The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 102 – The cat got out of the box (Part 1)

In one of the shadiest parts of England, there was a young man with white hair currently sitting inside a pub, leaning on his seat with a bottle of what seemed to be vodka in one hand and an empty, unused glass on the table.

*sigh…* I freaking hate the state Sage Mode leaves me after using it in this world.” The young guy muttered to himself before taking a sip from the bottle of vodka.

He looked like someone that got out of a heavy fight and was currently resting. His clothes were ragged, and his upper body was only half-covered, with a coat hanging from his shoulders that barely covered his arms and mostly his right chest.

*chuckles* How I missed this kind of fight…” He said with a nostalgic face. “It’s been ages.”

He let out a deep sigh and then looked at the bottle in his hands. He just stayed there; eyes locked on the bottle, thoughts running wild in his mind.

Seconds passed, and before long, he felt something falling through his cheek. Reaching up with his hand, he felt a wet sensation slowly running down his cheeks.

“Hard night sweetie?” A melodious voice came, and the waitress that passed by asked him. Her face showed a slight worry at the strange appearance of the young guy sitting there.

It wasn’t that weird for her to receive bloodied clients inside this particular pub, that’s what you normally see in this part of the city, but something bothered her the moment she saw his face, or more exactly the expression he was making, asking before even thinking it twice.

“…” He froze for a moment, before quickly evaporating the tears that silently escaped his eyes as if there was nothing there from the start, before emptying the bottle in one long swig.

“Nothing you should be asking about.”

He stood up, dropping the bottle hard on the table while answering in a ragged voice that made the waitress frown, before paying for the drink and walking out of there.

“Hey! I was just trying to be nice. Asshole!” The voice of the waitress came from behind, but he merely walked out of the place, ignoring her.

“Not like I asked for it.” After going out, he retorted to no one and looked up at the full moon that decorated the night sky. “The fuck I’m crying for? Did I allow the alcohol to fill my mind?”

After letting out a deep sigh, he turned to look to his right, to the approaching limousine which was being escorted by two black sedans that soon parked in front of him.

At the same time, the passenger door quickly opened almost as if someone kicked it open, while someone came rushing out from there, it was Rachel who ran out of the limousine, embracing him.

“…” Cristopher stood there, with his mouth slightly open, before patting her head. “Hey.”

“!” Noticing what she did, she quickly stepped back with her cheeks red from embarrassment. “H-Hello…”

She stuttered an answer, before her eyes locked on his upper body. She has seen his upper body a few times before, even uncovered, but this time there was something that grabbed her attention and made her worry.

He was injured. There was blood all over his body and what remained of his clothes.

“A-Are you okay!?” She quickly got close to him and started checking his injuries.

“Yeah, don’t worry. I’m okay.” Cristopher chuckled at her cute actions.

“D-Don’t laugh at me! I-I’m s-serious, there are so many injuries! We need to take you to a hospital to get you checked.” Rachel’s worries weren’t going away.

“…” With a weird smile, Cristopher just embraced her, making her freeze on the spot. “Calm down. What are you freaking out for? I told you. I’m okay, right? Trust me. These are not something to be worrying about, they’ll disappear soon enough.”

While he couldn’t see her face, he still could feel and see her nodding to his words, finally calming down, but not exactly the way he thinks she calmed down.

Turns out Rachel was just having a mental and emotional breakdown right now, not knowing what to do.

At the same time, Randy, who was just looking at everything from inside the limousine, went out of the car and approached them.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Cristopher-ssi.” Randy slightly nodded with a small smile.

His voice made Rachel finch for a moment before she quietly tried to move out of Cristopher’s arms, which he allowed softly.

“Glad to see you too, Randy.” Cristopher nodded back at the butler, not paying attention to the red-faced Rachel or the glaring Heroes that got out of the black sedans parked behind the Limousine.

“Did you fight tonight?” Randy asked while looking at Cristopher’s injured body.

