The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 104 – The cat got out of the box (part 3)

Three days before the start of the second semester in Cube. On a bench outside the freshmen’s dorms, Hajin was currently seated.


[Oh, Hajin, What’s up?]

“Hyung, did you get what I wanted?”

I was calling Park Soohyuk because of last week’s petition. 

[Yeah, I looked up the motorcycles with the best specs like you wanted, but it is really expensive. 150 million won. Agusta, I think it was called.]

After the previous accident in London, I’ve got a liking for motorcycles, so I asked Park Soohyuk to get me one with the best specs possible.

“Is that including all the additional functionalities you can put on it?”

{It’s not like I can’t modify it with my authority, but the better specs it has, the less I’ll have to add.}

[No, it gets even more expensive. With things like mana coating and engine reinforcement, the final cost will be way more than what it’s worth.]

“Do it anyway, I won a lot of money at the Casino.”

{Also… Soon Packhorse Masters will conquer Suwon Devil’s Nest, and I’ll become rich with the increase of its shares.}

[Okay… I’ll put in an order. But where are you going to ride it? There isn’t anywhere in Korea that’s suitable for such a high-spec motorcycle.]

“It’s fine.”

With the Horse Saddle that I bought in one of Clancy Islet’s antique shops and Aether, my driving skills won’t be a problem at all. I also had bullet time in the case of an emergency.

[Okay, I’ll order it under our company’s name, so come pick it up later.]

“Thanks, oh right. Is the company growing well?”

[Hahaha… We have thirteen hunters with us now. You don’t have to worry.]

“Oh! What an improvement~”

[Haha, it’s all thanks to you. We’re preparing to expand our business. We’re going to move to a better place soon too.]

“Then I’ll invest. Like I said before, I won a lot of money at the casino.”

I kept talking for a while with Park Soohyuk until a notification got to my smartwatch. It was from Violet Banquet.

Hanging up the call, I checked the notification.

It was a commission to the Truth Agency. The first one in quite a while.

[Please find this person]

A short sentence, accompanied by a lot of information on a single person.

“Fernin Jesus...” I muttered.

It was someone I knew. Someone related to Tomer. The man she loved the most, but the one she hated the most. Her father.

I quickly stood up and went to my room. Thankfully, Evandel wasn’t here for the moments, she was training with Cristopher, so I had my empty room to think.

Tomer was an unusual Djinn. At first, she didn’t sell her soul, at least, not all of it. She only sold half her soul.

And that was to get the necessary power to kill her father with her own hands.


She would originally find her father with Wicked’s help, a Djinn organization that was part of the Nine Evils, the counterpart of the Nine Stars. The so-called “enemies of humanity”.

After finding him, she would kill him herself, fully dedicating her life to Wicked. This would allow her to climb the stages and become one of Wicked’s executives thanks to her power, something she did at the point where I went on Hiatus.

{Maybe if I helped her find her father, clarifying the truth about what happened, I would be able to bring her to my side... } I thought for a moment before shaking my head.

Tomer has always thought that his father went crazy and killed her mother. But it wasn’t exactly true.

It was a mechanism I put inside the novel to bring Tomer to Suho’s side, but I never used it.

*Sigh...* I guess there isn’t a problem if I just look for him, right?” I muttered for a moment before activating the Book of Truth.

“Argh...” After asking, the two streaks of Stigma I had were used. My left arm felt numb, while an intense headache invaded my head, making my vision blurry for a moment.

I fell to the floor, shaking from the pain. And it wasn’t until a few moments later that I was finally able to recover. Seeing a message in front of me.

[Fernin Jesus changed his name to ‘Agus Benjamin’, and has retired after undergoing plastic surgery.]

The two streaks of Stigma were enough to give me his current status, but not enough to tell me where he was.

“I’ll have to wait for my Stigma to be restored if I want to find his whereabouts.” I thought for a moment before going towards my bed, after all, I still felt the symptoms of emptying my Stigma’s magic power.


At South Hamgyeong Province’s mountain, deep inside a reconstructed cave, was the secret sanctuary of Wicked.

Their secret base.

A field agent from Wicked quickly made his way through one of the offices in the base, ignoring a few whispering Djinns and quickly reaching his target.

“Tomer.” He said shortly.

“What now...” Tomer whispered in a really low voice, but different from what she thought, the field agent did hear her.

