The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 128 – Foundations

[I hope all of you are ready! Because now… the duel STARTS!]

As soon as the announcer’s words rang through the arena, Jin Sang-Ah moved her staff in a wide motion, conjuring hundreds of magic circles of different colors all around the place.

At the sight, Cristopher whistled. “That’s some amazing magic control.” He said, looking around. “I’ll admit it. You are better than those I had to fight before.”

Giving no answer, Jin Sang-Ah started to chant, while hundreds of basic spells hurdled towards Cristopher from the magic circle.

Ice and fire spears shattered and exploded against his barrier, while the earth tremble all around him with earth spikes shooting up only to be broken as soon they impacted the barrier.

A small tornado of wind spun with strength around him, with hundreds of wind blades slashing at the barrier.

{She has quite a good control of her magic power, and her mana pool looks to be quite good too.} Cristopher thought as he looked around. {She’s good for her age.}

----” Meanwhile Jin Sang-Ah kept chanting, and soon enough, a magic circle appeared below Cristopher. But instead of stopping, she just chanted even faster.

{Mm…} Cristopher looked below. Different from the other magic circles, this one had a different feeling on it. It wasn’t a simple elemental spell. {Interesting.}

As her chanted kept going, more magic circles appeared, until she finally conjured 5 of them. The five magic circles had different colors, but they all formed a tower with Cristopher in the center of it.

{Ho… Look at this. It’s amazing to see someone so young can conjure something like this.} He whistled as he looked around him at the magic circles that covered him. A smirk formed on his face.

“---JUDGMENT!” After a long chant, Jin Sang-Ah finished with a strong stomp of her staff while pointing her free palm towards Cristopher.

The five magic circles shone and from the top-most magic circle, a golden light fell, like a beam filled with destruction, it connected with the other magic circles, shining brighter each time it reached the next one. In an instant, the golden beam of light reached Cristopher and connected with the last magic circle, and all five circles shone even more than before, blinding those that were closer to it.

The earth trembled and a thunderous explosion covered the whole arena. Dust filled the place, making it impossible to see more than some cracked lines that extended from the center of the explosion and went all the way out from the cloud of dust.

“…” Hajin looked surprised at the sight, while the rest did the same.

“She’s… Powerful…” Emma said flabbergasted.

“Yeah…” And Olivia nodded.

“How can someone like that be a cadet…” Chae Nayun asked.

At these words, Yoo Yeonha shook her head. “She took too long to chant that spell. If it wasn’t for the barrage of basic spells, she wouldn’t have time to chant it. Also… Cristopher’s speed is limited… He can’t reach her fast enough unless he knows a movement spell…”

“…” Kim Suho frowned before he shook his head. “It’s not like he couldn’t stop her… He just didn’t do it.”

“Why would he do that?” Yi Yeonghan asked with a tilted head.

“I don’t know.” Kim Suho answered. “But with how fast he can cast his spells, and with how sturdy his barrier is, I don’t understand why he would let her take her time.”

“Ha…” Hajin sighed and smiled wryly.

“Do you know something, Hajin?” Rachel asked.

Everyone turned to look at him.

“Well…” Scratching the back of his head he looked at the cloud of dust that was slowly dissipating, showing a wide crater, almost twice the size of the magic circles that were summoned by Jin Sang-Ah. “If I had to guess… I would say he just found her amusing…” Hajin said with an awkward chuckle.


Everyone looked at him weirdly, but sighing, he just pointed at the slowly appearing crater.

“How!?” Chae Nayun asked with her mouth wide open.

Hajin shook his head, still with his awkward smile. His brow twitching. “Ask him... not me...”

With the cloud of dust finally dispersed, they could see Cristopher standing on a lonely platform in the middle of a wide hole. He was smirking.

“Ha...Haha…” Back in the arena, Jin Sang-Ah couldn’t help but chuckle awkwardly. After all, she just saw someone receiving what was probably her strongest spell without even a scratch.

“Well, that was surprising.” As she was trying to find a way to break his impenetrable barrier, Cristopher spoke. “I didn’t think someone could break my barrier during this competition.”

“What…?” Jin Sang-Ah opened her mouth wide. “I broke… your barrier?”

“Yeah.” Cristopher said as he reached with his finger in front of him. As he made a gesture of touching something with his finger, a crystal-like object shattered and fell into thousands of pieces.

