The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 267: Demon 03

Chapter 267

"[Jian Jing] and the Twelve Bronze Heads of Yuanmingyuan - The Sheep Head Appears in the Museum Office"

"The National Museum Receives Anonymous Donation of One of the Lost Yuanmingyuan Bronze Heads"

"Welcome Home! The Mysterious Journey of the Sheep Head's Return"

Recently, news feeds have been dominated by this story, and in addition to people's delight over another returned bronze head, they are also curious about how the item appeared in the museum.

It is said that the museum's surveillance cameras did not capture anyone carrying the cardboard box, yet the bronze head mysteriously materialized in the office somehow.

Who did it? Where did it come from? Why did the donor want to remain anonymous?

The answers are simple.

It was done by [Jian Jing]. The commissioned system delivered it. The anonymity was because she didn't want too much attention - after all, this was obtained by [Zi Shu] risking his life from [Chen Long]. She just gave the final push.

But suicide to steal collections, while understandable, should not be encouraged.

So she simply kept out of sight, which also avoids people wondering how she did it.

She didn't have the item on her when she disembarked.

Even [Zong Ye] probably wouldn't have thought that she didn't lie to him - the bronze head was safely tucked away in storage at the time.

As for how it was delivered, she had no idea.

The system took 10 special contribution points, moved it over mysteriously without a trace. She also watched the surveillance video and saw no clues.

It must have involved high-tech black technology. Overthinking it is pointless.

After getting it done, [Jian Jing] calculated her expenses this time.

Helping [Jiang BaiYan] escape danger after Chinese New Year was 10 points for being a good Samaritan. Solving the inheritance case was another 10 points for being a good Samaritan (the system is becoming stingier).

The murder case on the yacht was a mission, 20 courage points. Hiding the bronze head and sending it back to the museum triggered a hidden side quest, rewarding 20 special contribution points.

As for expenses...

3 one-time authentication cards, minus 15 points.

Fleece [Zong Ye]'s skills, minus 5 points.

10 points express delivery fees, earnings halved.

To avoid [Chen Long] getting sued, minus 700 million.

[Jian Jing] decided to lay low for a while. After all, her home was still undergoing renovations. There was no hurry - [Demon 3] would be released soon with new royalties.

But good deeds still brought good karma.

[You Ji] gifted her a pair of 19th century table lamps, [Wei Yang] sent her an antique magnifying glass, [Shen Hou] mailed her a painting, subtly expressing their compensation for her loss this time, while conveying gratitude towards the donor at the same time.

The gifts were not overly valuable so [Jian Jing] accepted them. Then she stubbornly feigned ignorance:

"I also don't know who found it."

Everyone: "Oh."

Mr. Gu was even more direct, transferring 300,000 yuan into her account, claiming it was commission for the case.

[Jian Jing]: "......" never saw that coming.

She decided to treat [Kang Mu Cheng] and newly returned [Si Yingjie] to dinner.

[Si Yingjie] felt very sympathetic: "Poor little [Jian Jing], didn't earn much money yet has to treat us to dinner. Just make your own food next time, ah."

[Jian Jing]: You wish.

She had only solved two cases so far, gathered ingredients for "deathly delicacies" twice, planning to make a celebratory dinner after getting three.

Three dishes were not enough to treat guests.

"[Kang Mu Cheng] on the other hand, was willing to give her face. He was not very particular about food and clothing. "It's rare to see [Jian Jing] so happy."

[Si Yingjie]: "Happy about what? Going out and running into another murder case?"

[Jian Jing] glared at him. "The commission fee. I feel I could develop it as a side job in the future."

"Then you'll definitely get richer." [Si Yingjie] said.

Her: "Is that meant to be a blessing or a curse?"

"Definitely an auspicious wish." [Si Yingjie] sighed emotionally, "In this world, things are constantly happening every second - homicide, revenge, assault, rape... More people crying than laughing. If you can gain some damages from such misfortunate events, it's a silver lining."