“Yeah, quite an eventful night on Clancy Islet, don’t you think so?”

“I sure believe so.” The butler smiled. “And talking about an eventful night, Princess, your parents are waiting for you back at the Royal Court, shouldn’t we be going there right now?”

“Y-Yes!” Nodding at her butler after finally calming down, Rachel turned to Cristopher, with a slightly sad face while looking at his injuries. “Come on, Cristopher-ssi, I’ll ask someone to take care of your injuries back at the Royal Court.”

“Sure so,” Cristopher answered with a nod, and everyone went back into the cars, ready to go towards the English Royal Court.


At the same time, in a hotel suite in Clancy Islet, Kim Hajin was currently talking with Evandel through the smartwatch.

“So? Is everything fine there Evandel?” Hajin asked her with a smile.

She was a quick learner, and soon enough, she learned how to manage the basics of technology, including Hajin’s smartphone that he stopped using after acquiring the smartwatch.

[Everything’s fine! I’m playing with Shina and making new friends!]

“Really? What kind of new friends?”

[Look! It’s a small leopard cat!] Evandel smiled through the screen while showing Hajin a small ghost leopard cat she made earlier.

While it was really early in the morning in Korea, Evandel had a thing for sleeping early and waking up really early too, so she was awake before 7:00 AM.

“Wow! It’s really cute! It looks a lot like Shina.” Hajin smiled at her while trying to disguise the real surprise he felt while looking at the leopard cat, after all, he could tell there was something different about it but didn’t know what it was that was making him feel weird.

[Yay! I made it while looking at Shina! So, she could have a friend too.] She smiled while petting the ghost leopard cat.

Hajin could see Shina through the holographic screen, she was currently laying on the couch while looking at Evandel.

He would probably get angry at her for lying on the couch, but it wasn’t his room, it was Cristopher’s room, so there was no problem.

“Remember to eat the leftovers Cristopher left for you, okay? And give Shina her food too.”

[Um!] Evandel nodded.

“Well then, I’ll be going.” Hajin said, trying to end the conversation, but Evandel called him.



[Um… Is dad close?]

“Huh? No, he isn’t close right now… He’s currently somewhere else. Why? Do you want to talk to him?”

[Yes…] Evandel nodded shyly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him.” Hajin said with a smile. “Also, we’ll be coming back tomorrow, so you should surely ask him to buy you food. Don’t forget it!”

[Yes!] Evandel’s eyes got wide-open, and stars started to shine on them, while a smile fully blossomed on her face.

At the same moment, inside the English Royal Court, a white-haired guy flinched when a chill went up to his spine.


Back in Seoul, Korea. In a small, almost empty apartment, a red-haired girl with blue eyes was currently looking at a photo.

On it, a white-haired young guy was looking at her directly, as if he discovered someone was taking a photo in the middle of him taking a bite to his hamburger.

“Why are you not answering…” The girl muttered while caressing the guy in the photo with her finger. “You’re not avoiding me, right? No… You’re not. After all, you’re my cute boyfriend, even if you don’t accept it yet. But, I’m sure, you’re already mine.”

A full smile blossomed on her face, but somehow, the smile didn’t reach her eyes. They were empty, looking directly at the eyes of the guy in the photo as if trying to look at the real one’s eyes.

“You love me. I’m sure of it. You’re just playing hard-to-get, you’re so infatuated with me that you are afraid to accept it.” She muttered, slowly caressing his face on the picture, not knowing that someone really far away from her got the chills. 

“But you know, Sweetie? You don’t have to be afraid, because I love you too, and I’m not going to leave you, never.”

A small chuckle soon escaped her mouth, slowly turning into an empty, soulless laugh that echoed around, only decorated with the pictures of the same white-haired guy, posted all around the room, in the walls, ceiling, on the bed’s headboard, the night table and the other few furniture that were scarcely placed around.