“But… How?” She asked. “If I broke it… Why are you standing as if nothing happened…?”

“Easy.” Cristopher shrugged “I just send a little bit more Magic Power into the barrier, and it lasted enough for me not to get hurt.” {Granted, I didn't use everything I had to form it in the first place, but these are cadets. It's already an overkill standing in front of her.} He thought for a moment, letting out a small sigh.

“…” Jin Sang-Ah looked at him flabbergasted.

“Oh well. I really must compliment you. That was some amazing magic control, and I didn’t’ expect magic like that to be used here. But I was mistaken, apparently.” Cristopher said, he then started taking off his earphones. “Also… I must thank you because until now, I was honestly disappointed. I thought I would be fighting against some promising magicians, but I got some snotty brats instead. You, my lady, are quite different from them.”

“…” Jin Sang-Ah had a confused expression as she heard him talk, at least until she felt it.

“And so, as a way for me to thank you, I will give you an answer to your question.” He said with a smile.

No one from the audience noticed. No one except Ah Hae-In, and Jin Sang-Ah. The former just stood up from her seat, while the latter paled and started sweating cold. She wanted to step back, but her body didn’t answer.

Ah Hae-In might have more experience and tremendous power, and it’s because of her prowess in magic that she could notice something changed. But Jin Sang-Ah could feel it directly in her body, her soul. Since she was a small kid, she could feel Magic Power, it was really close to her, and it’s because of it that she could become such an amazing genius with magic.

But now… That same talent is making her feel afraid. Her whole body was screaming in silent terror.

[I must say. Your sensitivity to Magic Power is amazing, it’s on a whole new level from what I’ve seen around. But there’s still a huge difference between you and me.]

{…Mental transmission?} She thought.

[After all… while you can feel Magic Power… I command it.He transmitted his thoughts calmly, pausing between each sentence with no care at all.

{What’s he talking about…?} Her fear slowly intensified and before she even noticed, she was already on her knees, trembling, her face as pale as someone dead.

Cristopher just looked at her with a smile. Before chuckling. And once he chuckled, the entire pressure that she felt simply dissipated as if it was a lie from the start. “Oh well. This was fun, thanks. I got to see something different today.”

She just kneeled there, flabbergasted, looking at him.

“So… You wanna quit, or do I help you with that?” Cristopher tilted her head, but she didn’t answer. Faking a cough, he waved his hand a fireball flew towards her, exploding right in front of her and making her faint.

[T-The winner is Cristopher!]

The announcer said in surprise after a few seconds. Honestly, he didn’t know what happened. At one moment Jin Sang-Ah was throwing all kinds of spells and even summoned an amazing spell that everyone thought finally defeated the dark horse. But to their surprise, he was still standing as if nothing happened, the only thing that was different from before, was that his barrier finally broke.

The next moment, though, without an apparent reason, Jin Sang-Ah started to tremble, and soon she even fell on her knees. No one could see anything, she just knelt there with a pale face.

[The first place for the Magic Duel Competition is finally decided! The winner is Cristopher Lamas from Veritas Class!]

Ignoring the strange series of events, the announcer finally put an end to the strange competition. Unaware of what just happened.


“Seriously, what even happened there?” Chae Nayun, who was walking out of the arena with the rest, asked. She’s been trying to figure out what happened on that duel, after all, just like everyone else, she just saw how Jin Sung-Ah went from being the only attacker to be kneeling on the ground without an apparent reason.

“Ha… I don’t know.” Yoo Yeonha shook her head. “It’s all so weird…”

“Yeah.” Suho nodded as he frowned. He didn’t know what happened. He only felt a weird sensation on the air, but nothing that would make Jin Sang-Ah like that. He knew that Cristopher must have done something, but he couldn’t figure out what.

“Well…” Yi Yeonghan said as he stretched. “It’s been a long day, maybe we should all go back and rest. Or better yet, let’s go eat!”

“Yeah… It wouldn’t be bad to eat something.” He then turned to the others. “What do you guys think?”

“No.” Jonghak shortly said as he started walking away.

“Where are you going Jonghak?” Yeonha asked him with a slight worry in her eyes.

“To train.” He said, before walking away.

