The not-immortal Blacksmith

A tale of Ghondish

A tale of Ghondish

The Goddess of Purity stood at the head of the hastily assembled Council of Twelve, plus several other gods who were loitering around the main building of the City of Black and White.

"Alright, to quote that asinine Heretic," Purity said mildly, before shouting, "WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS LET THE GOAT OUT?"

The assembled gods and goddesses looked around at each other in bemusement before Chastity stood up and asked, "Dearest sister, what Goat?"

Purity looked at the assembly, eyes wide in amazement at their collective forgetfulness, "The GOAT! The one in the Holy Pen, the one who wreaks havoc on our world by getting in the way of the mortals? The famine breaker? The Speaker of Prey? Ring any bells?"

"Oh, Ghondish? Wasn't he just here a couple of days ago, munching away on the corn?" The gray skinned god(dess) of trickery asked, tone light and slightly mocking.

"Not funny Trixie! When did you let him out?" Purity asked, voice full of demand.

"I didn't. Not after last time. Never after last time...I can't believe he ruined it...all of it..." Trixie began to sob.

"Okay, fair enough. Sorry Trixie." Purity looked around the table again, looking for any who could have an excuse for this prank. "Is anyone going to confess?"

"I have no dealings outside of my Elvin brethren. I had nothing to do with your goat problem. I didn't even know there was a goat pen up here." The god Greymore declared, standing. "Penning up senseless beasts. Bah! Silly girl."

Bjorn, usually quiet at these meetings, slowly stood and spoke, "Brother Greymore, You do not know of what you speak. While Ghondish is a small god NOW, he didn't used to be."

"Bjorn! HUSH!" Esmeralda, the Gnome goddess of knowledge, almost shouted. "Do not speak of such things. Do not make brother Kocha's job harder!"

Bjorn rebuked her, saying, "No, my dearest sister, I can not. This needs to be said, for all of us to remember, and for the new ones to know." He took a deep breath and continued. "We all know of Ghondish as the funny small god of eating things. He is fun, carefree, and plays amusing tricks. But what some have forgotten," He looks at Trixie, "and others never knew, is that he used to be known as 'Gehona, Eldest god of nature, and high commander of the army of elementals' worshiped by all of the creatures and plants of creation. His power was stolen by the treachery and deceit of Kocha; our brother of chaos, whom Trixie replaced; and entombed with his army, never to be awakened. THAT is what worries sister Purity; this is what has been unleashed upon the realm of mortality. He could unmake ALL that we have done, and make the war with the Demon hoards look like a schoolyard fight."

The hall of gods shook with worry, as the young gods began to fear.



"ACHOO" Kocha wiped his nose, "Okay, Big G, how does this game work?"

"Well, Kocha, It's called Humans and High-rises. For each of your six stats, you roll 4D6, and add together the highest three and place each number next to a stat... You know, this book is so hard to maneuver with hooves...Rockjaw, get your elemental butt over here and help a god out!" Said a certain fluffy goat.

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