Still, he only frowned. After all, while she seemed to be a normal 20 years old young girl, she had power and could be considered one of the elites in Wicked, even if her position was just like that of a regular Djinn.

“There’s a mission.” He quickly said while reaching her desk.

“A mission...?” Tomer was slightly surprised to hear the field agent.

“Yes. An observation mission.” He quickly put a thick stack of documents on her desk. Which Tomer slowly took.


Two days before the start of the second semester in Cube. In the forest close to the first-year dorms, two cadets were sparing, or what looked like it at least.


“Come on, you have to be faster. You already dominated the vertical movement, right? You just have to adapt to attack while moving on a vertical surface.”

Cristopher was currently avoiding knives that were constantly being thrown at him from multiple angles.

“I’m trying! But how the hell can you even evade them without looking at them!”

Olivia, the one responsible for throwing them, shouted back while sitting over a tree’s branch.

“And who says I’m not seeing them? It’s just that I have a different way of seeing things. But that’s not the point. Why are you even resting? You’ve only been at this for like two hours.”

“HA! And that seems too little for you!?”

“Yes, of course, it is. You’re barely jumping from tree to tree, changing your altitude, and throwing knives. You’re not even mixing your Gift in the equation.”

“Come on! Give me some rest… I’ve been working hard during all the vacations just to be able to run up and down the tree...” Olivia said before sighing.

“No, not resting, come on. You better move your lazy ass or I’ll be the one doing the attacking and you the avoiding.”


“You heard me. Now, move you sloth. Or I’ll make sure you won’t be able to stop moving when it’s your time to evade.”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I’ll do it! I’ll keep attacking!”

A worried Olivia quickly stood up from the branch and jumped down, not falling into the ground, but turning her body mid-air to attach herself to the tree’s trunk, right before throwing some knives towards Cristopher.

After a few more hours, Olivia was laying down on the ground, panting, while Cristopher was writing something on his smartwatch.

*sigh...* I swear… Ha… Ha...  I’m dead tired… Couldn’t you... go easier on me? Ha… Ha...”

“Oh come, it wasn’t that hard.”

“You... didn’t let me rest... for even a second!”

“You’re doing it right now.” Cristopher shrugged, before putting down his arm. “Oh well, I guess it’s time to leave now. Are you staying here?”

“Yes… I will stay for a little while longer… I need to catch my breath first...”

“Ok, suit yourself. I’ll be going, have something to do.” Cristopher started walking, but after some steps, he heard Olivia speak to him, so he stopped.

“Tomorrow at the same hour?” She asked him while staring at his back.

“Sure, wait for me here.” He answered without looking back at her, before starting to walk again.


Sunday before the start of classes.

After getting out of Seoul’s Magic Tower, Kim Hajin started to walk through the streets of Seoul.

“It seems I’ll have to wait for a little bit...” He muttered for himself.

Earlier that day he decided to visit Seoul’s Magic Tower to engrave some seals into his obsidian bracelet.

He looked for a 4-star Artifact Artificer, which was the highest-ranked magician an ordinary person could meet.

He wanted to inscribe some physical enhancement magic seals. But what he was looking for was quite expensive, so he didn’t have any other choice other than waiting for Packhorse Masters to conquer Suwon Devil’s Nest.

*Sigh...* Well, maybe Cristopher could do something with the Obsidian Bracelet for the moment. After all, the increased power of my gun turned out great.” With a nod, he looked towards his smartwatch.

[Kim Hajin: Hey, I need help with the obsidian bracelet I got back at Clancy Islet, could you help me engrave some runes on it?]

After writing to him. He started to walk back towards Seoul’s Portal Station, thinking about something.

{It’s quite weird, I haven’t heard anything from that guy since yesterday now that I think about it...} He rubbed his chin. 

{Oh well, I guess he should be in some dungeon. But he could at least let Evandel know if he wasn’t going to pick her up.}

With a sigh, he kept walking. At least until he received a message.

“There he is.” With a smirk, he turned on his smartwatch.

[Olivia: Hey. Have you heard something from Cristopher?]

{Huh? Now, this is weird.}

[Kim Hajin: No, why? I haven’t heard from him since yesterday.]

[Olivia: I’ve been waiting for quite a while now. He was supposed to be here today to help me train. But he isn’t even answering my calls.]