“What’s the matter with him?” Nayun asked with a frown before shrugging. “Whatever. Let’s go eat some Korean BBQ!”

“Sounds good to me.” Yi Yeongha nodded happily.

“What about you guys?” Suho asked Hajin and the rest.

“I’m waiting for Cristopher.” Hajin said, and the rest nodded.

“Oh, right.” Suho nodded. “Well, we can all wait for him and then go eat.”

At his words, Hajin shook his head. “No, we have something else to do, actually. So I don’t think we can accompany you.”

“Oh, okay, then.” Suho nodded.

They all talked for a little bit and went their separate ways. A couple of minutes after, Cristopher finally came out of the arena yawning and stretching.

“Yo.” He said as he reached.

“Congratulations, master.” Rachel said with a smile.

“It still gives me the creeps…” Olivia whispered while looking at her.

“Thank you, Rachel.” Cristopher, who was slowly getting accustomed to her, simply thanked her, before turning to Olivia. “What did you say?”

“I-I said congratulations!” Olivia quickly said with a twitching smile.

“Mm… Is that so?” Cristopher smirked and then chuckled. “Oh well, I’m occupied, so I won’t be training you today.”

“Is time?” Rachel asked.

“Yeah, you go and prepare whatever you have to do, and we’ll meet in Seoul’s International Portal Station at 11.” Cristopher said as he stretched himself. “Remember that we’ll be staying out for the weekend.”

“Y-Yes.” Rachel nodded. “Mr. Raymond already told me.”

“Great.” Cristopher nodded and turned towards Olivia. “You and I will have to talk later.”

“I wasn’t thinking anything bad!” But she quickly reacted terrified.

“Huh? The heck are you talking about? I was just planning on progressing your training, your mastery over Quick Step is already at a really good level.” He squinted his eyes. “Just what were you thinking…?”

“N-Nothing…” Olivia looked away. “Y-Yahoo! New techniques, I-I can’t w-wait to learn more! Ha, hahaha, hahahaha.”

Emma, who was standing beside her friend, simply shook her head and stepped away.

“Ha… Whatever. Let’s go. We have to move. I have things to do before meeting with you.” Cristopher said as he shook his head. “Also, thanks for cheering for me, Emma.”

“No worries! That’s what friends are for!” She smiled. “Also, it’s really amazing, I didn’t know you were such an amazing magician.”

“Oh well, I just caught some tricks along the way. That’s all.” Cristopher shrugged.

“Right… Tricks…” Hajin sighed at his friend’s way of downplaying stuff.

Soon, everyone went to the dorms. Hajin and Cristopher had stuff to pack, as they would be staying out of the dorms for the weekend. Hajin would be staying with Evandel in Locket of Hope, while Cristopher would be staying out on the fields while helping Rachel and Antonio’s progress.

{If everything goes well, I think it won’t be a problem for England to actually have a specialty.} Cristopher thought on his way back to the dorms.


Seoul, 8:30 PM.

“Are you sure I can’t go with you, daddy~?” Evandel asked coyly with her puppy eyes, but Cristopher simply ruffled her hair and shook his head.

“No, we already talked, Ev.” Cristopher said with a sigh. “You’re staying with the other kids and uncle Hajin, while I take Antonio to meet his new teacher.”

“Humpf…” Evandel pouted and crossed her arms.

“Relax, you’ll have fun.” He said with a chuckle as they both walked inside a fancy-looking restaurant and sat there. “So, what are you going to eat?”

“…” She looked away, still pouting.

“Okay, I guess I’ll be eating by myself then.” Cristopher said with a chuckle, just in time for a waiter to come and hand him the menu to both of them.

“Um…” The waiter looked at Evandel as she didn’t want to receive it, still angry. “Little Miss?”

“Ha…” Cristopher sighed with an awkward smile as he looked at Evandel. “Just leave it on the table.” He said to the waiter.

“Yes, sir…” He nodded and left the menu on the table as he moved away to take other people’s orders.

“Hey, come on. You can be sulking all day.” Cristopher said as he opened the menu. But Evandel didn’t answer and kept sulking. “Mm… I’ll take it as you not wanting to eat, that’s sad. I’ve heard that this place has a great-tasting steak and some amazing side dishes.”

At his words, Evandel’s ears twitched as her eyes slowly moved to her father, giving a curious glance.

