The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 67 – Back at Cube


At 12:00 PM exactly, a high-pitched voice sounded.

{It started.}-I thought while looking out of the room.

“…”-Without waiting even for a moment, Kim Suho left the shot on the table and ran out of the room.

I also stood up and started to walk over the door that Kim Suho left open. Stopping to look at Kim Hajin.

“Aren’t you coming?”-I ask him.

“…”-He was looking at his Desert Eagle that was on the night table beside his bed. I brought it with me since he didn’t put it inside his stigma as he usually does. “Everything will go well… Right?”-He asks me, slightly unsure.

“…”-I look at him directly at his eyes. “Why wouldn’t it?”


“I ask you. Why wouldn’t it go well?”


“You know, it doesn’t matter.”-I interrupted him. “Whatever happens. We’ll just have to take it upfront. That’s it.”-I said before nodding towards the door. “Now let’s go. You just confessed your feelings to your crush's friend not too long ago and something like the future is worrying you? *snort*

“H-hey! Stop it! I didn’t confess!”-He said while standing up and grabbing his Dessert Eagle.

“Sure, whatever you say.”-I go out of the room.

“It’s true!”-He shouts while following me.

We ran down the hall, and after a little while, we made it into the main room of the place, where the owner slept. All the other cadets were here too, so we pushed our way inside the dark room.

On the bed, a man laid with a knife piercing on where his heart should be. He was Belbet. A famous conman. The one that invited us today to France in order to evade an assassination attempt that would have taken place tonight if it wasn't for our presence here.

He used the cadets as a way to protect himself, while he also put on march an intricate plan to go out unscathed and with a new identity. And we would all play along with his plan if neither Hajin nor I did something about it.

{But, let’s test. If he’ll do as in the novel. Or if he’ll let things just get going.}-I thought while glancing at Hajin.

“Bedel-ssi…”-Kim Suho muttered a fake name the conman used, while close to the bed, the maid that ‘found’ him dead was crying.

The rest of the cadets also had a face of sympathy and mourning towards the supposedly dead man.

“Wait. Let me confirm what state he’s in.”-Natasha suddenly said. Who, apart from being Oh Hanhyun’s girlfriend, was also a doctor back at Cube.

“…”-She took his pulse, and looked around his body slightly before shaking her head and standing up. “He’s gone…”-She said while going back towards the club leader and embracing him.

{Oh, so cute.}-I thought with a smirk.

“Wh-what happened!?”-The head butler entered through the door, and started weeping once he saw Belbet’s body on the bed. “S-so they did it… Those bastards…”-He said while crying.

“Calm down, butler…”-The cadets tried to console him. And that’s when Hajin moved. I also went slightly to the front.

“Huh? Hey! Why did you turn on the lights!”-Chae Nayun shouted at Hajin after looking at the bloody corpse of Belbet, while Hajin just glanced around before walking towards Belbet’s corpse.

“Excuse me! Don’t get close!”-Natasha shouted. But Hajin ignored her while looking at Belbet’s body.

Taking the chance, I go even further in front, slightly in front of Kim Suho, Natasha, and Oh Hanhyun.

Meanwhile, Hajin played the detective. Lifting the conman’s clothes, checking the wound, touching the bloodied bed.

“You can’t mess with the scene of the crime before the police arrive-”-She tried to get closer, but I walked in front of her. “What? Move!”-She shouted at me.

“Get back there. Don’t take one more step.”-I said to her.

“Cristopher-ssi. What are you doing!?”-Oh Hanhyun also came to me.

“You too. Everyone steps back.”-Hajin shouted while taking out his gun and pointing at the club leader.

“Wh-what are you doing!?”-Shouted the butler.

“Are you crazy!?”-Chae Nayun also shouted, while the rest of the cadets all started to talk and shout at Hajin to drop the weapon.

I just had my attention on Kim Suho.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!”-Hajin shouted. *sigh…* This person is trying to trick us. He’s not dead. He’s in what’s called a state of suspended animation.”