“...” Hajin looked at the chat, thinking if there was a chance that he ran into a problem. “No, I don’t think that guy would be in a problem, if anything, he’s the problem with that tongue of his.”

[Kim Hajin: Are you sure you just got there early?]

[Olivia: By almost five hours? Yeah, right. I’m not an idiot like him.]


{Why do I have a bad premonition?} He thought for a moment, before shaking his head.

“It’s Cristopher we’re talking about. There’s no way something happened to him.”

[Olivia: Either way, if you see him, let him know that I’m going to kick him for ditching the training.]

“He sure is drinking or something somewhere...” With a bad premonition, he went back to Cube.


Monday came, and classes finally started back in Cube.

Kim Hajin was currently sitting in the classroom, checking the major characters’ social media while classes started. Around him, most cadets were talking about what they did during the summer vacations.

“Hi, Kim Hajin-ssi.” It was then that someone called him. Turning to look up at the one calling for him, it turned out to be Rachel.

“Oh, hello Rachel, how are you?”

“I’m good, thank you. And you? How was your vacation?”

“I’ve been good, thanks. And I spent most of my vacation training.” Hajin answered while thinking that it was not so bad for Rachel to speak more than she did in the original novel.

“Me too… I’ve been focusing a lot on my training these days.” She nodded with a little smile, before looking at the empty seat beside Hajin. “Um, have you seen Cristopher?”

“...” Hajin looked beside him before sighing. “No, actually not. I haven’t heard from him since Saturday.”

“Really...?” Her face turned a little sad. “He hasn’t answered my texts either… Maybe something happened to him?” She asked, with a worried face.

“No, I don’t think so.” Hajin shook his head. “Hey, he always gets late to classes, so he’ll probably get here seconds before the class starts.”

“Haha...” Rachel chuckled. “That’s true… Master’s a little bit clumsy with time...”

“Mm?” Hajin opened his eyes before tilting his head at Rachel’s comment.

“Did I say something funny?” She also tilted her head curiously.

“Well, this is the first time I heard you calling him master without actually looking shy about it.”

“Well… He IS my master.” She said while looking down, her cheeks turning red. “I’ve decided that there’s no reason why I couldn’t call him that. Is it?”

“Huh...” Hajin’s mouth hung low, the same with a few cadets that happened to hear her comment.

“Um… Hajin-ssi?”

“Oh, RIGHT! Right... ” He nodded. “No, it’s not weird at all.”

Someone else came closer to them.

“As if. It gives me the chills just thinking about calling that guy master...” It was Olivia, who actually came to talk to Hajin.

“...” Rachel frowned at her comment, but stayed quiet.

“Don’t give me that look, it’s true.” She frowned at Rachel before turning to Hajin. “Hey, Hajin, did you get a hold on that asshole?”

“No. As I was saying, I haven’t heard from him since last Saturday.”

*Sigh...* Just where the hell did that guy go all of a sudden...” Olivia shook her head. “Not even a text to apologize.”

Rachel perked her ears at Olivia’s words and turned to her.

“Um… Why would he apologize to you?” She asked.

“Well, he ditched our training yesterday. He was supposed to help me train, but never appeared.”

“...” Rachel frowned again. “Is he… Training you?”

“Yes.” Olivia also frowned. “Why? Did you think that you were the only one that could be trained by him?”

“I didn’t say that… But-” Rachel tried to answer but was interrupted by Kim Soohyuk who entered the class.

“Ok, ok, everyone, sit down. Class is starting soon.” He said, reaching his desk and knocking loudly on it to gather everyone’s attention.

Silently, both Olivia and Rachel went back to their seats.

“Today’s the start of the second semester.” Kim Soohyuk said while looking around. “As you all know, the second semester comes with a big change. Not only will your rankings be different, but new cadets will also join the class. Maybe some of you went to the welcoming ceremony yesterday.”

The day before the start of the second semester was the day when all the magicians wishing to be heroes will officially transfer Cube from Korea’s ten magic schools. 

There were a total of 200 magicians each year, with every class getting 20 of them.

“These transfer students will join us starting from today. Come in.” Kim Soohyuk said while clapping.

With Kim Soohyuk and the rest of the cadet’s clapping, the door opened and a group of black-robed magicians started to walk in.