At the same time, something slowly crept inside her mind, something she didn’t notice, but that was slowly reaching her heart, or maybe, it was her heart that was pulling it.


Back at the English Royal Court, Cristopher was currently wearing a lent jacket that was given to him by the butler, Randy.

He was currently waiting inside a guest room that was quickly prepared for him, while Rachel talked with her parents, the Queen, and her consort.

Moments before, he received a message from Hajin, telling him that Evandel wanted to talk with him and that he should call her.

After some moments of hesitation, he let out a deep sigh and made the call, which Evandel quickly answered.

[Daddy!] From the other side of the holographic screen, a smiling Evandel greeted him, making him smile awkwardly.

“Hey, Ev. How are you? Everything good back there?” He quickly greeted her, trying not to appear nervous.

[Yes! I was playing with Shina and our new friend.] Evandel nodded while pointing at Shina who was sitting right behind her, looking at Cristopher through the screen.

He could also see another leopard cat, albeit a smaller one, in comparison to Shina. Probably one of a normal size back on his world.

“Did you make that new friend?” He asked her while raising one eyebrow in amusement. It was, after all, impossible for him not to notice.

[Yes! I mixed two energies!] Evandel proudly answered.

The cat that was currently in Evandel's arms wasn’t just any ghost, she managed to create a ghost mixed with Spirit Energy and Natural Energy, which wasn’t something he expected her to do for the moment.

He did teach her how to use her Natural Energy, but he didn’t expect her to mix them so soon.

{Talking about talent…} He shortly thought while looking at the ghost in her arms. {Well, again, she does have an innate ability to mold Spirit Energy and Natural Energy.}

“Nicely done, Ev.” He smiled at her through the screen. “Did an attribute manifest while you mixed Natural Energy with your Spirit Energy?”

[Um… I don’t know? I mean… The ghost can slightly handle the wind, but nothing strong…] She answered while thinking hard on the new ghost.

“It’s okay, Evandel. You’re just learning. It’s great already that you could mix both energies, but you better be careful when doing so, and wait for me. Things could go out of hand quickly when mixing different energies, okay?” He said with a small grin on his face.

[Okay, dad!] She said, before getting quiet all of a sudden.

“Is there a problem?” He asked when he noticed that she had a somewhat worried face.

[Um… When are you coming back, dad?] She asked.

“Tomorrow, though, I can’t give you a certain time, after all, there’s some time difference between England and Korea.” He said, before tilting his head. “Say, do you want me to bring you something from here?”

[!] Evandel’s eyes suddenly opened wide, while a big smile appeared on her face. [Yes! I want fried chicken and steak! Can you bring me some!?]

{Haha… I almost forgot she’s a foodie.}

“Sure, I’ll bring a lot of food back home.”

[Yes! Also… Can we go to train?] She played with her small fingers while asking.

“Mm… Sure, I don’t see why not. I still have some time before classes start, so we can try and go somewhere to train.” Cristopher answered while pondering. There were five days more until classes started.

[Yay! I’ll be waiting, dad!] Evandel said with an excited voice, while Shina meowed and purred behind her.

Noticing that someone was getting close, he decided to end the call.

“Ev, I have to go. See you tomorrow, I’ll make sure to bring you a lot of delicious food, okay?”

[Yes, dad!]

With that, they both ended the call.

{Somehow, having a child doesn’t sound that bad…} He thought with a small chuckle when remembering Evandel’s big smile.

Just as he was thinking of Evandel’s smile, someone knocked on his door.

“Excuse me, Cristopher-ssi? May I enter?” It was Randy’s voice that came from outside the door.

“Come in.” He answered while turning his head towards the door.

Randy came in, carrying some clothes in his arms. They were sweatpants and a white t-shirt that looked quite big.

“Here, these are for you, Cristopher-ssi.” He said while handing them the clothes.

“Huh?” Cristopher took them while looking puzzled. “Why would you give me clothes?”

