The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 144 – Remnants of Time (Part 7)

A couple of hours later, while Cristopher went hunting, in his words, to kill some time, the second team got back with the purple crystal in their possession.

“Huh? Did you guys already eat!?” Chae Nayun exclaimed, annoyed. “Why didn’t you wait for us!? We could have celebrated our first success!”

“Yeah… no.” Olivia shook her head. “We were hungry as hell, and you guys took your sweet sweet time to come back.”

“It’s not our fault that you guys had bikes!” Chae Nayun indignantly retorted. ‘Damn… I too want to ride Hajin’s bike… A bike! I meant I bike! Any bike! Even that wacko’s bike! ARGH!? WHAT I’M THINKING!?’

After looking for a little bit at Chae Nayun's changing facial expressions with a deadpan expression, the rest decided to ignore her weirdness, except for Jonghak and decided to change the topic.

“Did you leave something for us?” Yi Yeongha asked.

“Yeah. You can heat them.” Hajin nodded as he pointed towards the portions they separated for them.

“By the way, where’s Cristopher?” Yoo Yoenha asked, looking around only to find no trace of the man.

“He went hunting.” Olivia simply shrugged. “He kind of does that from time to time.”

“Is that so?” Kim Suho raised an eyebrow. “Why though?”

“Something about killing some time while gathering rations.” Hajin shrugged.

“Ho… Isn’t that dangerous?” Yi Yeonghan, who was heating their food, asked. “I mean, with the magic power explosions, the Djinn and his army, and the beasts?”

At this, Olivia laughed, while Hajin could only chuckle awkwardly. “Let’s just say that the guy is the dangerous one…” At this, Jonghak, who finally stopped looking at Chae Nayun’s weird antics, snorted.

“It’s not like someone can simply survive a magic power explosion unscathed.” He commented while glancing at Hajin.

Both Hajin and Olivia stared at each other, their expression blanking for a moment before turning to Jonghak. “...there’s no way a magic power explosion can happen close to him.”

“Come on!” Chae Nayun, who finally woke up from her daze, intervened, her cheeks slightly red as she stole some glances at Hajin. “No matter how lucky he might be, there’s always a chance of a magic power explosion happening close to him.”

“As surprised as I am about Nayun being right on this, I agree. We don’t know where or when a magic power explosion can happen, if he’s not careful, he can be trapped in one, or multiple ones.” Yeonha said, concern clear on her face, though she doesn’t know why.

“...” Meanwhile, both Hajin and Olivia just stared at them as they spoke their concerns about being outside alone.

“Well? Are you not saying anything!? We need to find him!” Chae Nayun said as she stepped closer to Hajin. “We c-can go in the b-bike? It would be faster!”

“No…” Hajin shook his head. “You’re not understanding. It is impossible for a magic power explosion to happen around him.”

“Yeah…” Olivia nodded, sighing. “It just won’t happen.”

“...” The rest just looked at them as if they were idiots, though they didn’t say it out loud.

“Are you idiots?” Jonghak asked with a frown.

“Argh…” Exasperated, Olivia wanted to pull her hair. “It’s you who are the idiots! How many times do we need to tell you that magic power explosions simply DON’T. HAPPEN. AROUND. HIM?” She stressed out the last words.

“But that's not possible…” Yeonha muttered with a frown.

“Look… if I’ve learned something about him, it’s not to measure him with common sense.”

“Somehow that makes sense when talking about that wacko.” Chae Nayun nodded as she tapped her chin with a finger.

“Even then… there has to be a way, right?” Kim Suho, who just listened until now, asked.

“...” Hajin glanced at Olivia who sighed. “He said, and I quote, ‘Why the fuck would I allow the mana around me to be unstable? Shit better gets under control around me'...” Olivia said as Hajin looked away with a slightly lost face.

“...” The rest just deadpanned. “That does sound like something he would say…” Yoo Yeonha muttered while rubbing her chin.

“He… you kind of remembered it well?” Chae Nayun smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.

“It’s just too ridiculous…” Olivia sighed again. “Also, compared to other idiots around here… I have a decent enough memory.”

“Tch. You wanna fight!?” Chae Nayun glared at her.

“Bring it on!” Just for Olivia to grin at her.

“Okay, okay, it’s no time to fight here girls, besides-” Yi Yeongha intervened, only to be interrupted by the combined glares.

“SHUT UP!” Both Olivia and Chae Nayun at the same time.

“Hi!” Shocked, Yi Yeonghan stepped back. “I just wanted to say that the food is ready!”

“Oh!” Yoo Yeonha’s eyes opened wide, sparkling at the thought of food. Chae Nayun was somewhat similar, just that her anger at Olivia stopped her from fully expressing it. She did stop fighting with her though.