{One, two, three...} Hajin mentally started to count them, before suddenly opening his eyes wide. {What...!?}

From among the twenty black-robbed magicians, Kim Hajin noticed someone in particular. Someone that shouldn’t be there.

Even with her skin whitened and her hair dyed, he could still recognize her. It was Tomer.

Being raised in Korea since she was ten years, Tomer was actually admitted into Gangwondo Magic Academy. Even if she quit four years after that, just by being admitted her status as a magician was guaranteed. And with the help of Cube’s djinns executives, it wasn’t difficult for her to infiltrate the place.

“Everybody, take a seat.” Kim Soohyuk spoke, and every magician took a seat in any empty spot they found. Tomer took a seat in the middle row, right in the row Hajin was.

“Now, I will announce the ranking changes. There have been some surprises this time around.” He said with a smirk.

While the professor spoke, he quickly turned on his smartwatch and checked if there was any change to the story thanks to the smartwatch link that helped him access his laptop through his smartwatch.

[Tomer – Although she plays an important role in the story, her appearance and strength are too sudden. It is better to create a connection between her and other major characters from the beginning.]

Hajin clicked his tongue at the message.

{Doing useless things again...} He thought.

“Rank 1!” Kim Soohyuk started, before pausing to look around with a frown.

Everyone was surprised at his look. But before someone could ask, he continued.



The entire classroom got completely still, some people inhaled deeply at the surprise.

*Cough, cough*” After coughing to get everyone’s attention again, he shouted again. “Rank 2...!” He looked around before sighing again. “Rachel!”

The cadets started to look around. Shin Jonghak even hit his desk at the surprise of the announcement.

“Rank 3! Kim Suho!”

It wasn’t until the third rank that Kim Suho’s name finally appeared.

“Rank 4! Shin Jonghak.”

Followed as usual by Shin Jonghak.

“Rank 5! Chae Nayun!”

“Rank 6! Shen Yu’an!”

“Rank 7! Yoo Yeonha!” 

“Rank 8!...” After the first ten ranked cadets were announced. Kim Soohyuk stopped. The rest of them had to look at a wall poster that was put in the classroom by Yi Yeonghan, who was now the 12th ranked cadet.

Hajin on the other hand, wasn’t that far behind, as he actually got the 17th rank.

*Cough* Well… Now that the ranks were announced, it is time to start classes. Now for you to know the new transfer students better, we have an outdoor class where you’ll be building trust among yourself.” With a grin, he led everyone out.

“Hey! Hajin!” Kim Suho, followed by Chae Nayun, got close to Kim Hajin as they all walked towards the outdoor class’ site.

“Huh? Oh, hey.” Kim Hajin nodded while greeting him. “Is there a problem?”

“No, actually, I just wanted to congratulate you. Haha...” Suho scratched the back of his head while smiling awkwardly.

“Yeah, who could tell that someone like you would increase his rank so much?” Chae Nayun rolled her eyes while frowning.

“Well, who knows, maybe I’ll be catching up to you soon?” Hajin retorted back at her.

“Yeah, right! As if. You’re just lucky because your theory grades are a little bit better than mine. That’s all.” She growled at him.

“I don’t remember the final exam to be a theory exam, though.” But he just smirked back.


“Okay, stop, both of you. I just wanted to congratulate you, and Cristopher, but it seems he isn’t around, huh...” Kim Suho said while looking around. “It’s weird. He has never missed a class...”

“You’re right, that guy might be late from time to time, but he’s never missing.” It wasn’t Kim Hajin who answered, but Kim Soohyuk, the chief instructor. “Do you know why he is missing the first day of classes? Cadet Kim Hajin?”

“Actually no, professor. I suddenly lost all contact with him a couple of days ago.”

“Is that so...” Kim Soohyuk said, while the rest of the students that were close started to whisper.

“I haven’t been able to contact him either professor.” Rachel who listened to the conversation while walking close also intervened. “Maybe something happened to him?”

“Rachel, huh... ” Soohyuk nodded at her. “Well, I’m not sure, he may be lazing around.”

“That’s not true!” Rachel said. “He never lazes around.”

“Mm?” Everyone got interested in her comment. Which actually caught Jonghak and Yoo Yeonha’s attention. Especially the latter, who was still trying to find a way to poach back to Essence of the Strait.

“And why do you say that? Princess?” Chae Nayun smirked.