“D-don’t be stupid, I’m a doctor! What would you know about-”-Natasha started to speak.

“Let the guy explain. Will you?”-But I interrupted her while glaring, making her flinch.

“Thanks.”-He nodded at me. “First. This scar’s too unnatural, it’s too shallow for someone who was stabbed from above.”-He said while looking at the scar of the supposed attack. “Next, the place… There’s just too much blood here. As if shouting at our face that he was murdered and it’s completely dead, while his only fatal injury it’s on the heart, and even then, that’s a shallow one.”

He then turned to look at us all.

“Last, and more important.”-He turned on his smartwatch, looked for a little bit, and then showed a holographic picture of a man that looked similar to the one on the bed, albeit a little thinner. “Of course, you can argue that they’re not the same with how thinner the one in the picture is. But taking every clue into account, something here is suspicious.”-He finally said after showing everyone a picture of the wanted criminal, Belbet.

“… Head butler. You called the police and ambulance, right?”-Natasha asked the head butler.

“Y-yes, I called them.”-Said the head butler.

“Then we can just ask them instead of making a fuss like that man.”

“…”-Hajin smirked, before pointing at Belbet.

“Wh-what are you doing!”-Natasha tried to move, but once again I stepped in front.

“He’s dead anyway. A bullet won’t change anything, right?”-I ask her while lifting my eyebrow.

“W-wait! The police will be here soon! Let them take the case!”-She shouted, but Hajin just put the finger on the trigger. “T-this scoundrel! Honey! Stop him!”-She then shouted towards Oh Hanhyun to support her.

“Um… Hajin…”-He started

“Nobody moves an inch.”-Hajin shouted. “If anyone gives just one step further. I’m shooting.”

“Kim Suho. Step back.”-I said while looking at the guy who was slightly trying to move.

“I’m looking at you. Kim Suho.”-Kim Hajin followed.

“…Got it.”-He raised his hands up and took a step back.

“It’s loaded with real bullets.”-Hajin said to Natasha.

“Put that gun down! The police are already coming!”-She shouted back.

“And may you tell me something? Why the heck do you care so much about someone you know nothing about and that's already dead being shot?”-I ask her while looking at her eyes.

“I-It’s because y-you can’t alter a crime scene!”-She shouted.

“It’s not like he’ll do much. Just a new hole to the head. A hole that it’s already known where it came from. The police would probably look for the other clues, right?”-I ask her with a smirk.

“B-but…”-She stuttered.

“If you don’t confess on the countdown to one. I’m shooting.”-Kim Hajin said while glancing at Natasha and the butler.

“Confess what!? He’s already dead!”-Natasha shouted.


“If he’s already dead. Then letting it be a shooting target for practice isn’t that bad, right? Maybe only disrespectful.”-I told her.

“You… Psychopaths! He’s dead! Why would you even shoot a dead man!”

“Two.”-Hajin counted while looking at the cadets.

“Wait.”-Oh Hanhyun tried to do something with his magic power but was stopped by Yoo Yeonha.

“One.”-Hajin finally said while pointing towards the conman’s head.

“Well, guess he’ll just have to die.”-Hajin said before pressing the trigger.

“NO!!!”-Natasha this time ran, shoving me aside, which I let her for the dramatic confession, and putting herself above of Belbet. “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!”-She started screaming while hugging the body.


The gun clicked. There wasn’t a bullet inside.

“Instead of the police, call the Hero Association, tell them we captured a wanted criminal.”-Hajin said.

I immediately focused mana on my legs and rushed towards the door, appearing almost as if teleporting, stopping the running butler.


“You’re not going anywhere, man.”-I said to the guy with a glare, making him fall on his butt.


After the incident, the Hero Association came towards the mansion, where they made their own investigation, which, maybe thanks for his luck, resulted in exactly the same deductions that Hajin said, giving him the image of an experienced detective in the eyes of the rest of cadets in the club.

