The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 179: A Trip to Paris

Chapter 179

Long flights are the most tiring. Although Paris and Peace City are so far apart, Kang Mu Cheng insisted on taking Jian Jing there for a flight over ten hours long that could not be avoided.

Jian Jing was listless: "Flying all the way to Paris just to buy something, in case I don't win the award, people will laugh at me."

"There's no harm in being more careful the first time you're nominated," Kang Mu Cheng said. "I'd also like you to be further away."

Whether or not the scarred man was following her, going abroad was safer anyway, and it saved him from worrying about her suddenly disappearing someday.

Earlier when she was in the mountains, she had completely lost contact for no reason, and if he hadn't known she was with Qifeng, he would have been scared to death.

"Then pray that I win the award," Jian Jing grumbled as she curled up in her seat. Fortunately, there was ample space in first class, otherwise after sitting for over ten hours, her legs would surely become paralyzed.

She opened her iPad, and her fingers hovered over the memo app for a moment before deciding against opening the e-version case files, instead choosing to watch a downloaded variety show.

Kang Mu Cheng glanced at it: "A show Jiang BaiYan participated in?"

"He recommended it to me, saying it looks like a travel show but is actually a palace drama," Jian Jing put on her headphones. "There are three male guests, one straight, one gay, and one bisexual. The gay and bi ones are exes, and the bi one's ex is one of the female guests. She and the gay one are best friends, and the two female guests started out with a sisterly image but ended up as enemies."

Kang Mu Cheng: "And you're watching this?"

"It's so interesting," she said. "The audience thinks the gay one and his bestie are faking a relationship, while the bi one is a nice guy who's been wronged for his brother's sake."

Kang Mu Cheng shook his head but didn't say anything more.

A few hours later, many passengers began to nod off, and the flight attendants started handing out meals. Jian Jing had no appetite and asked for a glass of white wine to help her sleep.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" he asked.

Jian Jing said, "I was up late gaming."

With nothing else to occupy her brain, she would automatically start thinking about case details. Left with no choice, she had to take refuge in games, focusing intently on gaming for a whole night.

She had to admit, with her physical fitness improved, gaming was even more addictive now.

Her reactions were quicker, her moves more precise, and the more she played, the more absorbed she became.

Kang Mu Cheng sighed, about to say something, but she smiled and said, "I know, staying up hurts your health, I didn't mean to, just got caught up in the game and lost track of time."

Her words stopped his own right in their tracks.

In principle, she was so sensible that he should feel gratified, but oddly enough, the reality was the complete opposite, leaving Kang Mu Cheng feeling utterly helpless.

Lately there had been many similar moments where he wanted to say something, only to find himself rendered speechless.

Left with no choice, he changed the subject with complicated feelings: "Ying Jie is also in Paris, he's waiting for us at the hotel."

Jian Jing asked with concern: "How is he doing?"

During summer vacation, Si Yingjie had invited them to vacation on Mermaid Island, but ended up encountering the most devastating emotional catastrophe of his life, first running into his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend, then his ex-girlfriend being murdered by her best friend, and finally discovering his ex-wife was a corporate spy after confidential information.

Afterward, he had been thoroughly devastated, rarely contacting her again after returning home.

"Not great, so I called him out to unwind, and he can help advise you too." Kang Mu Cheng passed her two fashion magazines, "Read up if you're bored."

With nothing else to do anyway, she accepted the magazines and started cramming knowledge about major fashion brands.

Napping and snacking here and there, she finally survived the lengthy flight.

They arrived in Paris.

In people's impressions, Paris was a romantic, elegant city, a place of pilgrimage for many. However, reality was unlikely to be so picturesque. Like every city, it had its gorgeous, profound side, as well as its terrible, impoverished side.

At any rate, Jian Jing felt there were more pickpockets here than back home.

On the drive to the hotel, sitting in the car, she witnessed three thefts and one robbery.

All she could do was reassure herself that this was Paris, not London. Paris was not suited for murders.

By the time they reached the hotel, the public order had drastically improved.

After checking in and other trivial matters, Jian Jing met Si Yingjie again.

He had lost weight compared to before, and his spirits remained low, lacking the enthusiasm that had once radiated from inside out when they met on vacation. Dressed casually today, he greeted them languidly, "Little Jingjing, you're also interested in fashion shows?"

"President Kang insisted I come," Jian Jing immediately sold out her boss. "I don't know the first thing about fashion, I really don't see the appeal in shows."

Si Yingjie gave her a look and stood by his bro: "The models are still very pretty."

Jian Jing: "..." Hmph, men.

Si Yingjie even lamented, "Giselle Bundchen's figure is so gorgeous."

With no standing to argue in front of a beauty, Jian Jing switched sides: "That she is."

Thinking further, now that she was already here, it would be a waste not to make the most of the opportunity.

So the next day, she went to a certain luxury brand's show with some anticipation.

She encountered many celebrities and internet influencers.

Many of the celebrities and influencers had only come to walk the red carpet.

There were also many foreign stars she didn't recognize at all.

The number of reporters at the entrance was insane, some stars were swarmed while others were ignored.

The venue wasn't large and the seats were tiny.

Jian Jing whispered as she eyed the little stools, "Isn't it a bit cramped?"

Si Yingjie: "They're always this cramped."

She: "!!!"

Right before the show began, the atmosphere was exuberant, with people chatting, taking photos together, and networking.

Most shocking of all was a foreign internet influencer who ran over, called Jian Jing's name in terribly awkward Chinese, and asked if she was the author of "Demon Doctor" and a guest on the haunted house show.

Jian Jing: "I'm..." not.

Si Yingjie: "Yes!"

She: "???"