Just as everyone sat down at the table to start eating, Cristopher came inside carrying what look to be a giant pig, which was more similar to a wild boar than a normal pig.

“Mm? Are you guys back? Took your sweet time, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, stopping in his tracks as he looked at Yoo Yeonha.

“Huh?” Yoo Yeonha stared back at him.

“Oi.” He said with a frown, dropping the boar to the side.

“Yes…?” She tilted her head.

“You got a new haircut.” He quickly said.

‘He noticed!? But Jonghak didn’t even glance at me!’ Inwardly she was shocked, and slightly embarrassed, but kept her usual face outside. “Y-Yes…” Or so she thought. “Why? Does it look that bad?”

“...” Hajin and Olivia widened their eyes. “Fuck…” followed by Hajin’s curse.

“Ha…” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Cristopher’s frown deepened. “What did we tell you all as to why Hajin’s hair was long?”

“Huh?” The rest were confused, including Yoo Yeonha, at least until she finally remembered. She instantly paled. “Oh no…”

“Oh no, indeed.” Cristopher nodded. “And from your expression I’m assuming that you lovely left the hair back on the battlefield, right?”

“...” She said nothing, but her pale face was enough to answer.

'Even when we told them that there was a damn voodoo magician...' Cristopher finally sighed. “You should take the time to eat because once it progresses, the curse will make it difficult for you.”

“A simple curse won’t be able to harm her that much.” Chae Nayun frowned.

“Normally? No. But this is not a normal situation.” He barely glanced at Nayun before staring back at Yeonha. “This place is filled to the brim with magic power. A curse powered with all that magic power? That shit turns lethal when there’s no way for us to take care of her.”

“What should we do?” Shin Jonghak stood up, stepping in front of Cristopher with a frown.

“Kill the curse magician.” He shrugged.

“Kill him?” Kim Suho frowned. “Isn’t there another way?”

“Diplomacy.” Cristopher turned to look at Suho with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want to volunteer to go to the city hall and ask Asura to order the curse magician to stop the magic?”

“...” Suho scratched the back of his head.

“Mm… that’s what I thought.” Cristopher nodded.

“Are you even sure that she’s cursed in the first place? How could you even know it? She looks just fine to me.” Chae Nayun glared at him.

Cristopher shook his head, closing and opening his eyes again, only for these to turn into his dragon eyes. “You see these?” He asked pointing at both eyes. “I can see far more than you think. And to me, it’s as clear as the day that she’s cursed. It has just begun, but it will only get worse from here.”

“Argh…” And as if to prove him right, Yeonha suddenly started thumping her chest.

“What is it?” Jonghak asked, a hint of worry in his eyes.

“My chest… it’s feeling heavy…” She said.

“Well, I won’t be that kind of guy this time.” Cristopher shrugged as he walked towards her.

“The one that tells ‘I told you’?” Olivia rolled her eyes.

“Yep.” He nodded as he stood in front of her.

“What will you do?” Jonghak glared at him.

“Help her.”

“Didn’t you say there was nothing we could do?” Jonghak asked.

“I said we had to kill the bastard that caused this, not that there was nothing that could be done.” Cristopher shrugged.

“Jonghak, leave him.” Yoo Yeonha intervened as she held Jonghak’s arm, giving Cristopher a glance. “I trust him.”

“...” Nodding, Jonghak stepped back. Though it could still be seen how perturbed and angry he currently was. The idea to grab his spear and rush toward the enemy clearly present in his visage for all to see.

Cristopher put his hand on Yeonha’s head. “Now. I will ask this just once.” He said as he looked around. “Don’t freak out. I’m not hurting her.” His words caused confusion for everyone, Yeonha included, but the next moment, it was clear why he opted to say it. From his hand, azure flames burst towards Yeonha who flinched at the ghostly flames, only to relax the next moment as she figured out that the flames felt warm.

The others were shocked too, but they soon calmed down as Yeonha’s face relaxed. They were already familiar with these flames and knew that it was possible for him to chose not to harm them. Still, seeing him using flames that turned a powerful Djinn to ashes on Yoo Yeonha was not something they could simply not be shocked about.

“...” Cristopher closed his eyes as the fire extended throughout Yeonha’s body. After a little bit, Yeonha felt the heaviness in her chest recede, alleviating her worries. Though, she didn’t like Cristopher’s frown when she turned up to thank him.

“Is there something wrong?” She asked.

He clicked his tongue. “I can only slow it down.” He said as he stared at her eyes, noticing the fear in them. A fear she probably didn’t notice she had. ‘If Spirit Fire wasn’t so limited, cleansing this curse would be as easy as breathing.’

“How much?” Hajin asked. “Is it enough for us to hold on while we manage to get the crystals?”

“...” Cristopher thought for a moment. “Yeah. We just need to fast-forward things.” He said as he looked down at Yoo Yeonha. Patting her head a couple of times. “She will make it out alive.” He smirked, causing Yeonha to slightly blush.

