The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 253: To the next Level

Chapter 253

Kang Mu Cheng made a fortune from "Rose Gold". After the celebration party, the film department started preparing for an overseas trip. With the excitement still lingering, it was time for recruitment and the next round of business expansion.

With a 30% pay raise, the employees worked hard and happily every day. Overtime, overtime, overtime was the norm at Kang Mu Cheng's company.

How crazy was it? Jian Jing would message him late at night and he would instantly reply. As time passed, she inevitably started worrying and calling him in the middle of the night to urge him to leave work.

"Mr. Kang, money can't be earned endlessly." She was scared for him and advised, "Lack of sleep damages the brain, easily causing strokes, heart attacks or working oneself to death."

Kang Mu Cheng: "OK, bye."

"Are you still in the office?"

Him: "Leaving soon."

Jian Jing: "Lying to my face without guilt?"

Kang Mu Cheng: "......"

"Don't you think I can see through your lies?" she wondered.

Kang Mu Cheng: "Really leaving now."

"How soon is now? If you don't leave, the employees won't have the nerve to either. Working without rest past midnight reduces efficiency." Jian Jing reasoned.

He laughed despite himself and retorted, "Jing Jing, you seem to be in a good mood lately?"

"Yes." She openly admitted.

In recent days, "Rose Gold" remained high on trending lists.

Almost every major website had related news or articles, with video compilations popping up from time to time.

This feeling was just - so - good.

She finally got over feeling outraged previously.

Having a name was better than being a nobody, but being an author, trending by herself was nothing. Only when her work occupied the most prominent spots was that the greatest achievement.


The only downside was the card draw upon surpassing the former top film's box office record to become number two.

[System: Limited draw pool opened, draw?]

Jian Jing was very much looking forward to it: "Go ahead."

[Drawing card]

[Draw complete]

[Name: Limited·Confession]

[Description: Some love is never confessed, forever missed. This card triggers suppressed affections, useable once per person]

[Note: Curious who has a secret crush on you? Give it a try.]

Jian Jing was flabbergasted: "What on earth?"

[System: After host uses this card on a specified person, the other party will reveal their genuine feelings. Ps: Only those who like the host will confess, can't fabricate from nothing or change emotions.]

Jian Jing: "......I don't want to know."

She expected something to trigger monetary luck, but the focal point of Rose Gold turned out to be the rose, not gold? Annoyed.

[System: Host already has great luck in wealth, romance is more confusing]

Jian Jing: "You moonlight as a fortune teller now?"

[System: This system is intelligent, sincerely at your service.]

Retarded again.

But it was right about one thing - behind the sky-high box office was a windfall.

Who wouldn't be thrilled to come into big money? She was over the moon.

Kang Mu Cheng sighed: "Still, you don't have to call every day to supervise me leaving work."

"You're the reason I'm earning money." She beamed, "I'm thankful, so I care about you naturally."

He jested: "You only care because I brought you profit?"

"If it was a loss, I'd care about myself first." She retorted, "Hurry downstairs, waiting in the parking lot for you."

Kang Mu Cheng finally couldn't sit still and came down in five minutes.

Employees: "Boss Kang finally knocked off!"

Kang Mu Cheng got into her car, helpless and resigned as he sighed: "What are you doing here?"

"Sending you off work." Jian Jing stomped the accelerator, speeding down the empty street, in great spirits, "Figured you wouldn't have the nerve to make me wait either."

Kang Mu Cheng braced his forehead: "Jing Jing, I know my limits, I sleep at least four hours a day."

Jian Jing smiled and accelerated: "What did you say?"

The car swerved dangerously, leaving him shaken. He changed his tune: "Haven't asked your plans yet."

Jian Jing: "......Haven't decided."

They both struck gold, but while Kang Mu Cheng aggressively expanded his business, Jiang Bai Yan set up his own studio - she even sent flowers yesterday, instantly spotting his old team upon entering.

Qiu Lin brought a bunch of acquaintances in a job switch!

But the most brazen thing Jiang Bai Yan did wasn't poaching from his old company, but appointing Pudding as CEO.

So, one of the catnip and toy bundles was for Pudding.

Horizontal banner: Fishy sticks daily, catnip nightly.

Title: Peak of a cat's life.

Meanwhile, what was she up to?

Mulling over how to spend money lately.

"Bought bags, clothes, emptied cosmetics stocks." She told Kang Mu Cheng, "Should look into getting a new place next right?"

Stuff at home imperceptibly multiplied, Knight really should have an outdoor area too. Giving up the apartment to buy a standalone house seemed inevitable.

Kang Mu Cheng calmly agreed: "Long overdue."

At his words, Jian Jing instantly made up her mind: "Then it's settled, but where to?"

House hunting could be such a headache.

Kang Mu Cheng asked: "Any requirements?"

"Not too far from the city, don't want a long commute, able to order delivery and errands, not too noisy, a yard for Knight......" She rattled off her own demands, ending with, "Within my means, not too expensive."

Kang Mu Cheng pondered briefly before suggesting: "There's a townhouse near me up for sale."

He and Kang President didn't live in the new luxury estates, but original concession-era townhouses with at least seventy to eighty years of history. Exteriors well-preserved, interiors modernized.