Everything was an intricate plan that involved the maid, the butler, and even Natasha, in order to lure cadets inside the mansion, faking then Belbet’s death in front of the cadets as witnesses. Then, the police and the ambulance that was called, and that were previously bribed, would then do a simple investigation, concluding that the man was dead.

After that, they just needed to change Belbet, who was in suspended animation, with someone else’s corpse, who had a resemblance to the guy. After that, a few bribes more, and Belbet would be officially dead, while a new man would be born to keep with his criminal wrongdoings under a new identity.

A funny thing to all of this was the fact that Natasha was actually Belbet’s daughter, and she masterfully lured the cadets using her ‘boyfriend’ to make a trip to France under the disguise of an invitation of a rich man that loved to help kids.

After that, we all went to sleep, except maybe for the club leader, who was heartbroken once he discovered the truth.

“Relax dude, she used you, yeah, but what? Are you going to drop yourself off a bridge because of that?”-I said to him trying to comfort him. “Look, there will surely be a lot of girls in your life, some of them will play you as an idiot just like Natasha, yes, but maybe one of them won’t, and then you’ll marry her! See? There’s still hope!”

I gave such heartfelt advice.

“Come here…”-But Kim Suh came to drag me away.

“Stop. Let’s go over there, I swear I saw some beer.”-Hajin also dragged me away with him.

“…It’s okay… Don’t listen to him Oh Hanhyun-ssi, he’s not good in the head, you see?”-Yoo Yeonha said to the man.

Such ignorance! But well, that all happened yesterday after the incident. Right now, it was 9:00 AM, and while the investigation was still ongoing, we were stuck here, for at least a few hours until we could get back to Cube. For the record, Oh Hanhyun didn’t go out of his room for breakfast, poor guy.

I was walking out to the front of the mansion, looking for Kim Hajin, as I wanted to ask him if he could give me the ring. Not like I needed it immediately, but it had high-rank magic power amplification from what I remember, so it would work magnificently with my high magic power.

“I apologize, that’s a private matter.”-I heard Hajin’s voice.

Going out I could see Yoo Yeonha looking at a crouching Hajin with a pensive look while muttering ‘family matters’ again and again.

“Just what are you thinking about? Another misunderstanding?”-I ask her while before flicking her head.

“Mm? Ouch!”-She rubbed her forehead. “Don’t do that! I’ve told you already!”

“Whatever. Hey man, can we go talk about something?”-I ask Hajin.

“Mm? Sure.”

“Huh? What are you going to talk about? Can’t you just talk here?”-A suddenly curious Yeonha appeared.

“…”-I look at her with a smirk. “Private matters.”

“Private matters?”-She lifted her eyebrow.

“Yes. Private matters. About a guy and his crush.”

“Wh-what!? What crush!?”-Hajin asked.

“Don’t be timid man, let’s go.”-I drag him away.

Meanwhile, Yoo Yeonha just looked at Hajin with an even more pensive face, probably thinking about some new misunderstanding.

{She's hilarious...}-I thought to myself while dragging Hajin away.

After walking for a little while, we made it to the back garden, where I talked to him.

“Hey, can you give me the ring?”-I ask him.

“Mm? Why would you want the ring?”

“In the novel, you said it was quite a treasure…”

“Well, yes, it is, but why would you want it for?”

“It sure has great specs, right? Man, come on. The only item that really works for me right now is this necklace, and it isn’t precisely that useful…”

“Mm… I’ll keep the gauntlets then.”

“Sure. I actually forgot about them.”

“And the bracelet that gives the ice bolt ability.”

“Olivia has that one, so forget it.”

*sigh…* I won’t even ask. But, okay, let me first unseal them back in Cube and I’ll give it to you tomorrow. What do you say?”

“Great for me.”

“Oh, also… Do you need it that much?”

“Mm? No, not really, why?”

“Well, the item itself actually lets the one who uses it increase the intelligence, so I was thinking about using it for a year, after which it would probably give me the max intelligence it could, which should be somewhere around 0.400, probably less.”