[Jian Jing] was astonished that he could say something so philosophical.

Curious, she asked: "Did you and [Lei Ao] have a smooth skiing trip?"

"We almost got caught in an avalanche." [Si Yingjie] said. "Luckily I was feeling lazy that day and got up three hours later than planned, so I had just stepped out when I was called back."

"What about the penguin?"

He chuckled loudly: "I got you a penguin plushie souvenir, will send it to your home later."

[Jian Jing]: "......I don't want plushies."

"Can't exactly sell live penguins." He facepalmed. "[Kang Mu Cheng] said you really like dolls!"

[Jian Jing]: "???" Suddenly sabotaged.

[Kang Mu Cheng]: "I didn't say that."

[Jian Jing] glared furiously.

[Si Yingjie] guffawed and continued teasing her: "Oh right, how's that pretty boy you posted about?"

"Who?" At first [Jian Jing] couldn't remember, "Oh him... "

She hesitated, then [Kang Mu Cheng] and [Si Yingjie] exchanged looks.

[Kang Mu Cheng]'s gaze was admonishing: What are you doing?

[Si Yingjie] justified himself: Just caring about our young friend!

"[Jian Jing] chose a tactful description: "Looked better than actual ability." Just looking is enough.

[Si Yingjie]: "What? It's over already?"

"Over what, the death penalty?" [Jian Jing] pondered. "Shouldn't be. I think he's not a citizen here, might get extradited and jailed for a few years instead. I don't understand foreign laws."

[Si Yingjie] was struck speechless, taking a long time to ask: "You got him imprisoned?"

"And his girlfriend too." She supplemented.

[Si Yingjie]: "......"

After the idle chatter was work time. Yes, [Kang Mu Cheng] would grasp any chance to discuss [Demon 3]'s launch plans with [Jian Jing].

"The review results are out. Some parts are too violent, go make amendments." He said. "We should aim to release it in May. Also, I found a translator, he has started simultaneous translations for [Demon 3]. Feel free to discuss with him if there's anything that needs changing."

[Jian Jing]: "......Oh."

End of April, [Demon 3] entered the printers. [Jian Jing] got sample copies early and posted previews on Weibo.

Next began every author's painful job - signing ten thousand copies.

[Jian Jing]: Just end me already.

A thick stack of signing sheets piled in her home like a small mountain. [Kang Mu Cheng] gave her a box of signing pens, asking her to slowly sign them all since the deadline was May.

She had no choice but to furiously scribble away at home, writing "Jian Jing" so many times she forgot how the words looked, like drawing random symbols.

After a few days of headaches and blurred vision, she finally completed the austere task through exceptional perseverance.

The printing factory had been waiting for her batch. Upon receiving the signing sheets they immediately started bookbinding and film coating. With her current popularity, the production lines were dedicated solely to [Demon Doctor 3].

Workers worked overtime overnight under tight security to prevent leaked content before launch.

After printing was done, the new book truly started its journey. They were sent to bookstores and warehouses nationwide, ready to be released.

Various online promotions and events had already taken place in rounds beforehand - lucky draws, giveaways, preorders...... So busy.

[Jian Jing] sat at home with air conditioning.

Hard to believe, but air conditioning was already necessary in early May. For some reason the temperature shot up to 30 degrees Celsius, scorching hot, making people dizzy. It was abruptly summer.

So springwear was discarded from her wardrobe, replaced by new summer clothes.

On May 10th, [Demon Doctor 3] went on sale.

In her final year of university, [Jiahui] had been [Jian Jing]'s loyal fan ever since getting into [Demon Doctor] in her sophomore year. Every new book was a must-buy for her.

Although her internship work today was heavy, she still squeezed out time during lunch break to rush to the bookstore near her company for a copy of [Demon Doctor 3].

Flipping to the cover page, she couldn't help but cheer: "Got a signed edition! Lucky!"