“The Princess asked us to give you some clothes so you could change.” Randy nodded at him while pointing at a door inside the guest room. “I don’t know if you already checked, but there’s a bathroom over there, you can take a bath before changing clothes.”

Cristopher nodded.

“Thanks, I guess. I could use a bath.” With those words, he stood up, but before he could do anything else, Randy spoke again.

“Cristopher-ssi. May I ask you something?”

“Mm? Sure. Go ahead. You don’t have to be overly polite with me. I’m just Rachel’s classmate.”

“And master.” Randy pointed out.

“Pfft… Yeah, that too. In some ways.” Cristopher nodded with a grin.

“Were you the one that fought on the Thames River?” Randy asked, this time with a hard-to-read face.

“Mm? Why do you think so?” Cristopher tilted his head for a second, before shrugging. “I apologized beforehand to Rachel.”

“…” Randy’s serious face suddenly turned to one of confusion. “Um… Apologized…?”

“Yes.” Cristopher nodded. “Wasn’t that the reason you were asking? I mean, for all the destruction that happened during the fight. I apologized to the Princess about it.”

“N-No… I wasn’t asking because of that…” Randy answered with a dumbfounded face.

“Mm? Okay, I guess everything’s fine then.” Cristopher nodded, before patting Randy’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I know it’ll take some time, but the river’s beautiful views will go back to how they were before you notice it. Now then, I’m going to take a shower.”

He started to walk towards the bathroom but was once again stopped by Randy’s call.


“Was there something else, Mr. Randy?” He turned around to look at the flustered butler.

“Weren’t you going to lie about it? I mean, about you being the one that fought in the Thames River.” He asked with a curious glance.

“Pfft… Not really. Why should I?”

“I mean, when the heroes got there, you were already gone. We thought that the ones that fought already escaped not to be captured…”

“I just didn’t want to be held accountable for the damages, after all, I did everything I could to keep the destruction at the bare minimum.”

“…” Randy looked at him with his mouth slightly open. “You mean… That you escaped from there just so the English Royal Court and England didn’t request money from you?”


“Then why would you accept that you were there in the first place, right here in the English Royal Court where we could hold you accountable…?”

Randy couldn’t comprehend what the young guy in front of him was talking about, it was just nonsense.

“I’ve learned that when someone asks a question with such confidence, it’s because that person already knows the truth, or is at least confident enough that he’s right. And because right now I don’t really care, so you might be bluffing, and I still would answer the same way I did.” Cristopher shrugged his shoulders.

“…” Randy just looked at him, not knowing what to answer.

In a sense, Cristopher was right. Randy was confident about his identity. There were a few witnesses of the fight, even if they were normal people, so the English Royal Court guild could find some information, like the fact that one of the fighters was a guy with weird white hair.

If that wasn’t enough. Cristopher wasn’t in Clancy Islet like earlier that night, but somewhere in England’s more heinous streets. But it wasn’t possible for him to just abandon Clancy Islet when the portals were completely closed since the accident started.

That is unless he somehow jumped from the floating piece of land all the way down to the Thames River. It was an amazing feat, considering that the place was seven hundred meters in the sky and that he was just a 17yo cadet from Cube.

But he still thought that it would be hard to take the truth out of him, and he wasn’t even that confident to fish the truth out of him, after all, Cristopher was Rachel’s friend and master, someone that has helped the Princess grow at an amazing rate.

{He’s not normal, in many ways…} Randy thought for a moment while looking at Cristopher’s calm eyes.

He had his doubts before, but now he was certain, this young guy was someone no one could fathom.

Just the fact that he was able to teach the Princess how to control and use elementals was something that no one would believe. It would be easier to say that it was all Rachel’s gift. But the closest ones to her, and those on the upper echelon of the Royal Court guild knew the truth.

It was the guy in front of him who taught her how to develop her ability with elementals, and how to use them in a way that would take advantage of all her previous training with the sword.

“Then? Was there anything else you wanted to ask, Mr. Randy?” Cristopher asked the butler who was standing right in front of him.