“Because he’s been training me. And he has never lazed around when doing the things he has to do...” Rachel shyly answered, noticing how everyone looked at her.

“Okay, okay, calm down.” Noticing the tension, Kim Soohyuk stopped walking to calm everything.

It was then that a smartwatch rang multiple times, as if someone was writing to him in a hurry, and alerted everyone. It was Kim Hajin’s smartwatch.

“...” Giving a quick look at it, he sighed. “Well, it seems that the mystery of the missing cadet is going to be solved soon.”

“Says Korea’s Sherlock, huh?” Chae Nayun mixed in a comment with a grin.

“Was it cadet Cristopher who wrote to you?” Kim Soohyuk asked.

“Yes, he’s probably on his way here, I’ll let him know we’re having an outside class.” Hajin nodded at the instructor.

“Great. You do that. Well, everybody! Let’s keep moving.” With those words, Kim Soohyuk started to walk again with everyone following him.

“Um… What did Cristopher write?” Rachel asked shyly.

“Yes! We’re all intrigued now.” Followed by Chae Nayun who tried to get close to them.

“That asshole better have a good explanation for disappearing so suddenly.” Olivia spoke suddenly, scaring Kim Hajin.

“Woah! Since when are you here?” He frowned at her.

“Oh come on, you all were making a ruckus and I heard Cristopher’s name so I came to see what it was. Stop babbling and check the text, will you?” Olivia retorted while rolling her eyes.

“Right, right-!” While shaking his head, he quickly opened the message, only to suddenly stop. Eyes wide open and mouth hanging low.

“Huh? Is there a problem?” Olivia frowned.

Noticing the change in his expression, Olivia, Rachel, Chae Nayun, Kim Suho, and even Yoo Yeonha, who was hearing from slightly far, stopped.

“Huh…” Hajin just looked at the holographic screen. “This is...”

“Speak already!” Chae Nayun hurried him. “What happened!?”

Hearing Chae Nayun, Kim Soohyuk noticed the change, and frowned, walking back to them.

“Is there a problem?” He asked Hajin.

“It seems that...” Hajin started to answer. “It seems that Cristopher needs help…?”

He knew what he was saying. He heard himself, but for some reason, he couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“WHAT!?” Both Olivia and Rachel asked at the same time. Really surprised at what they were hearing, after all, they both knew the strength he had.

“Help?” Soohyuk frowned. “What’s going on?”

“Yes… See here.” Still not believing what he read, he showed the message to Kim Soohyuk, and the others took the chance to look at it too.

[Cristopher: Yo!]

[Cristopher: Probably need help right now.]

[Cristopher: You see, I’m a little bit stuck here. Haha...]

[Cristopher: So, would you be a good friend and lend me a hand?]

[Cristopher: I’m in Seoul, in the apartment]

“It seems that he couldn’t finish writing that last line...” Chae Nayun muttered with her mouth slightly open.

“Yeah...” Kim Suho also nodded.

“Okay. This may be a problem.” Kim Soohyuk frowned, but before he could say another thing, another text came in.

[Cristopher: That was a close call. Look for me in apartment 4, floor 3, at the Lofty Sun Residential Building.]

[Cristopher: Don’t tell anyone else. Come alone.]




“...” Hajin looked at the message and closed his mouth, before looking around. “Well...” He turned off the smartwatch. “Instructor, I may need to help him, so…”

“Yes… You may go.” The Instructor nodded. “I’ll allow it for this once as it seems there’s an abnormal situation.”

“Yes. Thank you.” Hajin nodded, before turning around. But was quickly stopped by the instructor’s hand gripping his shoulder.

“But. You shouldn’t go alone.” Kim Soohyuk said before turning to Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, and Shin Jonghak. “You three. Go with him.”

“Why should I go with them?” Shin Jonghak frowned.

“I’ll go instead of him.” Rachel raised her hand.

“Shin Jonghak. I already spoke.”

“Instructor. I’m sufficient to help him.”

“Am I speaking in another language or something? I said that you’re not going alone. Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, and Shin Jonghak are going with you. Rachel, you can go too.”

“I volunteer too!” Olivia raised her hand.

“...” Kim Soohyuk frowned. “Right. You all go, and better write a report on what’s happening. I want to know what’s happening for one of the students to be missing.”

“...” Hajin just sighed before walking towards Cube Portal Station.

