The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 138 – Remnants of Time (Part 1)

Seoul, 6 PM.

“Was that really necessary?” Hajin asked with an exasperated face.

“You could thank me, you know?” Cristopher said while sipping from a glass of wine. Both of them were currently outside of Cube, in a bar in one of the less popular parts of the city. both of them were done for the day, as their last duel ended up an hour ago, and they decided to take a trip out of Cube.

“For what?” Hajin asked with a frown

“Points, duh!” Cristopher rolled his eyes. “Have you even checked the points I got for you? Seriously dude. You should start being more grateful.” He said as he took a sip from his glass of wine.

“...” Hajin could only look at him flabbergasted before he opted to check his smartwatch. “It’s true…” He said as he read some of the notifications he couldn’t check before, being completely focused on his duels.

[You gain 14 SP.]

[You gain 26 SP.]

[You gain 102 SP]

[Luck applies! You gain an extra 28 SP!]

[You gain 17 SP.]

“How…?” Hajin looked at his smartwatch dumbly.

“Well, Suho’s the protagonist. Redirect his attention to you, add a few mysterious words here and there, push him to grow slightly, and voila! You have SP on-demand.” Cristopher said with a shrug. “Also add some special characters to the fray by letting some of your words regarding you reach their ears, evading delicate topics of course, and that also gives some extra points.”

“...” Hajin looked at him with his eyes wide open. “I can’t believe you… So all that show was for this?”

“Basically.” Cristopher nodded nonchalantly. “You don’t have to thank me. Or well, actually, yes, thank me. You’ve been an asshole since the duels ended.”

“It wasn’t necessary to do this!” Hajin hissed. “And to actually tell him something like the dark times to come… Are you crazy?”

“Ha…” Cristopher sighed as he shook his head. “This is what I get for trying to do something nice. Look, chill your tits dude. Everything’s going to be alright. That guy’s not going to say anything to anyone. So, calm down, and enjoy your free points. Which, by the way, are your birthday gift.”

“I can’t believe you… Wait, birthday gift?” Hajin sighed as he covered his face with his hands, leaning back on the chair, before tilting back in confusion as he looked at Cristopher with a frown. “What do you mean with… Oh, right, September 8th… it is my birthday…”

“Yeah.” Cristopher nodded as he sipped from his glass of wine.

“How did you know that though?” Hajin asked confused.

“The chat app.” Cristopher shrugged. “Your profile picture has a birthday hat over it, showing that today’s your birthday.”

“Oh, it’s true…” Hajin nodded as he looked at his chat profile. “Anyways,” he shook his head. “Don’t do something so dangerous again, we don’t know what will happen to the timeline if you go out of your way.”

“Fine, fine. I won’t help you get points anymore.” Cristopher rolled his eyes. “And I’m pretty sure the whole ‘timeline’ as you call it is already fucked up, dude.”

“But that’s not a reason to fuck it up even more!” Hajin said exasperated as he sighed. He then turned to Cristopher and after a moment of silence, asked something that’s been bothering him. “...Since when do you drink wine?”

“Mm? It’s not bad to have a bottle or two every now and then.” He shrugged. “Also, there’s no alcohol that I don’t dare to drink.”

“Whatever…” Hajin simply shook his head.

“By the way.” Cristopher turned serious, putting the glass of wine on the table. “It’s coming soon. That event.”

“Mm?” Hajin frowned, but then his eyes opened wide for a second, before nodding. “Right… You’re going, right?”

“You don’t even need to ask.” Cristopher said with a nod. “It’s a unique opportunity for us.”

Hajin tilted his head in confusion as he looked at Cristopher, urging him to clarify with his eyes.

“I’m planning to train you there.” Cristopher said with a shrug.

“You are already doing it.” Hajin said.

“Yes, that’s true. Let me rephrase things. I’m going to teach you.” Cristopher said as he took a sip from his wine. “It’s time you learn to use your body to fight, and there’s no better place than that one to reap some benefits while doing so.”

“Wait… are you going to teach me martial arts?”

Cristopher just nodded.

“But you said that it would be better for me to focus on my equipment…” Hajin continued with a frown.

“And you will. But using guns doesn’t mean staying like a freaking sitting duck while shooting your weapons. What would happen if someone bypassed your range and came close to you? You would be dead for sure.” Cristopher said as he refilled his glass. “I’ll teach you how to fight using guns, at close range. Gun-kata; or also called Gun fu.”

“I’ve heard of it…” Hajin frowned. “But do you even know it?”

“Ha! Do you even need to ask?” Cristopher chuckled. “Of course, I know it. If it wasn’t for your null knowledge of how to control your mana, I could even teach you how to shoot real magic bullets using your gun. Though sad luck, you don’t have the needed control, and you physic just canceled  that option even if you had it.”