“Let’s go.” Jonghak suddenly said as he grabbed his spear.

“Mm? Where?” Yi Yeonghan asked.

“We have time to make another attack.” Jonghak said.

“Yeah, it’s almost midnight, and they are probably worrying about re-organizing themselves after the ambush.” Suho said with a nod as he too stood up. “We should take this chance and steal another crystal or two.” He said, as to which everyone started preparing their equipment.

“I’ll go too.” Yeonha said as she stood up.

“No, you won’t.” But Cristopher pushed her back down. “You’ll stay put.”

“W-What? Why!?” She asked with a frown. “I’m already feeling better.”

“Are you an idiot?” Cristopher glared at her, freezing her on the seat. “I said that I could only slow it down. So stick your ass in that seat, and start eating. You need as much energy as you can get.”


“No buts.” Cristopher interrupted. “The only but I want to see is yours glued to that damn seat.”

“!” At his words, Yoo Yeonha blushed slightly. “You don’t have to say it like that.” She grumped as she turned to eat.

“Well, we better move.” Jonghak, after glancing at Yeonha, nodded toward Cristopher, before he turned towards the entrance of the base.

“Mm?” Olivia who was strapping her daggers to her waist, turned to look at Cristopher who sat beside Yeonha. “You’re not coming?” At her words, everyone turned to look at him with confusion and questioning glances.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’ll take care of Yeonha, I’ll slow down the curse and try to boost her natural regeneration.”

“Oh, right.” Hajin nodded. “Natural Energy?”


“Got it. We’ll get the crystal.” He nodded as they all made their way outside, everyone except Hajin and Olivia confused as to what this Natural Energy was.

Silence fell in the room, only disturbed by the noises of Yoo Yeonha eating. “...Guh.” At least until she almost choked on a piece of pork. Holding her neck and smacking her chest, she tried to swallow it.

“Here.” Cristopher sighed as he passed her a glass of water, which she quickly took and drank at once, finally swallowing the piece that was choking her.

“Thanks…” She said, her face pale, as she calmed down. Her stare was fixed on the table, and not looking at him.

“Stay put.” Cristopher said as he stood up and moved behind her.

“U-Uh!? What are you going to do!?” She stuttered, turning to look at him as she felt his hands on her back.

“I told you to stay put.” He said with a glare that froze her. With a shy nod, she turned back to look at the unfinished food. “When I say one, you inhale. When I say two, you exhale. Understood?” He asked, waiting for a response, which came in the form of another nod. “One.” She inhaled, trying to be calm when foreign energy entered her body. “Two.” She exhaled, and along with the air, the foreign energy also escaped her body.

Cristopher repeated the process of injecting Natural Energy into her body for a while, until Yeonha was calm again, and at least healthy enough to finish eating.

“...This will get worse?” After a while of both being in silence, she asked him. “The curse, I mean…”

“Yeah.” Cristopher nodded at her, causing her to clench her fist. “Don’t worry though. It’ll be solved. And as I said, I’ll take care of you.” Silence once again formed between both of them.

“...Why?” Yeonha suddenly asked, her stare fixed on the floor.

“...” Cristopher didn’t answer her for a while until he sighed. “Do you think I need a reason to do it?”

“...Don’t you?” Yeonha finally looked at him.

“Wow… Is that the idea you have of me? I’m hurt, Yeonha…” He smirked at her.


“Fine, fine.” Cristopher rolled his eyes. “But. It’s true.” He shrugged. “Not everything has to be done with compensation in mind. I do things because I feel like it. Compensation or not. Sure, if you want me to do something, I might do so after some sort of payment, but when I simply wish to do something, I would do so just because I can, and I want. Heck, even if I can’t, I’ll just do it, fuck the consequences.”

“...” Yeonha nodded.

“Besides.” He grinned at her. “How many times do I have to tell you that I actually like you and trust your judgment before you stop being so on guard against me?”

“!” At his words, she blushed. “...I’m not on guard against you…” She spoke in a mosquito voice.

“Yeah sure.” He rolled his eyes. “The day you yourself, tell me that you like fast food, I’ll believe you’re not on guard against me.”

“I don’t like fast food…” She looked away. “Stop thinking that’s the case.”

“Yeah, whatever. As Evandel said. You’re just a liar.” He smirked. “And lying is bad, Miss Yoo Yeonha, don’t you know that?”

“I-I’m not a liar! Could you drop it already!?-” She said before being disrupted by a coughing attack. Cristopher just chuckled at this, before once again covering her in azure flames. It was going to be a long process to keep her from dying.

‘I can’t take risks. Who knows what my presence here could have caused because of the Affinity.’ He thought, while outside he was still chuckling at a pouting Yeonha.

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