“Oh well, it’s fine. You can keep it until next year, inside Cube I won’t probably need it.”

“Great. I’ll give you once I get as much intelligence I can from it.”

After that, we basically didn’t do much. At 11, the authorities finally said we could go, after every cadet gave their testimony, so we were finally back at Cube a little before 11:45. Making a great time to go grab some lunch.

Olivia actually asked me if we could go to some dungeon, but I didn’t want to this Saturday, so I canceled that trip, instead, we went to train earlier, after which we just went to get some dinner.

“So… Tell me again why are we having dinner here?”-Olivia asked after looking at the sign of the store.

“Because I love this place.”-I just shrugged before entering Aroma Mocha.

“Welcome!”-We were welcomed to the store by the usual waitress, who for some reason had a twitching eye. “Table for two?”-She asked.

“Mhm.”-I nod. “Hey, why is your eye twitching? Are you okay? If you’re feeling bad you should tell your manager so they can give you the day off, you know?”

“Oh no! I’m perfectly fine!”-She said with a wide smile. “It’s just that I’ve been seeing this little pest close to my stuff for a little too much, but it’s nothing to worry about. What will you order today, Cristopher-ssi?”

“The same as usual, and something to eat. Just surprise me with that one.”-I said before looking for a place to sit.

“And your companion?”-She asks me. Not even looking at Olivia.

“I can order for myself.”

“Oh!”-Angelica put a hand on her mouth. “I’m sorry. What do you want to order?”-She asked with a different tone than usual.

“Coca-Cola and hamburger, please.”-Olivia said while frowning.

“Okay! Order taken! I’ll be there in a few moments with your order, Cristopher-ssi.”-She said while looking at me and winking.

“Sure, thanks.”-I then start walking towards one of the seats that are close to the windows, Olivia following me.

“Hey, isn’t she a little bit weird?”-Olivia asks once we sat down.

“Mm? Who?”-I asked while lifting my eyebrow.

“That girl, the one that attended us.”

“Mm? Angelica?”-I then looked at her, only to meet the waitress’ eyes. She waved at me and I waved back. “Nah, she was always like that. Why?”

“Well… Let’s start with the fact that she’s overly friendly with you.”-She said. “Then the way she treats other female customers when they’re around you. I noticed it back then with Rachel, and even with me. And now she was giving me these weird chills.”

“Oh come on, you’re overthinking things. She’s just friendly, that’s normal as a waitress. And I don’t know what do you mean by her treating female customers differently. She always treats the female clients the same.”

“Except for those that are with you…”

“Mm… I don’t know what you’re talking about, honestly.”-I just shrugged my shoulders. “Also, well done today. You could actually stand more than thirty seconds while using the 6th level of the gravity chamber. That’s a great improvement. And even in your close combat ability, you’re improving a lot.”

*sigh…* Yeah, change the topic. But, thanks… I’ve been able to improve a lot lately thanks to our training.”

“You only have to work more on your magic power control, once you get perfect control over at least four knives, you’ll improve enormously in your combat prowess.”

“Easier said than done… *sigh…* Just trying to perfectly control one of them is hard…”

“That’s normal, you’re trying to move the knives from a distance as if they’re another limb of yours. In theory, it’s like having a detached arm, and you’re trying to control it. There’re other ways to do it, but the one you’re trying to use it’s one of the better, albeit more complicated ones, as you have total control on the movements of the knives and there are not many ways to take that control away from you.”

“But you did it in the exams…”

“At this point, you should know that I’m not that normal. That I'm able to do it doesn’t mean everyone can. You actually need even more magic power control to break your control over one of the knives, than to move two or three of them. So, don’t expect just anybody to do that.”

“Well, for the moment’s it hasn’t hurt me to listen to you, so I’ll keep training that.”


After that we just had dinner, talked a bit more about training and what she should do in the moments she was free, decided a time to see each other tomorrow to go to the orphanage to train the kids and her, and called it a day.

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