minutes. From there he shoved it onto the shore on the other side of the stream.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Several hours passed. The sheep were done. For good measure, the goats were done too. Max was tired, chilled to the bone, and completely sick of four legged creatures. 19 sheep, 8 goats, one horse, a pair of goats, again, a bear, two dogs and three cats.

Where did the dogs and cats come from? Max thought that night, then passed out.


44th of Samue,

I could have sworn there were cats and dogs yesterday. Brandy confirmed it. There is no sign of them anywhere. Strange. Crops are planted. The herd is happy in the coral. I'm going fishing tomorrow.

45th of Samue,

Weather was fair. A few clouds that Brandy swore were dogs and cats. Fishing was good. Several keeper sized trout. And a pike. I'm smoking the pike. Plenty of fish still in the stream and pond.

51st of Samue,

Ogres. Some say they are descendants of Halflings and Swamp Trolls. Others say they are Demon cross breeds of some sort. Tristan said they look similar to what the western peoples of 'Ca-na-da' called 'sess-k-uts', just less hairy. Personally? I think they are natures attempt to make her own species.

Anyway, a small family came into the Dell today. They wanted to trade for a couple of sheep. Peaceful folk, this group. When I told them how I came by them, the decided they didn't want any. The family will probably be gone tomorrow.


2138(?), actual date unknown:


I have completed restoring the tower. It did, in ages past, belong to a most powerful mage. In my restoration, and subsequent cleaning of the island, I have found many artifacts. Some of which I believe predate the disappearance of the Old Gods. I have also found an entrance to a here to unknown basement. I will need to open it at some point, but the wards are many, and hard to dismantle.



55th of Samue,

The family actually stayed for three days. It was good to have company. I have learned a bit of their language and culture. I will probably see them again.

9th of Kielat, first month of summer,

Weeding is a pain in the back. I have a dog now. It is a skinny thing. It showed up a few days back. Patchy fur, cuts, scratches, tore up paws, the whole eleven yards. Brandy is nursing it back to health.

13th of Kielat,

Dog can herd sheep. He is starting to fill out. I wonder if his flock and shepherd were killed.

18th of Kielat,

“Orcs. Un-familied Orcs. The wild ones.” To quote that stupid book, “Are unable to do anything but rage at the loss of their charges. They will attack any and all who stand in their way, and rape and pillage.”

Three un-familied orcs traveled through. They were...different. Not quite the same as the ones with family, but not as different as the ones who served the demon lord. Honestly? They just seemed sad.

Dog liked them. He made them cry. I fed them.

19th of Kielat,

The Orcs left before I woke up.

21st of Kielat,

Beavers have moved in. I sense a battle coming.


Somewhere, in a clearing, in the great northern woods, a gathering was taking place. A family of bears, a murder of crows, flights and flights of other birds, and the jays were silent as they perched on branches. A small group of pixies and fairies sat near each other, and didn't fight. A goblin with a staff topped by a rabbit skull stood to the side. Warrens of rabbits sat in the short grass. A herd of deer. Squirrels, skunks, rats, mice. Wolves, worgs, and coyotes. Cats, great and small. All the animals of the forest, and an ancient yellow dragon, were in attendance. They sat, and stared, and, they had all brought a stone.

And there, laid upon a bed of soft moss, was the rabbit of the wood. His time had come, and they mourned his passing.

The dragon laid the first stone. Then one by one the rest followed suit. As the moon set that night, the cairn was complete. And the animals of the wood returned to there lives.

And on the world of Earth, a baby screamed at the doctor who had pulled him from the womb.

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