Just like that, she was pulled in by the shoulder for a photo op by a total stranger foreign girl. The other party was very enthusiastic, leaving her social media handle and inviting Jian Jing to follow each other.

"Looks like the Demon Doctor's sales are pretty good abroad," Si Yingjie remarked.

Kang Mu Cheng nodded slightly, a faint joy visible in his eyes: "Even better than when it was first released domestically. It's #7 on the New York Times bestseller list."

Jian Jing was shocked: "How did I not know?"

He slowly said, "Who knows, I definitely called you before, you just never picked up."

She: "..." Ah, right, when she was on a date with the zombie.

Quickly changing the subject: "It's starting."

The lights dimmed, music sounded, and a fantastical, illusionary world took the stage as models sashayed out in incomprehensible, overbearing couture.

To be objective, the clothes were bizarre, but the overall experience they imparted was beautiful. Of course, for a layperson this kind of beauty was merely something to look at, unable to decipher the various profound, high-class connotations.

After an hour and a half, the show ended.

The other attendees rushed out in a whoosh, quickly dispersing.

Jian Jing: "What are they in such a hurry for?"

"To watch the next show," Si Yingjie said. "They've already been very kind to you, only looking at haute couture instead of ready-to-wear."

She sighed and resigned herself.

Each show had its own theme. The previous one was about nature and environmental protection, while the next was about dreams and love, incorporating a lot of lace, feathers, and roses.

In the spotlight, the models were so beautiful they seemed unreal.

Si Yingjie said to Jian Jing, "This brand's wedding gowns are gorgeous, just get yours here when you get married."

Jian Jing propped up her head and didn't speak for a while.

Kang Mu Cheng seemed to sense something and asked, "You feel the rose elements match the theme of your book?"

She nodded.

"Then let's go with this one," Si Yingjie decided. "You don't have to be getting married to wear a wedding dress. What era is this, just buy it if you like it."

Jian Jing pursed her lips, eyes bright, "I want a little cocktail dress, something that doesn't hinder movement too much."

"If you're buying might as well get the whole set," Si Yingjie urged her. "Get Mu Cheng to reimburse you for it."

Jian Jing shook her head. "I can buy it myself."

"With just your royalties?" Kang Mu Cheng glanced at her and firmly rejected, "Little girls should save more, not spend randomly."

A question mark slowly surfaced in Jian Jing's mind.

Just those royalties? Were her royalties really so little? They were in the eight digits this year.

Exactly how wealthy was President Kang?

Was Golden Roc making that much money?

She tried to regain control: "I think..."

"Let's go, if you like it then decide on it, so no one else grabs it first." Kang Mu Cheng stood up.

Si Yingjie: "So hungry. Jingjing, what do you want for dinner?"

Jian Jing felt utterly helpless. Being with adults she had met as a teenager, this was the downside - they would always see her as not grown up yet.

She thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll buy my own shoes."

"Shoes don't cost that much," Si Yingjie scorned her. "Bro will get them for you."

Jian Jing swiftly agreed, "Okay, then I'll buy my own jewelry."

Si Yingjie finally realized what was going on and said speechlessly, "You had to make a big deal out of a gift?"

"It is a big deal," Jian Jing said. "If I can afford it, why should I need someone else to buy it for me?"

Kang Mu Cheng couldn't help chuckling. He replied, "Because you earn far more than this. Okay, it's just a dress. Don't be petty about it, just take it since I'm giving it to you."

Since he put it that way, Jian Jing didn't have the heart to reject his good intentions, so she conceded.

Kang Mu Cheng was visibly delighted and immediately took her to the exhibition hall to select a style.

The dresses were extremely beautiful, beautiful enough to make one's heart flutter.

Especially the roses embroidered on the white gauze, as red as fresh blood. If you looked at them for too long, even with eyes closed, the bright color of the petals still lingered on your retina.

"Will I look good in this one?" she asked Si Yingjie.

Without any hesitation, Si Yingjie answered, "You'll look like a little princess."

Jian Jing neither agreed nor disagreed, but a trace of an odd smile emerged at the corner of her lips. "I want this one," she stated firmly. "This dress is perfect."

Her strange tone attracted Kang Mu Cheng's attention. He asked suspiciously, "Perfect for what?"

"Of course for the book, Rose Gold, it's so fitting," Si Yingjie answered obliviously.

Kang Mu Cheng ignored him and kept looking at Jian Jing questioningly.

She smiled and acted as if nothing had happened, "It's also suitable as a memento for the first time I win an award. I have a feeling I really might win something."

The earlier doubts immediately disappeared, and he couldn't help but smile, "I think so too."

After selecting the style, it was time to schedule the custom fitting. They arrived early, so there was plenty of time. They booked it for tomorrow morning.

Jian Jing had planned it out beautifully, intending to go visit the Louvre Museum after finishing up.

But she underestimated the tedious process of bespoke tailoring.

The designer tirelessly asked about her hobbies, profession, and when and where she would wear the dress. Then came the super detailed measurements, with data filling up many rows that made one dizzy to look at.

There was also the selection of fabrics, choosing materials for embellishments like the embroidered roses, with dozens of different options just for the fabrics.

Jian Jing originally thought she could handle it herself, but it turned out there was too much communication needed and her English was far from enough, forcing her to use skill cards twice.

[Name: Beginner English Skill Card]

[Description: Your English level allows for daily communication]

[Note: How frustrating, poor communication]

[Name: Beginner French Skill Card]

[Description: Your French level allows for daily communication]

[Note: Looks like you've encountered a language barrier!]

She was extremely pained at the time. To think that just buying a dress required using skill cards. English was one thing, but what use was the French card when she'd only come to Paris a couple times?

However, the next day, this resentment was completely overturned 180 degrees.

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