The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 280: Green Plane

Chapter 280

Dai An began to doubt her own intelligence.

She graduated from a top 985 university, studied abroad for three years and got a master's degree, and worked at a nationally renowned company where her salary kept rising every year - by all accounts, she was no fool.

But at this moment, Dai An felt like a failing student who had not studied before an exam, utterly outclassed by the class genius.

Could someone deduce all that just from a model wearing ill-fitting shoes?

"It's a conclusion drawn from piecing together many bits of information," Jian Jing kindly explained. "At first, I only thought she seemed a little odd."

Dai An thought to herself that she hadn't found the woman odd at all, just somewhat disturbed. But she didn't dare say that out loud. Instead she asked, "Who do you think she is?"

"The highest probability is the victim or President Bao's mistress," said Jian Jing.

Dai An was getting the hang of it now. She followed the logic: "Right, since President Meng was hitting on a flight attendant, he probably wouldn't care about bringing a girlfriend. The probability is higher for one of two married men."

She suddenly became eager. "So was it her?"

"Can't say for sure yet. This case is a bit complicated," said Jian Jing evasively.

Dai An's face fell in disappointment.

Jian Jing couldn't hold back an amused smile. She was relishing the satisfaction of being Sherlock Holmes. With a twinkle in her eye she said, "Next we'll be questioning the victim's acquaintances. But before that..." She blinked. "Let's go through the motions."

Dai An then watched as she went up to Dai An's boss and patted him. "I'm borrowing Dai An."

Kang Mu Cheng asked, "Did something happen?"

"Someone died."

He rubbed his temple with a sigh. "I see."

"So, can I borrow her?"

"Go ahead."

Dai An clenched her fists in sudden excitement - she had to admit, a murder case made an otherwise boring workday thrilling, like briefly stepping into another world.

Perhaps, deep down inside, everyone has a Sherlock Holmes fantasy.

"Let's go, to the lounge. We need to question the others there, the flight attendant will have arranged it for us." Jian Jing headed toward the front of the cabin and climbed up the concealed staircase into the airplane's hidden interior spaces.

The space here was small but perfectly discreet - sounds wouldn't easily escape.

Jian Jing was the first to call in the victim's wife.

She asked, "Did your husband have any major illnesses?"

Since Mrs. Che still didn't know her husband's cause of death at this point, she answered, "No, he had a physical last month and was fine, just some stomach issues if he drank too much, but otherwise no problems."

"What were his lifestyle habits like in general?" Jian Jing deliberately created the impression that this had been a sudden death.

As expected, Mrs. Che relaxed a little and said, "He was a businessman, so how good could they be? Early to bed, late to rise, drank often when wining and dining clients. I told him to cut back..." She sighed, "If only he'd listened."

Only then did Jian Jing gradually shift the tone of the conversation: "The three families were traveling together this time, so I imagine you have quite a close relationship usually."

Mrs. Che said, "Yes, we've known each other for years, old friends."

"That's so rare to hear. As I understand it, shareholders usually have some level of conflict," said Jian Jing with a smile. "Since you're all so close, I'm sure you know the others quite well. Could you introduce me to them?"

Mrs. Che nodded and briefly summarized each person's background.

It turned out that originally the company's founders were President Che and President Bao. At one point they ran into trouble and were close to bankruptcy, but luckily gained an investment from President Meng at the crucial moment, which allowed them to turn things around, making the three men the major shareholders.

President Meng was 42 years old, still a bachelor known for chasing women - he had many girlfriends but was very capable at his job.

President Bao was 40 years old, responsible for the technical aspects of the business. He had a down-to-earth personality and rarely argued with others. He doted on his daughter and was good at taking care of people - a good husband.

Mrs. Bao was 37 years old and used to be a theater actress. President Bao had been her fan and would always make time to watch her performances whenever possible. They married and had a child two years ago - their daughter was already 3 years old now.

"I see, that's very helpful context, thank you," said Jian Jing. She paused briefly in a seamless transition to her next question: "So which one was your extramarital lover?"

Dai An: "?????"

In the cramped lounge, hugging the flight attendant's undoubtedly genuine silk pillow - the sheen was so gorgeous in the dim lighting - she started to question her life choices.

Did I miss an episode or something?

Did time just freeze for a second? Infidelity? Why suddenly ask about infidelity? Where was the clue leading to that? The wedding ring was still clearly on Mrs. Che's hand!

Or did the kid not resemble his dad? Dai An wracked her brains trying to remember the child's face but could only recall he looked rather cubby.

So why on earth make this accusation?

Little Gu... no, Teacher Jian offered no explanation.

She just calmly said, "Please don't misunderstand, I'm not prying into your privacy, just asking out of necessity for the investigation. Anything you say will be kept confidential."

Mrs. Che's first reaction was naturally to deny it. "Don't talk nonsense."

"I understand your reservations," said Jian Jing incisively yet gently. "Living with a husband who cares nothing for his family must be so difficult."

Mrs. Che paused, the wariness in her eyes fading slightly, and she softened her tone. "Marriage and romance are two different things. I hope you won't make rash judgments about our relationship."

"Infidelity is a serious accusation. I wouldn't say so without certainty," said Jian Jing, stopping for a beat before sighing, "Please allow me to help you recall: before takeoff in the VIP lounge, your child kept running around no matter how many times you told him to stop."

Dai An remembered this happening but still didn't see the connection to infidelity.

