The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 418: AT WHAT EXPENSE?

ELLIS had to take a deep breath after recounting that part of her conversation with Olivia to Astrid. Of course, she did not tell everything. Just the gist of it. But since she had to remember the conversation in order to recount it, it still affected her.

"So, Olivia married Benjamin Thornley to take revenge? And now that she's one step closer into executing that revenge, she suddenly asked you for help?" Astrid asked, summarizing what Ellis had told him.

He knew that it wasn't as simple as that. There were definitely a lot of other things involved. Like what exactly did the Thornleys did to Olivia's parents or how did that even come about. But really, what he was more worried about was Livi.

The way Olivia treated him was probably her way to not get attached. Her being strict and controlling was most likely intentional. So, Livi would also not get attached to her.

She might have thought that that's enough. But could it, really? Livi was only four. A very smart four-year-old at that. He probably already felt that his mother didn't want to get close to him or that she wanted him to hate her. Which would definitely be very confusing for a child.

"Basically," Ellis answered.

"What exactly is this revenge she was talking about?"

"She plans to give incriminating information to the Aegis Army that would basically destroy the Thornley family," Ellis said. "It's the information she had gathered for the past five years as she was playing house with them."

Astrid knew about Aegis Army. Not just because his twin brother was an aspiring soldier but because they basically had the best reputation among all the major armies in the Empire. That reputation was mostly because of their General – Blake Schwartz.

The other was not only the most trusted General of the Emperor, he was also known for being an ally of justice. He was fair and always on the side of the common people. He's not afraid to go after aristocrats if the said aristocrat committed a crime.

So, Astrid could understand why Olivia chose to give the evidence to the Aegis Army. But even if that was the case, it didn't mean that everyone in the Aegis was trustworthy. In any kind of organization, there would always be a rotten apple.

"How could she be sure that the evidence she had gathered wouldn't go to waste?" he asked. "I mean, she's up against an aristocratic family. What if the person he gave the evidence to warn the Thornleys and they decided to 'take care' of her? Which they obviously were capable of."

"I also asked her that. And I think there's no need for us to worry about that matter."


"The person she contacted in the army was General Schwartz himself."

Well, now that surprised Astrid. "How did she even manage to get in contact with the general?"

"One thing you need to know about Olivia is that she's resourceful."

"And very tenacious, apparently," Astrid added.

The other might have planned everything since she was just ten. From being an orphan to being an actress, to finally being able to marry the son of the person she wanted to take revenge on. If that was not tenacious, then he didn't know what was.

"But what would happen to Livi if her plans succeed?" he asked the most important question.

"Olivia said that the evidence she had gathered was only against the current viscount, as well as some relatives who were involved with what happened to her parents. Benjamin Thornley will be spared. Even if the viscount was punished for what he did, the Thornleys would still be able to keep their title. Although they would definitely suffer socially, but in terms of money, they wouldn't suffer much.

"According to her, Benjamin Thornley is quite good with money. Even if something like this would happen, the Thornley family would still survive with him at the helm. Also, she said that Benjamin is a kind man and he loves their son very much. So, even with this situation, he would not neglect their child. He would take care of Livi to the best of his ability."

Ellis remembered Olivia's face as she said those words. She might have not known everything about her, but she still knew enough to say with confidence that the other definitely had affection for her husband. Maybe it was not just simple affection. But sadly, it seemed that that affection was not enough to quell Olivia's anger.

"But how about her? What would happen to her?" Astrid asked. "From what you said, all I heard was her leaving her child to her husband."

Ellis let out another sigh. "She would be protected by the Aegis Army. One of her conditions for giving out the incriminating information against the current Viscount Thornley was for the Aegis Army to give her a new identity. So, after all of this is over, she would start a new life somewhere. But in public, she would be declared dead."

Astrid fell silent hearing that.

"Then, she would let her son think her dead, is that it?"

Astrid felt outrageous just by hearing it. A boy who did not receive love from his mother would suddenly receive news that his mother was dead. Then, add that to all the turmoil that would soon embroil his family, Astrid heart ached for that small boy just by thinking about it.

In his last life, he experienced the lost of both his parents. It was not something that could just be easily shrugged off with time. It would still with you like a scar for the rest of your life.

And Olivia was now trying to give that kind of scar to her son.

Just... how selfish could she be?

He could understand to some extent where she was coming from. But at what expense? Would she really be happy after doing something like this?

"That's why she asked me for help," Ellis said. "It's regarding her son, Livi."

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