The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 415: IN 'DANGER'

[Hi Wulf! I don't know if you would be able to read this because you're probably very busy right now and I'm sorry if I'm actually bothering you, but I just want to send this message to cheer you on. I know that you're in a mission right now that probably involves a lot of danger. So, first, I want to ask that you take care of yourself. Don't try to jump into every danger that's in front of you just for the thrill of it. Even if you're strong, it doesn't mean that you have to reckless.]

[Now that the nagging was over, then I wish you good luck on your mission. Do your best, Wulf. I can't wait to hear all your heroic exploits once your mission is over. Fighting!~ - xoxo Aster.]

Wulfric's smile that started small was now from to ear to ear after reading Aster's message. A suspicious red tint could even be seen on his cheeks.

At first, he only felt touched after reading the first part. Because it showed that Aster was worried about him. How could that not make him happy? But the second part only made him shy. Yes, shy. As unbelievable as that might be.

There were actually two reasons for that. First the way Aster cheered him on. It was moving yet very adorable at the same time. It's probably because of that word 'fighting'. Reading that, he couldn't help but remember the way Aster said it during the recording of [Fieldtrip]. And the second reason? Of course it's because of 'xoxo'.

He knew that Aster was probably only copying him. But to Wulfric, who knew its real meaning, it just felt like Aster was sending him kisses and hugs. Again, how could he not be happy with that?

He quickly saved that message to make sure that he could preserve it. Just after he finished doing that, the table in front of him suddenly shattered. It was sliced by an energy sword. And that energy sword was also about to hit him.

He jumped back, easily avoiding the sword. When he raised his head, he saw the huge man he just kicked standing before him. The other was obviously the one who did that attack.

Wulfric tsked. "What the fuck is your problem, man? Was the kick earlier not enough to tell you that I don't want to be bothered? Or is there just something wrong with your brain?"

The huge man's face that was already ready from humiliation became even redder. He couldn't believe what just happened earlier. That he would be kicked like that as if he's light as a feather. The worse thing was, it happened right in front of the other members of their mercenary group that were also in the bar. If he didn't retaliate right there and then, what kind of face would he even face them?

And so, he came back to attack. He just didn't expect that his attack would be easily evaded just like that.

"Shut up!"

He rushed forward to attack the cocky bastard right away. But his attack was once again quickly evaded.

Wulfric was truly starting to get annoyed. What wrong with this shit? He was minding his own business and this twerp here just started yapping beside him. Could you blame him for kicking the other? And now, this guy had the audacity to actually attack him!

Getting tired of dodging, he was about to just beat the shit out of the guy when he remembered Aster's message for him.

Aster didn't want him to put himself in unnecessary danger. Wouldn't this one count as 'danger'? Yes, it definitely was. So, he decided to quickly knock this annoying guy. That way, he wouldn't be in 'danger' anymore.

With just a few quick steps, he appeared behind the guy and then hand chopped the back of his neck. The other immediately lost consciousness and fell down.

"Really, why are you putting me in danger like this?" he said in a huff as he straightened his coat and turned to walk outside of the bar.

The people around who had been watching stared at Wulfric's back wordlessly. In their minds, there's only one thought – 'How in the hell are you in danger? Isn't it the complete opposite?'.

Slade, who was also amongst this crowd, had the same thought. So, he said to Leland;

"Leland, I think Captain is under some sort of drugs. Or else why is he hallucinating like that?"

[...] – Leland who also heard what Wulfric said about being in 'danger' from the earpiece of the other.

It was then that Leland heard the prince's voice from the earpiece once again.

"Leland, after we finish this mission, make sure to let the whole Empire know how we managed to stop a human trafficking ring. I want it broadcasted so even people in the most remote planet would know about our heroic exploits."


All the missions they had done before were kept secret from the public. They had never publicized it. The prince was not only not interested in the fame it would bring their army, he also found it very troublesome. That's why the public only knew about exaggerated rumors about their army instead of all the good things they had done for the Empire.

And that was better for them, in Leland's opinion. At least their infamy helped them to move more freely. Yet now, the prince wanted to publicize the success of their current mission?

He remembered what Slade said earlier about his highness being under the influence of drugs.

[Your Highness, are you perhaps... high right now?]

Wulfric, who just jumped on top of the bar, stopped moving when he heard that. "Leland, do you want me to go back to Beowulf just so I could give you a punch?"

There was silence before Leland responded;

[Apologies. It's just that, what your highness said was just so unlike you.]

Wulfric looked up at the star-filled sky and grinned. "Well, let's just say there's someone who wants to hear our heroic exploits. Who am I to deny him?"

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