“Oh well, if you don’t want to eat, I guess I’ll have to enjoy it by myself.” He said with a smirk as he looked through the menu. Before he could even raise his hand to call the waiter, Evandel grabbed the menu in front of her and started to move through it at fast speed. “Ho… What is it? Are you going to eat? I thought you would be sulky all day.”

“No! I won’t sulk!” She said as she turned to look at him showing him the menu. “I want these!” Her hand suddenly started dancing at fast speed through the menu’s page, picking different dishes.

“Are you sure you can with all those?”

“Yes.” She said determinedly.

“Haha, ok, I guess we’ll have that. I’ll also ask for some fries.” Cristopher said with a nod as he turned to look for the waiter, but just as he was going to raise his hand again, something else caught his attention, making him flinch in surprise. He turned to look at the entrance of the restaurant, just in time to see it flung open, with a shocked Yeonha entering through it.

{What the fuck is she doing here…?} Cristopher thought as he looked at her. She quickly scanned the place and locked her eyes with his, her eyes getting wider as she looked at Evandel sitting in front of him, humming as she looked through the rest of the menu.

“Mm?” Still waiting for his dad to order the food, she looked at him, only to find him looking behind her. She tilted her head and then turned around to see what he was seeing, only to find a black-haired woman looking at her in shock. Evandel once again tilted her head, before turning to Cristopher. “Daddy, why is that girl looking at me like that?”

“Ha…” Cristopher sighed. “She’s someone I know.” As he answered Evandel, Yoo Yeonha started to walk towards him, evading the waiter that rushed to her to ask why would she flung the door that hard.

“Daddy’s friend?” Evandel asked.

“Mm… Something like that.” Cristopher said with a shrug.

“Hello, Cristopher-ssi.” Reaching their table, Yoo Yeonha said with a smile, she then turned towards Evandel and looked at her, trying hard to suppress the surprise in her eyes. {She really looks a lot like Rachel…}

“Hey.” Cristopher said as he rested back on the chair. “Why the sudden politeness?”

“Mm? Sudden politeness? I don’t understand what you’re talking about Cristopher-ssi.” She answered while tilting her head. “Anyways, are you here to eat?”

“Eat? In a restaurant?” Cristopher tilted his head. “I’m not sure. What do you think Ev?” He asked Evandel who was glancing at Yeonha from time to time while apparently reading the menu in her hands.

“U-Um… I-I don’t know daddy… I thought we were going to play games…” She sheepishly answered.

{Wow… She’s a natural.} Cristopher thought as he smirked, before turning to the dumbfounded Yeonha. “As you heard, we might be here to play.”

“…” Yeonha looked at him, still dumbfounded, and couldn’t help but blurt out her next words. “Just what are you teaching her…?”

“Mm? Nothing?” He tilted his head, still smirking at her. “Anyways, now that you are here, and I assume you won’t leave even if I ask for it. Want to eat something? We haven’t ordered yet.”

“Kuhum… No… Thank you. I already ate.” She said. “I was actually with Nayun and the rest.”

As he heard her words, he frowned and quickly expanded his senses trying to find the others as he looked outside.

“If you’re worried for the others, you don’t have to.” Yeonha, noticing his change in attitude, reassured him. “I actually separated from them on our way back, I had something to buy, and well, they must already be back at Cube.”

“Mm…” He nodded. “Got it. Well, if you’re not eating, let me order first.”

He finally rose his hand and called the waiter, who quickly came to take their order, trying his best to feign ignorance at the large order.

“So…” Cristopher said. “I guess it would be good manners to present you two.”



Both Evandel and Yoo Yeonha exchanged glances. No matter how many times she saw the small child, she still felt weird, as if her senses were betraying her.

{How can she be this cute...?} Yoo Yeonha thought as she looked at the small, fairy-like child.

{Why is she looking at me so intently? Is this one of those predators dad talked about!?} Evandel suddenly thought, before moving back slightly with her eyes widening.

“Hey. You’re scaring her.” Cristopher suddenly said with a frown, making Yeonha turn to him.

“I-I’m sorry… It’s just that I still can’t believe it…” Yeonha quickly apologized after noticing Evandel’s awkward attitude.