“Ha… Fuck it. I still can use my Stigma when needed.” Hajin sighed. “Well, whatever. I better get the things we need.” Hajin then stood up and turned to leave back to Cube.

“Yeah, go ahead.” Cristopher just nodded as he sipped from his glass. As Hajin left, Cristopher sat there, drinking his wine in silence. For those around him, his face carried a pensive look that was hard to interrupt, even the waitress that wanted to ask if he wanted something else had to stop after glancing at his face. “Ha…” After thinking for a while, he sighed and drank the whole glass at once. “Let whatever will happen, happen…” He muttered as he stood up, ready to pay and leave the place.


Friday came, and with all the exams finished a couple of days ago, most of the cadets were focusing on doing other things. Hajin took his Thursday to go to the Karaoke with Rachel and the rest of their team, all of who had to hear Rachel sing a few songs. While she looked beautiful on the stage, and her voice was certainly pleasant to hear, her singing was… bad, to say it somehow.

After listening to the story, Cristopher couldn’t help but laugh at Hajin, Olivia, and Emma. He knew that Rachel couldn’t sing, but hearing it from Hajin felt as if she was terrifying while holding a microphone in her hands. He actually didn’t listen to her, as he decided not to go to the Karaoke, no matter how much Rachel, Hajin pressed him to go.

Rachel was already back in England, and while she requested Cristopher to go with her, he rejected her and said that he was going to go with the expedition that will occur next Thursday.

While remembering the last couple of days that he has used to relax, Cristopher took a rock and threw it hard towards Olivia, who was standing on the lake’s surface. Before the rock could hit her legs, Olivia jumped, evading the rock and falling back into the water. Her legs submerged up to her knees before she slowly went back up to stand on the water’s surface.

“You’re improving fast.” Cristopher nodded.

“I’ll get sick if don’t…” Olivia said with a sigh as she started to walk with hurried steps over the water.

Lately, this has been their way to train in water-walking, Cristopher or Hajin, who from time to time would accompany them, would throw rocks at her. She has to jump if the rock goes towards he legs, crouch if the rock goes towards her chest, and hold her footing while small waves rushed towards her after the rock impacts the water with force. It’s been hard at first, and both she and Rachel had problems keeping themselves over the water, but both of them soon got the trick, thanks to training their magic power control.

Now that Rachel is not here anymore, Cristopher’s attention was solely focused on her. While it made her frustrated at the number of times she was soaked from head to toes, it was also true that she could get a hold of it even faster.

{If only he wasn’t such a tyrant while training me…} She thought while sighing. Still focused on keeping her footing.

“By the way, I’ll be leaving next Thursday for the field trip sponsored by Jinsung Foundation.” Cristopher suddenly said.

“You will?” She tilted her head.

“Yes.” Cristopher nodded. “Are you coming too?”

At his question, Olivia shook her head. “I have to train.”

“Mm…” Cristopher just hummed as he looked at her. “You know what? Fuck it, you’re coming.”

“Wha-What? Why?” She was dumbfounded. “I prefer to stay back training than going to that stupid trip.”

“Don’t care, you’re coming. I put your name on the list.”

“When!?” She could only look at him with her mouth agape.

“Yesterday.” Cristopher shrugged. “You only go outside when you have to go to a dungeon with me or Hajin, otherwise, you’re always holed inside of Cube, or in the orphanage.”

“I don’t have anything to do outside.” She frowned as she crossed her arms below her chest.

“Yeah, don’t care. You’re coming.” Cristopher shrugged.

“Ha… I can’t believe you.” She glared at him. “You’re going to make me waste time instead of using it for something productive.”

“Yeah, whatever, you’re coming.” Cristopher just shrugged, before shooting another rock at her, which hit her leg while she tried to jump instead of crouching to evade the surprise attack.

“Wah!” Having jumped higher than necessary, and at the same time being hit, Olivia ended up not being able to keep her stability, and thus fell into the water. Being, once again, soaked from head to toes.

“Haha…” Meanwhile, Cristopher chuckled at her. He didn’t tell her the reason; not like she would actually believe him, but it was a great opportunity for her too. She had been increasing her control, but her magic power could use some improvement, and the place they were going would help her increase it quicker than any other place on Earth, resulting in a unique opportunity for her. An opportunity he wouldn’t let her miss because of her tunnel vision; after all, he was her teacher, and he did care about her, even when everyone else thought he was just a sadist torturing her through training.

Days slowly passed, and without classes, there wasn’t much to do in Cube, apart from training. Cristopher passed his time while training with Olivia and Hajin, as well as visiting the orphanage with Evandel; he took these days to relax, and along with Hajin, both of them prepared for the upcoming events getting enough rations and items to hold up for quite a while.