“In all honesty, Cristopher-ssi. I never thought you would admit to being the one in that fight. I thought you would deny it until the very end.” Randy started to speak. “But now, I guess I could talk without any pretense. Who are you, Cristopher-ssi?”

“...” Cristopher looked at Randy to the eyes, expressionlessly. “Just a cadet from Cube.”

“I hope that you could be more honest with me, Cristopher-ssi. We both know that no cadet can have the power you have, nor the knowledge you seem to possess.”

“...” Cristopher grinned. “Impossible? I don’t know what you mean. After all, I’m indeed a cadet. I’m me, and will always be me, a cadet. An orphan. The guy with weird white hair and a problematic personality. I’m sure you can find all that information by yourself if you look a little bit into my profile on Cube. Not the official one, of course.”

“...” Randy looked at the grinning Cristopher, not even answering.

“So, let me be the one to ask this time. What do you want to confirm, Mr. Randy? You already know I’m the one to make a mess in the Thames River, just as I’m the one to teach Rachel how to contract elementals and use their power most efficiently for her battle style. I think that’s all you need to know. And don’t be mistaken, I’m not one to disclose my personal information just because, it’s just that I don’t care if it is found out, those are two completely different things.”

“...” Randy nodded.

“Are we done then?” Cristopher asked with a smile this time.

“Just one last question.” Randy smiled too. “Are you perhaps interested in joining the Royal Court guild?”

“Not really, you see, I’m not particularly interested in guilds. At least to me, they seem a little bit… Restrictive. I love my freedom.”

“I understand.” Randy slightly bowed, before smiling once again. “Though, I still hope you can keep helping our young miss.”

“Sure, I was planning to do so even if you didn’t ask.” Cristopher shrugged. “Now, I’ll go take a shower.”

“Suit yourself, Cristopher-ssi, if you need anything, you can call any of the servants around. They will help you in any way they can. A doctor will also come to check you, Princess’ orders.” With one last bow, Randy went out of the room.

{It’s not necessary at all...} Cristopher thought for a moment while entering the bathroom, taking off the lent jacket, noticing that some of the injuries were already healing at a fast rate.


An hour later. In one of the gardens of the English Royal Court, in a small pavilion, Rachel and Cristopher were talking with a cup of tea.

“Are you sure you don’t want the doctors to check your injuries?” Rachel asked with a worried face.

“I’m sure. Relax, I’m good, really.” Cristopher just chuckled at her, while rolling his eyes.

“Don’t laugh...” Rachel pouted slightly. “I’m just worried about you...”

Her cheeks got slightly red after she said that, but at least this time, she didn’t act flustered.

“I’m okay, really. I heal fast thanks to the Natural Energy inside my body.” Cristopher said before sipping from his cup of tea.

“...” Rachel only nodded. “By the way...” She tried to ask something but stopped.

“Mm? What happened?” Cristopher asked, noticing a weird air around her.

“Were you able to win against that man?” She looked up at him.

“Huh? Win? No, not precisely. We just fought to a draw, there wasn’t enough time to decide a winner.” Cristopher crossed his arms while tilting his head. “But why the sudden question?”

“...” Rachel looked down. “It’s just that… I couldn’t do anything against him… I felt so impotent… So helpless...”

“Don’t condemn yourself. He wasn’t an opponent that just anyone could fight. That guy might be a brute, but he’s a really strong brute. Not just any hero could fight him and get out alive.”

“But you could. And you’re a cadet. Just like me.” Rachel said with a frown.

*sigh…* Rachel, at this point, you should know that I’m not precisely a normal cadet. You can’t compare yourself to me.” Cristopher said with stern eyes. “It’s not that you’re weak. You’re really strong. But you’re still growing. There’s still a lot of time for you to grow and reach your full potential. In time, you’ll become stronger than what you think you’re capable of.”

