The not-immortal Blacksmith

80 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – Isekai Brothers

Palestinian/Israel border, Earth.


The wedding was small, with only friends of the couple attending, as Noah and Jana said their vows. Being Jewish and Muslim respectively, not having family there made sense, but was disheartening non the less. Each had a son, aged four, Yossef and Hamza. The boys were already inseparable, so there was that at least.

They settled in a small apartment on the border, and had a good life for 8 years.


The rockets and shells fell short. An apartment on the border was destroyed. Just a number for the news. After the fact, when the investigators searched the scene, and a pair of bodies were found hugging each other.

Noah and Jana cried for Yossef and Hamza, and buried them. Then picked up the pieces. They tried to move on. And unlike so many after a tragedy such as this, they did. 7 more children, and many many grandchildren were born. But, they never forgot their first.


The Celestial Realm.


Yossef and Hamza looked around the glowing platform, at the three glowing 'people' on the dais. They turned to each other, smiling, and in unison screamed “ISEKAI!!!!!” and pumped their fists in the air.

Narissa, goddess of Tranquility; Maximilian, god of War; and Nedaris, God of Magic; were standing on the dais, jaws open and eyes slightly bulged. The boys looked up again, bowed slightly, then Yossef started.

“We suppose you are the 'gods' of this realm”,

Hamza continued, “and you want us to take up the mantle of heros.”

“We accept.” They said together.

The three gods stared for a moment, then Narissa spoke, “That is indeed why you are here. Your universe has granted our request for heros, and we summoned you upon your death.”

Hamza interrupted, “We know the whole idea. Brass tacks time.”

Yossef continued, “What or who are we killing, and how long do we have?”

Mil spoke, surprise finally overcome, “You aren't surprised? Not even a bit?”

Yossef and Hamza exchanged a quick look, Hamza shrugged, and Yossef spoke up, “We've seen the Anime. We know the tropes.”

Hamza again, “We don't mean to be rude, we just don't wish to waste your time.”

Narissa sighed, “Very well. One of you will be given Magic, the other the gift of Arms.”

Yossef cocked an eyebrow, “We already have a pair. I don't think we need more.”

“I think she means weapons and such, Yossef.” Hamza interjected, hopefully before his brother put his foot in it any more than he already had.

Yossef cocked his head, “Oh... That makes more sense.” He faced the gods again, “My apologies.”

Nadaris spoke, “You must choose. One will gain my powers of Magic. The other will gain the powers of the god of War.”

The boys huddled in conference. For five minutes. Then another five. Finally after a third set of five minutes, they turned back to the gods. Yossef spoke first, “As I have less reservations on a religious grounds against magic, I will take it.”

“I will take the teachings of the prophet of war.” Hamza announced.

Beams of energy struck the boys, and the celestial construct vanished, leaving the boys on a lush prairie and a town in the distance. The looked at each other, and smiled.


“Prophet? PROPHET?!? I am a GOD!” Maximilian ranted to the other two, after the boys had left.

“Now, now, I assume it was a religious thing for the boy, not a slight.” Nadaris said, trying to calm him down. “Don't take it so personally.”

“He impugned my god-hood!” Mil yelled. “How could I not take it personally!”

Narissa looked over at him, “The last person you tried to punish for that killed your avatar.”

Mil shut up.


The Demon King had clawed his way through the void gate, and dug his way towards the surface of the world. He had started to dig out the expansive tunnels his army would use to move silently across the world when heard the sound of baying wolves. They sounded a bit off to his ears, then he realized they were worgs, not wolves.


Happy happy day. Puppies found a hole of demons! Demons are almost tasty. Bread bad. BAD BAD BAD. West. Go west. WEST WEST WEST. Big demon flee to sky. Missed him. Need better rifle. He put the Barrett M82 back on the sled he was pulling, and continued along the ice pack. I wish bread wasn't bad for me...


Yossef and Hamza entered the town, and stopped to stare at the elderly tom cat who was stalking a bird. As the cat jumped, Hamza stomped his foot, startling the bird to flight, and the cat missed. The can turned and fixed the boys with a one eyed stare, “What foolish mortals are these who would interfere with my lunch?”

Yossef looked at Hamza, “Puss in boots reference?”

“Probably not. He hasn't tried to prove his intelligence. And Puss would have jumped off the wall to catch the bird.”

Tom Cat, El Gato, deposed king of the celestial realm, peered at the boys, “Puss in boots? That trumped up fairy tale? Bah. He was a nothing. A fever dream!”

“Wow, who knew that the story was known in another world?” Hamza asked.

“No. No one here but me knows the tale. Even in Mexico, we read those silly stories.” Tom Cat replied.

“MEXICO?!?” Both boys exclaimed in unison.

“Yes. Mexico City to be exact.” Tom Cat began grooming himself. “Born and raised, pendajo. But here, I became a god! Until I was deposed from my rightful place. Bastards threw me out.” He shook his paw at the sky. “I will be back!”

“Did you die too?” Yossef asked.

“No. I walked through a portal some idiot godling left open. I ate the food, and drank the drinks of the gods of this world, and became a god myself.” He left out the part about eating a couple other gods. “Now I have been banished, and dwell in this realm.” He stood, and shook himself, shedding any trace of the street cat look, and becoming a radiant personification of a well cared for long haired cat. Now with a leather patch over one eye. “If you follow me, I think I can find what you need for your journey.” He set off down the street.

“What do you think, should we follow our own Puss in Patch?” Hamza asked his brother.

“I think we better hurry. He's getting away.” Yossef replied. “Maybe he can tell us which way is Mecca?”

“Crap! I forgot to ask those three!”


My Dell, The real Western Wilds.

3rd of Amsiel, Second month of Summer.

2138 years since the new gods came.

I have been training Ivan is sword and shield combat. He is learning quickly. Whatever god called him, gave him a huge amount of potential. Bigger than any I have ever seen before. He keeps looking at the scythe. When I asked him, he told me he was a farmer before he volunteered for the army, and it reminds him of home.

6th of Amsiel,

Brandy informed me that bandits are approaching from the west. I have informed Ivan of the threat. We expect then tomorrow afternoon.

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