Soon, next Thursday was already here, and in front of Seoul Portal Station, a group of students was waiting in front of the main entrance, with a limousine parked near them. They were Cube students, who were waiting for the remaining member of the group that would go to the field trip organized by the Jinsung Foundation.

“Ha… Why is he late? Didn’t he come with you?” Exasperated, Chae Nayun asked Kim Hajin, who was also waiting beside her.

“No, he didn’t stay in Cube last night.” Hajin shook his head as he answered her. “But he should be here soon.”

“He better be. Or we’ll be leaving without him.” Growled Chae Nayun.

“It’s just been 15 minutes, it’s not that bad.” Suho, who was smiling awkwardly, commented, trying to defuse the slowly growing bomb known as Chae Nayun.

“He’s here already.” Olivia suddenly said as she pointed towards the end of the street, where they could see Cristopher dressed in black, as usual, slowly walking towards them while carrying a duffle bag.

“Finally!” Chae Nayun shouted angrily at him.

“Chill, wacko. It’s too early to have to hear you screaming.” Said Cristopher as he yawned. “Besides, I haven’t had my morning drink.”

“Who are you calling-” Chae Nayun wanted to retort back, but was interrupted.

“Let’s go. We’ve wasted a lot of time.” Shin Jonghak said with a serious expression as he started to walk to the limousine.

“Mm?” Cristopher raised an eyebrow at his attitude. It was weird, to say the least, but he just shrugged it and followed with the rest to the limousine, putting his duffle back in the trunk, before entering the vehicle. After all 8 of them were inside the car, it started on its way towards the field trip destination.

While everyone chatted, Cristopher leant back and yawned, closing his eyes as he tried to go back to rest, much to the annoyance of Olivia, who was forced to be dragged here, even costing her precious time of sleep and training.

“Hajin, do you want some?” Kim Suho asked as he offered Hajin some bear-shaped jelly.

“No, I’m fine…” He said, shocking his head.

“Then give it to me.” Chae Nayun said as she snatched the jelly, munching on it as she turned to Olivia, staring at her while munching.  “By the way…” She suddenly started talking with a frown. “I’ve been meaning to ask this, but why the sudden interest in coming? Are you perhaps following Cristopher around?” She asked with an intrigued face, while wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

This comment, made someone cough lightly. It was Yi Yeonghan, who for some reason had a sudden serious face, something that didn’t escape Yoo Yeonha’s eyes. {Mm…? Could it be…? Nah, not possible, right? But… maybe…?} She thought while raising an eyebrow at this.

“Ha… No.” Olivia shook her head. “He forced me to come here…” She said with a sigh.

But unknowingly, she wasn’t the only one who sighed, though both sighed were for different reasons, even when the other person didn’t notice it himself. {Ho… This is it… Isn’t it!?} Yeonha, who was now paying close attention to the other person, thought with amusement, though what was going through her mind will be kept a mistery from the rest of the group.

“Couldn’t you just ignore him?” Chae Nayun asked with a frown.

Olivia snorted immediately. “Yeah, right. As if that was possible. He’s too strongheaded. It’s as if he had a block of steal instead of a head.” She said with a scowl on her face.

“You say that, but you very well know that you wanted to come…” Cristopher, who still had his eyes closed, said with a smirk.

“Tch. As if.” Olivia said as she crossed her arms. Hajin and Suho chuckled at her face, that seemed as if she was about to pout. “Anyways, now that I’m trapped here. What the hell are we even going to do in… where are we going again?”

“Wind Mountain.” Shin Jonghak said with a annoyed sigh. “It’s a mountain owned by Jinsung Group, it has a highly concentrated ambient mana, so it’s a really great place to meditate and train. We’re going to do lots of activities, but mainly meditation and some spars.” Jonghak said, explaining the trip to everyone.

“Woah…” Cristopher suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jonghak with surprise. “Am I dreaming? Did I really fall asleep? Are you really Shin Jonghak?”

“Tch. Shut up. You’re annoying.” Jonghak retorted.

“Hajin, Olivia, look! He’s sick! We need to take him to the hospital quickly!” Cristopher said with worry. “He’s not shouting commoner this or trash that!”

“You!” Shin Jonghak was furious as he glared at Cristopher.

“Hahahahaha!” Chae Nayun couldn’t hold it and laughed.

“Ha… This is going to be a long trip…” Hajin said with an exhasperated sigh. Suho could only chuckle awkwardly, while Yeonha just glanced at Yi Yeonghan inquisitively, while the latter just looked outside of the limousine’s window.

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