{He’s going to kill me...}  He thought for a moment, before sighing again.

“Hey, do you really think that guy is in trouble?” Chae Nayun walked close to him.

“I don’t know. I just...” Hajin sighed again. “I just don’t think there could be something in Seoul that could really put him in trouble.”


“This is just a waste of time. I swear. if it is some kind of joke, I’ll make that guy pay.”

“Pff, right. How? Are you going to fight with him?” Olivia smirked at Shin Jonghak.

“You shut up. Trash.”

“Ha! Right. Said the one trashed during the midterms. You sure are familiar with the term ‘trash’.”


“Ok. Stop. We have a mission, let’s go. We don’t know what’s happening, so we should hurry.” Kim Suho intervened with a stern face.

“...” Shin Jonghak only frowned and kept walking, while Olivia just clicked her tongue.

Once they got to Cube Portal Station, they got to Seoul and looked for the residential building on their smartwatch.

“Well, it’s not that far. We could run for it.” Chae Nayun said while looking at the map app. “Let’s go!”

At her comment, everyone nodded, with the exception of Olivia, who was looking at a clothes store.

“Wait.” She said. “I just remembered something.”

“Huh? What is it?” Hajin asked.

“Well, Cristopher once asked me for help like that, and he asked me to bring him some clothes. Maybe something similar happened right now?”

“Are you kidding me!?” Jonghak growled at her. “Clothes? Are you really thinking about shopping right now? This is ridiculous. Let’s go. The faster we end this, the better.”

*Tsk.* It was just a suggestion.”

“Come on, let’s move now!” Chae Nayun urged them.


Meanwhile, in the Lofty Sun Residential Building, Cristopher was currently laying on a bed, completely naked, while the bed was caged from all sides.

“Hm?” He suddenly flinched, slapping his face with his cuffed hands. “Oh right, I forgot to tell him to bring me clothes.”

But just as he was about to text the others again, he stopped. Outside of the apartment, he could feel Angelica coming in.

He clicked his tongue and put his smartwatch back on a table that was far from the bed using his Magic Power.

“Sweetie~ I’m home~” After coming into the apartment, Angelica walked towards the bedroom. “There you are~ Just where I left you~ Did you miss me? I’m sure you did~”

With a broad smile, she came close to the cage.

“Hey, Angelica, could you just stop all of this? We can talk this out, I promise I won’t tell anyone about what you’ve done.”

“Mm? But I don’t see any problem~ We’re together now~ And you won’t leave my side~”

*Sigh...* Come on, Angelica. You know this isn’t right. I’m asking you to reconsider this...”

“...” Angelica's smiling face froze, her eyes lost focus for a moment, and her smile just grew wider. “Why? Maybe you want to leave me and go with all the whores that gather around you? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!? TO LEAVE MY SIDE!?”

She said while a pink-colored aura filled with Magic Power flowed from her, permeating the entire room, including the cage and handcuffs, that also started to shine in a really bright pink color.

“Woah, easy there.” He tried to calm her down. “First of all, you know that we’re not together! We’re friends. With benefits, yes, but friends nonetheless. And what the hell do you mean with whores?”

“SHUT UP!” Angelica hit the cage with the palm of her hand. “You won’t ever leave that cage for as long as you don’t admit you love me and will stay with me forever!”

“Angelica… I’m telling you. I’m getting a little bit tired of this play. So, could we just stop all of this and be civilized?” With a sigh, Cristopher kept trying to talk her out of this.

“Hahaha~ I don’t know what you mean, sweetie~” She smiled while covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m being civilized. It is you that isn’t helping this out~”

*Tsk...* Angelica, seriously. Let’s just stop this, okay? I’m giving you a chance here, so take it. Could you?”

“HAHAHAHAHA” Angelica started to laugh maniacally. “A chance~? A CHANCE!? WHAT CHANCE! You just want to leave with those whores!” Once again, she hit the cage, panting in rage.

“...” Cristopher just sat there on the bed. Looking at her eyes, which were out of focus, a pink-colored Magic Power flowing inside them.

“You don’t want to hear me? FINE! You’ll stay here with me! For all eternity!” She said, before leaving the room.

Letting out a deep sigh, Cristopher once again laid down on the bed.

“Just what the hell happened here... ” He muttered to himself, before closing his eyes. “If this keeps going...  *Sigh...*

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