"In your high heels you had trouble walking over, so you wanted your husband to go get your child under control, but he ignored you. You said, 'I can't take any more of you,' and left the lounge. Then he followed right after.

"You came back first about a minute later, having calmed down already. Mrs. Bao glanced at you and called your child over herself, chatting with us. When President Bao came back, at that time there was a hair the same color as yours stuck to his shoulder. And before talking to his wife, he habitually brushed his shoulder, so I figured this probably wasn't the first time."

Dai An was shocked.

Had something like that really happened? She'd just been watching Mrs. Bao and totally missed it.

Meanwhile Mrs. Che's expression had turned quite ugly. She was silent a moment before snapping sharply, "Since you saw everything already then why ask me?"

"I believe you must have your difficulties," said Jian Jing. "You're a well-bred woman who cares deeply for her child, always gracious even in chaos..."

She solemnly sang Mrs. Che's praises while slowly continuing, "You must have at least a basic loyalty toward your marriage to have reached this point before breaking. Mrs. Che, I don't mean to pry into anyone's privacy. I want to help you - your husband may have been murdered, which would make you the prime suspect."

Dai An noticed Mrs. Che's fingers twitch involuntarily at that. She was getting nervous now.

"That would be troublesome for you and your child," said Jian Jing, laying out the practical facts for her in a spirit of candor. "Let's resolve this case here and now, for everyone's benefit. What do you think?"

Mrs. Che's attitude thoroughly softened. Covering her face, she said mournfully, "It was a mistake I couldn't stop myself from making."

"I'm sure you weren't solely to blame," Jian Jing consoled her.

The floodgates now open, Mrs. Che's emotions came pouring out, beyond her power to restrain them. "He was always cheating! Ten years of marriage and at least five of those he cheated! What does he take me for?" She gave an aggrieved laugh. "At first I only wanted revenge, but... I couldn't end it. Maybe it's hard for you to understand..."

Jian Jing said gently, "Perhaps I can understand - people need love, need to feel cherished and appreciated. A cheating spouse destroys all that, so you seek it out elsewhere instead."

Mrs. Che completely relaxed now, nodding. "Yes, sometimes the life you expect is just your own wishful thinking."

Jian Jing asked, "Why President Bao?"

Mrs. Che gave a wan smile. "He originally pursued me too. I suppose you only want what you can't have."

Dai An pressed her lips together, thinking that Mrs. Che's husband cheated so she cheated back - fair enough. But by cheating with a married man, his poor blameless wife suffered too!

Perhaps unpracticed at interrogations still, her thoughts must have shown on her face, because Mrs. Che saw right through her.

"Are you judging his wife?" she said coolly. "I'm only repaying tit for tat."

Dai An: My worldview is shattered.

Jian Jing was interested and asked, "What kind of person is Mrs. Bao?"

Mrs. Che pondered for a moment, then said, "I can't say she is promiscuous, she doesn't mess around, but...I don't know if you can understand, she enjoys being surrounded and admired, the more admirers beneath her skirt, the more it proves her charm."

Jian Jing said, "Men are fascinated by her, she likes the way men are fascinated by her, but doesn't love them, and won't be obtained by them either."

"You said it perfectly," Mrs. Che smiled.

Jian Jing asked, "What you just said about reciprocity, could it be that in the past..."

"She seduced my husband, but was unsuccessful," Mrs. Che said. "I pretended not to know, and was quite happy at the time - you have to admit, she is a charming woman. It was only later that I realized, it wasn't that he was unaffected, but that he was too cunning.

She adjusted her sitting posture, her raised neck was like a beautiful yet cold black swan, "He was afraid of being ruined by that woman, it's as simple as that."

Jian Jing slowly nodded, then asked, "Final question, who do you think would be most likely to have killed your husband, or to benefit from his death?"

The lady was straightforward, "In terms of inheritance, of course it would be me."

"Anyone else?"

She was silent for a while, then singled out the first suspect, "Old Meng. He and my husband had disagreements, they had argued a few times. With my husband dead, he could take over the company."

"Are you familiar with the company's business?"

Mrs. Che shook her head, "I'm not interested in that stuff."

"Madam, thank you for your trust," Jian Jing ended the questioning.

As soon as she left, Dai An couldn't wait to say, "I don't think it was her."

Jian Jing asked, "Why?"

"Having an affair was already revenge against her husband, there’s no need to kill him too," Dai An gave her opinion. "And she's a good mother, her child is still very young, I don't think she could bear her child not having a father.”

"That makes a lot of sense,” Jian Jing agreed. “But the probability of spouses murdering each other is very high, we still can't draw conclusions yet. Let's ask others."

Dai An asked, "Ask who?"

Jian Jing pondered for a moment, then said smilingly, "Mrs. Bao."

She soon arrived.

Facing this beautiful woman once again, Dai An was still captivated by her charm. She couldn’t help wondering if Mrs. Bao was well aware of her own beauty, and didn’t stint on unleashing such beauty.

"You were looking for me?" Mrs. Bao's manner was like a cat just awoken from sleep, not as graceful and proper as Mrs. Che’s, with a casual charm that revealed allure.

Jian Jing cut straight to the chase, "Mr. Che has died, who do you think killed him?"

The author has something to say: Anticipating a stroke of luck and a shock

What a wondrous encounter

Transcending over the mountain peaks ahead and layers of white clouds

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