“Well, Ev, this is Yoo Yeonha.” Cristopher said while looking at Evandel. “She might seem a weird person, but she’s fine, I guess. Just a workaholic girl with weird misunderstandings.”

“I-I’m not weird… And I’m not a workaholic either.” Yeonha said with a snort.

“Right, say that to someone who would believe such an obvious lie.” Cristopher said with a shrug. “Yeonha, this is Evandel. My daughter.”

“D-Don’t call people by their first name so carelessly…” Yeonha said, only to hear a don’t care back. She sighed and turned to Evandel. Extending her hand with a smile. “Hello Evandel, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Mm…” Evandel nodded and grabbed her hand.

“Well, that leaves presentations out.” Cristopher said, just in time for the food to reach them. “Oh, great. Food is here.”

As the waiter, along with another waiter, started putting the plates on the table, Yeonha couldn’t help but be surprised at how many plates there were now on the table. She gulped hard at the presence of the steaks and the fries.

“Help yourself if you want.” Cristopher said as he started eating some fries. Evandel also started eating, while pulling her steak away from Yeonha.

“N-No… Thank you. You know that I don’t like this gross food.” Yeonha said, trying to clean the saliva falling from her mouth.

“It’s not gross… You’re gross. And a liar…” Evandel muttered.

“Pfft… Right.” Cristopher chuckled.

“I-I’m not lying…” Yeonha said, slightly red at the kid’s comment. {This is definitely his child… Just how did he and Rachel conceive her… It’s impossible.}

“Don’t worry. It isn’t like what you are thinking.” Cristopher said before munching on a fry, his eyes looking directly at her.

“Kuhum… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ha… Look. Rachel IS her mother.” Cristopher said out of the blue.

“What…?” His sudden confession left Yeonha speechless, and even Evandel’s body twitched slightly as she turned to look at her dad.

“It’s as you’re thinking, just… that we didn’t conceive her as other people do.” Cristopher said, looking at Evandel, who was looking at her steak, feigning ignorance. “You see, our little Evandel is a fairy. She was born from a small seed.” As he told the truth, he smiled.

“A fairy…?” Yeonha tilted her head.

“Yeah.” Cristopher nodded.

At his affirmation, Yeonha glanced at Evandel for a moment, the child glancing at her from the corner of her eyes from time to time, while shifting to look down at the food when she caught Yeonha caught her eyes.

“Is she-” Yeonha started to ask.

“No.” But was quickly stopped by Cristopher, who knew her question. “She isn’t. And she never will.”

“…” Smiling wryly, Yeonha looked at Evandel once again. She hated to admit it, but the small child in front of her was cute. Too cute. {Will I have a daughter as cute as her someday...?} She thought for a moment, before blushing, and coughing. “Anyways. If she wasn’t born the… normal way… Why does she look so similar to… well, to you two?”

“That’s because she does have mine and Rachel’s blood.” Cristopher said, eating a fry. “It’s not like adopting her, she IS our daughter.”

{How does she carry their blood?} Yeonha thought questioningly but didn’t ask. She just nodded. “Are you planning to tell her?”

“Eventually, yes.” Cristopher nodded, noticing Evandel’s flinch. “But not right now. It’s not the right time. So I appreciate it if you could keep the secret from her.” At his words, Evandel looked down.

{I guess so… It’s not something easy to say…} Yoo Yeonha nodded slowly, but then frowned. “Then… Why tell me all this?”

“Believe it or not, I trust your judgment.” Cristopher shrugged. “And I said it before, I actually like you. You’re probably one of the less crazy girls in Cube.” He said with an exasperated sigh.

“I’m not crazy…” Yeonha muttered with a frown but finally sighed. “I… I really don’t know what to say. I didn’t think you would trust me this much… I mean… This isn’t just any simple secret…”

I know.” Cristopher said with a nod. “It’s not something I would simply say to anyone. But…” He stopped for a second, before sighing. “Look. You already knew about her. And if there’s someone that can help me with her, it’s you.”

{Last time I tried to say that to you, I almost pissed myself with a sword close to my neck...} Yeonha thought with a sigh, shuddering at the memory.

“And I apologize for that.” Cristopher said.

“W-What?” Yeonha averted her eyes, blushing. “W-What are you talking about…?”

“You were thinking about that last time we met where you mentioned Ev, right?” Cristopher tilted his head in amusement.