“...” Rachel thought for a moment. “ But… I want to stop feeling like this. I don’t want to feel impotent again. I don’t want to fear that someone else will be in danger because of my lack of power.”

She looked down, at her fidgeting hands, a slight trembling was present on them. Fear could be seen on her face, fear of her past, of seeing once again the dying eyes of those around her.

A fear that denies her own existence. That makes her doubt if it should have been her and not them.

“I-I…” She gulped hard. “I don’t want to be the one to be protected while others die around me-”

“Stop doubting you then.” Cristopher interrupted her, making her look up at him. “What are you going to achieve while doubting yourself? Self-pity is only going to lead you towards misery.”

“...” She didn’t retort. Even when she tried to. She wanted to say that it wasn’t self-pity, that she was simply powerless, that she hasn’t changed even with all her training. But she couldn’t, there was something in his eyes that stopped her, that froze her to the core.

“I don’t know what happened to you in the past, nor will I tell you that you should stop thinking about it.” Cristopher continued. “But you have to turn it into fuel to make you grow stronger. Let all the sorrow, pain, sadness, and anger fuel your own growth, don’t let those feelings become shackles that will tie you down to a past you can’t change.”

{As if I’m one to talk...} A small thought crossed his mind, but this wasn’t about him, it was about the young girl in front of him.

“Shit happens. We can’t control what life throws at us, but we can at least control the way we go through them. So, tell me now, what will you do to go through the shit life throws at you, Rachel?”

“...” Rachel looked down. Not knowing what to answer at first, slowly remembering what happened that day, the day that made the one who once swore to protect her, suddenly turn against her.

She was small, not even close to being as powerful as she was right now, she was just a child, she knew that it was impossible for her to do anything. So why? Why would she despise herself so much?


Because It was her fault that they died, that Lancaster’s family died. Because they died while protecting her, giving her time so she could escape. They died so England’s Princess could survive another day.


She lives carrying the guilt of a survivor. Guilt that’s slowly eating her inside-out, no matter how much she tries to fight back. To grow stronger so the story won’t repeat again. To stop being the ‘princess’ that must be protected at the cost of someone else’s life. But that has to change.

“I will...”

As if time around her stopped, only images of her first semester at Cube were replaying themselves in her mind. 

The moment she felt that there were mountains that seemed so tall when she met Kim Suho and Shin Jonghak.

The moment her first place in theory crumbled down.

The moment she met both Kim Hajin and Cristopher. Two black horses that hid a power she, and probably any other cadet, couldn’t possess.

The things she went through with them. The friendship that was born from those moments.

The first time she fought against Cristopher; when she unwillingly felt that no matter what she did, there was no way for her to surpass him.

The moment she discovered that there was more to her.

The training she went through to control her newly discovered power.

The first time she contracted an elemental.

How she got stronger with each passing day.

“I will be stronger...” A new resolution filled her mind.

Her eyes shone with determination while she turned her head up to look at her friend. Her teacher. Her master.

Looking deep into her eyes, he knew she was trying to put an end to her inner fight. She was trying to go beyond her past and look up to the future.

It won’t be easy. He knows it. But he was proud nonetheless. Proud to be able to see her trying to overcome herself.

{Without knowing it yourself, you are already far braver and stronger than I could be, Rachel.} A small smile slowly showed itself as he looked directly into her eyes.

“Will you help me, master?” A determined voice came out of Rachel.

No shame, no stuttering, no delay. Pure will and desire turned into words, waiting to be acknowledged, reciprocated.

A hand slowly made its way over the table. Stopping right in front of Rachel.

Cristopher, not once taking his eyes out of hers, had stretched out his hand.

“Of course.” He smiled at her more brightly. “Did the thought that I would stop doing so ever crossed your mind?”

“...” She smiled, looking like an elf princess out of a fairy tale, and reached his hand with her own. “It never did.”

She held his hand with strength. As if not wanting to let go of it. Wishing for her determination to never falter.

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