Location-wise, still urban yet aloof from hustle and bustle. Pushing open the door led to a different world. Extremely rare find.

Jian Jing had been to the Kangs multiple times. She was instantly interested at the mention: "Like yours?"

He nodded.

She decisively: "Want."

But Kang Mu Cheng said: "Think it through. These houses are heritage sites, can't alter walls or roofing, some areas not as comfy as new mansions either, streets outside inconvenient for parking."

"Doesn't matter, I don't mind." She cared about another issue instead, "Far from your place?"

"Thirty, fifty meters maybe. Just round the corner." He recalled.

"I like these old houses, more inspiration to write." Jian Jing mused, "Plus, having you as my neighbor sounds perfect."

Kang Mu Cheng: "To board Knight at my place?"

"Why'd you have to say it aloud!" She complained.

Because it was too obvious. He silently shook his head, not arguing further: "I'll contact them then, want me to accompany viewing?"

Jian Jing: "Come with me."

Kang Mu Cheng checked his planner: "OK, free tomorrow night, seven?"

"Saturday afternoon next week instead." She negotiated, "Must see in day time obviously."

He conceded, cancelling a planned trip: "Fine."


Jian Jing's house purchase went unbelievably smoothly.

The previous owners were emigrating overseas but didn't wish to casually sell away the place. This historic building should be preserved by well-meaning successors for generations to come.

So, they previously declined two buyers. Otherwise with such ideal location and house, it would have been snapped up long ago.

But this time, Kang Mu Cheng accompanied her over. Neighbours of many years, very assured. And upon discovering Jian Jing was an acclaimed authoress, they were even more delighted.

"That recent smash hit film was what you wrote right. Young heroes in the making indeed." the owner remarked, "With Kang Mu Cheng's word, I've no qualms."

Jian Jing: "......Thanks."

"This used to be the residence of a literary giant. Having an author move in again will only enhance its heritage." the owner added with a smile, "Go take a look around."

Kang Mu Cheng let her look around as he chatted with the seller.

Jian Jing was freed at last to scrutinize with the real estate agent.

This old townhouse wasn't big. Excluding the yard, about 200 ping across two floors. Red brick white walls, retaining French windows and old fireplaces from the original build, as well as several extravagantly ornamental stained glass windows.

Sunshine filtering through rendered the interior a dazzling, artsy, whimsical myriad of colours.

"What do you think, Miss Jian?" the agent asked, "Truthfully houses like these are hard to come by. If not for Mr Kang's call, I'd have shown others first for sure."

Jian Jing hesitated a little: "Isn't it too big for just me?"

The agent smiled: "You can live with your boyfriend. After getting married and having kids in the future, you will only complain that the place is not big enough."

"Boyfriend?" She shook her head. The writer's thoughts retreated and the detective's perspective came online. "Too many rooms, the layout is not big, and the structure is a bit complicated."

Jian Jing scrutinized every nook and cranny in an almost harsh manner: "Too many blind spots for surveillance, the balcony makes it easy to climb over the wall, the living room has no line of sight to the entrance, the yard is well-kept but very easy to hide people in... It would be effortless to sneak in from the outside and leave without a trace..."

Agent: "Ah?"

Three hours later, Jian Jing paid a hefty down payment and signed the purchase contract.

Kang Mu Cheng was slightly surprised: "I thought you would at least think about it for a few days."

"I've already thought of several ways to commit murder here." She was frustrated, "This place is too suitable as the scene of a homicide, I couldn't resist."

Kang Mu Cheng: "..."

Next was going to the relevant departments to register. They also needed to verify her identity. The transfer of ownership of a historical building was more complicated than purchasing an ordinary house.

But the verification also went very smoothly.

The staff member said: "Miss Jian has a very high credit rating and records of several acts of bravery and civic duty, honored multiple times. Her qualifications are flawless."

Jian Jing: "cough..."

In short, purchased.

Renovation was the main event.

The original owner's family of four meant that the layout did not suit her requirements. Apart from some individual historical artefacts, everything was torn down and rebuilt. Especially because she "communicated frequently" with the criminals in HePing city, the security system had to be outfitted with the best available to ensure safety.

All that cost money, money, money.

The renovation fees were enough to buy a new apartment.

And the furniture.

Filling up the big house required lots and lots of furniture.

Jian Jing no longer had the time to rush Kang Mu Cheng to get off work (was that his scheme?), ordinary furniture could be purchased at the mall, but to make everything look good, some items suiting the historical style were definitely needed.

She pondered, Kang Mu Cheng couldn't help with this, asking Jiang BaiYan was also inappropriate since they just had a scandal, everyone else had to work, so she had to squeeze someone else.

"Brother Yingjie," she said, "when are you coming back to help me pick furniture?"

Si Yingjie: "Little Jingjing, I'm in Peru, taking a ship to Antarctica tomorrow to see penguins, I can't come back."

Jian Jing: "Oh."

"Um..." He felt a little bad, racking his brains, "I just got an invite, there's a really interesting trade show, why don't you go take a look?"

Jian Jing asked: "Where is it?"

Si Yingjie gave her an address, "It happens to be in the Pacific this time, not too far, consider going to take a look."

She became interested and decided to take a trip before deciding anything else.

And so began another new case.

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