“N-No…” She tried to deny it. “Can you read minds?”

“No.” Cristopher smirked. “But you’re too obvious sometimes. Also, why do I get the idea that something really embarrassing almost happened at that time?”

*Cough, cough* You’re imagining things…” Yeonha said, a small blush present on her face.

“Mm… Is that so?” Cristopher smirk’s widened. “Anyways. I hope you can keep the secret, and help me protect her.”

Yeonha slowly nodded, trying to hide her blushing. She turned to look at Evandel and saw the cute child eating some fries. “So… How old is she, anyway?”

“She’s around 4.” Cristopher said. “She didn’t grow up like other kids, but that doesn’t make her abnormal. Just special, right, Ev?”

“Yes.” Evandel nodded shyly, a small smile present on her face.

Yeonha looked at this surprised. {I didn’t know he could be this caring. Maybe people wouldn’t fear him that much if he was just a tenth of caring and soft with others as he’s with her…} Yeonha thought briefly. “Is she going to attend the Agent Military Academy in a couple of years?”

“No.” Cristopher shook his head. “I’m training her myself. She has a lot of potential to be wasting it there.”

“But she could learn a lot there…” Yeonha said.

“I don’t trust them, and I’m sure not letting someone I don’t know to teach her.” Cristopher said as he looked at the eating Evandel. “Besides, they can’t teach her what she needs. It’s better for her to learn from me, or someone I approve at least.”

“Right…” Yeonha nodded. “Who else knows about her? I mean, apart from Hazuki and her friends. They, by the way, are not going to talk anything about this. I made sure of that.”

“Thanks.” Cristopher nodded with a small smile. “And well, not many actually. Hajin, Fran, and the kids back at the orphanage.” Cristopher said. “She’s actually going to stay there this weekend.”

“Really?” Yeonha asked, surprised.

“Yeah, I have something to do, so I’ll be leaving her with Fran, Hajin, and the rest. That way she can play with others of a similar age.”

“I’ve been thinking this for a while… But you are completely different when you’re talking with her than with anyone else.” Yeonha, lost in the caring eyes he’s giving Evandel, blurted out the thought she’s been having all this while.

“Of course. She’s special to me after all.” Cristopher said with a smile that she could swear no one else apart from Evandel has received from him.

“Okay…” Yeonha said just as her smartwatch vibrated, she took a glance at it and then turned to look at Cristopher. “I have to leave.”

“Sure.” Cristopher nodded, picking up a fry and eating it. “Go ahead.”

Yoo Yeonha stood up and turned to Evandel. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Evandel.”

“Mm.” Evandel nodded to her, her cheeks full of food.

“Also…” This time she turned to Cristopher. “Thanks… For trusting me… I’ll make sure not to betray that trust…”

“Hope so.” Cristopher said with a smirk. “It won’t turn well for you if you do.”

“...Right.” Yeonha nodded awkwardly. “Well, goodbye.” And then turned to leave.

“She was weird, daddy.” Evandel said after Yeonha left.

“Haha… Yeah.” Cristopher nodded with a chuckle. “But, she’s not that bad. You can trust her, at least for now.”

“Mm.” Evandel nodded, before looking at the door where Yeonha left. “Daddy, does she know my mom?” Evandel muttered.


“Are they… Friends?” This time Evandel turned to look at him.

“No, not really. More like acquaintances? Her family runs a Guild, just like your mother’s family, so they are more like rivals.”

“Guilds? Like those on the TV you told me about?” Evandel tilted her head.

“Yes.” Cristopher nodded.

“Then… Is she an enemy?”

Cristopher chuckled at her question, before shaking his head. “No, she’s not. Not all rivals are enemies, Ev. She’s… probably going to be your mother’s friend.”

“Probably…?” Evandel asked with a small frown.

“Yeah, probably. I can’t be too sure after all.” Cristopher shrugged.

“Okay…” Evandel gave a small nod before glancing once again at the door.

“Well, let’s finish, we still have to meet your uncle back at the orphanage, he should be already there with Shina.”

“Yes!” Evandel nodded and focused on her food, while Cristopher smiled and did the same. Both of them looked as if they didn’t even perceive the weird looks they received from the rest of the patrons of the restaurant, who were flabbergasted at the small child eating food that could very well fill three or four adults.

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