Gleefully, she skimmed through the book and noticed the difference: "It's bound opposite this time? Interesting."

Initially only 60% interested, the specially bound book instantly piqued her appetite.

Busy as she was, she rapidly read through the demon's first story.

Same familiar flavor, plot still up to standard.

[Jiahui] felt neither huge surprise nor disappointment, just curiosity - how would the reverse side's hunter story read like?

If only she could knock off work sooner! She must finish reading tonight no matter what, otherwise won't be able to sleep.


Otaku [Yiwen] was 28 now, still a corporate slave. His biggest hobbies remained buying manga, figures and models - no change.

The only difference was having a girlfriend now.

Jian Jing's girlfriend was a quiet bookworm. The two met on an online forum and later met in person to start a relationship. Their feelings were stable, but they did not have any plans to get married yet.

Now, the two lived together and had a cat. Their daily life was very leisurely and carefree.

Today, as soon as Yiwen got off work, he collapsed onto the sofa: "I'm starving, when is dinner coming?" Since both he and his girlfriend were busy, they rarely cooked and relied on takeout to stay alive.

"Ah!" His girlfriend suddenly looked up, "I forgot to order takeout."

Yiwen scratched his head: "What are you looking at? Oh, Devil 3 is out?"

"Mm-hmm," his girlfriend buried her head to continue reading, "the plot this time is especially interesting."

Yiwen said: "Let me see."

"I'll let you read after I finish. By the way, I started with Devil, so you can start with Hunter," his girlfriend arranged it very clearly, "this way we can discuss the details."

Yiwen grumbled about "being deliberately mysterious", but after dinner, he still obediently curled up on the sofa and started reading from the back cover.

As night fell, lights lit up in households everywhere.

One book, one story, was the best comfort after a tiring day for everyone.


Bing Shu, who had millions of followers on WeChat and was a big Weibo book influencer, went abroad on vacation with his wife and child this year.

Running into the Golden Week rush during traveling could be extremely tiring. When he finally got home, he collapsed onto his bed and could barely move for days.

His wife asked: "Are you still going to write your article today? Don't be lazy, our daughter's allowance depends entirely on you!"

"I'll write," after lying still recharging his HP bar for a few days, Bing Shu went back to his familiar chair, turned on his reading lamp, "I was resting these past few days for today - to properly read Jian Jing's new book."

His wife didn't like reading, she liked watching shows, but she remembered the name: "Is this the author of Rose Gold? Is the book also a romance novel this time?"

"Mystery novel," Bing Shu opened the brand new Devil Doctor 3 and first flipped through it to check the overall quality - the gilding, binding, and paper stock - giving a silent nod of approval.

Jian Jing was the top author under Golden Crow Publishing, and the quality of her physical books had always been high. The special binding this year also turned out well without any issues, and the pages were even designed with patterns.

As he turned the pages, the crisp swish of paper was pleasing to the ear.

The appearance checks out.

Bing Shu turned to the front page where a personal note for him was written - as a major book blogger, publishers would send advance reader copies to influencers like him for reviews, sometimes with a special autograph.

The story began.

His expression changed from anticipation to seriousness, then intense concentration as he slowly read and flipped the book around halfway through, occasionally murmuring to himself "I see" "I knew it" "this is getting interesting".

His wife did not disturb him and went to play games instead.

At 11 pm when she was getting ready for bed, she stopped by the study and asked: "Do you want to continue tomorrow?"

"I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight," he replied without looking back.

His wife was curious: "It's that good?"

"Well worth writing about," Bing Shu lit a cigarette and opened a new document on his laptop, "you go to bed, don't mind me."

"Take care of yourself."

"I know."

His wife closed the door, and the study became quiet again. Bing Shu stood by the window finishing a cigarette. As his mind raced through the plot, he gradually calmed down. Sitting in front of the computer, he started typing - the title for his next article.

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